What world do I live in where people actually defend the right for people on welfare not to be drug tested?

What world do I live in where people actually defend the right for people on welfare not to be drug tested?

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Please report yourself to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

because they want them to be on welfare, and crackheads are more likely to apply.

The whole point was to save money, but it cost more than it saved to do all the tests and all the lab work.

This is what liberals actually believe

you think the "jobs will come back with tariffs" people can do basic math? THIRTY FOOT FENCE, NUKKA

A state tried that a few years ago here, I want say Florida but I'm not 100% on that. They ended up spending more money doing the tests vs the savings they got from the number of beneficiaries that were caught.
Most major drugs aren't in your bloodstream for more than a few hours.

The one where repeat drug tests would cost more in the long run then the welfare leeches themselves. Also not Uncle Sam's business if you want to drugs in your own home you fucking commie

I'm actually willing to pay more to keep the dregs of society off of welfare and homeless in the streets/dead

How does the government deal with junkies?

These people have the government running their entire life, more government won't fix that.
Welfare needs to be abolished, forcing charity is the same as slavery.
Welfare is destroying the family unit.

I'd honestly be okay with my tax dollars going towards this.

do a hair test, game over man

It's like the butthurt over voter ID laws. It's racist to have to show an ID to vote, but ok to buy booze?

A friend of mine used to work assigning people's eligibility for benefits. They did not have to be tested for drugs, but he did. Let that sink in!

Just take a swab and throw it away. It's just a deterrent.

Maybe so, but why should tax dollars subsidize a druggie's lifestyle?

wow you goys really want to give all that money to the jew who makes those test strips

your such good goys it warms my greedy little heart

so they buy food with food stamps instead of robbing you

ITT this thread is filled with NEETs on welfare who are too scared and insecure to source drugs themselves.

>constitutionally unsound
kek when have shitlibs ever gave a shit about the constitution?

>scientifically unsound

I worked a job like that. It's a massive redpill. We were told even if someone's documents were obvious fakes (read: illegal)we had to give benefits anyway. When I was told to deny an elderly white couple for food stamps because they had a retirement account with 20k in it, I decided to quit.

>it costs more...

Until you force the populace to stop buying hard drugs and get a job and then it isn't as needed...

They sell them to buy more dope and rob for more anyway.

Because there is no meaningful way to differentiate between the people who need it and the people who are taking advantage of it. You could argue that we should abandon the welfare system all together, but that's a separate point. If we lived in a perfect world than I'd have an endless supply of whores in the back of my Ferrari, but some things are outside of the power of the power of non-tyrannical governments.

if background checks for the natural right to bear arms as protected by the constitution are constitutionally sound. why would drug testing for social welfare not be?

>Somehow more expensive to do drug tests and save money not giving someone welfare than it is to just give them welfare

niggers would literally be starving in the streets. All they do is sell and do drugs and have kids. Oh yeah and eat


Am I banned?

Aren't Backwoods the number one purchase with EBT?

I know you are trolling.

but every time I hear that shell sunstein living document bullshit I get really mad.

I think a better question to ask is what happens when we cut off welfare to these people? Do they go out and commit more crime? Will they finally get real jobs out of desperation? The biggest problem I see though is that welfare in and of itself supports behaviors that lead to criminality. Its' kind of a quagmire. Whether or not cutting welfare benefits to junkies and degenerates will be a net positive is up for debate.

>federal unemployment benefits

>but not college financial aid

Thank fucking God.

Hmmmmmmmmm I am.

>other people who receive government money aren't drug tested
>waste of money since welfare recipients are less likely to use drugs than the general population
>just another excuse to try and shit on poor people

My congressman should be pissing a cup for his paycheck before the single mother down the street.

That's because

1. they give the subscriber substantial notice which is retarded. Random drug screening and hair testing is what they should do.

2. The company doing the majority of the testing conveniently happened to be governor of florida rick scott's wifes company that he invested $62 mil in.

It can be done but the problem like all federal programs like these is the verification process is half assed. It should be difficult to receive these benefits so those who actually truly qualify, are the ones who make it through.

an authoritarian shithole

>tfw i dont even have to leave the house to buy my drugs anymore

Bitcoin is the future

wait til you see how they react when we take away their right to vote unless they've been employed for at least 6 of the past 12 months

You're right, we should start with the government officials.

In 1997 my college-educated aunt needed a part-time job on top of her paralegal job. She had to take a pee test to work at a retail store. So cry me a river about unemployed getting benefits. If in the 1990s they had no problems getting pee tests from college-educated people just needing a second job, then unemployed can deal with it. I still see local ads for temp workers for local factories and they all require pee tests. Why does the government not care about that?

this has been in the courts a few times
wtf is wrong with the right in the us?
can't they learn?

>Druggie spends welfare on drugs
>Never gets a job and wastes away


>Druggie can't get on welfare
>Now forced to either quit drugs and get a job

Why are liberals suggesting that curing addiction or giving someone a job are both worth less than cold hard cash?

I thought they cared about people.

Short term yes.

To be honest, killing off druggies via starvation is really appealing.

>My congressman should be pissing a cup for his paycheck before the single mother down the street.
Exactly. For years we have read about all the alcohol and drugs going on by our government officials and government employees. They need to be tested. And didn't some famous people send tweets of them doing drugs at the White House during Obama's reign?

We, the People, need to start demanding that everything they require of us they need to undergo as well. Start with pee tests and the heath care bill. No more special favors or special treatment for these public servants who work for us.

next they'll want to chose what you eat

Or we could go the Duterte route and just kill them off extrajudicially.

A batshit crazy one, OP.

They NEED to make drug testing mandatory to receive benefits, because it'll put 90% of niggers and 75% of spics back to work or straight to suicide.

Yes there is, with drug testing and actual verification of potential beneficiaries. If you can afford to buy things outside of being a necessity, you don't need tax payer assistance. Cable, smart phones, DRUGS, fast food etc... All things someone who truly needs assistance wouldn't be able to afford.

They don't look into any of this though. For example, to get food stamps all you have say is "I don't have a job, no bank account, no money" and you're good. They don't verify this in any way.

The system needs to change and drug testing would be a step in the right direction.

or maybe they'll just take your shit

Spare me the retarded fantasies britain. "Druggies" will find a way to spend their money to get fucked up one way or the other. The only people legislation like this will kill are people whose lives have gone to shit so they do drugs to cope.

In reality this just provides a means for employers to get out of paying out unemployment to employees they fire for failing a drug test. I am entirely indifferent toward this. Just keep this kind of shit away from welfare programs because you're just going to destroy a lot of lives and kill a lot of old people who are on the verge of suicide thanks to all the fucking government regulation that's been put on their chronic pain meds.

They always use the "test everyone, all the time" figures. Which is not a way in which the policies would be enforced. There would probably be a focus on criminals that receive it, as well as the odd random one.

For each person they knock of the welfare rolls or get to quit drugs saves thousands of dollars.

>you think the "jobs will come back with tariffs" people can do basic math?

Tariffs against ONE country where the jobs went to and now the US is buying the same goods from them at the same price and another that subsidizes shipping for all it's factories by printing money which also keeps the exchange rate favorable, and offsets this by buying US debt. Basic math says these are bad deals that need to be re-worked. Blow it out your ass.

ever notice it's the law and order crew that knows nothing about the law?

>constitutionally unsound

the self proclaimed defenders of the constitution that never bothered to read it?

This brings us back to the original point though. Drug testing every welfare recipient would be more costly than the druggies themselves. I don't know how far back these drug tests would test for, but lots of druggies would also just not do drugs during that period.

they dont. it's all a cop out for them to be lazy and for others to take care of them

one day i'll move out of this shit hole called Seattle

Liberals say everything is unconstitutional as long as it doesnt involve the first or second amendments, to them its ok to infringe on those

What makes you think that people will just haul themselves up by their boot straps?
People say liberal ideology is infantile but this is fucking fantasy right here.
These are poor people we're talking about here. The majority will just pan handle, commit crime, or die. That's all they know how to do, and the ones that get out as functional members of society would probably do that regardless of the limits you put on their aid programs.

>but it cost more than it saved to do all the tests and all the lab work
Nah, drug test are cheap. I don't know where this idea that are hundreds of dollars comes from.

What is even so expensive about running a drug test? You literally just pee into a cup, they put a chemical in it and see if it turns a weird colour

This is the government
Tht cup costs 100$, the liquid costs 300$ and fatass patricia giving the test costs 15$ an hour to keep around



It's a bit tricky when you need it to be able to stand up in court. More policies have to be adhered to and it can cost much more than a standard piss test.

It is assumed it would be more rigorous than a job interview or a parole officer piss test, as some of the people taking it would be actual taxpayers who have paid into the system and would want to fight it in court.

really wierd that youd argue guilty until proven innocent ESPECIALLY when these programs often cost more than they save

you authoritarian fucks are deluded and deranged

No one said that the poor had to be on their own
We just think that the people who want to help them should do so voluntarily - through private charity - instead of the government forcing taxpayers to give money to the dregs of society.

Welfare really benefits no one except for globalist CEOs that want to jack up their profits by making the government give poor people money to buy shit they couldn't otherwise afford

it makes the assumption that ppl are guilty

This is unrelated to that leaf, this is repealing a federal ban on drug testing that was instituted by obongo


You can defend it by using their children as the main reason for needing the food stamps. The Mother and Father may be pieces of shit that will spend money on the newest Jordans instead of buying their child an adequate meal. When you add drug tests to food stamps the children are typically the ones who suffer and they're not the ones at fault so they shouldn't be punished. That's my best devils advocate reasoning

You stupid nigger, you have clearly never held a job in your fucking life, otherwise you would have taken a piss test

Then sick the DSS on the family

You wouldn't test every recipient. You would test every possible recipient that makes it beyond the first step which would be something like income, bank, housing, and background verification. Right now all their doing is taking everyones word for it, they don't actually look into this shit.

If they pass all of that, the next step would be a hair test since you can go back far with that one. Not pee or mouth swab and it should be random.

I think the number of people that would be ineligible due to failing would save us money in the long run. For example, if I received food stamps right now, I could get $189 by just lying on the few questions they ask. That's $2268 a year I would be receiving. Yet a drug test would cost $30 per test. If I failed that test, I would cost the tax payers $30 instead of a possible $2268.

this was tried over and over for probably 20 years now.

what's funny is the righteous think it'll only apply to black latino ppl

I dont want druggies on welfare, regardless of skin color you dumbass leaf

why not test everyone just to be sure?

The drug user would likely then be arrested, is the thing, so then you'd have to figure in court and holding charges as well, but as others have said, I'd pay to keep people away from welfare since it may discourage people from applying in the first place.

If it's legal to drug test people who are employed, it's legal to drug test people who want to leach off the employed. Besides, they won't be charged with anything if they test positive. They just won't get their government fun bucks.

I'm fairly sure the guys in powdered wigs who wrote that thing didn't give a shit about the guberment checking to see when was the last time they took their snuff before getting gibmedats.

This is testing people getting on government gibs you fucktard
Last i checked in not on gibs me dats, so i dont need to get tested
You want gibs? Piss in the cup


You dont get arrested for failing a drug test

Yeah but what is worse an orphaned child or a child with shitty parents for the future of our country?

An orphan
They wont have shitty parents to turn them into shitty adults

where in the law does it say if you have a drug problem you don't have a right to social services

A world where the freedom of assembly should allow you to peacefully assemble whatever brain chemistry you desire, yet the government interferes with people's ability to make a living so much that it actually has to pay people to be alive.

>Being Drug free is a requirement of the Job
>OMG Why is being drug free a requirement of Unemployment?


Where does it say in the law you are entitled to gibs?
The government could realistically deny anyone if it fucking felt like it, they could choose to end welfare tomorrow and there is nothing anyone could do to stop it

Right next to the law that says you're entitled to force the taxpayer to support you

>Piss in the cup
In other news, that rule just makes fake piss sales skyrocket due to the potential gains and losses at stake.

a child with shitty parents that have drug addictions and no money is probably worse

also, people's drug habits create drug trafficking organizations which tend to be violent and undermine entire communities

like, why go to middle school at all when you can sell drugs for a lot more money


We have to change that. Drug use is illegal and the drug test is proof you did it.


>OMG Why is being drug free a requirement of Unemployment?
It isn't. They don't make you pee test for unemployment.

Welfare isnt a human right, leaf
And we dont follow international law anyway

No that is not how failing a drug test works. You don't even find out the results while you're there. You give your sample and then the payee of the test is told the results and they inform you of the outcome. No arrests are ever made for failing.

If you failed a possible mandatory drug test to receive benefits, you should be flagged in the system imo and ineligible to apply again for another year or so.