How Sup Forums would solve the homeless lgbt youth problem?

How Sup Forums would solve the homeless lgbt youth problem?


define solution
define problem


Don't be a faggot then your parents won't disown you.

Involuntary suicide


Sup Forums would do nothing because homeless children are just supposed to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. it's their fault they chose to be born into poor or unaccepting families

You are such a fucking LGBTQKKKFC fag that your eagle left your flag.



With a couple of good ol' boys, a nice truck, and a couple a guns

We gon' go fag huntin'

We don't, This is a good thing. /lgbt/ finally gets what it deserves.

>Mexico not realizing that Italy is a country. Sure go ahead buddy gimme your opinion. I'm sure that it will be valid despite the fact that your an un-educated fucking avocado picker


This simply proves lgbt is a mental illness


Turns out nobody wants to hire people that are obnoxiously flamboyant and dye their hair unnatural colors. If they don't want to be homeless, then stop being so outwardly faggy. Then they're on a level playing field with everyone else because nobody can discriminate against you being gay if you don't tell them you're gay. It's like how I like to watch little girl anime cartoons but also work a white collar job because I don't announce it to the world.

it would be a lot better if homosexuality was accepted as the mental illness it is so these children could get help

It's they're fault for defying their parents and instead believing liberal propaganda. Just like it's your fault for being an idiot.

Free showers.

they prolly get the boot after they come out. Wait until you can afford your own place before you tell your parents you're a 4channer or expect to be a homelessfag.

>What did they mean by this?

Upto 7% of the general youth population is LGBTQ

Final solution


Why are they homeless


kek, not bad