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>Character with autism
>Will probably be BAZINGA in a power ranger suit


>media in the year 2017, USA standard:
>has to include at least one black female, at least one transvestite, at least one autist

Forreal though, what the fuck is the media actually doing lately?

Power rangers were always autism, but it's positive kind of autism.

What would an autistic superhero do during a fight?

Stand to the side and organize rocks?

Track the location of the enemie's base using star maps and flight radars.

This. Is. AWESOME! Epic level: bacon.

The final battle has been leaked!


>This is AUTISM!


Triggered the yid lmfao

Weaponized Autism is real AF gf is on spectrum and some of her mental capacities fuck my head up.

As in remembering everyday of ur life in detail

God, I have seen nothing but faux controversy about the movie. It's going to have a lesbian character and an autist. I am well aware of that part. But conflict? Does it have a villain? Does it have a plot? These questions are increasingly being answered by this type of hype.
If it was gonna be good, they'd focus on how it's going to be good. Since it's not, they are focused on inane details. I guess they found a way to guilt people into going to the remakes at least...