This is a discussion for current events and politics in Finland. Municipal elections in a month so vote for Adolf Nigler if you're in his riding.

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Hello my favorite Canadian poster.

Canada greatest ally.



7.5 metres



What is finland?

Any of you finfags played on Stormreaver EU? fucking finreaver

one day I hope to perkele

You finns are fucking weird, thinking that fucking turning voiceless consonants to voiced for a downs pedobear is the funniest shit ever. Not feeling the magic and you are the ethnic equivalent of a sex offender living on the edge of society.

I never miss these threads >:)


I don't know much about Finland but this cartoon both entertained and terrified me as a child.


tfw finland

Is it true that half of Finland posts on Finnish Image boards?

hyla lanka :DDD

No. It is more like 80%

dont bully



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Should I vote for Kokoomus or Persut? Since it's only municipal elections, Kokoomus' EU-cuck fantasies don't matter so much and I'm very much in agreement with their economical policies. I want to vote persut but most of them are white-trash idiots with no skill for argumenting correctly for their policies.


gogoomus for eu, berse for ei eu

Persut already showed that they can't do shit when elected.

finöörilaïÏ urüÜprizolïï mindö"l

Hello, neighbours.

Do you need to be autistic to be finnish? If yes what can I do to become finnish?

I will vote the most fitting candidate. Party does not matter in municipal elections that much. Found myself a bretty good PS dude.

Drink energy drinks until your brain overloads with kofein and you are set.

oh im sorry Finland, i really like you guys

Are the people in there rightwing? if yes, half of your country is right wing and you're still bluepilled - how?

How is life in Finlandia? Is it comfy?

Change your sexuality from Canada's mandatory "xe" to a man and then you'll be Finnish.
Also get drunk alone a lot, undiedrunk as they say

kunnallisvallit toimintasuunnitelma

1) vote Perussuomalaiset
2) make sure your vote goes to person voting for Mestari for party chairman
3) publicly concern troll greens and lefts with muslim, transsexual, fat-acceptance and homosexual rights to make them sjw-tier lunatics since they can't say no to those issues no matter how crazy even if they know what we are doing. shame the fuck out of them and break their mind if they try to resist.
4) network with Mestari Faction and start giving them Sup Forums wisdom because you likely are more redpilled about big picture

Jaa mikä vitun mene? Syöksyen eteenpäin laukaus laukaus viheltää!

tohon vois oikeestaan läppästä myös että varmista että ehdokkaalla on kunnon tuttavapiiri minkä se voi tarvittaessa sirotella virkamiehistöön

Is breddy comfy

it takes 4 people to sing their national anthem, WTF?!?!?!?

Yes. No niggers unless you go to 3 big cities and the areas near by.

Dark, cold absolutly comfy. The whole nation waits 3 months of summer and then fall back to darkness.

Conscription wich means nationalism/patrioism is bretty high.

Finland is the best country in the world.

Spring came last week. I've already lost 4kg after re-activating from winter depression slumber. I feel like fucking some fine women now and continuing glorious fnnish race by dozens.

Only a true WORKMAN can know what its like to live in FINNLAN


It's a mix of everything. Mostly people are there just to have fun.

Its suffering to be ancap in Finland

the hole board was dyed after an months had basted

Hahaha wtf is that link?


Yes and finnish Sup Forums is nowadays more like Sup Forums

Ensin pitää perustaa massiivinen valtiovetoinen väkivaltakoneisto joka rahoittaa oikeita suuntia ja tuhoaa paskaliberaalit vihervassari lopullisesti.

>Toinen rajoittava seikka on vanhan oikeiston anti-totalitaristinen mielenlaatu, joka suhtautuu julkiseen sektoriin vähintään nuivasti ja äärimmillään haluaa irtisanoutua siitä täysin, jättäen sen asemat siten radikaalivasemmistolle. Vanha oikeisto sitoo uuden oikeiston kädet ja kampittaa sitä.

Why does finnland has the best memes?

it does not matter if 99% of your country is right wing, if they are HIKKYBURGEREITA who just stay inside and commit Sudoku when the power cuts out and they cant watch anime no more

Pahuutta vastaan ei taistella ryhymällä itse pahoiksi
t. Ayn Rand





Sellanen kännykkäsovellus kuin Jodel. Kylväkää punasia pillereitä ihan perkelesti anonyymisti lähiseutuune!


You can't become anything. You were born one way and that's it.

Ei se ole paha joka paskaliberaalit suvakkivihervassarit valtiokoneistosta ja mediasta puhdistaa, vaan se joka antaa niiden olla kuin sikojen pellossa.

t. minä

Vittu oli muuten perseestä. Vittu kun saa nykyään persesyövän aina kun selaa Jodelia tai ylistä kun ihmistet osaavat olla rasittavia

Hey Finns,

How would a woman say "Oh fuck, yes!" in your language while having sex?

>O, vittu, joo!


>Joo, perkele, joo!


Need to know because reasons.

We are smarterest and funnierestest

you will never be a true FINN like the FINNISH number one ALPHA


Älä mene töihin, kierrä veroja tai perusta yritys ulkomaille. Kyllä politiikan on sitten pakko muuttua. Äänestäminen on yhtä hyödyllistä kuin nenän kaivaminen.

ui juma

Persesyöpä on pieni hinta lopullisesta voitosta. Änkeä sinne pyllyreikään vaikka saapasrasvaa mutatointisuojaksi jos et muuten kestä syöpää.

>number one ALPHA
More like ex number one ALPHA

This might be a better question to ask /lit/ but regardless: Does anyone know the best English translation of the Kalevala?
I'm got some Finnish ancestry and wanna read from classic Finn Lit :DDD

Shit I can't compete!

Valtiolla on viimekädessä isoin väkivaltakoneisto vitun dorka, ja jos muutan ulkomaille protestina haluisin joskus sieltä ulkomailta tulla suomalaiseen Suomeen ördäämään vaikka juhannuksena enkä minnekään saatanan muslimivittuperkelelandiaan.

John Martin Crawford's 1888 translation is the best. You can find it on Google Books.


Hinta on liian iso maksettavaksi. En oikeasti halua menettää mielenterveyttäni enää yhtään enempää.

Luuletko että musut ikinä muuttavat maaseudulle? Kyllä minullakin on mökki idyllisessä Järvi-Suomessa, johon ei eksy muslimi tuhanteenkaan vuoteen.

Listen up now, the thing is that every fucking non-military serviceman, hippies and other gays should all be killed. Military service is the school for men and beer and sausage are men's foods.

Thank you veterans, 1995 ice hockey world championship and winter war. Beat your wife, 6-1 and all swedes are gay.

Alko bottles it up and I drink it up, that is the working mans saturday. Suomi, finland, fatherland, perkele. Veterans didn't fight so that you that you faggot non-military serviceman could grow that gay-hair and smoke some fucking gay-plants. Cut your hair and drink booze like a real man. Fucking faggot.

Oh, it's 5 o'clock, I have to feed the golden retriever, beat my wife and pick up the fucking kids from school so that I can get drunk with the guys from work and talk about how gay our boss is.

Kjeh kjeh, it's sweet this working guys life. Need to play some Irwin, he's such and unbelievable interpreter of a working man's feelings

give me the hottest finnish menes I'm not up to date

Deili remainderi että maa on litteä. Koska nielette tämän kaikkein tärkeimmän punasen pillerin?

thanks burgerbro

Paras tapa vaikuttaa politiikkaan on vaan mennä mukaan vaikuttaan. Normot näkee samat naamat päivästä toisee niin ei ihme että asiat pysyy samana.


No problem. I'll do anything to promote Finland!

If it would somehow make Finland famous, I would chop off my penis.

Jos menisin mukaan politiikkaan niin menisin sinne siksi että haluaisin auttaa ihmisiä. Mutta en pidä juurikaan ihmisistä, joten miksi vaivautua?

Suomi, i need your advice, laid off the memes for a second.
I've been posting this around Sup Forums for a week now, but i don't know what to do.
Here goes tl;dr version:
> Be me, Mother is from Northern Russia, town near the Finland's border
> "Finns are autistic" joke is a thing in my family, hundreds of anecdotes and jokes from childhood
> Troll Finns on Sup Forums from time to time, just for shits and giggles
> 23andme, because i'm stupid and getting married
> Fiance is mostly Russian with German mix
> *Expects 100% Ivan serfdom legacy*
> 44% Finnish
> Fuck it, it's not possible. NOPE.
> Re-do the test, now using another firm's services
> Still 44% Finnish
> Talked about that with her, she's is kinda surprised. She thought i knew that she mostly isn't Russian.
> She knows that we are finishing getting enough money to move out of Russia
> Now suddenly she wants us to visit EBINLAND to meet relatives and shieeet
> But Finland is nice and i'm eligible for repatriation via genetic test+old relative's papers
> Contacted Finland's embassy, i'm basically required to learn Finnish, provide copies of documents proving relatives were Finnish and i'm good to go
> I will probably get murdered by nazi Suomi, but i guess it's better than being murdered by some muslim shitskin in Moscow

I'm... i'm sorry Suomi :

Mutkun ei oo Galt's Gultchia mihi männä!!! :D:D

Ite ajatellu et vois lähtee politiikkaan mukaan mut kuumottaa hieman et joku viherhippi doxais meikän nettikirjoitteluita vuosien varrelta :---D mielikuvakin karmii ja naurattaa samaan aikaan


Winter m8
While winter may have been a deciding factor in the socialogical technological and cultural development of the rest of europe in fingolia it manifests itself in god tier memes vodka dependency and benis in bagina :)

>Luuletko että musut ikinä muuttavat maaseudulle?
Varmasti Levantin kreikkalaiset ja muut kristityt arpoi samaa aikoinaan arabimuslimeista. Osaisikko kattoo itse miten kävi vaikka wikipediasta vai tarvitko apustajaa?

kuvassa sun faijas

KHANED. How dare you mock the superior finnish race? Thats what you get. You get KHANED. At least you're 44% aryan tho so its not all lost. You have almost half of superior finnish genetics. Msot of Russia is just finns in denial actually. Russia is rightfull finnish clay and you should all mount your ponies grab your bows and ally with finlan and ride to moscow and begin siege. SOON

Paska paikka

mututuntumasi on perseestä

ihmiskunnan toivo lepää tuossa maassa

Redpill me on the Finno-Korean Hyperwar.

helo finnish brothers
how er you doing

Is it enough to influence your politics and media?

I'm really scared about visiting Finland tho. I talked via Skype with my relatives, and they seem nice, but they are from a small town near the border. I'm really worried about getting knifed for speaking English/broken Finnish in KHANLAND.

My secret is that I like to shittalk the Finns because deep down I really like them, but I do not want to partake in the revolting internet dicksucking of Finns.

Niin onko siellä Levantissa (Syyria + Libanon + Israel) arabimuslimienemmistö nyt vai ei? Onko ne levinnyt siellä landellekin vai ei?

Kai sä vitun idiootti hinari tajuat että niillä mailla ei ollut yhtäkään arabimuslimia vielä 600jKr. kys

was that a chink joke?

pikko pekkanan fäll huose smäl sträght 3 vai kan yahtzee fuck finland

Vittu olisiko vaikka vittu eri asia? Luuletko että musut oikeasti meinaa levitä jonnekin persemaan kylmiin ja pimeisiin metsiin?


Not finnish. Finns use viina, which is stronger version of vodka without added sugar.

Anyways, kind of.

Yes. Already succeeding.

you should be

and its PUUKKO (PUUKOTETUKSI) not a knife you foreign fuck

Better start learning then, fellow semi-autist.
Here you go:
>Tule tuosta ja tuo puolestasi puolestani tullessasi tuosta tuo tuohon tuolta tuotu tuoli tuohon tuon ja tuon tuolin tuolta puolta tuon tuossa olevan tuolin tuolle puolen.