Jordan Peterson: Leader of the Fuccboi Tranny Parrot Army

Mention ANYTHING bad about precious Daddy Jordumb Peterson and the Peterson Parrot Fuccboi Tranny army mobilizes.

They can't actually talk, or make arguments thought. It's all skinny or fat beta males repeating the same couples lines

>Sort yourself out
>You must be mentally ill
>You're a tranny from that school

Then they will spam memes of things Peterson hasn't done and pictures with quotes from actual smart,credible and respect people.

Jordan Peterson has created an online army of Marxist fuccbois who try to silence anyone speaking out against their hero.

Jordumb Peterson is ALL for free speech, except free speech against HIM


His army of fuccboi trannies is proof he's a cult leader faggot who is brain washing kids.

Nice reverse psychology shilling.


summon roll !

You have been hysterically shitposting the same things about Peterson for days now. The only cultlike behavior is coming from you, leaf.

>Sort yourself out Marxist Tranny Fuccboi

Trying to silence me cuntboi??
What's wrong cunt??
No one is allowed to talk bad about your daddy??
Come on tranny fuccboi

>S-s-s-s-s-s-sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot XXXXXDD

You have problems, shill.

By posting these threads every single day multiple times for the past week you have proven yourself to be either one of the following:
>Extremely autistic retard.
>Paid shill.
>Unsuccessful troll.
You aren't even trying anymore... back to plebbit to your good goy plebberites.

what is your goal/motivation?

what is your argument?

present a coherent one and you will get a coherent response.

If you post low effort bait you will only receive low effort memeposting in return..

At least you put a twist on your post-modern neomarxist drivel this time.
Sort yourself out.

>S-s-s-s-sort yourself out cuntboi tranny fuccboi cunthead parrot

Why you trying to stop me cuntboi??
Why do you even care??
If you're so solid in your undying devotion to your Leader, what do you care??
Cause you're a brain washed tranny fuccboi who spergs out.
Like you are right now.
Holy autism bud. You've been hysterically defending him in my threads for days like autism on fire.
Calm down kid, people are allowed to not like your tranny hero.
Free speech buck-o , for everyone.
>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot

>posts pic about something not being an arugment
>posting a picture isn't an argument
Peterson has an army of totally retard fuccbois who can't even see how retarded they are
At least he knows how to find the lowest hanging fruit for his cabal
>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot

Ah, I've been waiting for today's Peterson thread to pop up

I think you're projecting, leaf. You've been swallowed whole by the dragon of feminine chaos. Your father is nowhere in sight.

Your projection is confusing and inconsistent. Where exactly are you coming from here?

Useless. I will post some memes/redpills to correct this slide thread.

>implying you presented an argument in the first place
>implying I need to respond to a non argument with an argument
>implying 'sad' isn't the appropriate response to your behavior


>tfw there are no /syo/ threads, but instead only awful leafposting

anubis roll


You have autsim, fuccboi
>Have you sorted out your autism yet, fuccboi tranny??

By showing up in all my threads and posting you've proven you're
>a tranny fuccboi
>brain washed
>Not sorted
>Lacking a father figure
>Not intelligent
>A tranny

Sort out your autism tranny faggot. Please. For your daddy Peterson.

>S-s-s-s-s-sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot

None of your business

He brain washed people

>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi,
You're low energy.
Have autism or something??


>sort yourself out tranny fuccboi
I'm allowed to talk shit about your Daddy faggot.
Free speech.
You can't stop me you Marxist tranny.
Stop trying to silence me cause I don't like your Daddy you tranny fuccboi neomarxist

what is wrong with this individual
this isnt normal



agreed, fuck these assholes. They have no arguments. Jordan Peterson is the argument.

It takes brain damage or a paycheck for this type of behavior to manifest.

At this point either one seems equally likely.



>None of your business

Lack of argument noted, presence dismissed.

>had to pay people to "meme" him
>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi

>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi
Stop being autism kid. You're in all my threads like autism.
You can harass me like autism, but I can't make threads?
Okay autism

>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot

Not an arugment fuccboi tranny

Star one you pathetic loser
Can't even start a thread you're such a follower fuccboi tranny??
>Sort yourself out fuccboi weakling



Sounds like someone needs to sort himself out. *smacks lips* mmmmmhm


>you're in my thread I made you tranny retard
Cognitive dissonance is so strong in your fuccboi trannies.
Do you walk into someone else's house and think it's (your) house and when you leave they are in (your) house and (you) are letting those people stay?
Cause that's how you're acting

>Sort yourself out fuccboi tranny parrot

>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi

Think of that all on your own tranny fuccboi?? Telling someone to "sort themselves out" is your line right?
>Sort yourself out tranny faggot fuccboi parrot

Not an argument tranny.
>Sort yourself out tranny parrot fuccboi
Daddy Peterson would be sad you suck so bad at defending his honor

I wanna fight Peterson in a boxing ring on live stream so I can do that to him repeatedly while fuccboi tranny parrots like you cry :)

Just Saying.png

bruh this new shilling method is pretty meta keep at it.


Hey tranny fuccbois, check this out, some poster in my last thread said Frauderson was under heavy attack from faculty at his University, so he went to social media to gain support
>You're his tranny fuccboi army!
You've been played by a Phd Psychologist
And paid him lots of money too
Suckle that Peterson cock tranny fuccbois :)

>Ss-s-s-s-s-sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrots.
You are literal USEFUL IDIOTS to this commie marxist cult leader fraud.

Seriously hope he loses his job and I helped :)

Yo mahn, you better not be knocking my
Peter boy.

You will regret transgressing against someone like me

sage this noise

Unsorted leaf is unsorted.

Is that a threat of violence??

>sort yourself out tranny parrot faggots

The more you kids sperg, the more Im convinced you're brain washed


So, I just want to ask.

Are you willing to engage with people on a more reasonable level? Or are you just going to yell "tranny fuccboi" over and over.

You are making interesting claims but your presentation makes you look like a salty tumblerina.

All I'm saying is that if you won't sort yourself out that I'm gonna have to come down there and help you out

>tfw not sorted

Not to me :)
Poor tranny fuccboi parrot can't stand someone doesn't like his Daddy Peterson :(
Poor little sweety, you going to be okay angel?
Oh muffin doodle
>Sort yourself out tranny parrot fuccboi XXDD

It seems Peterson Parrot Tranny Fuccbois are amazing at mental gymnastics.
Like a good commie marxist
So having a real conversation is something I try to avoid
I waste a lot of time making great points to have some Peterson parrot tranny fuccboi dance around everything I said.

So I just say that to their shitty one liners of
>Sort yourself out

Okay Antifa
I thought Antifa where the people who punched others for not liking what they like?
Peterson Parrot Fuccbois are on par with Antifa now?
Going to start screen capping the threats of violence for Peterson by his Fuccboi army.

>Sort yourself out commie faggot Peterson Antifa Parrot Fuccboi tranny.

>Sort yourself out fuccboi parrot

we need more australians in this thread only the ultimate shitposters can fight this cancerous leaf.

I'm not a "Peterson Parrot Tranny fuccboi", although I suspect your general argument is
"Do you agree with what I'm saying? If not, then you're a Peterson Parrot Tranny Fuccboi".

I guess I haven't listened to a lot of his stuff to really know, but he seems like he understands the whole "constructionism" argument is just a device to break down moral codes.. eg

>We MADE UP the idea that it was wrong to fuck children, its NOT WRONG


I really don't see how you conflate anything Peterson says to Marxism or communism. Could you explain that one to me?

What's wrong Brazil??
Can't handle someone talking bad about Jesus?
Are you low life who compared him to Jesus last night??
I made the meme in OP to mock (you)

>Sort yourself out faggot tranny fuccboi.
>You think a leaf is Jesus
>Sort yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot

His legion of fuccbois want to silence all opposition against him
He uses words like "buck-o" and "sunshine" when talking aggressively at students. It's to scare them into thinking like he does.
He's not a good man, or even a nice one.

He's a commie piece of shit, raised in commie canada with a canadian mindset.

He's an evil man. I can see it in his face.

He's admitted that he wants to terrify his students. It's part of what he teaches.

Have you ever been a teacher? Tried to work out strategies to help people learn the point you're trying to make? I think you're looking at him in a bit of a vacuum.

>He's bad because he wants people to think like him

Everyone wants this, literally everyone ,you included. Do you understand that when you accuse people of being "parrot tranny fuccbois" you are trying to frighten them into agreeing with you? Where do you lie on the evil spectrum in comparison to Peterson?

>I can see he is evil in his face

Okay, now I know you are just shitposting. Have a nice day.




We need more based Aussies to call out these shit tier leafs. Thank m8.

>He uses words like "buck-o" and "sunshine"


sunshine is haaate speeeeeeeeeech

>Projecting this hard

Just when I thought leaves couldn't get any less redeemable.

>He admits he wants to scare his students
So he's such a shit teacher, he can only teach through fear
Got it

I don't care you losers worship that canadian fraud faggot. I really don't.
I have my own reasons for this and I won't tell you :)
I do hope it helps get him fired.
Im seriously considering sending a formal letter to U of T asking to have him investigate by the Ethics Commision

I grew up Canada
I went to Australia and I could see the convict heritage in most Australians faces
Maybe I can just see that kind of thing

Did you make that yourself?
No, you're a mush brain parrot :)
>S-s-s-s-s-sort yourself out tranny faggot parrot fuccboi

You're not based
Anyone who likes Peterson ins't based
Peterson sure as fuck isn't based.

>sort Yourself out tranny fuccboi parrot

i agree, this guy cannot reason properly, his arguments are full of false premises and logical fallacies

some of his points are worth thinking about though

his fangirls on this board are obnoxious


alright listen buck-o, you're all wrong about Dr. Peterson. He clearly hates commies and faggot trannies like yourself.
So, sunshine, prevent yourself from breeding more. This I support of your shit behaviour. There is one thing though that you need to SORT YOURSELF OUT on: Quit trying to disseminate your faggotry propaganda. I barely cared about faggots before. You're making me hate you.

Never said that
It's a psychological trick to emasculate you and make you feel like a child at the same time.
Why am I telling you this?
You're the Peterson love child of Jung
Shouldn't you know that??

Having 100s of random fuccbois tell me to
>Sort yourself out
is projecting??
You fuccbois are retards
>Sort yourself out fuccboi tranny parrot faggot

I would say this is b8 or a slide thread, but I think OP is just retarded.

Still, sage this shit. Crap quality threads are bad for Sup Forums whether or not they are intentional shilling.

>Sort yourself out faggot tranny fuccboi sunshine
I don't fall for coward intimidation tactics like your Daddy uses.
I'll fist fight on live stream if you can arrange it

>Sort yuorself out tranny fuccboi parrot bitch commie

You are the same fucking leaf all these days shilling against Peterson. Now I will have to watch more of his videos, there must be something in it that is making you shit on him all day. I'm properly intrigued right now and I will watch his lectures. I'm also going to read everything that he is advicing, like Solzhenitsyn's works.

Thank you shill.

you obviously have an agenda
just let people who enjoy him enjoy him or come up with something sane to say that isn't so lame

ahaha OP literally no one in this thread agrees with you. if you are just trolling, mayhap you are trying too hard

>16 replies already



>tyler the creator
PUH-LEAAASE kid. GTFO outta here with that meme rapper loser mother fucker
Saying the same word over and over isn't "rapping"
You probably like him cause you can "rap" to all his song
>Yous a tranny cuck
>Yous a tranny cuck
>Cuck cuck fuck cuck yous a tranny cuck

Tyler the Creators newest hit single "Peterson Tranny Fuccboi Antherm"

I do have an agenda.
One part of it, is I hate canadians. If I can ruin a canadian, I will. :)


>If 50 beta brain washed fuccbois parrot a meme line at you, you're wrong


>Sort yourself out faggot tranny fuccboi parrot

You sound like brain washed tranny.
>I must listen to more Daddy Peterson to keep him pure in my mind.
>Do not question Daddy Peterson
>S-s-s-s-s-sort yourself out tranny faggot fuccboi parrot