High grade member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and A.A. here.


Other urls found in this thread:


Can you suck your own dick like OP's image?

How many times have you been fucked in the ass?

If none, how can you even call yourself a Thelemite?


this thread sucks

There are a lot of gays in the OTO, won't deny it.
But am 100% straight.

All my sexual work within the order has been with female practitioners.


y u mad tho

higher grade than you here - you're going to be expelled for this

Are you gonna post this shit LARP attempt on reddit for that sweet karma? Fuck off to /x/ or reddit.

Isn't that Scientology for goths?

Are the Jews really trying to exterminate white Europeans?

Alright serious questions now.

What are your political views?
What are the views of other members? Are they cucks?

J.F.C. Fuller was a fascist supporter of Mosley. I also met another O.T.O. member who was a fascist. But I would expect the Thelema of today to draw a mostly leftist/progressive crowd. Do they talk about feminism and pronouns etc.?

>y u mad





Prove that you are a member by answering the following:

What is Liber A'ASH about? What metaphor does it represent?

This. OP is exploiting for credit on some other sight, like "SHIT POL SAYS" or something. All these AMAs do that.

It's about how overman has extra vertebrae

the metaphor represents making his spine more flexible so he can suck his own dick like OP can't.

Tell me about anonymous5.

Why does he shill up the board?

ok can you give me a quick rundown about what this occult shit (oto in specific I guess) is about?
a general philosophy of the group would be sufficient

Why are you larping on an anymous kyrgyz basketweaving board?
Is your dicc too small?
Are you are porn addicted losser/?

>INB4 I'm not larping I swear
Just kys

it's not that his dick is too small, it's that his spine is too short.

>bumping the thread

what A.A. lineage are you with?

do you think that HB should still be head of the OTO? Looks like he thinks it's kosher that he's in there for life.

Why the fuck haven't OTO published anything decent in years?

I on w got my dick in my mouth by putting my legs over the side of a bed but wasnt able to legit suck myself off.

Kek confirms. Lesser cult BTFO.

>High grade member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and A.A.
not high enough twitter.com/krsnavatara/status/838455820853604352



How do I join?

I've always been very interested in Crowley and his work.

Nobody read my posts until i started shilling up the board.

Good question - you have very extreme ends of th e spectrum, it really depends on the local body as they have their own culture.

Some of my closest friends in the order are quite right wing (not nazis, but big believers in the Julius Evola brand of "spiritual racism"), but there are plenty of leftists / hippies.

Interestingly, everyone seems to get along well, notwithstanding the huge political differences.

I personally am a classic liberal and center-right on most issues.

Do you suck baby dicks?

> Go to link
> Insane Indian scrawlings
> Check flag

fucking memes never lie.

fuck off back to the synagogue kike

been diddled as a kid
how do i join the club?

Glad to hear SJWs haven't completely ruined it then. I love dank Evola btw but for all intents and purposes I'm a centre-right libertarian too. Thanks for the honest answer.


No questions.

Just 93s brother.

Blessed Equinox!

93 93/93

Stfu women

Trump isn't political either

>Stfu women

you realize you're just another useful idiot right?

So, how much have you paid into the Bill Breeze retirement slush fund?

>useful idiot
>can't even suck own dick

Would rather not disclose lineage, since there aren't too many of us around.

With regard to HB: European OTO does not hold in great esteem US OTO, and that includes HB. I don't really care that much about him, but many among us would like to see some new blood across many leadership positions in the order. There are some very talented young kids who are making waves and who we should "promote". The OTO is unfortunately not very good at allowing new talent to rise.

With regard to the last question: it's primarily a funding issue, unfortunately. Some senior brothers have published great work under their own name recently (e.g. Fr. Daniel Gunther).

Were your parents both alcoholics also?



Ha! A true brother!

93, 93 / 93

parareligion ayy lmao
caliphs, buy my shirt, muh heritage, my printed book is better than yours reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

tropical paradises, sexual tourism with voodoo trance (no wonder why a bunch of retards keep pushing black supremacy everywhere) and yeah "magick bondage & dragons"
scatolicious cakes of light
the last secret are two dicks and one hole, two pillars and the gate to heavens
thank g'd I never fell for the secret sodomite club
life is good

Is he a thelemaphile too?

Lucifer has abandoned you pedophile freaks.

Simultaneous tempter and punisher.

I love Evola too - Thanks for the good questions.

kek, there is no god but man

I'm actually pretty impressed that several posters know about this stuff.

>there is no god but man
if that is the case why am i better than you?

Yeah, maybe they can suck your dick for you.

From your answer to the A.A. lineage question it sounds like Gunther and his cadre would say you're in a false A.A. and according to my sources you wouldn't get very high in OTO.

But they are desperate for bodies in the room in European OTO groups so you're lucky in that regard.

What's your favorite work of Crowley's?

>posts nazi imagery
>uses Indian name

Are you so stupid as to suggest that man built the universe? Please tell me you idiots don't believe such nonsense.

you don't even know anything about crowley
you don't possess any skills at all
you're a pathetic larper

So, has Rodney been named pope of Ireland yet?

Aleister Crowley was a pathetic human being.


I'm in the Lover Triad - there aren't many of us around ;)
Not that it's of any importance, to be honest, nobody gives a shit about degree.

My favorite work is The Vision and the Voice.

I reiterate.
My works rise above.


why the fuck did you pick Sup Forums for this?

Crowley would also agree, most likely.

hows middle school going?


At what level do the blood sacrifices start?

and what is the single most important thing(s) I need to do to make my spellworking effective?



how can i magic?
is magic enhanced lifting natty?

Not even close.
You can't even handle rotation.

sure i can
your sigils have no effect on anything

If you want to learn some practical stuff fast, look into chaos magick.

What do you get out of OTO?

I've been to maybe 10 meetings at two different bodies and I didn't get much out of it. I already have friends and the chicks weren't nothing to write home about.

>the big yid proffers advice
fucking kikes

>falling for the secret club and the even more secret and hardcore mysterious club meme.
please go to /x/


With all due respect, the OTO in the US is more of a social organization than an operative one.

I would probably not be a part of OTO if I lived in the US.

How many gallons of semen did you drink?

no they don't. They describe a mechanism known as the last judgement.
I didn't rely on a secret club to understand how to make sigils and manipulate chaos.

That's why I was aking about how to join your sex club, the church wants me exorcised and I feel alone since people now seems either utterly uninteresting or easily manipulable.

Maybe you don't understand and if it is the case you should stop researching the occult as it leads to deception, destruction and shame.

Tried it, not too hot as far as results go, tried various other shools, and just looking for some general tips.

Also, you're not going to let me in on the Stabby-stab parts are you?

Is it because you don't know, or won't say?

i'm too far gone, padre

Freemason here.
You degenerate copycats disgust me.

>Freemason here.

OP is correct on this, the USGL is filled with nothing but failed Amway salemen and middle aged hookers.

and at this point what do you get from the rabbit?
You don't seem to get Orion.

Mason eh?

Shouldn't you be off worshiping Pike and/or Lucifer?

Isopsephy is gay.


play by email rpg is a real


You're aware that many of us are as well?
Body leadership is often initiated into freemasonry as well for a variety of reasons. Often, freemasons are none the wiser.

Secret faggotry fraternities...homosexual group sex clubs, quite frankly. Largest cum guzzler of the year becomes the worshipful master

>chaos magick

Preach ;)
What is your relationship with the USGL?

yeah thx figured it out by myself... now will someone introduce me to societies or should I set lodges on fire until someone gets the reason why hermetism isn't to take 1st degree?

you have to worship the right god

Allah :3