"Suspect confirmed to be Abu Izzadeen...

"Suspect confirmed to be Abu Izzadeen, known spokesman of a pro-extremism organization and previously convicted for funding terrorism overseas"


How the fuck does a guy like that stay in the country after all this shit for 10 years?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because he was born and bred British.

That thing is not "British" under any definition a man can accept.

He was retarded ''dude weed'' Jamaican diaspora. Not British

I see , so if a mouse born in a nest , it must be a bird , goddamn its pure logic !

Typical mudshit. I like how they deny they aren't violent savages.

>Hate preacher
way too much of those
too much tolerance with them





>be known as hate preacher
>do terrorist attack

This guy was openly talking about how only Muslims should have any rights and whatever happens to anyone else is irrelevant

>still not banned from UK
>how could this happen, oh nooo

Could this give /ourgal/ the boost needed to get into the Élysée Palace?

>women in power
not even once

Of course you can trust that, because it's almost certainly fucking true lol

Le Pen might be baiting the right wing and switch sides like a sly woman


No, she failed miserably in the regional elections last time not long after the Bataclan massacre.

The state of white people:

Muslims tells white cuckboi that he wants to kill him. White cuckboi laughs.


>bred British.

He's from Jamaica, he's African and not from these Isles.

Please refer to him by his proper name Allahdeen the Micro-Peen

I would've commited suicide with a penis that size as well.


Spread this.
Every Muslim has a microbenis.

>guy tells you he wants to blow up your country
>recruits people to blow up your country
>tries to fund blow up your country
>arrested for trying to blow up your country
>he actually does it
white people not even once

can you do us muslims a favor and keep the people YOU KNOW wanna blow shit up in jail?

I knew I'd seen this ugly cunt before. I fucking hate the spineless shits that cow-toe to this terrorists.

>bob chipman

Convert to something else. Islam is abso-fucking-luytely not a religion of peace and it's just going to get worse and worse until an anti-jihad is declared and you're forced out of America.

You're only a muslim because of childhood indoctrination and brainwashing. Were you born into a different family you would not believe the same things.

Literally rofling here. This is why Europe is pretty much beyond saving.

It's not only this man's fault. Islam is clearly to blame and should be condemned equally

>Islam is clearly to blame
because 1 out of all of the muslims in britain is a great representation of the islamic ideology, you people are braindead
I left christianity because its core ideas were fucked, I liked the morality but the trinity, original sin, and the church are bollocks, so I became muslim, all the christian values without the fallacies

fuck salafis tho, theyre a loud and violent minority

Hey brock, didn't you just have a heart attack today? Take the day off, just have some more of your nerd virgins take on some of the extra work load right now.

>How the fuck does a guy like that stay in the country after all this shit for 10 years?
muh human rights.
muh welfare.

Half of the Muslim Brotherhood leadership still resides in London, ya cunts



I don't understand. How can you, as a leader, possibly look the victim's family in their faces and give your condolences when you deliberately chose to not take steps to prevent these kind of attacks? Why are people in charge willing to compromise the safety of their citizens? Shouldn't that be the number one priority?

Nigga you retared or somthing under islam the fucking sun and moon go to hell for people worshiping them like for real you werent droped as a baby you were pike driverd

To all the Americans getting autistic over at Reddit accusing the British media of being PC by referring to him as "Asian", over here "Asian" means Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi. Turns out he's not even Asian anway, he's black.

Your religion is scum, hated by people on a global scale and should never be advocated.

How can they even
No respec
For dis camel cuck

>Sreech about muslims

No idea why

Mudslims committing murders.
What should be done?

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, true. However every terrorist attack is perpetrated by Islam. There has been almost 500 Islamic terror attacks since the new current year began.

>Guy stabbed a police officer to death
I thought the kinfe bins were flawless??

The quran and hadith are very serious about idolatry, there's no worship of anything other than the one true Lord, the god of Moses and Aaron
>hated on a global scale
>half the worlds people follow it

It's not her fault, she has no peripheral vision due to the Democracy Hijab.

Thank god they voted Leave

/pol General Discord:


The beard's wrong.

now there's people reporting the police confirmed it isn't him
what the fuck is going on?
why did the police leak incorrect information?



> funds ISIS, promotes terror
> free to drive wherever he likes

> quote Winston Churchill
> go to jail for 2 years

Don't worry goyim, he's Asian :^)

Do you not get how retarded you religon is just from this
Dude your religon was litraly started by jews who wanted more money and land

>However every terrorist attack is perpetrated by Islam
thats not true, and to answer the question aboutthe "most" issue is because thats where the current centuries pissed off people are

its not the religion but the region, shit happens everywhere just because you arent reading about or caring about the cartels and gangs ravaging central and south america doesnt mean they dont exist, if the west was bombing them they'd probably attack in retalation as well

you all are doing to islam what you claim the msm is doing to you, overrepresentation of a violent minority, and missassociation of deeds


Still an Asian according to british census

>Dude your religon was litraly started by jews who wanted more money and land
>Biography of the prophet muhammad
>Moved into a jewish run city
>wanted to ally with them
>they backstabbed him
>he killed half, kicked the rest out
>started by jews
wtf m8

I dont rember that last time we fucking bombed rotherby or are muslims an insect like hive mind now

Nigga the people who followed him and he himself was a fucking jew who went around killing jews that wouldent submit its litraly a fact the same way jesus was a fucking jew

>thats not true


You have to go back.

>it's not the religion, but the region

So I'm guessing the recent attacks in Germany, France, and England were done by Christians, correct?

>its litraly a fact
>hasnt read factual biographies
even nonmuslim historians arent that dumb

>7 billion / 2 = 1.6 billion
Mudshit math, everyone.

Ok so what was kiddie fucker of the year 600ad before he sarted islam

This is a false equivalency

Burgers, please nuke the fuck out of Bongland.

A bong.

thats the salafi ideology thats been exported
people from the regions you bombed taught those people to hate their enemies as well
you really might wana do something about that
>missing the point
are you twelve?
most of those attacks were either made by people from those regions or sympathizers of those people see above

So is the guy still in jail or what?



Typical delusional Muslim. Unaware of how hated and wrong they are.

1,600,000,000 is still closer than 0
checkm8 athiest

He was born in Britain. Who else's responsibility he is and where are they going to deport him, Greece?

because of the european court of "justice"

Jamaica is the new Asia.


>most of those attacks were either made by people from those regions or sympathaizers of those people
Nice strawman. Those regions are heavily influenced or fully under the influence of Islam.

Well its not like it could become more of a shit hole but no hes digging the caliphate life let him live it send him to the middle east and ban him from comeing back

is it this guy?


oh did they get him alive?

>Unaware of how hated and wrong they are
Im aware of your and this hiveminds hate, but factually you are wrong. There are actually arguments and debates you can make that would be factually correct but this place continuously tries to go for every logical fallacy in the book

you dont hate because of reason, its pure emotion and it becomes obvious the more we interact, just based on the facts you and everyone here would be more aligned with islamic ideology, but you continue to hate it because of misunderstandings, racism, personal illusions MSM manipulation and fear of the unknown and unfamiliar

> 4 dead
> terrorist attack
oh boy, remember when attacks killed tens and hundreds in one operation?
even western muslims became effeminate staying with you weak faggots

yes, he's in prison apparently

no idea what the fuck is going on or why the mainstream media got that name

our fault for trusting the maynestreem meteor once again i guess


>Jamaican Muslim terrorist

Just fucking lol

"Modern Britain" in a nutshell

They're saying it's not him now.

Trevor Brooks is still in prison.

Genuinely why can people not understand this. People didn't just randomly start assuming that an attacker is a muslim, it's because most of the time it fucking is and the next one will probably be no different.

So muslims get in contact with muslims and now they rape children becuse someone how beleves in the same thing as them got blown up for chopping not muslims heads off? Yep totes ower fault sorry guys

its closer to a no true Scotsman, but justified in the fact that muslims are divided based on what makes them a "true scotsman"

For every 1 muslim that is willing to commit a terror act, there are thousands upon thousands more who support them.

This is wrong. OP is posting fake news. CNN said he was white and he was doing it because he supports Brexit.

source faggot

>previously fund terrorism over seas
>spokesman for islam and terror
>somehow allowed to walk around freely in society

this is the typical UK cuck logic

This desu, mom who knows his son is a terrorist but still houses him and makes meals for him is also guilty.




How do you Sup Forums tards feel now that the suspect has been proven white?

lol, the UK releases their terrorists for "good behavior"

wtf is wrong with you idiots? im glad we started our own country not run by cucks

Probably going to cry myself to sleep.

Dosent mean he isnt a muslim you raceist asshole

Arabs and blacks givem the axe

>Holy fuck I've seen this guy preaching on the street before what the fuck. He was on the street corner screaming with this guy

Wow I thought he was just a propagandist that was in it for the multiple wives I didn't think those Anjem Choudary types had the balls to do anything themselves.

Watch for the guy in the video I linked next to commit terror I guarantee it will be him he's about to pop off

It's been hours and there's yet a single trusted source to report on this
It may be a martian as far as I know, it's still 4 (afaik) more victims to add to whatever score you're keeping

The scotsman fallacy is probably my favorite desu. Easily generates untold amounts of buttmad if employed right. Either way, I need to refine my shitposting. I fucked up with the "only Muslims" line.

People don't like muslims anywhere.

The chinks hate you because you're always starting shit in west China. Japs, Koreans, Thais etc all hate you.

Spics hate you because your religion is the antithesis of their culture.

Christian Africans hate you

Slavs hate you

Pajeet hates you

Don't fall for the POC meme. The rest of the world will turn on Islam at some point.