Why is he trying to beef up the military and cut support to everything else?

Why is he trying to beef up the military and cut support to everything else?

Not True, he's also increasing DOJ and DHS. Money for the wall and whatever our boy Sessions is up to.

That's the standard for Republican governments since Reagan.

They cut support to other apparatus under the guise of reducing the taxpayer's burden, but instead just funnel it back into the military.
It also shrinks the government by killing Gov't jobs.

Now that would be great for a country like Canada with an underdeveloped military and a bloated government, but not so much the USA with it's bloated military.

Because he is putting weaklings like you into the battlefield ... thus to harden you up cause your a pussy that can't even fap to basic women anymore.

Fucken weakling scumbag, go outside and man the fuck up

that shit about cutting PBS really pissed me off

but then, i actually went to go look at the PBS lineup and its mostly multicultural jew shit.

only 30% of PBS is actually great.
cutting funding would force PBS to dump all the african shit and stick to producing real shows that old white people watch

PBS is a shell of itself m8.
The internet is where it's at now.

because he can somewhat control the military, while controlling domestic cancer is near impossible so he might as well try and cut it all

PBS is a massive liberal shill fest. Ever watch their fake news network at night? They were talking about President Trump and Russian connections for hours.

Sesame Street is also shit... it's nothing like it was back in the old days. The people who worked on sesame street in the 70's and 80's were very good artists, the writers were not SJW jew shitters.

As for children's shows today Nick Jr and Sprout are way better than anything PBS has lately.

The only decent children's PBS show was Cyberchase, maybe martha speaks.

Old days PBS had Bob Ross, Fred Rogers, a darker and more mysterious Sesame Street.

Fuck PBS today.



because the primary duty of the federal government is defense of the nation, not puppet shows, not daycare, not murdering infants, none of it. The federal government's job is to do nothing until someone threatens America, then its job becomes sending those fuckers to hell.

Because he's a dumb republicunt

I actually think it's because he knows how corrupt things really are and is scared of the power certain groups possess. So he is keeping the Military strong and keeping it close, as it does not suddenly become co-opted.

Republicans always do this. Fucking cancer.

military virtue (masculine, patriotic, pragmatic) > academic virtue (attack all virtue, everything is relative, feminism, etc.)

I'm a PhD student. Trust me. This is good.

Because his buddies stand to make the most money off of those sweet zero accountability blank check defense contracts.



Because your shithead black boyfriend ran the military ragged and now the bill has come due. He has to build it back up and buy new equipment.
But hey, he got MUH PEACE PRIZE.

Military is only legitimate role of government of anything on the budget.

Nietschzian Slave vs. Master morality is a better way to phrase it.

I theorize he's preparing for a distinct possibility military conflict in next couple decades. Japan re-arming/NATO expansion/Oil running out/Iran weapons program/South china sea/North Korea/ISISradical Islam/rising debts of various countries all possible sparks to light the powder keg


WWIII incoming and we're not as ready as we could be.

Because he's a clueless puppet of the military industrial complex.

because we are going to war with Russia.

Because the military:

A) is spread to thin
B) has lead to the greatest technological advancements and leaps in manufacturing, communications, internet, personal protection, flight, space travel....

in before *too

Because he knows this won't end peacefully. There's a civil war coming and he wants to secure the loyalty of the military on his side. Shows he's willing to comit to massive funding increases, dramatically improved veterans benefits and appoints a leader want who understands them.

He's offering them a better deal than the globalists will so when it comes to it, they'll have his back and not theirs.

This gave me a warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

because the military is the only thing the US is known for, without the most powerful military you guys are literal shit and Trump knows it.

might makes right, he's going to beef up the military and everything will fall into place afterwards.

Because the zionists who hired him are gearing up for a last ditch effort to slaughter White goyim and destroy Europe creating Greater Israel.

Let's hope he gets couped and hung from a lamppost when he finally makes his move.

>not so much the USA with it's bloated military
I can smell your hijab from here, mudslime.

every president since Eisenhower increased the military budget. Obama did it EVERY YEAR. He was supposed to be the anti-war candidate and he was even awarded the nobel peace prize.

>Because your shithead black boyfriend ran the military ragged and now the bill has come due. He has to build it back up and buy new equipment.

Obama increased the military budget too. Dont be so easily baited, fool.

The overwhelming majority of conflicts the US involves itself with are fighting the explicit enemies of the Jews and Muslims who bought up the US government. Just because you're a moron who buys the prolefeed propaganda hook, line, and sinker, doesn't mean you have an accurate grasp on who calls the shots or their motivations.

Because our military budget still pales in comparison to what we spend on social programs and many of the programs Trump cut either didn't rely on federal funding as their main source of revenue or did nothing on a scale to justify the millions of dollars they demanded in funding annually. One program was getting millions and had only serviced roughly 100,000 people

PBS is kids shows until like 5pm and then its liberal bullshit until the cartoons are on again.

Omgeh plz don't cut muh Daniel Tiger.

If you can't see that we are wasting too much fucking money on the military you need to get your eyes checked.