Dad's worst nightmare

Why is America so fucking degenerate? How can you even dare to make a child? What if it's a girl? It's like you have a 90% chance of this happening in America.

How you cope with it?

Pic related. It's live right now.

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implying her father was in her life.
she is most likely your daughter.

How did you find this video?

why do white women like getting blacked?

Are you sure these degenerates are based in the US? I can clearly see two Germans in the picture

>be two muslim migrants to europe
>strip down naked together even though you stone homosexuals in your native country
>hire a hooker
>film her with you and your gay brother


I imagine it has the same sexual thrill of getting fucked by a horse. It's degrading

Also, how come niggers are so fucking bad at sex, so lazy and slow? SMS is pushing the opposite but all porn there is proves me right. Big dick or not.

In fantasy I would fuck my daughter for doing anything like that.

In reality, I will shoot all three of them dead.

>a german said something

prove its live fag

joke's on you, I never had sex.

It's also taboo and has been meme'd by (((them))) that nogs have big dicks

>dude sitting on a couch with his cock out
>two naked chicks on either side of him

Switch the genders and it is Alpha, but MFM and she's a slut. Also, giving fucks about what degenerates do.

google mrjacksonsplayroom

its on chaturbate

God it's so blatant


no for nothing but this is probably just a porn star

you probably became a plumber thinking you would get banged

Women are utter shit.

I can only love 2-d...Sad!

They fuck different mudsharks daily. I use the sight and see it...Ashamed!

ya they probably cast them like any other sleezy porn company


I dunno man. It is truly a mystery.......

>Niggers paying white women for sex

Piss on the toilet seat my friend.

When the time comes coalburners like will be the first to go.

is this to scale brehs?

>watches this shit live
>"Why is America so fucking degenerate?"

fuck off, Ahmed. Back to whence you came!

Holy Christ you're a kike. Kys

ya its called porn you actual retard

in fact, in the porn industry, most women refuse to have sex with niggers, they are considered the bottom of the bucket and most agents refuse to let their stars burn the coal.

you have a lot to learn kid, get off porn and live life, most white chicks do not even dig niggers.

They dont.

I LARPed as a nigger in several dating apps because I wanted to know myself it is true and I got maybe 5% response and exclusively by fat sluts.

White girls hate niggers at least over here.

or that nigs are the only ones who'll fuck em?

i would never fuck a chick who's been blacked.


I only see it because it's on the homepage.

I saw them get bj's from a small blonde girl the other day...she puked on one of their dicks...

3 stages of human mutts on one couch.

>Why is America so fucking degenerate?

its not america. its white people that are degenerate. the very reason whites will be a minority in america in 100 years and theres nothing they can do about it.

good riddance.

>I-I'm only s-searching this cuck porn for r-r-research
top kek

Bullcrap, I have seen it with my eyes.

I swear by the thumbnail I thought the girl shat all over the couch

They have no self respect and low self esteem. Most are either: Ugly, fat, mental handicap, abused etc. The current PC culture is no help and if anything, making things much worse.

I know that if my daughter brings home a black guy, she's out the door, off my will and the family records

She can starve on the street for all I care, and I'll be laughing everytime I drive by her in my Porsche

found the LIVE link

en.chaturbate com/mrjacksonsplayroom/

ya, you see bargain bin skanks like the one in pic related fuck with niggers since noone else wants them

you will never see high class women with actual thugs like these two degenerates, you need to stop taking pol memes so seriously.

Nice detective work Hans.

>i would never fuck a chick who's been blacked

So you're going to remain alone? EVERY WOMAN, IN THIS GENERATION, HAS TAKEN BLACK DICKS!!!

Only the ugly ones who'd otherwise be in Sup Forums's league.

Ugly white girls can get the most attractive Black guys

>On Campus
>6'3'' fit black dude holding hands with nearly spherical white girl

Greg " Happy Merchant" Lansky found a way to make white women to do interracial porn, a lot of money and some help from his friend Pierre Woodman
Most of the women have obviously bleached hair also

>It's like you have a 90% chance of this happening in America.

She's not even thicc

girls like to fuck too you know.

The forced jew blacked meme. Interracial porn isn't even profitable. Jews literally take a loss to produce and publish that filth.

Its like that on fuck apps like tinder too. The reality is most people stay within their race but the ones who leave always go for white men. Stop the cuckoldry and get a white you ashy virgins.


Every woman that I have met that has been a snicker licker does not have a good relationship with her father or lacks a father.

I did the same haha

>Interracial porn isn't even profitable
that's the no1 fetish

Coalburners and white traitors should not be killed on DOTR.
A way more comical punishment would be to ship them off to the lands of the vibrancy they worship.
Probably end up getting killed there anyway but it would be so much more poetically just.

haha, it isn't that fucking likely mate. America is extremely separatist as far as racial demographics go. People barely go outside of their race-based communities, and black people are in the far minority in rural America.


WHAT NOW?!?!?!?

same reason asian chicks get bleached

Tell me this isn't real.

They generally do not. Almost every white woman you meet is pretty openly disgusted by the thought. It's a kike trick. They try to show you the hot white qt running off with a bull nigger like it's a common thing, when I've lived all over the US and have witnessed every time a nigger tried he got giggled at and politely (mostly) told to fuck off, followed by ewws once he was distracted by movement or gibs moments later and he scuttled off.

>dating app
if chicks want nigger dick/meth they just go to the street corner/bar and look for a dealer.

in your cuckold fantasies, maybe

Kek, Asians, even their women hate em.

You could do whatever you want really. The white women who only fuck black guys really are trash tier and will fuck you over because they are trash humans. Like see this
See that picture? Those white guys are fucking black girls who hate them (Hate does breed lust) but those girls are trash humans. So they'll probably get fucked over sooner or later unless this is all some act just for show/fame. (Them being SJWs)

It literally doesn't make money unlike a lot of other stuff. Jews take losses on it to push it.

>Don Draper would smack me in the mouth

What were your results?

thanks its social science field study actually

Nope, nigger dealers only deal aggressively in public parks not in clubs.

There are african clubs but no white, man or woman, goes there.

>When the time comes coalburners like will be the first to go.

nice proxy mexican

go on chaturbate right now, the no1 video is the OP one...

Like, i'm not even kidding. The "white", girls who do this shit are jewish. They're getting back at their parents for teaching them racist things as a kid. Jewish people are the most racist people on earth. (At least behind closed doors lol) Go to any jewish community and you'll see a jewish milf with a black guy. Jewish girls are the BIGGEST sluts on earth. Its kinda like the poor mans nuke for jews. All the things they tried to push on to white people back fired on them.

I don't even like White women...I like Japanese women.

>pornsite visited by male cuck porn fetishists is proof that women love black cock


it's hilarious, isn't it? funny thing is, in reality, the white chicks with niggers are seen as bottom-tier girls who fit into the category of fat girls or butterfaces, and they know it. this is why race traitor girls always seem to have an ashamed, darkened visage.

I once blacked 3 white chicks

She is really super ugly.

White nationalist bro I have a question!
I too have white pride and praise the fuhrer and all that, and I want to use that intriguing picture as reference to blow the fuck out of any cuck or black cock loving slut who argues their fallacies, but wouldn't it make me gay if I saved that picture onto my computer? I really need to know. Help a fellow klan member out!


muh bbc kek

Again, its the poor mans nuke. Something that was used to unite the arab world against the west just ended up destroying them even more. Same for jews.
look at the comments
nips hate nogs my bro
Try not being so insecure. Its a picture debunking a myth. You're okay with all the KKK nazi propaganda but that's where you draw the line? Nice

Idk man i got some quality tier white girls when i went to college in America, was really taken aback by how slutty and how fascinated they are with my cock size.

They were probably jewish. Colleges in america have a very high jewish rate. But to everyone else they're white :)

I remember when I visited Jamaica to shoot some niggers the women would beg me to rape them with my big white cock and to colonize them after I killed their families, in fact some of them even wanted their negroid husbands to watch while I conquered their subhuman smutholes.

Of course I shot them right after I pumped my superior seed into them, gotta be rational at some point.

It's over hyped by the jewish owned porn industry

If blacks could pull normal white chicks why would there wouldn't have so much black on white rape.

Had one as a somali refugee and got pretty much 0 responses from around 3000 messages i've send
and one as a half nigger with a decent looking face and this time the same thing in rural areas and in the city i've got ok responses like every 5th message got a response

but still no "MUUH BBC N SHEIT" that's just a murican thing i guess

Everyone knows it only gets bigger when there's a white cuck around

Just when I thought there couldn't be a worse ongoing sitcom than the Big Bang Theory.

everyone who wasn't a complete sperg got laid in college

That's kinda the logic no one really applies.
>"LMAO european women love BBC so much LMAO!"
>"Then why are rapes so high with migrants?"

That's mostly a meme. Black/white intermarriage and even romantic/sexual relationships are relatively low in America. The taboo against it, while nowhere near as severe as in the past, still exists, and is just as strong (if not stronger) in the black community.


Oh yeah. Black people are kinda hated now. Or at least a growing hatred. But they won't stop until everyone in america hates them. Wait for the summer riots!

Nah dude i'd never fuck a Jewess, only busty blondies.

American girls are fucking sloots anyway,
Jamaican whiteys are far more wholesome.

Obviously you did not bother reading the articles or pick up on me using rapes as an example to further illustrate how fucked blacks are. I never mentioned immigrants but if you like there is a rape game they play called taharush that im sure you will get to enjoy one day. No im bot a nazi but your making me consider it.

> cam

Why do white man love watching cucked-by-hugedick porn, and still running their business.

>mfw I don't white knight

i really don't know, but you've gotta admit that it's pretty hot.

But there are blonde jewish girls. I'm not gonna say stuff like that never happens or something like if you said you went to college in like california or something ill just stop now, but like on average around 50% of colleges are white, around 30% of that are jewish. See what i mean?