Most 'Neo-Nazi' Groups are led by Jews

The man in this photo went by the name Frank Collins but his real name was Joseph Cohen. He created a neo-Nazi group and picked fights with Holocaust survivors (which the ALCU helped him do by giving him free legal advice). The entire charade helped create the modern Holocaust industry.

Other examples of fake Jewish Nazis:

- Daniel Burros (prominent Klan leader)
- Jordan Gollub (prominent Klan leader)
- 'Wolfgang Hawke' aka Nathan Greenbaum (boasted about wanting to genocide Jews)
- Bill White aka Bill Weiss

Other urls found in this thread:

Hitler was Jewish and he was a pretty nice guy.

>can't be jewish and a nazi
>can't be a crazy person
>must be an elaborate conspiracy
American education

The klan is a denomination of Christianity, not a neo-nazi group.

>white nationalism

Plz neck yourself Achmed

is this supposed to be a surprise?


If these guys were just plain crazy they wouldn't spend so much time purposefully smearing genuine Nationalists. Their entire schtick is based around acting like Hollywood caricatures and demeaning the reputations of legit pro-White figures.

Hitler had Haplogroup E1b which is very rare in Bavarians:

The only people in the region of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire who tend to carry that marker are Albanians and Jews. And I think it's pretty obvious that Hitler wasn't part Albanian.

>to save white civilization, you must LARP
That's a common feature across the board in all fringe political groups. Especially in the far right, everyone wants to be the next Hitler. Just look at the history of the BNP, for example.

The Klu Klux Klan is about faith in Jesus Christ, and just happens to hold anti-immigration, anti-african beliefs.

The entire tone of the KKK is Religious in nature, and is designed to find connections between race and God. The KKK is anti-neonazi and only holds a very few select anti-semite ideals. You can not join the KKK until you can prove faith in Jesus Christ. If you are Jewish, to join the KKK, you must first convert to Christianity. The KKK does not hate Jewish people, only the Jewish Religion. The KKK is also anti-catholic, and finds its roots in southern baptist beliefs.

Have you even been in any far-right organizations? I have and it's pretty obvious that every time we try to get something off the ground - out of nowhere - Jews begin showing up and trying to subvert our movements. I have seen this happen in person and it's not just a case of 'ohh those crazy Jews are at it again.' They do this on purpose.

That's why the ACLU protected Joseph Cohen during his Skokie March. The idea being that if you can turn your opposition into an ineffectual joke, you will never be threatened.

What's elaborate? What if it turned out that Irish radicals were being supported by the British to make them easier to arrest? How is this hard for you to understand?
Jews are obsessed with a detailed straw man who never existed in the first place. Look up Haman.

Stormniggers are retards though. They are easily led to their demise by other retard stormniggers as well as stormnigger leaders which appear to either be all jews or disgusting con-men that are looking to lead gullible people.

They play into (((their))) hands every time, and their idiotic behavior has made standing up for the white race a taboo thing.

A lot of them like Muslims and Islam too, disgusting traitors.

To this point I was trying to make nice with (((them))) after the Trumpening, I was defending and thinking nice thoughts about Ezra Klein's Rebel Media. Ezra's response: You know what we really need to do is throw the so-called "alt-right" under the bus, promote diversity, and drop our most popular hosts.
Every time.

Exactly. I was a member of a local 'far right' club (really just an attempt at creating a White Student Union) and we literally had Jews beating down our door trying to join. They also always followed the same pattern of 'shout nigger as loud as you can and act like an idiot.' Their whole goal is to turn productive Nationalism into Third Reich LARPing.

>Sup Forums's stormfag movement led by jewish nazis
btfo once again goddamn!

Have you ever tried talking to stormniggers about this? They get extremely defensive, start getting very autistically angry and start spouting memes almost endlessly.

Stormniggers have always been like this, including when I first started conversing with them on Youtube 8 years ago now. They are traitors since they love Islam and Muslims, and they are too autistic to normally converse with. Call them Jews and watch as they have massive sperg-out sessions that make /r9k/ look like child's play.

>“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Didn't want one of those guys commit suicide when he found out he was part Jewish?

A lot of them are Jewish. It angers me so much, these autistic stormniggers just never quit and they steal the narrative from us. They don't speak for me as a white man. Jews, puppets of Jews and degenerate criminal scum don't represent me.

>Skinhead stormcuckfags are ideologically subversed psy-op cucks
We know.

Mike Peinovich run TRS which used to be one of the most popular alt-right sites with shows like the daily shoah while he had an half black brother, a jewish wife and he was part jewish himself.
He had alt-righters call themself fashy goys.

I don't trust anybody coming out in public professing nazi anything because they're usually just (((government))) shills. anybody who's followed this shit long enough knows that.

it isn't always the case but if the jew media is making a big deal out of somebody they are most like just controlled opposition.

I know what you're talking about. I've had people flip out on me when I point out that Hermann Goering and other top Nazis were often critical of Hitler's decisions. A lot of neos have a cult-like reverence for Hitler. They can't accept any criticism of him.

The guy who supposedly shot himself (Burros) went to a Jewish school and hinted to George Lincoln Rockwell that he was a Jew (by bringing home made Jewish food to neo-Nazi meetings). There's also no evidence he shot himself. IMO, the media only went with that story to hush the whole thing up and he was probably killed by an angry neo.

Controlled opposition. This isn't surprising at all.

Bill white was not a Jew.

Stockholm syndrome is some real shit, haha right Sven?

You're a fucking moron if you believe that.

Nazi Germany's high command was littered with jews and half-jews. The whole plan was to make a jewish state and be able to guilt trip the world over peasants.

Some context would be appreciated.

Stormniggers also come here and constantly incite people to violence. Or try to get them to join groups where you have a username and password and profile they can track.

It's very obvious when they shill here, it's usually 1-5 specific people in a thread arguing with everybody. They all use the same talking points they got from their (((Stormfront))) or whatever other autistic site they came from.

Let sweden burn man, its time to forget about them and move on...

All the context you need is in the video

I actually had folks in the Alt-Right flip out on me and viciously defame my name when I pointed out that Enoch was a shill well over a year ago. But it was just so obvious. Enoch constantly focused on 'oven jokes', was often vulgar, etc. There was even a video where he said 'I talk like this around other Jews' and people just ignored it.

The #1 lesson to be learned, IMO, is that we need to get our movement to stop emphasizing anonymity. It's hard at first, but if we come into the open and organize like regular people then this sort of thing will be a lot harder for our enemies to pull off.

You may be using some 16d jewerey chess right here. Saying I am a jew for exposing stormniggers as jews.

Enoch wasnt Jewish his ex-wife was.

>'I talk like this around other Jews' and people just ignored it.

Do you have autism or something? It was a joke.

Do you know much about the team that doxxed them? I knew the reasons behind it, but it's strange that they doxxed them for supporting (((civic nationalism))) when Trump is a civic nationalist and they still support him.

I consider myself Nat Soc but I hate the white nigger mentality a lot of them seem to posses. The Burros effect is real.

My rabbi told me he was also a single testicled transexual boykisser

What about disabled men? Or hard of hearing?

>american education

Call me an autist, insult me, I don't really care. Enoch is obviously Jewish and I'm going to explain why:

1. Do you even realize how ridiculous his story of being 3/4 Serbian and 1/4 Norwegian and raised in an Episcopal household is? Serbs are almost always Orthodox and Norwegians are almost always Lutherans. There also aren't a hell of a lot of either group living in the upscale New York neighborhood Enoch lives in.

2. Enoch looks like a Jew.

3. Enoch enjoyed joking about being a Jew.

4. Enoch's Jewish 'ex'-wife (keep in mind we've seen zero proof they're actually separated and Enoch has already been proven to be a liar) was a guest on his show. Let that sink in for a minute. Enoch's Jewish wife sand a Christmas song about gassing Jews. That's how these people operate.

No, I don't know much about the doxing.

Isn't it amazing how they do this? Whenever we point out that 'hey these guys look like Jews and are saying they're Jews and are running your movement into the ground' all of a sudden that means we are either Jewish, gay, or a 'shill.'

catholic or gtfo

If I remember correctly it was guys related to the BONOBO MAINFRAME who doxxed him, he even made tweets and periscope few days before it happened.

TRS is a jewish psyop? Huh no wonder, I really hate TRS shills from cripplechang

Seinfeld was pretty redpilled

Yes. The women are sluts and very promiscuous and many of them have tattoos (not all of them have tattoos) and hold feminist ideals but they deny it. Nothing against women in general though!

The men are retards easily encouraged to violence and they live nigger lifestyles of hard drugs, alcohol and hostility. They do not like to work either.

They all have more or less the same themes of degeneracy in them, and they create stereotypes which have permanently harmed everyone else that tries to speak up for whites.

None of that is proof he's Jewish you fucking lunatic.

This is a typical COINTELPRO tactic.

I think it was more of an honeypot, if you didn't register/post on their sekrit forum and/or donated you're pretty much safe.

Yeah, the Jews can be pretty redpilled.
Are you fucking serious?

stromfags are the worst, pure fucking untermensch being lead by their jewish masters and they don't even realize it

>The jews can't be redpilled


It's rather interesting how you are resorting to personal insults (calling me a lunatic). Anyways, back to the issue at hand:

1. Enoch does not look like a Serbian or a Norwegian.

2. Enoch has already proven to be a liar.

3. Enoch was the guy who ran to the front of the room and started the NPI 'hailgate' nonsense by performing Roman salutes for the camera.

4. Listen to his voice in this interview:

He's not laughing and he doesn't sound smug. His voice is sincere.

this is the biggest redpill

This is an elaborate shill thread used to discourage anons from doing things irl.

Remember inaction will kill the white race way faster then shills/plants.

Do things user, by all means.

Don't be a 'neo nazi' though.

Nazism is a slur. Like nigger. Don't be a nazi

Read the rest of the thread, I'm literally encouraging people to engage in real life activism: However, if your 'activism' involves letting Jews lead you around by the nose then you are going to do far more harm than good. These types of shills drive normal Whites away because they make us look like a bunch of nuts. So if you really want to help your people, I recommend creating a local pro-White club and carefully vetting new members. Then begin engaging in community out-reach programs. But whatever you do, don't join the 'we wuz Nazis' idiots. They haven't achieved anything for the last 50 years and they aren't going to achieve anything in the future.

>And I think it's pretty obvious that Hitler wasn't part Albanian.
Why is it obvious? Maybe he was?

Just in case this is a serious question - there were no Albanians living in any of the cities his family hailed from. But no one knows who his paternal grandpa was and, at the time, his grandmother was working as a live-in maid for a Jewish guy. Considering the DNA evidence, it seems to me that he was 1/4 Jewish.

>These types of shills drive normal Whites away because they make us look like a bunch of nuts

Stormniggers are incapable of understanding this. I've tried to explain this to them for years, and I explain this to them every time (((Stormfront))) sends a fresh wave of shills here.

They have an attitude of "the truth needs to be said no matter how bitter" and they are so autistic they don't understand that the narrative does not go in that direction and normal people want nothing to do with that stuff. You have to package the message in a rational way that doesn't drive people away.

I've noticed the same pattern. It's like these guys are incapable of realizing that we don't need 'Hitlerism' to win this conflict (and, ironically, a lot of stormers aren't even German - you'd be shocked at how many Polish neos are out there).

>You have to package the message in a rational way that doesn't drive people away.

That's kinda what the alt right was, and we had a good subversive thing going, before Richard Spencer (and I guess Mike Enoch ??? according to elsewhere ITT) decided to throw Hitler salutes for the CNN cameras to aggrandize themselves. Then the alt right became about Richard Spencer's celebrity infamy status he was trying to groom and Anglin felating stormers. Keep in mind (((they))) spun the satirical salutes and what they meant into something else, but Richard Spencer should have (and probably did) know better.

The alt-right was much better as a political tool when it was a murky mix of libertarians, conservatives and conspiracy theorists with Nazi vanguard and fringe parts.