Is it worth taking a DNA test like 23andme or AncestryDNA? Has any of you taken it?

Is it worth taking a DNA test like 23andme or AncestryDNA? Has any of you taken it?

Inb4 giving your DNA to Jews, but the government already has it since you were born.

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It's pretty good, if you come from a family like mine where for at least a couple of generation the identity was " American" it's great to be able to actually get clarification. I had been advised of potential Italian, Squaw ,and nigger ancestry only to find that I'm pretty much 100% English. This changed the historical and identity related outlook of not only me but the family as a whole. It's great tool.

No don't your DNA gets recorded in a massive registry, escecially 23andMe, and the jew-owning kikes can do what they want with it
RIP if you already did it

I just got mine back, idk how rare it is to have 99% European DNA

23andme are Jews

Oh ya... and then what do they do with it? As OP mentioned DNA is easy enough to get that anyone who wants it already has it. Please enlighten us as to 23's master plan.

what will you do with the knowledge?
can you not discern your race from looking in the mirror.

23 and me is owned by google's parent company

It's only worth taking one of you suspect there to be jew, poo in loo or leaf in your dna.

I'm gonna buy a test tonight. I want to find out how much of a mudblood I am. I have suspicions that one of my ancestors fucked a nigger because I have nig facial features. My ancestors were good goy European race mixers and fucked (white) people from different countries. But I still have my suspicions.


I didn't do it, but a family member is. The thing is, it really didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. It confirmed our main ancestry (irish and northwest european) and then gave us all this you might be 0-5% iberian or 0-5% baltic nonsense which isn't interesting or informative.

The army already has my DNA do whatever.

If a doctor has ever taken your blood I'm sure (((they))) got a copy of your information right?

Ever pissed for a doctor or drug test?

What year were you born? Was it in the last 20 years? Implying they didn't start taking records decades ago?

(((They))) run everything right? If this is inherently true, they already fucking have it.

Stick to your own fucking narrative retard.


>one drop

This. I know it's an exciting prospect, but only if you're ignorant to how specific your genetics actually are // or REALLY excited to find your genetic markers. I'd be too. But they have the right to keep your info, and then later sell to insurance companies to mark up your premiums from the the get go, or other industries. The ancestry is just a scam to get it, if you really wanna do it, find another actor to do it, could be pricy though.

They /claim/ that police don't even ask for it and when they do it's useless. Come to think of it though I don't think I recall their saying they don't give it to the rest of the government.

Here's their privacy section:

"The state already got it" - Prove it // source. They don't do complete genetic analyses on every fucking organic samples they take you fucking idiots. Do you realize how expensive that is? Not to mention the time it'd take, it'd be literally impossible to keep secret. Further it would be illegal and citizens might be able to take legal action were that the case; now you're voluntarily selling your rights away, while PAYING for it. Classic jew'd. Fight your dissonance and see the light you self obsessed retards.

Im such a kike but I dont look like one. Is it possible that my nose is a lie and Im full jew?

Actually you can be surprised how cheap dna testing is. There's 5 different methods out right now with loads of different options.

This. Nigger.

As long as you're okay with the government having access to your genetic data. They undoubtedly give the government access:

"However, we do use and share aggregate information with third parties in order to perform business development, initiate research, send you marketing emails and improve our services.

Aggregate information has been stripped of your personal details (e.g., your name and contact information) and aggregated with the information of others so that you cannot reasonably be identified as an individual."

>However we do share
Sounds like legal jargon to work around your worries.

You're fucking paying them to have your genetic material obtained and properly identified and labeled.

This is some next-level kikery for insecure "muh ancestry" tryhards. You have to be a goddamn idiot to want this.

Go with ancestry instead, the way they track things works a bit differently. With 23andme if you had a great great great great grandfather went and slept his way around Africa it would tell you you had African DNA just because you had shared ancestry with nignogs even though your lineage is otherwise totally separate.

Also i'd trust Mormons over Jews any day.

Also this:
It may affect your pocketbook more than just the cost of the test.

Do you reckon they throw in the "African" to fuck with us?

I've never seen anyone post a 23andme, which doesn't either say 1 percent African, or 1 percent Abkhanazi.

I just bought the AncestryDNA one because its $100+ cheaper

>its illegal

Literally so?

It's pretty cool; for extra points, you can upload it to something by Stanford so that it can plot you on a PCA chart. You can guess what I am from mine.

I'm the black square, by the way.

> it'd be literally impossible to keep secret

That's why it's not a secret. Been going on in the US for decades.

Huh, what the fuck are you?

they do it to be politcally correct and because MUH OUT OF AFRICA THEORY


Yeah, it's pretty cool. Mine didn't have any surprises, it just backed up everything my family had been telling me about my ancestry. Also, I was happy to see 0.0% jew or nigger.

> was happy to see 0.0% jew or nigger.
Even in Korea there is concern.

I did it with 23andme I'm just waiting for my results.

Family Tree DNA is way better. They don't throw in Ashkenazi or African blood in to fuck with you, and it seems pretty reliable. I got the Family Finder for Christmas and found out I'm 100% European.

yeah, i never understood 23andme's inclusion of spurious

google promethease or go to you can export the 23andMe data into a textfile that you run thru the promethease software (on your computer or theirs) and it shows you all the health markers that 23andMe no longer shows, plus about 10,000 or more other health data points that they never showed.

Are there any alternatives to 23 and Jew if I'm Asian? I don't think Ancestry would have my family tree.

i'm 2 % middle eastern should i kill myself?

Yeah, I had mine done because I was abandoned at birth and know nothing about my real parents.

Turns out one of them is very likely to be Ashkenazi. Not sure how I feel about it after years of Sup Forums.

t. Lee

What are your haplotypes? Particularly your mitochondrial one.
Let's at least find out if you're halachic or not.

Iranian, right? What part of Iran? My family is from the north, Rasht area, on the Caspian Sea. We are all pretty and have light skin.

Both my parents are from Tehran. Also:
>We are all pretty
Take it easy.

Well it's under Nuremberg law limits.

So unless POL is now saying Fuhrer was wrong, it's allowed.


ur a kike :^)

>Further it would be illegal
But it would not be illegal for 23andjew to SELL it as a commodity, since you GAVE it to them and even PAID them to take it..
just as it would be illegal for WalMart to forbid your political speech, EXCEPT in their stores or property.

five consecutive number

Finns get usually 100% European. I'm 99,9% though

More like outdated

>Aggregate information has been stripped of your personal details
which also implies that they KEEP your identity and information together as their own record.

do it at local university / small as possible company

I got 0.1% Yakut too. I wonder if it's because I'm 3.1% Finngolian or if it's from something else.

probably just noise

In all 50 states in the USA a sample of fetal umbilical cord is "banked" and owned by the state for a period of time depending on the jurisdiction. All of I know at this program is done at the state level, but it makes sense there would be a federal database, but the state owns a tissue sample from every newborn. Some states keep the sample for over 10 years, or at least that is what the law states. Now the cost of sequencing is cheap, and 23andMe isn't even full sequencing of the genome, it uses a "gene chip" that basically looks at around 40,000 known points of interest.

>owned by google's
remember when google's motto was "do no evil"???
just like Faux News motto used to be "Fair and Balanced"

Hello Cai-Göran.

I'm 1/8 Fennoswedish and my surname is Swedish.

This. Why would you gamble with this in the hopes that they'll tell you you're whatever heritage you want to hear you are?

>In all 50 states
what's your source, the only thing I could find is a VOLUNTARY program parents have to sign up for.

I am 55 and that damn ancestry DNA site found my birth mother. with my Police record already, I don't worry about a site like this having my DNA on file.

>we are all pretty
This person really is Persian

It was in a presentation at DEF CON the hacker conference, almost three years ago. I can't find the all 50 states source at the moment, but here is an article on the same program in california.
I recall it was tissue sample in the legal text cited, but practically this is probably often a blood sample. They do not mention DNA anywhere in the law, just public health.

>In 2007, Google invested $3,900,000 in the company,
and the same article describes it as "privately held", which means Joogle doesn't have to report or explain its interest and control.
The more you read about it the worse it gets.

Out of the way non-100% european subhumans

Auschwitz is not a country.

I've taken it. It's pretty neato.

I was in the military for a long time, so they already have my DNA. I recommend the 23AndMe pack. They have a lot more information to give you and it's easier to read, IMO.

>t ashkenazi jew

It's ok I'm 92% jewish as well according to 23&me


It can warn you of certain genetic issues.

If my dad knew he had all those markers for cancer he would have caught it sooner and may be living a better quality of life. He bearly survived stage 4 throat cancer. Never smoked or drank so no one bothered to check the lump in his neck

I'm sorry.

Can you lads suggest a service which isn't Satan?

Money isn't my main concern, but I would like my DNA decoded for possible diseases etc.

You can export your data from 23andMe or (I've heard they are the same company, or rather use the same platform technology, so same data set format) and import it into promethease (running on your own computer or use their service, its PHP based) because 23andMe isn't allowed to give health risk information without FDA clearance, promethease has data on over 40,000 genetic markers. basically it uses the same database as 23 and me but uses the whole thing.

use a fake name perhaps? figure out the most untraceable method to pay for this service and do it but under a fake name. they would still have your IP address, so... yea. then export your data to promethease for like 100x the health data of current 23andMe. I do not know of any competitors in the same price range.

they're cool. My dad was adopted and we're waiting for his results now.
wish me luck.

"African" does not equal black in his case considering it says North African.

North Africans are more or less predominately caucasoids. Historically, for millennia, negroids were confined to Southern and Western Africa. Having North African DNA is not a bad thing and does not necessarily indicate that one has any negroid DNA within them.

If you have West African DNA, you're screwed though.


If you are American, if you are European not so much. Why would i pay 200 euros so it tells me im 95% Iberian and 5% other stuff? Seems like a waste

I'm not
>waiting for me when i turn 21


>Still falling for the Cash meme.
>Not bitcoin

Get on my level, Daddy's boy.

good goy


You only got into Cornell, even though you have money and are Jewish?

Fucks sake mate, I know you don't have financial worry's, but try for some self respect.

Tastefully decorated/ good wine though.