Holy shit, Donald Jr. is PISSED!!


fuck that little bitch.

lol. Sensible reply to whatever shitty liberal attacked his family. Funny how I've heard nothing about it.

He's 100% right. Leftists are savages. They think nothing of going after someone's family, even children. They're disgusting.

kill yourself commie fuck :')

how many sheckels have you made today?

>the liberal elite are only tolerant as long as you adhere to scientific facts

k.. keep me posted

Honest to God, Donald Trump Jr. as president would be, as great, if not greater than having Don Sr. right now. He's a really sharp guy, and the left will never be able to try and make a mockery of him in the way he speaks.

His father was just reported as being investigated for treason for being a Russian agent. I bet he's pissed and now taking it out on a poor woman.

here is the tweet


...Can we bring that back, I always liked it before That 70's ruined it.

Liberals are the stupidest people on the planet.

What's going on here? Is the Whitehouse getting a new First Dog?

Do you think she is bitter because she snorted herself barren?

>Her American father is Jewish; her German-born mother, who came to the United States in 1958, was a Mormon.

I'm hoping she was drunk when she sent it


>hoping for a Trump girl
Yes, please, I want another Ivanka

Jews love personal slander. They're nasty people.

Holy shit what a stupid Bitch. I understand small errors on Twitter because of phone posting and character limit, but she straight up spelled that word wrong all while being an enormous cunt toward a young family.

Mods are asleep, post Trump Jeans.

New rule: Since Brazil doesn't know the best of anything, they're not allowed to call fpbp.



>female """"""""""""""""""comedians"""""""""""""""""""


The shadow makes it look like she's carrying a tiny version of her luggage and is pretending to be rolling it along.

She's always drunk. Why you hoping, faggot?

because I hate to believe any sober human could be this stupid

>attacks and targets an entire race
>"g-guys, don't make lols of my senpai ;___; "


good, the left needs to go down

kelso didnt ruin it. it was those hipsters who tried to force it back
