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srry f@m

bogposting is a bit stale teebeehaych zooboomafam

Who's the guy in the picture?

>see this
>bogbots inside of you go to work
>Activate pain sensors
>Excruciating pain
>Keeps you alive for days, never allows you to pass out from the pain, hits you with adrenaline to keep you conscious.
>Void your bowels at random intervals
>Penis blood supply cut off, eventually it shrivels up and falls off.
>Should have answered the call that would have saved your life.

Can i get a quick rundown on this guy?

Quick rundown?

Forced memes dont die

French twins with deformities from plastic surgery. Some /polacks thinks this is hilarious, proceed to force the shit out of this meme.

the Bogdanoffs aren't cruel, they rule with an iron but fair fist

Fuck off Rothschild shill

They rule France with iron fist



quit bogposting and go lift so that you can have picrelated

- Rothschilds se inclinan ante Bogdanoffs
- En contacto con extraterrestres
- Posibilidad de habilidades psíquicas
- Control de Francia con un puño de hierro pero justo
Castillos y bancos en todo el mundo
- Direct descendientes de la antigua línea de sangre real
- Buscará las primeras ciudades en Marte (Bogdangrad será la primera ciudad)
- Ocerca del 99% de las instalaciones de investigación de edición de ADN en la Tierra
- Primeros bebés de diseño con toda probabilidad serán Bogdanoff bebés
- los dos hermanos dijeron tener 215 IQ, tal inteligencia en la Tierra sólo ha existido profundamente en los monasterios tibetanos y Area 51
- Las escrituras indias antiguas hablan de dos ángeles que descenderán sobre la Tierra y traerá una era de iluminación y un progreso tecnológico sin precedentes con ellos
- Poseen laboratorios de I + D de Nanobot alrededor del mundo
- Tienes probablemente Bogdabots dentro de ti ahora mismo
- Los Bogdanoff están en comunicación regular con los Arcángeles Miguel y Gabriel, enviando la palabra de Dios a la Iglesia Ortodoxa. ¿Quién crees que organizó la reunión entre el Papa y el alto mando ortodoxo (Primer encuentro entre las dos organizaciones en más de 1000 años) y organizó el primer viaje del líder ortodoxo a la Antártida en la historia literalmente unos días después al bunker de Bogdanoff en Wilkes ¿tierra?
Aprendieron francés fluido en menos de una semana
- Los Estados Unidos confían sus reservas de oro a los gemelos. No hay oro en Ft. Knox, sólo Ft. Bogdanoff
- Los gemelos tienen alrededor de 7 décadas, desde el punto de referencia espacio-temporal de la base humana actualmente aceptada por nuestra sociedad
- En realidad, son seres atemporales que existen en todos los puntos del tiempo y del espacio desde el big bang hasta el final del universo. Todavía no sabemos cuáles son sus planes definitivos. Esperamos que sean seres benevolentes.

Rockefeller lives inside the designer baby

Fuck off shill


>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>possess psychic-like abilities
>control france with an iron but fair fist
>own castles & banks globally
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>first designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>they own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>you likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>the Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>they learned fluent French in under a week
>nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>the twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>in reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings

>tfw will never go to yosemite with Stacy and have sex under the stars
why lyve?


see, you get it

Worse, the Bogpill


>next time its you who dies
watch youre back kid


Last Molyneux episode was crazy

You know how criminals who are on the run get plastic surgery to change their face.
What kind of fucked up crimes did you have to commit to go this far with it?



what a queer

>not calling their Uber services and visiting Andromeda

Sup Forums anthem

>everyone who starred in this music video has been found dead shortly after filming it

I unironicly enjoyed this

Fun fact.

That was the party after the Bogs travelled to the galaxy X538RB0G and came back. You can see they still have the space suits.

>joined the gym about 3 weeks ago
>still havent got pic related
what am i doing wrong?!

>the smash hit that saved the music industry

>implying you can miss the call
>implying your phone will ever stop ringing unless you answer the call

Holy shit she looks fucking BOGGED

> Les Rothschild s'inclinent devant Bogdanoffs
> En contact avec des étrangers
> Posséder des aptitudes psychiques
> Contrôler la france avec un fer mais juste poing
> Propres châteaux & banques dans le monde
> Descendants directs de la ligne de sang royale ancienne
> Financera les premières villes de Mars (Bogdangrad sera la première ville)
> Possèdent 99% des installations de recherche d'ADN sur la Terre
> Les bébés de premier choix seront vraisemblablement des bébés de Bogdanoff
> Les deux frères ont dit avoir 215+ QI, une telle intelligence sur Terre n'a existé que profondément dans les monastères tibétains et la zone 51
> Les anciennes Ecritures indiennes racontent deux anges qui vont descendre sur Terre et apporteront une ère d'illumination et un progrès technologique sans précédent avec eux
> Ils possèdent des laboratoires de R & D de Nanobot dans le monde
> Vous avez probablement Bogdabots à l'intérieur de vous en ce moment
> Les Bogdanoff sont en communication régulière avec les Archanges Michel et Gabriel, transmettant la parole de Dieu à l'Église orthodoxe. Qui, selon vous, a organisé la rencontre entre le pape et le haut commandement orthodoxe (première réunion entre les deux organisations en plus de 1000 ans) et a organisé le premier voyage du chef orthodoxe en Antarctique dans l'histoire littéralement quelques jours plus tard au bunker Bogdanoff à Wilkes terre?
> Ils ont appris le français couramment en moins d'une semaine
> Les Etats-nations confient leurs réserves d'or aux jumeaux. Il n'y a pas d'or en Ft. Knox, seulement Ft. Bogdanoff
> Les jumeaux ont environ 7 décennies, du point de référence spatio-temporel de la base humaine actuellement acceptée par notre société
> En réalité, ce sont des êtres intemporels qui existent à tous les points du temps et de l'espace, du grand bang à la fin de l'univers. Nous ne connaissons pas encore leurs plans ultimes.
Get fluent in this language in a week

>This video is blocked in your country.

What did they meant by this?


what if i am pic related?

(((They))) don't want you to know the truth. The zionists are scared of the BOGS, they became too powerful.

If any frenchie can meet them in real life can they can get a quick rundown? Please


I still have a soft spot for it.


Bogdanoff civil war soon

what the fucking fuck