It's not a cap its bid to canada

>it's not a cap its bid to canada

leftscum dont try anymore

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's not a cap its bid to canada

Huh? Why is this an ad at a Polish bus stop?

what the fuck...

>An ad featuring a MAGA hat in Poland of all places

Damn we really are influential
I thought America taking over world culture was just a meme

Cancer left wing paper id say.
Go look it up, owned by German group. Typical Germans causing shit storm again.

It's really not.
t. American living in Czech Republic

>dzien dobry emocje
can any polack translate this for me ? something with good emotion ?

This,, and many more are German-owned newspapers spreading German propaganda.

Good morning emotions

Saw that 5 days ago but couldnt be assed to take a picture.
Basically just a bunch of leftist shitheads jumping on the Trump hate bandwagon because it gives attention.

>muh feelings
lol typical liberal bullshit

What do you mean bid to canada?

>German owned
nice try Seba.

Fucking gibberish that what it is.
Exactly same meaning as "Good morning emotions"

City of Szczecin is FULL of those ads, like literally everywhere.

Invitation is a better translation

Its not a hat its an invitation to Canada, op is a tard.

It translates to "It's not a hat, it's an invitation to Canada."

I don't get it.

Jak już chcesz tłumaczyć to rób to poprawnie.
>It isn't a cap
>It's invitation to Canada

Basically leftist butthurt.

It's time to build that camps once again, poles.

But why it's an invitation to canada? I don't get it. Who is inviting who?

In hindsight, Stalin would have been better than Truman for western Europe.

Im ok with Poles coming here but our country is not Kanady... wtf poland

haha yeah Canadians are so much more accepting of other cul-

Leftists are butthurt that Trump won so they declare that Canada, which apparently still is open, is greatest place on earth now.

>muh trump is so evil so burgers have to flee to canada
I'm waiting for our Sebas to vandalize it.

Well, our country is not called Poland, neither.

there the fuck is that even

it doesn't even make much sense

Slavic languages are retarded and the noun changes depending on function.

(What?) - Kanada
(Whose?) - Kanady
(To who?) - Kanadzie
(Whose?/What?) - Kanadę
(With who?) - (z) Kanadą
(About who?) - (o) Kanadzie
(Oh my...) - Kanado

Why would a Brit learn Polish? It's pointless to learn a language spoken by an eastern European language besides Russian.

>was once part of Sweden


where* is that
fuck me.

I heard there is like 22 ways of spelling two? Why havnt you guys fixed that

More like invitation

Can someone explain how a MAGA hat is an invitation to Canada? They hate Trump in Canada.

I fucking hate this country

Its globalist propaganda which suggests now that trump has won everyone else should leave to a better country ( Canada ).
Why is it in Poland is beyond me, especially so long after the inauguration.

You can't understand what "dzien dobry" means?


Me too :(

Wtf is that supposed to mean?