President of the United States of America for eight years

>President of the United States of America for eight years
>Wasn't even an actual US citizen from birth and pretty much lied to all of us
Why is he allowed to get away with this shit? It's been months since he's been exposed and yet the only thing I'm seeing about him recently are a bunch of grocery store magazines with his face on them praising his service

Other urls found in this thread:–Steagall_Act#1999_Gramm.E2.80.93Leach.E2.80.93Bliley_Act

Obama is literally the greatest president of all-time imo. Drumpf is the worst and he kept that birther lie going for years. Now he makes up new lies about Obama. Ugh I hate Drumpf.

>Why is he allowed to get away with this shit?

white guilt=affirmative action prezzy=globalists and bankers had their way for 8 years


>literally so mad a nigger was president
>so mad a nigger is twice as smart as a shart-in-mart

greatest of all time actually

And still better than Dumpf

How much did the population increase during that time period?

Why do you think he fled the mainland alone?

Hey look, it's that cringey leaf who posts graphs he doesn't understand. lol

God you people are worse then leftists


babies don't need jobs.


Wow, i'm sure all those people love working part-time at Wal-Mart

Not possible

Aren't burgers better off when he's in office compared to Bush?

What does that have to do with what the user posted? The vast majority of people here hate you and grow tired of you. We have had the same conversations with you and you have lost them before but always continue on like they never happen.

You give credit to the president when its convenient for you but then credit to the house/senate when its also an inconveniences your argument.

Yes and Drumpf

>tfw Bush was better than Drumpf.

any child of a US citizen can be a US citizen. Courts have indicated they will not interfere if voters themselves choose someone despite questions about background.

birth certif was giant waste of time red herring.

I also wonder what kind of pedo he is. Those Podesta leaks need to be investigated.

Why do right wing retards always post charts of Bush crashing the economy in 2008 that end in 2012? These are the most retarded graphs ever.

Why don't you filthy retards ever just once post graphs from 2009 to 2017 to show Obama's actual record. Oh that's right, because he has a good record and you know it.

You right wing retards don't even know when Obama took office. That's how fucking dumb you are.

There are tons of great paying jobs out there right now. The problem for right wing retard Trump voters is that they don't have the skills, education or work ethic to attain those jobs.

>Why do right wing retards always post charts of Bush crashing the economy in 2008 that end in 2012?

Guaranteed you fucking retard won't answer that.

Didn't bush have a more democrate house/senate than obama did? Especially at the end of Obama's term? See what i mean.

I am not even bothering to answer your question if you completely avoided statement i posted originally.

>You give credit to the president when its convenient for you but then credit to the house/senate when its also an inconveniences your argument.

Bush had a fucking GOP Congress for 6 years from 2001 to 2007. You fucking retards are gigantic dindus. You are the biggest dindus on the planet. You will dindu an entire 8 year GOP Presidency. You're a filthy fucking dindu and you know it.

Answer the question you little bitch.

Why do right wing retards always post charts of Bush crashing the economy in 2008 that end in 2012?

And no btw, Obama had the largest Democratic majorities in Congress in decades.

So you admit obama entered under a more liberal house?

Then why did he struggle to pass anything, like actual healthcare plans, if he entered into an environment with less GOP congress?

Also, didn't obama have a more republican congress/house by the time he started to "fix" what right wing retards did? You see how misinformed you are about american politics? You have no idea how powerful the house is vs the president. Yes, bush fucked things up, no one here who is an oldfag will argue this, but obama wasn't an improvement and he didn't fix anything under a democrat house, only when more conservative(or rather neo-con) heads started taking power from liberal ones.

Obamaleaf, what have you to say about the recent accusations that you refuse to eat any shit that isn't "straight from the source", in your own words, "the ass of a child", and that you can only ejaculate when you "know that (your) desires are ruining a child's innocence both physically and mentally"?

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. I swear to god you're a full blown fucking handicap.

On Feb. 17th, about a month after taking office. Obama passed a massive stimulus that saved the American economy and averted a 2nd Great Republican Depression.

Wtf has Trump passed? Republicans can't even pass their own healthcare bill.

This is what I mean. You fucking right wing retards are so dumb. You're so full of shit. YOu know NOTHING about your own country.

Obama was busy averting a 2nd Great Republican Depression. You retards are too mentally handicapped to know how bad the economy was when Bush left office.

I'm dead serious. You have to be fucking mentally brain dead to not know how bad the 2008 Bush Crash and Republican Recession was.

This is disturbing. You retards have fucked up minds

the answer is... because these right winger are actual retards and always in denial

>implying this country isnt a honeypot for this time zone.


the worst part is that they're in complete denial about how retarded they are. They should stfu and leave the economy to the experts (Democrats) but instead they elect Republicans who crash the economy every time.

So all your saying is trump has to sign a hyper stimulus bill and he wins?

someone should tell his brother

too unbelievable to gain any traction as a real story, the birther movement was already a thing and failed, plus he was on the way out

Globalists installed Obama, and then they wanted Canadian Ted Cruz, so that in a decade they could say "see! nation states were silly all along!"

haha fucking coward. afraid of leaf graph, you little bitch?

how many entered the workforce? How many worked multiple jobs? How many were part time? How many delayed retirement? How many were working a job a fraction of the pay of their previous job?

Holy shit can you follow along?

The retard was trying to claim that Obama didn't get anything done.

>Then why did he struggle to pass anything

Trump can't pass shit. Trumpcare is a disaster. It's supposed to go to the floor of the House for a vote tmrw. It's looking doubtful.

95% Obama full time job creation.

Obama job creation was 3x population growth, hence why the unemployment rate fell.

Right wing retards don't know this but when unemployed get jobs, the unemployment rate goes down. You're the only retards on the planet who actually don't know this. Even children understand such a simple concept.

The most hilarious thing ever is when a retarded 75 cent leaf dares criticize the thriving Obama economy. You're a fucking idiot.

You got btfo retard.

You can only ask questions and get btfo. That's your only function in life.

Lots of succulent hot dogs, dude.

A fucking leaf

Obama leaf has no answers to the skyrocketing levels of student debt Obama presided over. Avg household debt up and wages stagnated.

Yeah what a powerhouse economy they didn't raise int rates for his entire term.

Notice how you retards always jump from topic to topic, you get btfo, you jump to the next thing. You never address any of my points. YOU JUST GET BTFO. Every fucking day. Don't you get tired of getting annihilated by me?

Median income and wages went up under Obama.

You stupid fucking retard.

Wrong again bitch.

I think it's a sign that the deep state is more in control that even we think it is. Libtartds should really try to fight off their brain washing and see what's going on.


And yeah they did raise rates under Obama. And the USD boomed under Obama.

You filthy fucking retard. I just annihilated you.

I destroy you morons for breakfast.

How does it feel bitch?

>better than Jefferson
>or Lincoln
Nah. Pretty okay guy, tho.


>Wrong again bitch.
Jeez, the stats are publicly available. Why are you being so retarded? Is someone paying you to post this shit? For your sake, I hope so because if you're not being paid, you really are fucking stupid. Take one stat alone... U.S. National Debt doubled to nearly $20 trillion and that rise represented as much debt as was accrued under ALL previous Presidents.

You just proved my point. You literally just proved it. You retards get btfo every time, you don't address anything that I wrote, and you just jump to the next topic. Every fucking time.

>and that rise represented as much debt as was accrued under ALL previous Presidents.

Wrong. You just described Reagan, not Obama.

Stupid fucking morons.

If they actually crashed the economy, all their efforts to defraud the American public would be for naught, as the dollar would be made worthless.

I know Leafs get a lot of stick for living in such a cucked country but, to be fair, most Leafs here are intelligent enough to know what's going on and they hate King Cuck Trudeau guts. I suppose you think he's a top guy?!? For fucks sake, grow up.

>You just proved my point. You literally just proved it. You retards get btfo every time, you don't address anything that I wrote, and you just jump to the next topic. Every fucking time.

The middle class is mostly republican Leafag, the middle class is the most population dense and rich class.

While the Democrats are the poorest class.

What you're saying makes zero sense.
>Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.

Republicans also express a much higher level of satisfaction with their personal financial situation than either Democrats or Independents. Before the U.S. economy’s downturn, an all-time high of 81 percent of Republicans expressed satisfaction with their personal financial situation. That number dropped to 61 percent in 2009, but it is still significantly higher than the corresponding 52 percent of Independents and 49 percent of Democrats. A much larger proportion of Republicans than Democrats also identify themselves as “haves” versus “have-nots."

Voting democrat means you're poor and uneducated.

I mean seriously the last fucking sentence even says
Literal gibs me dats.

>You just proved my point. You literally just proved it.
HAHA! You really are fucking stupid! Obama's stats aren't even on the chart. Fact is that Obama nearly doubled the national debt over his 8 years in office.

If you want a job and a raise you vote Democrat.

If you want a recession, you vote Republican.

It's that simple.

Bill Clinton created 23 million jobs.
Barack Obama created 16 million jobs.
George Bush created 1 million jobs.

>i like debt


It was nothing approaching a Republican recession, it was a Fed/Fannie Mae-Freddie-Mac/Bill Clinton subprime loan recession caused by government mandates on homes loans for people who could not afford them. You are a consummate dipshit and Obama did NOTHING to help. Tarp money didn't even get used correctly and none of the wall street assholes went to jail or even got a slap on the wrist. Kill yourself.

This leaf has been doing these threads for months now.

He vanished for a little why but started up again. Don't know why.

You retards must love getting destroyed by me.

Name the last REPUBLICAN President to balance the budget. Give me the fiscal year and the budget.

Go ahead I'll wait.

This is where you retards always fail.
You can't do it. You know you can't. You just got btfo. You can't answer it. Not correctly.

AHAHAHA Right wing retards are the biggest fucking dindu nuffins on the planet.

You know you are. You ARE A DINDU


You are the biggest fucking dindu degenerates on the planet.

You retards are fucking pathetic.

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

If you want a welfare plantation inner city home, a bullshit part time Obamacare dodging job and a forced redistribution of wealth, vote democrat. You're so fucking stupid it's funny. Keep ranting, it amuses me.

I needed a break. I told you. It still boggles my mind that you right wing retards can be so fucking stupid.

Yeah. I feel totally btfo. It hurts, truly.

Taxes are theft. Democrats are thieves, liars, criminals and , worst of all, socialists.

British billionaire tickles the nuclear codes out of giggling Barry.

Obama's legacy.

Actually, the greatest concentrations of Republican voters are in the poorest and most-rural States, particularly the Deep South and Southern Appalachia (where the only left-leaning outposts are in the money-concentrated metropolises).
Oddly, this is also a class that consistently votes against its own interests, tending as they do to vote for figures who propagate the defunding of welfare programs - programs that specifically benefit their disadvantaged economic class - notable as the brunt of allocations toward the ever-so-notorious welfare budgets are directed toward Social Security, which the overwhelmingly right-leaning elderly have paid decades into.
This is a class of working-poor useful-idiots who vote to destroy their own labor unions and who then wonder why they haven't seen a pay raise in twelve years; who make a living fishing the coasts of Louisiana and ask for gibs when Republican legislators lift regulations on oil drilling facilities that inevitably destroy their professional habitats; who despise the educated classes because those classes trend toward liberalism while earning more in a decade than the Republican Poor will earn in his lifetime.

95% of Obama job creation was full time You right wing retards are so fucking stupid, you think Obamacare has anything to do with how BLS tracks full time.

In 8 fucking years, you never bothered once to actually research the jobs data. It would have taken you 5 minutes. You're too retarded to even do that.

>Throw trillions of tax payer money at companies
>companies have more money now


That's how Democrats 'revive the economy' by going further into debt.
>sign a stimulus

AHAHAHAHA this is what I mean. You're proving my point. You retards are worse than autistic children. You see fake images with false data and you believe it instantly. You know why? CAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING RETARD.

1 question.

How mentally fucking handicapped do you have to be to think that the national debt was $6.5T when Obama took office?

I'm serious. You're a full blown mental handicap.

You should be embarrassed with how fucking stupid you are. You right wing retards are so dumb, you're duped by pictures. PICTURES! You're worse than 5 year olds.

That's Richard Branson. He lives on a private island in the Caribbean and, at the same time, tries to preach about keeping free-movement of people into the UK from the rest of the EU - a good little globalist. Fuck Branson and fuck Obama. They were probably fucking each other in any case.


Obama is the slowest spender in 80 years

inb4 right wing retards don't know what spending is because yes you are that dumb

>Bill Clinton
Really, one of the least-responsible Presidents for this; the domino-effect of deregulation goes back to Nixon, though Carter's Community Reinvestment Act takes a disproportionate amount of credit for 2009's insanity.
In your lifetime, however, W is the most-culpable President.

The courts have rule if you have one parent thats an american citizen, you are a natural citizen. It doesn't really matter where you were born. This is why Ted Cruz was able to run.

Right wing retards prefer another Great Republican Depression.

I can absolutely confirm that Obama-leaf said that.
I remember nodding along with him.
It was horrifying.

>throw billions from the public purse the bail the banks out
>save the economy


You know what's weird though if I took a loan from a bank I have to pay it back with interest, so why didn't the banks have to pay back the bailout?

>I'm serious.

Hey guys. The leaf is serious. Everyone just watch yourselves.

> The president who finished off Glass Steagall was the least responsible

>How mentally fucking handicapped do you have to be to think that the national debt was $6.5T when Obama took office?
You're embarrassing yourself you fuck wit. Even a 10 year old kid could reach the chart. It's INCREASE IN NATIONAL DEBT BY PRESIDENT. Fucking moron.

you retards just make shit up

Wow, it's like being 20 trillion dollars in debt was caused by Obama throwing tax money at failing companies, basically paying them to hire people and plunging us into debt that will totally never bite us in the ass.


TARP was done under Bush. You retards are honestly full blown mental handicaps.

The stimulus was tax cuts for poor and middle class and infrastructure spending.

How can you people be so fucking retarded?

I wasn't talking about overall spending, I was referring to stimulus package 2.

>The leaf is serious.
I haven't come across anyone so stupid as the Leaf here. I hope he is being paid to post this shit because, if not, he needs to go on medication.

Holy shit you're a moron.

Your chart says that the national debt from George Washington to the end of Bush was $6.3T so

How mentally fucking handicapped do you have to be to think that the national debt was $6.3T when Obama took office?–Steagall_Act#1999_Gramm.E2.80.93Leach.E2.80.93Bliley_Act
>The Senate Banking Committee approved in a straight party line 11-9 vote a bill (S. 900) sponsored by Senator Gramm that would have repealed Glass–Steagall Sections 20 and 32 and that did not contain the CRA provisions in the Committee’s 1998 bill. The nine dissenting Democratic Senators ...
Oho. Now what.


Can you refute what he's saying?

No actually Obama is the slowest spender in 80 years and he reduced the budget deficit by 2/3

You retards are too fucking stupid to know this.

Name the last Republican president to reduce the budget deficit over their full term.



Name the last Republican president to reduce the budget deficit over their full term.

You forgot fast and the furious