Why did Ebola fail to wipe out the entire black population off the planet?

Why did Ebola fail to wipe out the entire black population off the planet?

Because it has a kill rate of under 50% and is fast acting. The nigs who survived are now immune to that strain. That's how disease works.

> is fast acting
isnt that a good thing?

I might add that, while people in the majority of Africa are more susceptible to dying from it, due to lack of the necessary medical response, there are people of African descent permanently residing on every continent except Antarctica, so even if it had 100% fatality rate in Africa, it would not wipe out all black people without wiping out just about everyone else, too.

It wasn't ready, same as the Zika virus funded by Gates that escaped the lab.

White man juju just too good.

Nope. Not if it kills off it's host before it can spread. There was a super version of the black plague called the red death. It killed people within a single day. It caused massive bleeding from every part of the body including the pores in their skin and organ failure. The victims weren't alive long enough for it to spread and only a few people got it. Thank God for that.

Play the game plague Inc for a example

>complaining about black people

Sorry mate, you should stop using Sup Forums for a while.

Some dick made a vaccine or something

>shitskin thinks everyone in Brazil is a mixed mongrel like him thus can't complain about niggers

I think they have a filter that just uses dialysis now. Like I said our magic medicine is better than our bio weapons.

Most really severe plagues are ones we get from other animals. What makes a cow a little sick will make us very, very dead. High population density of people living with many different varieties of livestock and poor understanding of hygiene is why medieval Europe had so many.

These days, the country to really watch out for is India.

Oh that would be clever. Doesn't it hang out in other bodily fluids though? I seem to recall much ado about being potentially sexually transmissible for upwards of 90 days.

I was hearing about the tabaco based vaccine for a while, but didn't have time to pay close attention. I seem to recall hearing that it wound up not working as hoped, at least at first.

because white doctors went there and stopped the virus

It's been around for like 50 years. It just had a bumper year and got a lot of attention. People are getting ebola all the time though.

Nope just a filter is all thats required now. Uses some protein that attaches to the ebola virus only.

Too lethal, not easily transmissible.

The only reason it spread so much is because of a local cultural tradition of the family getting together to wash the dead body during the burial service. That would put them in direct contact with Ebola-containing fluids which would spread the disease.

Once people were educated on what not to do, it became much easier to contain.

The other problem is it tends to render people immobile or obviously sick too quickly; it's too damaging. The flu can spread because while it may be potentially lethal you could still get up and go buy groceries or go to the pharmacy, where you come into contact with other people. It often begins with milder symptoms, and people mistake it for a bad cold or allergies, further increasing the risk of person-person contact. The flu can be spread by aerosol droplets, so you don't need to touch anyone, you just have to be in a space with someone who is coughing or sneezing. Hence the 1918 flu pandemic.

When you have Ebola, you don't fucking move. You lay there and suffer. Not good for transmission, especially when it requires direct contact.

You have to admit that's pretty darn cool.

Other than this It was because of thankless white apologists. We all knew that travel to and from would cease with extreme vetting. A plane so much as has one big of vomit it would be grounded and quarantined until doctors could rule out Ebola or the plane and its entire manifest would have to ride it out - or be incinerated with a unanimous vote of passengers and crew.

Interestingly, people who have influenza become more sociable.

Retards like this did everything in their power to spread it to first world countries and it still didn't take.

Wtf auto correct I meant to say nigger

our meme team was ambitious but unskilled back then