Abortion. is murder

why the fuck do people think this is ok

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it's convenient, and (((academics))) have told everyone that a human doesn't have a right to live until "personhood" is magically conferred upon them by exiting the vagina

>abortion is murder
what's your point?

>yeah it's murder, so what?
is this that "morality in spite of nonbelief in God" i always hear you atheists talking about?

If you have to post shocking pics to make your point, you have a very weak stance


Not today.


>didn't read the text under the picture
>too focused on the picture he found "shocking"
maybe your conscience is trying to tell you something

the child is probably better off dead. honestly,why would you want it to suffer a life of abuse and neglect from a mother who didn't even want it when it could just not exist and have no problems what so ever.

>the child is probably better off dead.
it's better to have a shitty start in life than to be dead.
>why would you want it to suffer a life of abuse and neglect
all life has suffering, and maternal instinct can kick in once they are born, forcing the mother to love the child, many such cases!

also: adoption

you're a fool. not going to waste my time on a fool. but I do have a question, I assume you're religious. is my sperm alive in the sense that it has a soul? and if so, when I ejaculate into my sock after watching interracial porn and snuff films, does my sperm get judged by god?

It might not be so bad when you know who's getting the abortions

>Having a baby no one wants

Your parents might have done it OP but not everyone is as dumb as them

>is my sperm alive in the sense that it has a soul?
no, you retard
you should really learn the other side's argument before you shit all over them.

1: A human's life begins at conception.
>the moment the sperm meets the egg, a new distinct human life begins, this is scientifically undeniable.
>appeals to nebulous jargon like "personhood" only needlessly complicates the issue, when we already have a black and white moment to point to scientifically for when a human's life begins.
2: murder is the intentional unlawful or immoral taking of a human life
>some would argue it's not murder if it's not illegal, however, that's absurd.
>for instance: if you take an innocent person out to some anarchic land without laws and kill them, would that not be murder? (it would)
3: it is immoral to intentionally kill an innocent human being
4: the child in the womb is innocent
>a person is either guilty or innocent, since the child cannot make moral choices at this stage, it can't choose to do evil.
>therefore, they are innocent
5: therefore, abortion is murder
>logically follows from 1-4
6: murder ought to be illegal
7: therefore, abortion ought to be illegal

notice no appeal to the bible, or souls, or God.
only that "murder is evil," most atheists agree with this assumption regardless of the fact that it's irrational in their worldview

>the child is probably better off dead
Are YOU better off after you let someone get away with murder?

>>the moment the sperm meets the egg, a new distinct human life begins, this is scientifically undeniable.

When specifically though? When the sperm first breaches the egg? When genetic recombination occurs? When the blastocyst starts to grow? There are many steps that take place between "the sperm meets the egg" and the formation of a group of cells that are genetically distinct from both parents.

how can you decided that a humans life begins at conception? how is my sperm not eligible for alive status? it's swimming, it moves, it knows where to go when I cum in your mummies tummy all I'm seeing from you is opinions. I'll continue to not care about murdered nobodies and you continue to cry and get upset. its a win win for me.

I dont understand what you're trying to say? I wish I was dead. all the time. My mother is a dumbass who slept around and never even wanted a kid. now look at me. 25 in my dads house haven't had a job in a year and no ambitions or goals. im a failure, but thank god she gave birth to me and gave me life (against my will) so I can experience the hell that is being alive and living in this world

>ah damn, if only hostile minorities, who are likely to get pregnant by mistake, were forced to breed more

the moment it touches it

>how can you decided that a humans life begins at conception?
>how is my sperm not eligible for alive status?
because it's only one gamete, a human's life begins once both gametes meet.
>I cum in your mumm
you sound like a reasonable levelheaded adult, i'm glad i'm having this conversation with you

because it's better than having a baby born and be born into a poor family, and only get into drugs and degeneracy as their only accomplishment in life? or they're 100% going to be born with a disorder? I don't see how in these cases the child is going to be born and be anything but a burden to everyone else.

Checked for stupidity

Brain activity is "magic" now

yeah, that's what people like you are saying

>it's not a human life until it has a brain! before that, it's just a cat or something i dunno

The brain emits electrical signals pretty early in pregnancy

>Life is a spiral of darkness

Depends how far developed. I don't care as long as it's first trimester. Ops pic is clearly a very late term abortion. So far late that I'm thinking it was likely a stillborn.

>the moment it touches it

So two genetically distinct cells become a "person" when they first touch, not when they actually share their genetic information?

>a human's life begins once both gametes meet.

You have a very poor understanding of genetics and basic biology if you think "when the sperm and egg touch" = conception.

You know that often it isn't even the first sperm to hit the egg that fertilizes it? What does that make that guy? Half a person?

are you fucking retarded? abortion is safe in the first 12 weeks. that's not how a 12 weeks old fetus looks like retard.

now look at my pic and tell me that thing is as much alive as you and me

what the hell are you thinking? especially in todays world an unwanted child is better off dead than being forced onto some dumb fucks who can't into safe sex

this should be always be an option, but the taxpayer shouldn't pay for it



First trimester is when organs are formed and the baby starts to exhibit voluntary movements

>So two genetically distinct cells become a "person" when they first touch
no, i don't give a shit about persons, i give a shit about human lives

defining "personhood" is subjective, a jewish mindgame.
defining when a human's life begins is objective, scientific.

>You have a very poor understanding of genetics and basic biology if you think "when the sperm and egg touch" = conception.
i think fertilization is conception.

if you're arguing with me over seconds, i'll let you know now, i'm willing to give you leeway.

Yes it is just as alive as you or me, or anything else with life
Why wouldn't it be, please explain

Go away evil dogger.

> I don't want this baby, abortion is fine
> people that abort a baby because it will have down syndrome are wrong

The world we live in is full of hypocrites. In the end we all suffer because of it.

Your sperm does not get judged, But you sure do. Enjoy your freedom while you have it >:D

who here only against aborting white babies

>defining when a human's life begins is objective, scientific.

Could you link me to this experimentally obtained objective data you're citing?

>i think fertilization is conception.

Okay, but neither fertilization nor conception =/= "when the sperm and egg first touch", and if you're going to be arguing about this sort of thing you should at least have like a high school level of biological knowledge otherwise you'll just seem silly.

Yes, and the biggest victims of abortion are niggers. Therefore, I am pro-choice


Every aborted child is one less welfare recipient.
Every aborted child is one less case of parental abuse and neglect.

Abortions kill ghettoes.

I think the vast majority agree that late term smishshmorstions are fucked.

I dont understand what do you mean by abortion, This picture is not abortion its a murder abortion is an interruption of pregnancy in early phase mostly choosed by young girls not ready for a baby yet and I understand them. As 20yo man I dont want to have kids now, Ill be ready after I finish my studies and have a good job maybe 4-6 years. But also everyone wants to have sex and accidents happen. So let the parents have their own choice.

Abortion kills 300,000+ white children every year in america


go away evil dogger.

By your logic we should kill you too.

Well if you look at from the point at which they became a unique organism then it's pretty objective when that begins. When they're no longer a sperm cell and an egg and their dna is written. Despite being in the womb a fetus is still a human being, just a very young and very dependent one. im all for eugenics and reject the sanctity of life but it's not as if you're not killing a human being, das just a lie.
also obviously not all lives carry the same value, including human lives

Because fuck babies man, we have so many already fuck 'em all.

Go away evin dogger

come here vivel dogge !

>it's not as if you're not killing a human being
are they human? (yes)
do they exist? (yes)
therefore, they are a human being

I'd be totally in favor of abortion if anyone can prove that it isn't killing a separate living human. Disprove any of those 3 points, and it's not murder and I'll join right up. Once more, prove that the fetus is not:

1. Alive
2. Human
3. A genetically unique individual from the mother

because it's not me

You're the fucking fool. You turn your nose up at a valid point and then make an argument that proves you can't even grasp the opposing argument. You're arguing against human life beginning at conception, but you obviously don't even understand the process of conception is or the point at which it happens. You're a mental zero, believing he's ahead of the pack because he got a pat on the head when he chose the "right" opinion, and prancing around enunciating simplistic bullshit he's too much of a retard to understand as if he has some kind of uncommon knowledge or insight. You are by far the most idiotic pleb I've encountered in weeks. You're literally one step above the mentally retarded.

It's still morally abhorrent to kill humans at their most vulnerable, especially considering it's their own mother doing it. It's hard to imagine a worse act. It's a necessary evil at best, seeing as it kills so many negroes. But a better society would simply sterilize or deport its niggers.

I'm 100% pro-abortion and will never change my mind. Keeps the number of poor people down and prevents unwanted children who would likely grow up in a shitty environment to a single mother. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to pay $800 for an abortion than to birth, clothe, feed, educate and imprison that little fucker on the taxpayer's dime

abortion is murder in the same way that executing a violent criminal who has been granted the death penalty is murder. it is murder like shooting an armed robber who is holding your kid as a hostage is murder.

fetus has no fundamental right to reside in the body of a person. you want to stop abortions? start inventing an artificial environment to transplant them into.

Reminder that the majority of abortions are performed on a cluster of cells.

There are 5x as many white people as blacks in America. Blacks are aborted at a much, much higher rate.

60% brown people


I actually meant to say "if you say it's not as if you're killing a human being, that's a lie"

Being christian and anti-abortion is a contrarian Sup Forums meme. No one is actually anti-abortion in our generation

whats the problem? satanic witches have sacrificed their first born children since forever. muh freedom of religion

>humans don't have the right to develop

>Unfertilised egg
>Inanimate object
>Human fetus developing into a loving, thinking, caring, intelligent human being

One of these things is not like the others.

>it's not a difficult concept
that's why it's such a hot-button issue and has been for decades

A fetus is as much a clump of cells as you are

1858 - Blacks = "Not people"
1940 - Jews = "Not people"
2016/2017 - Fetuses = "Not people"

k should we carpet bomb africa? lots of neglectful parents and starving children. after all, they are better off dead right?

I don't understand. What's shocking about it? It's just a regular picture of an abortion.

Or do you just not like to think about what actually happens in an abortion? There's nothing shock value about this. This happens every day, all over the country. It's happening right now in every town in the USA. Literally right now.

>fetus has no fundamental right to reside in the body of a person.

Are you fucking retarded?

Unless we are talking rape victims the fetus has any right to reside in the body of a person.

But Blacks and Jews aren't people

Not sure if pragmatist or devil's advocate

We live in a pluralistic society. Not everyone shares your values.

>should we carpet bomb africa
>we carpet bomb africa
>carpet bomb africa

pls do

No it doesn't nigger. If you need a kidney and I have one to spare you have no right to my kidney. Likewise a cluster of cells has no right to fuck up a woman's body just because it needs her womb to survive.

>No one is actually anti-abortion in our generation
i am.
but i'm 30, i don't know if i'm technically part of your generation.

There are no abortions that close to full development.

>No one is actually anti-abortion in our generation

Speak for yourself degenerate

politicians and pro-choice advocates have been pushing for partial birth abortion for years and years.

Abortion will always be legal. Liberals would literally riot in every city in America if roe v wade was overturned.

because stem cell research

I'm fine with that. Adoption would be preferred though.

liberals thinks this baby isn't human

>slavery will always be legal.
>prohibition will always be the law of the land
>same sex marriage will never be passed


Abortion is ok whit short time being pregnant. The pic related is not the case

Look at those tiny cute feed, and that cute tiny little peepee. ^^

Wouldn't America have three times as many niggers today if it wasn't for abortion?

Think about it, in some alternate timeline you were killed by some fatherless nigger just because your parents thought subjective morality was more important than eugenics.

maybe, but there would be more whites too.
>59,325,760.9 total abortions since 73
>17,797,728.4 black abortions since 73

kek agrees
innocent human lives should be protected.

>It's a hell of a lot cheaper

Then why not erase the degenerate who fell as low as murdering it's spawn? Seems cheaper

Really? Let's see you put your resolve to the test and go have yourself a California Condor omelet.

When the Feds have their way with you, you'll discover very quickly that a California Condor's egg is classified as a fucking "California Condor"

Just like an acorn is an oak. It's not yet an oak tree, but it's an oak. Planting it will give you an oak tree, not a pear tree or apple tree.

YOU are a cluster of cells. Perhaps you should be aborted.

I'm not really against it when done early, but a legal abortion at 6 months like in the Netherlands is some next level degeneracy

user im 2 months along and im having an abortion next month so you don't need to worry about protection!

what do you do?

A. Milk that sweet abortion pussy for all its worth.

B. Nope right out of there


Actually, nobody is really pro-abortion in our generation.

Or else they would have aborted themselves.

Everyone that claims to be "pro-abortion" is only "pro-abortion" when it comes to other human beings. Like saying you're "pro-exercise" and then you literally NEVER exercise, but demand that someone else exercises. You're just a hypocrite.