Sooo... Donald Trump

>sooo... Donald Trump..

More like Drumpf!!

stop hacking us vlad

>I can only make jokes about politics

RIP stand-up comedians

I used to like Colbert. Still do to an extent, hes an unapologetic Catholic so hes got that going for him.

Although his show has turned into the biggiest lefty circle jerk the world has ever known

>"smart" show for "smart" viewers
>constant "attacks" on Trump
>0 substance

Its the epitome of the liberal mindset. They feel superior in every way while willfully ignoring facts and reality.

More like Shrumpfffffffffffffffashlamadingdongabananufiggapickleajiwjoaijfoijawoiejfioawioefiowajoiefjoiwajefjwajfigbawhoiur28794hrqhnf892n980qn89H*&!HHR*H*#H$*$BR8swhef8h4rrrrrrrrrruuuuuuumph

>unapologetic Catholic
he's your typical fake christian who picks and choose what they believe.

He's got that typical "don't judge bro" attitude the guy is more cancerous than atheists.

While I agree, a cucked Catholic on TV is still better than an atheist

He'd be more useful voicing Phil Ken Sebben again

To be fair, he's a satirist. He's less about pushing an agenda and more pointing out when things don't make sense.

And really, trump is a moron.

>so get this!
>*muffled laughter, the audience
>*audience is noticeable fidgeting*
>I mean, trump...
>*giggling intensifies*
>*a few people are pissing themselves*
>He.. I mean, he actually..
>*a fat woman rolls out of her seat and crushes a small child*
>hold on I have to take a sip this is too much
>*the camera crew is being tied to their cameras by giggling and pissing audience members*
>ok so trump has a new nickname
>*the camera crew is being lit on fire*
>he's now called
>*they are eating the cameracrew while giggling and stabbing each other*
>he's now called...
>*half the audience is committing suicide unable to contain their laughter any longer*
>*contact with Manhattan is lost for 32 hours*

I've watched his more recent stuff, and he's far closer to propagandist than satirist these days. He's not even attacking anything of substance for jokes most of the time, mocking nicknames and inserting nonsequiters to things the audience might actually agree with god forbid.

He *was* a satirist.

The line between satire and truth has become so small at this point the 2 are indistinguishable

>he isn't about pushing an agenda

Nigga fuck outta here

Trunp is a big meanie poopie faw
*crowd laughs*
No really **comes closer to camera**
Look I'm scared for my family because of this orange monster what have you done electing this man?
*Crowd's sides obliverate*



B A C K 2 R E D D I T

comedians who play news anchors on television who push opinion pieces as facts.

I remember the time he felt he was "too big" to guest voice on Venture Bros anymore. What a dick.

Not nearly as bad as pic related

>He's less about pushing an agenda

>I mean, there's no way this guy believes this, right?
>*Plays 2 second clip of Trump saying "We will build the wall"*
>*Cut back to Colbert, (((Stewart))), Noah*
>*Sarcastic mock surprise*
>Oh, I-I guess he does
>*Cue wildly disproportionate applause to brainwash liberal fools*

I want to punch that Cuck Stephen's fucking skull in just looking at his face.


>*hands in suitjacket pocket*
>Soo, Trump..
>*speech is interrupted by a mix of crowd laughter, booing and moaning*
>..Well, well *smug smile to the camera*
>*crowd noise fades away, as Colbert is calming the audience down*
>Last week.. Trump,
>*Picture of Trump in monitors*
>oh wow, he looks orange..
>*crowd bursts into laughter breaking the limit of 115Dbs*
>*Colbert prances in stage with an orange strap-on, wiggling his hands*
>*Crowds laughter turns into tears*
>*Colbert holds his laughter as he calms the crowd* ha-ha.. alright, alright.. anyway
>*crowd is focused, enthusiastically waiting for the upcoming pun*
>anyway, so he apparently had a meeting, Ruski am i right?
>*instead of laughter, the crowd bursts into a confusing noise, consisting of all emotions known to man and beyond. instead of tears, their eyes start bleeding*
>*The decibels break the speed of light and the structure of time changes*
>year 0 A.D.

Good oc