The Reason why Hapa Males are "Beta"

I had an interesting thought today:
In America, the race-labels "black" and "latino" are all-encompassing, following a reverse "one-drop" rule, meaning that anyone with any african or mestizo heritage, no matter how little, can claim to be black or latino without getting anyone thinking it strange.
Unlike "black" and "latino", "white" and "asian" imply a degree of racial purity. Mulattoes are almost never accepted as white, so they instead identify entirely as black rather than mixed race. Mixed race Asians are a fairly recent phenomenon, but hapa children of Europeans and Asians have historically never been accepted in Asian countries: for example, Indo-Dutch children were persecuted after the end of Dutch occupation, and many Viet-American babies of US soldiers had to be brought to America because they would be ostracized in Vietnam.

Because neither whites nor asians are welcoming of the racially impure, hapas are left without any racial identity at all. This is why Hapa males are rightfully stereotyped as being "beta": never fully accepted by either group, they never truly "belong" anywhere. It is commonly thought that female hapas escape this complex, but I suspect this is simply because most hapa women are so attractive that they never experience any kind of discrimination.

Hapa males are not genetically inferior; they are only conditioned to believe that they are inferior because of their inability to feel racial pride.

>neither whites nor asians are welcoming of the racially impure, hapas are left without any racial identity at all.


That's why you import a Guatemalan girl for your hapa and then their kid mixes in

Yeah that sounds about right. Racemixing is horrible for the child it gives them no sense of identity and leaves them ostracized by both of the parents groups.

Im a hapa, 18m. For most of my life, my instinctive response to questions regarding my race was to describe my parents' races because I have no racial identity of my own. It is a common parenting technique among liberal mixed race couples to completely avoid discussing race and instead spout "we are all one race" nonsense.

I know a few successful hapa males, some that might even be called "alpha", but these men are are very attractive and look almost Aryan.

They also look odd in general. People treat others based on looks and when you look weird, you get treated as a weird looking person. And then you become Elliot Rodger and shoot people up.

Don't get asian wife, fellas.

Utterly absurd. Hapas in the US get all the advantages of both white and Asian.
Non-whites & non-Asians perceive them as somewhere between White and Asian. Which is good.
Hapas usually culturally identify as Asian because it's more interesting than boring white American.
They aren't excluded from either group socially.

If you make sub 100k, you cannot remix.


racemixing is cancer

I think Elliot was pretty handsome as an adult, 7/10 at least if he put on just a few pounds of muscle. However, his childhood spent in homogeneously rich, white schools ruined his psyche for life.


criminally underrated post

He was definitely on the handsome end of hapas, but hapas still look ''weird'', different, from either whites and asians. I'm tired so can't explain it, but humans treat people different when they don't know ''what they are''.

You all have autism

income is not an accurate measure of success or health
i'll take a soldier-man who enlisted for his convictions but makes no money over an office worker who has a pathetic existence from eveyr point of view but makes a ton of money

especially since 100k+ a year mostly just inherited their wealth, htey are little shits unlike their parents who worked hard to get that money in the first place

Hah my hapa kids are confused all right - which supierior race to identify with? Strayan or Japanese?

I'd be happy for them to go full Japanese as every time we return from visiting there Oz feels like a developing country with the filth and graffiti and degeneracy.

The Eliot Rodgers/Eurasian Writer memes are completely alien to my circle of friends. I try to joke about it with them but they have no idea what I'm talking about.

I guess at the end of the day some hapas would be ugly even if both parents were the same race because ugly genes mostly result in ugly kids.

Wrong, Hapas look asian and are considered asian.

Hapa men with asian mothers are fucked up because as developing children they know their own mother, the only one who will truly love them unconditionally, chose someone who is not the child's race.

>100k per year is rich
lmao nigger how poor are you I make 80k and I won't even have non-city my condo paid off for 8 years.

This a plausible theory but all kind of agreed on this already.

Are you mixed race? Most of my friends are asian, and I have noticed that they treat me differently than they do pure asians. Most of them view me as fully white. I cannot speak in regards to white social circles because I have never been a part of one except as a child, having lived in a very diverse (blanda upp) city for most of my life.

While hapas may be more easily accepted by asians than full whites would be, and vice versa, they are still not FULLY accepted by either race.

The chance that a hapa will look like Keanu Reeves is such a rarity. Asian mothers hate the fact that their child looks like what they were trying to leave behind, and their child becomes an outlet for abuse.

Something crazy like 1/3 of all hapas have some form of a serious mental disorder from being rejected their whole lives, thats why they either end up being elliot rodger, or end up on facial abuse.

>implies future son posting on Sup Forums is bad

>Hapa men with asian mothers are fucked up because as developing children they know their own mother, the only one who will truly love them unconditionally, chose someone who is not the child's race.
That only happens to hapa boys that are raised by single mothers.

>100k per year mostly inherited their wealth
This is utterly false, at least in the US. That's upper middle class.

Implying that the father doesn't love them? A father's 'love' isn't conditional, but sometimes the love is tough love, and punishment. You're still loving your child when castigating them for doing something wrong.

God I am glad I dodged that bullet. In this moment I am unhatefully and unmemefully proud of being white. White pride.


Don't really get this concept of "acceptance". An American thing?
Never seen a problem with this. With friends we casually talk about differences and make fun of accents and stereotypes...but not accept them as what?

Tons of fathers love their kids unconditionally but it's not as strong an evolutionary demand. With mothers you're over 99% unconditional love, with fathers you're around 80%.

And no, I have no sources to cite on this shit, we both only have our life experience and what we've seen in our years to guess the numbers.

after taxes ? to get 100k/year you make something like 8300+ euro a month which is rare here even for good jobs actually, i know engineers and expert accountant they are all around 4k-5k
only the top professions hit that level here

even a fucking senator earns only 7k/month

Rejected by who?

I, like most hapas including Elliot-sama, am of Chinese descent. Most asians cannot tell that I am hapa (they think all white people look the same), but I wouldnt say that I am ugly. Im at least 6/10: muscular build, brown hair, 5'8" Demi-manlet. I know many hapas, and very few of them are truly unattractive; even the most beta arent ugly, only somewhat odd looking. All have above average intelligence and wealthy families.

By your metrics you mostly just inherited your wealth.

Disregard that I'm retarded, and thus overpaid.

Can you drink milk or alcohol?

yall are a bunch of whiny cucks holy shit I'm white and asian and I'm doing just fine. This "don't fit in anywhere" shit is a bunch of lazy whiny bullshit lol. White people are fine with you as long as you dont live in bumfuck Arkansas or something, and Asians might make jokes about how white you are if you don't speak the language (learn your mother tongue you lazy fucks) but that's literally it.


>Mulattoes are almost never accepted as white, so they instead identify entirely as black rather than mixed race.
you're wrong about this. I'm a mulatto (half and half) but I have white features and grew up in an upper-middle class environment with a mother and father and all white friends. Most people assume I'm white and get referred to as "the tall white guy" all the time. I have met a few others like me as well but I don't think most mulattoes identify entirely as black. it's the media/lefist/(((their))) idea to equate the success of mulattoes with the (lack of) success of pure-bred blacks.

See: every successful "black" person in the history of america (mostly mulattos or quadroons)

is California rightful Hapa containment area?

>I'll take 'what is a quadroon' for 400

what is this? racmixing for ants?

a quadroon is 1/8th black person. very rarely will a quadroon identify as black unless they're some hollywood patsy.

Racial identity issues are difficult to understand without firsthand experience. I never thought it was of much importance until very recently, having never experienced much discrimination as a child, in fact I rarely thought of my own racial identity until this year. Americans are so obsessed with race that most people identify very strongly with their race, so it is difficult to exist without a racial identity.

> they look odd

>1/4th I mean

someone told me this is just a hawaiian term. I don't like it I think it sounds stupid

I think you're on to something user.

In my experience on the west coast USA whites treat hapas as asian and asians treat hapas as white.

I don't get the hapa self-loathing online though. All the hapas I know are doing pretty good, including the males.

Both, surprisingly. I drink a few gallons of milk every week, and I inherited my irish ancestors' taste and tolerance for whiskey. I dont drink much tho, prefer DUDE WEED LMAO

you could always use the japanese alternative, hāfu

Yeah it's kinda weird to borrow that term for blanket usage. Sheet, might as well use 'metis'.

'Mixed' is fine. Hapa might be an actual identity in Hawaii.

Are you really half and half? Most African Americans have some white blood, so you probably have more white blood than black. No hate intended, just wondering.

I read the same thing and I didnt like the word "hapa" for a long time, but I dont think there is a good alternative word. Hapa has been appropriated to mean something different now. Also Hafu is no better than Hapa because by the anti-hapa logic, hafu should only be used to refer to half japanese people. Also, hapas are such a scattered group that changing terminology would just be confusing and damage the hapa identity movement.

btw, hawaiians have stolen so much from other cultures that they have no right to tell others to not appropriate their culture.

I agree, self-hating hapas are retarded, but I believe that a lot of them on the internet are really just trolls.

yes. of course genetically I'm probably 60 or more percent white. I used to never like going out to places with just my dad because people thought I was a child abductee. my dad is pretty dark too, almost wesley snipes tier. and even my cousins came out pretty light skinned, a few are actual gingers.