>be Norwegian >live in a shithole, basicly mudhut tier >"muh vikings" >our only accomplishiments so far is infighting, "breddy gudd :DD" boats and shamanistic shit >Hvitekrist (White Christ) comes and saves us >Suddenly we have writing (inb4 muh futhark, runes are retarded), agriculture and society >a few hundred years later we're amongst the richest countries in the world >some LARPagan welfare monkey faggot kills a man and tries to tell us christianty is bad while saying he supports Islam
I always wonder who Varg is speaking to. He speaks engish in his videos. I know thats a common language but I feel like he is talking to Americans a lot of the time, critical of our "culture", which is good it needs to be critisized.
I don't think he is standing up with islam, I think he thinks it is a moot point. Everybody that watches him already agrees islam is horrible, yet they are stronger than todays christians. I think he hates the "weakness" of christianity in that it allows others to push them around and the inherent jewish shilling of some leaders. He probably hates catholics and lutherans a lot because they are the one who made north europe like what it is.
Varg is pushing for a "smart" religion possibly. One that is both forgiving and agressive. It will take care of its people who care for each other, but will smash those who threaten them unlike turn the other cheek. But what the hell do I know.
Luis Diaz
>Varg is pushing for a "smart" religion possibly. One that is both forgiving and agressive. It will take care of its people who care for each other, but will smash those who threaten them unlike turn the other cheek. But what the hell do I know.
Varg is an attention seeking autist who forgets that without Charles Martel, and by extension the church, there would have been no Europe and we would have been a caliphate centuries ago.
Jayden Ward
he's just a lonely guy and after a long day of being a stay at home dad, he likes to interact with autists online by way of youtube vlogs
Andrew Jackson
>stay at home dad
Welfare leech you mean.
Michael Butler
I agree that christianity is necessary, it at one time was as I discribed. I think his problem is with what he precieves it as. A globalizing religion out to distroy all heritage of a people. His ancestors were both christian and pagan down the line. It is stupid of him to bash christianity as some parasite on his people. I see his point and your point. I wish varg would talk about why he hates christianity so much besides talking about what "christians" do. I dont have the answers but I am curious
Cooper Anderson
It's because he's blind to reality, and despite dedicating his life to this homosexuality, he has never really thought about it.
>modern LARPagan surprised that Christianity, the force that unified Europe and allowed their manifest destiny across the world, has several splinter groups
Think of it this way. At its absolute maximum the population of the world in 0AD was thought to be 230 million people.
The population of Europe was thought to be about 80-110 million.
Depending on region and county they would have had opposing religions and prayed to different Gods/nature spirits, trees/ whatever.
You can't seriously be surprised that any particular branch of paganism, which probably had no more that a few hundred thousand people following it at any one time, and has no real historical data (as they were illiterate morons) than a global religion with currently a BILLION members (and growing).
Just to put into perspective how fucking irrelevant Norse paganism is there are more Scientolgists in the US today than there were ever people who genuinely believed Odin really existed and sucked dead men's cocks for sperm.
Vargs effectively some faggot who likes to LARP Skyrim and pretend he's a real Nord. Faggot.
Isaiah Johnson
>2000 years of Christian ancestors are more important than the 40,000+ years of pagan ancestors Compare Pagan Greece, Rome and Egypt to Jewish Greece, Rome and Egypt
Owen Torres
Ryan Price
>40,000 years
40 millennia of achieving nothing and leaving Europe in a state of constant illiteracy and constantly being at war with itself.
Paganism such as
Greco/roman paganism: rampant slavery, execution at whim, enslavement, rampant homosexuality, rape of slaves by animals for amusement
Viking: sold whites to arabs as slaves, women could have multiple husbands (literally cucks), execution of slaves when masters died, killing for amusement
Druids: human sacrifice, slavery, constantly at war with neighbouring tribes
Are you literally retarded? The reason our faggot ancestors converted so quickly was because they didn't want to be fucking animals anymore and saw that Christianity offered them a way to me more than they were.
LARPagans literally don't know their own history. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.
Aaron Edwards
>converted so quickly It took over 1000 years for them to accept a watered down, paganized version of Christianity, and they abandoned it as soon as they could
Also >Jewish religions have anything against Slavery The only way to avoid slavery is to avoid civilization altogether
Hunter Edwards
>Implying any sizeable portion of neopagans are actually egyptian, latin, or greek
Jacob Wood
Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.
Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.
Christian Edwards
There's a lot of Jewish propaganda floating around about paganism but at least it isn't literally a Jewish sect. Strict, organized religions don't mix well with the European mindset. Whites will always reject them so trying to push Christianity is a fools errand.
How did WW1 flow from abandoning Christianity? I thought it was the other way around.
Eli Myers
>no holy book (Edda was written by Christians) >no morals >no culture (apart from LARPing) >not divine >undermines Christianity which is crucial for Western social order >Jesus is God
Every argument against Christianity I've ever seen on Sup Forums is either nihilistic or a strawman (attacking the liberal practices of some random "church").
Aaron Harris
Reminder that there has only been ONE viking helmet found ever.
>muh horned helmets >muh warriors >muh gods
Nathan Robinson
They literally wore beanies.
Aiden James
christcucks are controlled opposition
Oliver Cox
>Controlled opposition
Attached is voting intention by belief. Notice how atheists and Jews are virtually identical.
If you allow people to think that atheism is acceptable you get moral degradation, communism, identity politics, etc. Things that directly enables Islam.
You should fight the enemy within with the same vigour that you fight the enemy without.
You might get faggots replying to this post saying 'hurr well I'm a red pilled atheist I voted for Trump', well how is that any different from Abdul from Syria saying 'I'm not like those other muslims, I'm moderate'? Stereotypes exist for a reason, and evidence dictates atheists are social poison.
Adam Murphy
I've never, ever understood this massive contradiction either. If paganism is about "honouring your ancestors" then you are doing nothing but pissing all over their graves when you mock and slur their religion and heavily imply that it was only ever for half-witted morons and traitors. Makes no sense to me at all.
Gavin Butler
You cartoon was shit before, why wouldn't it be shit now? Delete it from your mobile, David.