Japan, explain this

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You motherfuka

japs are literally retarded

>c good
>b very good

My mom would slap me then ground me if I came home with grades like those.

It gets better



Urbana says hi

My school phased out D in my freshman year a decade ago because it made retards feel sad.

Probably because the tests are designed so that getting anything above an 80 is exceptional.

You can design a test to yield whatever grade distribution you actually want.

The US has to make everything easier for niggers, inflating the scores of other groups of children.

At Least Canada has its shit together.

>implying you guys know shit about grades

I grew up with this scale here, though it used to
70-74 = D

hahahaha the extra pat on the back for doing as good as a 90% A student in america

fuck all of you dog sucking canadians

If you score 50-59 on a US test you pass. If you score 50-59 on a Japanese test you fail and shame your famiry.

Damn, I would've never figured the Japanese would be so damn, well, lenient! I went to a private Catholic school in elementary, and the grade system there was:
100 - 94 A
93 - 86 B
85 - 78 C
77 - 70 D
69 < F

>The US has to make everything easier for niggers, inflating the scores of other groups of children.


False. Anything below 60 is failing. They just dress up the borderline grades to make them look "positive"

> judging others way of life
typical amerifat


This information is useless if we can't compare how difficult the tests are.

50-59 is failing ya dumb kangaroo

Where im from scale was loke this:

Sleep Outside = 85-94
Might as well drop out and learn a trade = 0-84

the difference being jap students leave high school understanding calculus while your average american high school graduate has trouble with PEMDAS

America doesn't have the plus and minus system?

Anything below 90 should be failing.

You want someone on your team that gets shit wrong 1/5 times?

1/10 shouldn't even be acceptable.

Either 100% or nothing. You're either right or you're fucking wrong.

In Australia 85-100 gets you a High Distinction but I spent a year in the US and all of my grades went up 5-10%. You literally have an easier system, I can only imagine how rigorous a Jap university is... my grades would probably drop 5-10%

Yeah except the work required to get an 80 in nipland is three times what it takes get 100 in burgerland.

It's not the bar that's lower, it's the ceiling that's higher.

At my university, an A is a 95 or above.

Below 60 is failing.
At my college below 70 is failing. There are even sometimes tests that you have to pass or you fail the class.

Depends on the state.

>t. Factory worker

It depends on school. My school did when I first started but by the time I finished they got rid of +/- because it hurt people's feelings

Must suck being you goys ;)


>americans thinking they can talk shit about education

i left high school understanding calculus.
quit projecting your shitty education hue

japs are collectivist. You don't need to be a genius, but failure is unacceptable.

I went through both the US and the UK systems.

Generally 70-80 is A
80-89-Something publishable
90-100 is unheard of, you have to be Celsius or someone extremely brilliant.

It doesn't mean they have lower standards. I would argue the UK has higher standards. For example:

>US College
Attendance and participation effects your grade (usually)

>UK college
Your grades are entirely based on your work. Also, grading on a scale doesn't happen.

solve this then nutbrain


Also, wtf would you know about it, AU? You're the failure of the civilized world, you wouldn't know a score over 80% if it were written on the top of your test in red ink.

One of my coworkers grades his students like this:

A = never bothered him
B = annoying brat
C = probably stole shit from him but no proof
D = proof
F = unsalvagable fuckup/ the kid who slashed his tires

He doesnt give a fuck about his job and just screens movies every day and locks the doors/covers windows so admins cant get in

This is basically what University of Texas does. A is 94+ and 75 is considered failing now.

With common core (the right way!) the answer is 2!

>Hurrrr muh order of operations

Put it in the correct syntax you fucking idiot. God damn your people are savages.

That's the same here, but you're generally considered dumb if you get below an 80 in anything

Pretty ironic you're calling other people idiots when you never thought of the fact not everyone does the same tests

Heres your (Yu)

this desu.
it's the same in other asian countries as well, saw a documentary where some american went to teach in a chinese school and all the kids shared answers right in front of him. he tried to get them in trouble for that shit and they were genuinely confused.

there is no individualism in the far east, it's all about the group. that's why they're so family oriented and why communism ended up taking such a strong foothold after the revolutions in the soviet union were mostly over

Is this calculus in Brazil?

Why does this matter again? When a student receives the grade it is in numbers, no one will look at a 80 and say it's the same thing as a 100. It's not like America where you give attention to some random letter instead of the actual results.

>Be Brazilian
>Speak Portugese

A weak, stupid, savage people. Only moderately above Mexicans because they're slightly taller.

four yu

Everywhere in the state of Texas below a 70 is failing. Typical Aussie education.

Why can't people write maths coherently? If you actually write a multi term equation and don't use parenthesis you're either in second grade or a retard

>I don't know how to classify groups of results into categories

No wonder your country is fucked, you're all retarded.

right back at yu

Urbana is too expensive. Not worth it. Ia State is where its at


Its because the letter is what dictates the gpa.
Did you even go to college?

Because your work is easier and you literally get marks for showing up

Oh herro, I Fuka Yu Mr. Ryo Ka.

>Be japanese
>word for failing is Fuka
>call one of your cities Fuka-shima
>get bombed

His point is the categories don't really mean jack shit, you fucking autist. It's the same here yet nobody says "I GOT AN A" like you fucking retards do, they say "I GOT AN 88%".

67 is failing in ohio

>a fucking leaf

100-98 = A+
93-97 = A
90-92 = A-

we're laughing because a fucking 80 is a B- not a goddamn A


Japs are super non social. They dont know whats going on. Close your borders jappland. Stay jappy. The guilt you feel is from that tom cruz movie

kekd audibly

And the difference is what, exactly? Your average in non-retarded countries is a percentage, not an arbitrary grouping of A or B.

Have you considered that the exams are just harder? Given the US's frequent everyone-gets-a-trophy approach to competition I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of your exams were designed to make almost everyone feel like they got a good mark regardless of their standing.

Using common core the answer is 2

I have worked in Japanese schools. Granted, I was a visiting assistant language teacher, but here are a few observations I made in my time there.

>In Japan, education for students is a RIGHT
Even though teachers often threaten to hold students back a grade, it rarely ever happens. The classrooms are oriented around the students, and teachers only visit the classes. Additionally, the retarded kids have a right to attend regular public schools as well, and many parents do push their retarded children into being in the same classes as regular kids. For the super dysfunctional retards, a special teacher is assigned, but it's not uncommon for a fully autistic boy or girl to be taught in the same classroom as regular kids, so low grades don't mean failure necessarily.

>Teaching styles and teaching competency are shit
It was pretty rare for me to find a competent teacher - they tend to think of themselves as "just any other civil servant," like some sort of pencil pusher in City Hall - but even the passionate ones heavily relied on rote memorization and other teaching styles from the past with limited effectiveness. The result is that kids don't really learn much in class, and often have to attend after school cram school in order to actually learn the material. Additionally, I found that classroom discipline was total shit, with many kids allowed to talk through the whole class and disrupt learning for the good students.

>Just different attitudes about what is a "good score"
It was common for me to see average class grades of 55/100 on tests in my schools. The teachers don't think this is particularly bad. They often told me out of a form of humility that their students just aren't very bright, without attributing any blame to their shit teaching style or shit classroom management. In general, most students don't try for a perfect 100%, though, and they understand that they could get as low as 60% and pass, so the goal posts are just different.

>the letter grade doesn't mean anything

Then why did you create a handicap so your A is equivalent to our B? You can't act like A+ and A having the same 10% intervals when nothing else does isn't a textbook participation trophy.

>Be Canadian
>Speak French

Fuck off leaf, you're no better than them.

I've sat exams in recent years where anything below 70% is a fail, I've also sat exams where 60% is an A.
We don't really have a fixed system, everyone sits the exams, the exam boards find out how well everyone did. If everyone did poorly the grade boundaries are lowered, if everyone did well the grade boundaries are higher.

>Categories don't mean jack shit.

Read that again and then kys.

it's called a 'grade curve'



ITT Americans who don't understand grade inflation and why some universities have almost 50% of people on an A compared to Australia where about 2-3% get over 90% and most Americans that come here freak out when they start getting 70-80%

What? In BC, it's:
>A: 86-100
>B: 73-85
>C+: 64-72
>C: 60-63
>C-: 50-59
>I/F: 0-49

>Anything over 80 is exceptional
>Not adjusting the content of the test to the expectations of the examiner

Do people honestly believe this horse shit?

school tests don't measure intelligence. japan has higher iq than america

ITT Foreigners who don't understand the existence of accelerated, honors, and AP-level courses in the U.S. to weed out the 100 IQ "inflation beneficiaries"

Higher-level students are graded on a higher scale:

Core A = 4.0
Accelerated A = 4.5
Honors/AP A = 5.0

No one wants the legitimately good students getting lumped in with the masses here. College acceptance & enrollment rates paint the same picture.

why does this retarded thread have so many replies? tests from one country are not the same as tests from another

>School tests don't measure intelligence

Dude fuck tests and laws and borders and shit

It isn't. The letter category system is only really applied in elementary school here, and even then it's hardly done. Once you get into high school your grades are all just given to you as a percentage with no reference of A or B etc. to make you arbitrarily feel better or worse to somebody who got 1 more multiple choice question wrong or right compared to you, elevating them to the next arbitrary category. Your letter system is pointless and just adds extra stress to kids in school to maintain every single grade within a damned category.
I don't.
They don't. Use your head. Saying somebody who got 89% has a B+ and somebody who got 90% has an A- doesn't mean jack shit. It's a SINGLE PERCENTAGE POINT.

>Chinese gooks

>non-standardized testing


Interesting that the name of the failed nuclear power plant is called fukashima.

We all live in a simulation and don't even care to notice. Someone is literally out there playing god with us all.

anything below 65% was an F in my schools

>B-but I don't speak French, user.

You don't, but you have an entire province that does you cuck.

>Doesn't believe in hard cut offs for categories

Yeah dude fuck tests and laws and borders and shit, smoke weed, learn about Islam.

>You must either get 90% or fail
If I were still in highschool and knew someone like you, I'd be tempted to beat the shit out of you since you'd be practically just another faggot trying to get me to learn some other useless skill tainted in liberal bullshit that I'd never have to use, only to fail the fucking semester if my grades went down even a bit in that one class.

In other words, fuck off with your autism

>Your letter system is pointless and just adds extra stress to kids in school to maintain every single grade within a damned category.



> work extra hard to attain 90+, school takes your work and gives you same GPA as sub-90

Damn leaf even socialist with the grades?

>Strawmanning this hard
My God... it's like arguing with a fucking liberal on twitter. I'm going to quit before you embarrass yourself further.

Stop being reasonable this thread is for shitposting

What the fuck?
Even in yurop we have at least 90-91%

That's only true for PE and some electives that are really just "electives" like art where you watch movies all the time. Fun times.

In the UK you get the top grade in university by averaging 70%.

Explain what you think you're accomplishing, then? Japan and us are doing better than you in education, according to every damned study.


It's much easier to get marks in the U.S, and you even get higher grades for just showing up.

did u ever consider that they might have harder classes or tests, so a lower score is considered better?