Is homosexuality truly a sin or is the way we were made for each other?

is homosexuality truly a sin or is the way we were made for each other?

All faggots must be stoned to death. I can't wait for the ERPing scum to come and say otherwise.

It's gay.

i have a pussy pic of her if you want korean guy

6/10 white women are fat
were we meant to fuck fatties?
too bad 9/10 of us will
because chad gets the top 30% of women
gg no re


Is it any good or just like
>oh another gash

Diversion from truth bread recently posted on same topic.

>i have a pussy pic of her

Nice try, Agent Johnson.

Just imagine this scenarios:

>be male
>see female(male) which you can dominate in every way and nobody's going to say a thing because society never protects males from anything
>You can do pretty much anything within humane boundaries to her(him) without anyone going inbetween, because you're both males.
>No risk of unwanted pregnancy
>She(he) is never going to be able to take half or all of your stuff is she(he) gets bored with you

Scenario Nr2
>be male
>fuck female
>be expected to pay for her shit and fulfill all her wishes
>might get pregnant and you're stuck with it
>spend the rest of your life working 24/7 only she can throw your money out the window for her needs and never yours
>When she might get bored with you, she will cheat on you and take most of your shit
>You'll probably end up on the street or straight kill yourself

I don't believe that faggots are sinners. Current religion is a degenerate version of what it actually was, anyway.

>was humanity meant to die out after the first generation?

this world has gone insane.

everyone has forgotten that for two dudes to fuck requires someone putting THEIR DICK IN SHIT.

Case closed. It's all degenerate nonsense.

50% of clammos do it and poop doesn't store that low. Closes up more than a vagina and doesn't have fungus in it that gives you cancer. Houses your g spot we lied about females having. Who only go to piss on ya and give you a toothjob so you call it an "orgasm". You caused the fall of man

every time

Golden thread on this I already quoted above. And I mean life changing and overflowing with real knowledge but yeah. It practically died. Enjoy your tits a whirl


i think it's 80% nature and it's the way you were born and 20% nurture. I'm a degenerate.

A sin? No.

A genetic abnormality? Absolutely.

According to Christianity - yes.
If you call yourself a Christian, you should not commit homosexual acts, if you do, you are a bad Christian, and are probably damned.

I on the other hand can wallow in buggery to my heart's content, as I am enlightened by my own fedora.

Homosexuality is weird and wrong but Mimi right there is 100% right.

All bullshit. All wrong. Proven as much in many threads and the one already quoted here died and ignored. Lots of questions about the dynamics brought up in that other thread. Lied about and unanswered. In other threads. And round and round we go. They can reproduce their own kids like the barren do and Ronaldo did. It is all about the xq28 gene. You basically lied about everything and none of it makes any sense. In order to cuck yourselves for females and things even worse

Try opposite ratio - chances are something in your psychosexual development made you gay - "born this way" really is just a meme, and they've been pushing it beause there is an agenda which they value above science.

I wonder if this is another Chinese poster with a Canadian proxy?

t. Faggot

Go in the fucking thread people keep referencing and gets glued directly on page 10. Be males. Be men. Defend your positions. You have been uncovered. It is a fucking embarrassment. Yet you still shit on people from your ill gotten high horse

Sorry man - all I've said in this thread is "Christians shouldn't buttsex - it's against their religion" - and that's not arguable, because it's in the bible. If you want to live the gay life have the dignity not to try and force your way into a movement that rejects your lifestyle - attempting to change your enemies through entryism is not tolerance, it is just warfare by other means, and Christians recognise their faith - nonsense as it may be, is being degraded, and if you don't like it you can call yourself something else.

Nope. See ya. There's that fucking thread. Or your empty husk self

the anus is for shit. filthy sodomites should be purged.

That's not a coherent or thought out response friend - more a yelp of indignation.

Confront my statement, or you have lost the field of debate, and all the hurt feelings in the world won't make you right.

Nobody shat until you fucked the devil's sloppy seconds. Nor procreated. Until you did the same. Well technically when Eve cucked Adam. Anal is not exclusive to gays. You don't even know wtf is sodomy. It is "grab em"! That is the disregard for women the antichrist has and not "faggotry" like all you retards think. You don't go before Christ. And He disagreed with you on this

Gays can be gays, I don't give a fuck

Trans are mentally impaired with a serious case of body dysphoria, and should not be allowed to damage or otherwise harm there bodies till such a time that they are cleared by a psychiatrist and past the age of 21 before taking any drugs for it.

Anything else on the gender "spectrum" can fuck off and die, there are only 2 genders fucktards

You type like a fucking Dark Souls NPC

love is an invention of men and only men can feel love so it makes sense men love each other whether it's brotherhood or homosexuality



Also fucking retarded. So there's that.