Preventing kids from graduating high school since they can't afford lunch

>preventing kids from graduating high school since they can't afford lunch

>it's just money, give it to them

Send the deadbeat parents to collections.

>>preventing kids from graduating high school since they can't afford lunch
Fucking liberal douchbag idiots.

>force kids to attend mandatory brainwashing for eight hours per day
>if they don't comply jail their parents
>force kids' parents to pay money to have their kids brainwashed

Fuck off

Did you reply to the wrong post

>Just give it to them
>and by just give it to them I mean illegal immigrant kids and black kids failing highschool anyways.
>white kids pay for your fucking lunch or you're not graduating.

Nobody is preventing them from graduating, their diploma is being held onto until their debts accrued are paid in full. This is called leverage. The diploma is collateral.

>dude just make it free

this is not a fucking argument

>Are parents too stupid to make lunch for their kids to take to school?
>Not giving your kid money for to pay for lunch
>What is all this property tax going to at the schools anyway that lunch costs so much money that kids are in debt?

wait you guys had to pay for your lunches?

Yeah, our parents were employed.

schools don't allow kids to bring food from outside so they have to buy food from the cafeteria. Now we're in a situation where they're forcing you to pay for something you never wanted in the first place and then put you in debt for it?

>my school offered free and reduced lunch
>this was a school mostly filled with spics and shitskins, pretty sure at least some of them were illegal
>recently realized that I was a fucking retard for whenever I bought lunch at that shithole

oh yeah, this was a school in a sanctuary city. I really got to leave this place.

Yeah so were mine. What's your point.

Only poor people got free lunch.

If they can't afford it they can get on free or reduced lunch. Otherwise don't buy things on credit if you don't intend to pay.

Let them starve, our fatass president needs a million dollar golf game, and let the queen spend the night in new york because the white house is too low for her tastes.


Have you ever seen free food? Its fucking shit.

>don't take what you can't afford.
they failed the test so they can't graduate

>money that pays for children's lunches actually comes from POTUS golf trips


>public school problems

Here's the stupid thing, for kids who are too poor for their parents to afford it, it is free. For kids who are poor but can still pay some, it's reduced. Only the middle class and higher can afford it. So, yes, that does indeed bring up the question of why the fuck they're going into dept for something they can easily afford?

Sounds familiar.

How much do school lunches cost today?

>schools don't allow kids to bring food from outside
Maybe in your shithole. I don't know any school that doesn't allow bag lunches. The kind of people who send their kids to public school are too lazy to make lunch though.


God damn I can feel the warmth from here

Nobody starves in America. If the children are honestly poor then their family has food stamps. At some point you need to hold parents responsible instead of the government.

This, but unironically.

Dude the whole school got free lunch.

Why are anti-usury laws things that exist?
>It's shekels.
>They're God's chosen people.
>Just give it to them.


This, its the parents fault.

>It's food just give it to them
>It's a diploma just give it to them
>it's a career just give it to them
>It's a country just give it to them

>the government (and therefore everyone but me) is responsible for feeding my children

>Now we're in a situation

nice proxy underage niggerfaggot

Why is "mortgage default" a thing that exists? It's shelter. They're people. Just give it to them.

Nigger, if I was still in school, I would rather eat bologna every day than eat the abomination of school lunches, the only thing that was decent was the square pizzas.

>only poor kids got free lunch
>my whole school got free lunch
These statements are not mutually exclusive

>Believing in a free lunch

The lunch served in most schools is nutrition-less garbage that in no way helps their mental development anyway.

If you want your kids to be happy and healthy, make your own lunch for them to bring to school. And that doesn't mean a pack of chips and a juice box.


>When your parents are so fucking lazy they won't sign up you up for free lunch

I understand paying for early schooling, but you should send your kids to public high school. If they don't understand the value of education and know how to clean useful lessons from the curriculum without extra assistance by high school, then they're fucked for life anyways. Plus sports teams at private high schools are full of pussies.

>majority of poor children are overweight
>stop feeding them

what's the outcome on this?

schools tend to hide it from the kids who are on free lunch so that they don't get bullied.

sorry to break it to you user.

These people probably unironically would say that.

If only the left could understand this. Why is it that people are so quick to forget "nothing in life is free" and more appropriate to this case "there's no such thing as a free lunch"? Nothing is free you fools!

Fuck me, posting from the phone sucks cock. I meant glean* and accidentally linked a random post at the end.

Perhaps if parents could choose where there students went to school with the taxes they already pay there would be incentive to have the school provide free school lunch

No dumbass. Everyone got their lunch, entered a id number into computer and ate.

How is that a problem when he pays for it with his own, private money?

your parents filled that card each semester you retard.

Did you ride a long school bus or a short one?

Wasn't a card. You are told your id number in elementary school and use it until you finish highschool. The majority of the people in the town live below the poverty line so everyone gets free lunch.

Everyone in school*


I would get a free lunch like 2-3 a week because you could work during the lunch by handing out food/ washing dishes. It was good food as well.

>my entire premise is based on school being mandatory
>also, parents can't be expected to not buy cigarettes and mcdonalds, and instead make lunch for their kids

Yeah, why is this a thing? Just deny food to kids who don't have cash. Problem solved.

If one kid gets free lunch, then all kids should get free lunch.

It wasn't free, you worked for it

>Sorry Ms lunch lady, you will not be paid for this, they're kids after all! Enduring a bunch of faggot kids making fun of you and spitting at you and being all around assholes should be payment enough

>That'll be 600 dollars for this months shipment

>Oh ho no good sir, we will not be paying for this months school lunches, you may think you are cutting us an excellent deal, but these are children we are feeding after all. See you next month?

And they wonder why teachers get paid so little

Even if you are not poor you still get free lunch so that is not true if you live in a shitty town like mine.

I guess, it didn't feel like work to me.

Through my childhood, I was poor and got free lunch, later changed to half priced, then I moved to a place where everyone was poor so their full price lunch was the same as the previous half priced lunch.

Sounds like you live in a poor town, hefe

Grew up in a broken welfare senpai, so poor I couldn't have school lunches.. Just food banks and soup kitchens

Dads birthday today but mom still wants to act as if she's the most important parent.

Gee I wonder why a school lunch has to be paid for, even if it's for kids. Maybe it's because:

>Lunch workers need to be paid for their work, both to hand out the food and to prepare it beforehand
>The food needs to be bought and delivered from a distributor who has workers that also need to be paid
>Schools already don't have enough money to pay their fucking teachers, let alone pay for hundreds of lunches a day
>Even if taxes were increased to cover the cost, you would most likely have to equalize the type and amount of food each kid gets per day, like prison food or some shit
>The kids aren't paying for it, the parents who should have had enough financial stability to pay for a school lunch before having a child are paying for it

You're a goddamn retard. The issue isn't the kids, don't deny them the diploma. Make it their parents' problem.

This guy gets it. You should be more like him.

Free lunch was bullshit

>lunches entirely paid for by the taxation of middle class and beyond people
>those people who paid money for it to happen are barred from access to the free lunch while a bunch of retarded niggers who had one too many kids get to reap all the rewards while paying nothing into the system

Let them starve. Emotional faggots will be the death of us