Why do Aircraft leave this trail over my house?

Why do Aircraft leave this trail over my house?

It happens daily...

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Cloud seeding, western countries do this to increase rainfall. I'm assuming you live in a prairie state?

basically this.

aluminum and floride particles to make you gay

Jews did it

Stop asking questions and go outside and inhale OP.

>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).

Just breath....

Drink tap water too.


It's called contrails. Hot + Cold = condensation. Condensation + high relative humidity = clouds. Are you releasing mind control chemicals when you breath out on a cold day?

I swear to god its true

I look up these days there are countless contrails that remain up for hours and ruin the sky


Didn't they say contrails disappear within minutes?
They disperse and form clouds up there. The clouds have a specific look they dont look like regular clouds. I see it happen every day from my balcony

like pic related

Because the hot jet engine creates condensation up high in the cold air and will leave trails.

They're literally adding shit to jet fuel to CAUSE global warming? It seems crazy enough to be true honestly...

Are you retarded? What do you think the "con" in contrail means? It means condensation. What do you think clouds are? That's right, they are condensation. If they are chemically the same thing, why would contrails have to disappear instantly while clouds can linger all day?

contrails don't stay for hour you cunt

Hey look, it's another retard who has put zero thought into this.
Refer to this post:

fantastic exercise in missing the point
fuck off

Miami or Tallahassee particles?

>Why do Aircraft leave this trail over my house?
Because air passes across an airfoil at different speeds, which causes condensation as a byproduct of creating several tonnes of lift.


I think anons just saying how it looks shit m8

Missing what point? If clouds and contrails are chemically identical, why would they act different under the same conditions? That's right, they wouldn't. Even a toddler should understand this.

are these hills natural?

fookin leaf.

contrails don't stick around for hours

these do

the sky is completely blue and planes come and go and their contrails disappear shortly after they leave them

then planes start leaving these chemtrails or whatever the fuck and they turn the entire sky a murky grey yellow tinge

how is this paranormal?

might aswell make alex jones threads on /x/ too.

>contrails don't stick around for hours
Why not?

Learn to read, faggot. Contrails are chemically identical to clouds. Clouds can linger all day, thus contrails can linger all day. This isn't rocket science.


they are not supposed to form clouds up there that's the point dumbass.
Who looks at this shit and thinks 'looks fine'?

whether it is chem or not fix this shit. I dont care what it is. Fix it. Officials for years told the chemtrail crowd contrails disappear within minutes thats what they said.

Not stay there almost a whole fucking day and disperse in the way you see in pic.

H2O is a byproduct of combustion chemical reaction. It condenses at altitude, freezes, then sublimates to eventually disappear from view.

Well I guess OP is a High Value Target for the Gov't, but they can't afford to simply take OP out for fear of the media and population retaliation. So they set in motion the intelligence community world-wide to do whatever it takes not to draw attn on OP's assassination.
>Best solution: make it so jet engines leave behind a huge trail so they can eventually thell all people 'Hey it's normal' but accully they poison OP with small amounts of faggotry and mind controll nanobots.

u think so...?
there stay for hours without mixing with Surroundings...and u mean contril are existing only in the last 20years???
the fuel has canged...with many additives. the facotrys not forced to produce harmless stuff. so there sell possible toxic mixture

There's also fluoride in my water. I am taking it from all sides.

We currently don't have the technology to fix the fact that condensation is created by hot aircraft flying through the air.

Blaim this guy for the chem trails

i can see the point you're making but your autism about how clear the sky is is showing

Most of it is just water.
Some of it is weather changing experiments.

Alex Jones is 100% correct on the subject.
What they are spraying in the air is most likely not dangerous for health, what is dangerous is how the ignorant public and dishonest media attacks anyone who questions ''chemtrails''. It leads to a lot of misinformation.

what causes this?

Contrails have existed for as long as there were passenger planes. Of course they will increase over time as quantity of planes increase over time.

Look at how many fucking planes are in the air right now

Congrats leaf.... Now put two and two together.

Mass migration of the middle east and sub-Saharan Africa into the west, along with a global warming program to resist an ice age and control human evolution. Last time something like this was tried was the tower of Babel, before that the land island.

>they are not supposed to form clouds up there that's the point dumbass.
In the fucking sky?
>Officials for years told the chemtrail crowd contrails disappear within minutes thats what they said.

Condensation. The exhaust is hot and the air is cold. It causes a thermodynamic reaction that causes small clouds to form in the exhaust trail.

Condensation. Can you not read? See those clouds around the contrails? They are the exact same thing as the contrails. Tell me why they can linger but contrails aren't allowed to linger according to your retard logic.

for carss required katalysators because of possible toxic exhaust

Haarp project...humans trying to be Gods...common us launch 10000 nukes in the atmosphere

Condensation is not toxic exhaust, genius.

OK. So if chemtrails were real (they aren't) it would have to mean:
All jet A1 is mixed with sth
Refineries, tankers, pipeline workers all either in on it or somehow oblivious
Also it somehow doesn't damage the engine (which can't fly through an invisible ash cloud because of nanoparticles)
It is added to the aircraft so:
Engineers, ground landlers, pilots, airport security, airline security all either in on it or somehow oblivious


The effects are intended to cover massive indiscriminate areas

I don't think so.

Because chemical properties can be different that physical properties. Lol why does ice float??

I feel the same way. "Oh they disperse in a couple minutes." No they don't. They spread out and cover the entire sky in a grey haze and block out the sun over the course of several hours. I don't care if it's chemicals or condensation. It's keeping the public from having full enjoyment of a sunny day. I think airlines should have to compensate me for fucking up my sky. Anybody that thinks these disappear in a minute, just watch them one day. A dozen criss-crossing lines will spread out and become man-made cloud cover in a few hours. I've watched it happen hundreds of times on days without a single natural cloud in the sky.

it's called a contrail, the fucker just flew through a different temperature of sky where the trail shows more, its not complicated

check the websites out there. Have read that back in 2007 when I first observed the chemtrails above our house and read about the chemtrails theory on the net.
people asked and were told contrails disappear it said that on multiple websites and interviews Ive read then.

and I ve seen those. I ve seen the type of contrail that disappears. Before my eyes. Because I have a habit of spending multiple hours in the morning and evening on my balcony looking at the sky.

doesn't answer why it behaves differently under same conditions. Are there massive temperature differences making a contrail disappar at certain parts of the sky?

>The effects are intended to cover massive indiscriminate areas

I notice there are more trails around urban areas and less in the rural ones...

Yes contrails good goyim.

The aircraft is in such a hot rage seeing your house that it spews hot gasses out of its rear and punches the air with its wings with such high pressures it causes water vapor to form.

To mess with your metagenome and remove certain undesirable genetic traits


Sorry to hear you have down syndrome. Let me explain this to you.

Cloud = Condensation
Contrails = Condensation
Put contrails in the same environment as clouds and they will act the same. That means if facts like relative humidity and wind permit clouds lingering all day at a specific altitude and general position, then they permit contrails lingering all day.

Surely it would depend on temp difference, hence why different clouds form and why some disperse

That's not (just) it. The pressure change over the wings to generate lift causes condensation too.

>check the websites out there.
Can't find any that are that stupid.
> I ve seen the type of contrail that disappears. Before my eyes.
I have no doubt that you have. Because they can. They can also last for hours. Because it's weather. Weather isn't some singular static thing. It changes quite often per the prevailing conditions.

Who would release chemtrails into the air
imagine i am a rich globalist whore who wants world domination and control of the populace through chemicals
If i spike the water supply or air supply i'd contaminate myself, why would i do that shit?

>Because it's weather.
no, its not. It's gas coming out of a jet engine dummy.

there can't be massive temperature differences at this height, that's the problem.

More aircraft over urban areas, not just a2b flights but holding patterns. Urban areas form conurbations, rural areas may not have a major airport for miles.

The fluoride is just a ruse to shift your focus from chemtrails, user. Don't fall for it.

It's condensation. Condensation isn't a gas, retard. Stop embarrassing yourself.

No, that would be exhaust, which is entirely different to condensation. Ever had your breath fog up on a cold day? Exact same thing, due to pressure change. Wings are made to cause pressure change (so shit can fly), and thus, cause a lot of condensation.
On a day with slack or complimentary wind, they can last for hours.

Temp differences, pressure differences, you have no real gauge of how high the plane is or whether it is ascending or descending, so you have no idea of the temperature differences.

The sky isnt a homogenous environment

They just test...if they doom you all..well a mistake...they have bunkers, with non gmo seeds...they can start over in theyr opinion

I don't doubt that govts or individuals might want to poison people, but this would be an impossibly retarded way to do it.

Yes there can be. There can be changes in both temperature and relative humidity. Why do you think that sometimes you can literally watch clouds disappear or appear in the sky? It's because of wild fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity, which effects dewpoint. Stop talking about a subject you literally know nothing about.


hardly believable that it stays up almost a whole day.

not buying it baby. That does not happen. There are particles in the jet fuel that stay up there this shit has substance.


there spraying shit over you to kill you. anybody who says anything differently is a liar.my credentials: born and lived in 80's didnt happen, ever. why does the sky turn red when this shit, now is sprayed and left. before the sun sets? youtube.com/watch?v=3e81V5232os

they are using drones to spray

2015-2016 report from hessen

have a look at these images and tell me again this is just natrual or normal contrails kek


double kek

>"look at this beautiful sky"

We had cloud seeding a hundred years ago. We could make it rain by seeding clouds with chemicals that cause moisture to condense and fall. Who here thinks that technology hasn't advanced in over a hundred years? What other technolgy hasn't advanced at all in that timeframe? Has nobody listened to Bill Gates talking about how we need to spray shit in the sky to control weather at his global warming conferences? If you think weather manipulation is still in the cloud-seeding stages then you must believe cell phones don't exist because phone technology never got farther than Alexander Graham Bell's first prototypes.

he admits they do spray and tehn says its for good. NOPE THYERE TRYING TO KILL YOU ALL.
>my theory.

>not buying it baby.
That's fine, 'cause no one's selling it. It's physics. you can test this shit yourself.

Chemtrails are for cloud seeding, we get bombarded by them in England, they only leave like couple of days per month without spraying. I imagine all of this is done to conceal real climate change effects such as drought.

they're detecting extraterrestrial weapons systems in your area


Look at that video then trust your fossil Queen, thinking she is pure blood

>Chemtrails are for cloud seeding,

they also use them to dispose of industrial pollutants

it's cheaper and legal that way

Did you even read the second image you posted? Are you that fucking stupid?

It's cheaper to load them onto every aircraft, which have very strict weight limits, and blow them out into the atmosphere somehow?

Richard Branson got the rights to the atmosphere from his cuddle bunny

You dumb Alex Jones watching nigger. They do it to make you gay, faggot.

It's to make you autistic.


every combustion in existence:
CxHy + O2 -- CO2 + H2O

the combustion produces H2O in gas state, but due to the low presure the low temperature cant condense the water

Now spraying people; there have been precedents such as




yup, you know what it costs to dispose of that stuff legally? costs a damn fortune, cheaper to mix it with fuel and dump it into the atmosphere, also then you get to laugh at flipper babies

No, it's not. The wealthiest areas in the largest cities by and large do NOT fluoridate their water supply.

Case in point below.


>They do it to make you gay

the estrogenic petrochemicals make you gay, put out by dow and dupont, 2 families full of gay child fuckers

>No, it's not. The wealthiest areas in the largest cities by and large do NOT fluoridate their water supply.

just like Israel, really makes you wonder

Or bring it to romanian corupt oporrunist goverment hydra, like europe does it

So it's cheaper to do it with a phenomenally expensive process, for use on vehicles which require the purest of pure combustible materials to function. And somehow this makes clouds not behave as they should do.
Shit, i think they earn whatever happens by altering the laws of physics and economics.