/scg/ Saving Chile General - Learn to bake Edition

Welcome to /scg/
These threads are for the discussion of Chilean Politics and the South American Cone in general

Our goal is to use memes to influence our people into voting for the future of this country

Quick rundown on Chilean Politics
>Cultural Marxists (Left-Wing) from left to right
Alberto Mayol - Fernando Atria - Ricardo Lagos - Alejandro Guiller - Carolina Goic

>Right-Wing and ((((Right-Wing)))) From left to right
Sebastian Piñera - Felipe Kast- Manuel Jose Ossandon - Jose Antonio Kast

>Summary of /ourguys/ (until proven otherwise)

Pedo apologist

>Felipe Kast
Dropped for being pro degeneracy and having tumblr tier opinions

>Jose Kast
Most likely will fail, revealed his power level too soon (Came out as pro-pinochet)

Most likely would sell us for a few shekels.

Remember to post your candidates and a quick rundown for them.

Sites to infiltrate

taringa.net (comments + creation of communities)
chw.net (current events and politics sub forums)
jewbook (we have to decide the groups first, and also create our own groups)
ditto with twatter

Do's and Don't's
>Recuerda usar el inglés para que todos se puedan integrar, y también por el respeto a la página
>Always engage in conversations
>If something happens in the news, be television, newspapers or online, discuss it here
>Never reply to trolls or shitposters, specially if they're argies
>NEVER reply to trolls or shitposters
An example is an Argie trying to get in arguments about race
>Please refrain from flooding the thread with Pinochet jokes,le helicopter meme, why is texas a country now and such.

Everyone who wants to contribute is welcome

>Cnn on Ossandon
>Kast bashes Ossandon, Ossandon fires back

Other urls found in this thread:


you won me , i was trying to make one ...
Also i will make a discord

behold . the discord channel

ahaha.i'll bite.

I love chili I didn't know it needed to be saved. Don't worry I wont let (((them))) ruin the chili guys.

>Saving Chile General
free helicopter rides

>Saving Chile Genegal
>Season 4 of hwndu
this is going to be a good night

So, when will we militarize the border with Bolivia, send tanks and enjoy the fireworks?

i very naively love chile because of jose antionio escobar, (and pinochet)


dont let the commie garbage ruin ur culture

Redpill me on ossandon

Can I get a basic gestalt on the Chilean political environment?

He's independent, right leaning, hated by the right wing because he often refers to them as "Lazy fucks who do nothing to help the poor" and how Chile is still a poor country
Anti abortion
Anti same sex marriage
Advocates for strict inmigration laws

>Pedo apologist

Juan José Ossandón (born November 2, 1977 in Copiapó, Chile) is a Chilean footballer currently playing for Deportes Copiapó of the Primera B Chilena.

Left is cucked, Right is corrupt
The left will get us culturally enriched by Colombia
The right will sell us for shekels
Our people are really apathetic to politics
As always, the young go "Lol no I'm not gonna vote"
No one takes their parties or values seriously anymore, I can confirm this because I attended to a communist event for the lolz, and it gave me brain cancer.
Lots of people are Bipartisan, such as, liberals that advocate for strong borders
It's funny really, you can see more right wing on the left than the actual right sometimes.
You can buy people with cheap propaganda
The best way to infiltrate it's to never sound like "This would have never happened under Pinochet"

I forgot to put my name and trip back on
Anyways, if you guys want to carry on with the threads, you'll have to make them yourselves, that goes wihout saying, I won't be able to make as much threads for the next week

why pedo apologist? where is that?

Greater Chile when ?
Bolivia as a smoking crater when ?


I almost forgot to add these
Last thread
>Don't argue with trolls or larpers, hide their posts
>Avoid flooding the thread with memes
>Contribute to your candidates and other anons
>Never trust an argie.

the true battle is not political, but spiritual

Easy, just give arica and tarapaca and we promise to not nuke you

Psychological warfare if you will.
This year we're gonna get cucked in a few senses
>The SJW's are on the rise
>Communist youth
>Indoctrination about to go down in schools.
>70 out of a 100 babies in Chile are born to migrants
>Mafia's set in the north, nobody likes inmigrants there

>communist youth
Please no.

>Winning anything
Do you guys actually have something capable of doing that?
Or are the millions of inmigrants you send a secret weapon?

>Left is cucked, Right is corrupt
Imagine how we have it here in Argentina chileanbro, Left is corrupt and """Right""" is corrupt too.

you guys are leftist now, you are on the wrong side of history now m8

>Be me
>Get invited to a communist event by friend
>Not even into politics but yeah sure why not
>People selling LGBT, Communist, feminist and native flags
>You know, agaisn't the first principle of communism
>Second hand bands playing
>Overpriced food as in every fucking event
>Suddenly Illapu
>Between songs, the singer stops and says
>There's a terrible man in the Usa that hates inmigrants
>Crowd boo's
>And soon Chile will have it's own
>Reffering to Piñera
>Crowd boo's again
>Crowd cheers
>Get the fuck out of there
>Instantly become a facist

Damn that doesn't present a positive outlook.

How does the average Chilean view Trump?
Is Venezuela an effective deterrent against an excess of leftism?

Pull through it guys.

As every South American country, trump was sold to us as LE EBIL KKK MAN
But it all depends on how the individual looks really.
Rainbow dyed hairs see him as the EBIL KKK MAN
Normal people just think he's crazy
And no, Venezuela doesn't work as an example, examples never work

I swear ((cultural marxism)) is killing this country. The typical normies gets all the info from infograph on facebook. They are all about cultural enrichment by the immigrants and feminism.

i made a discord server , because you where asking for one

This happens yesterday.


>"Viva Chile y Pinochet"

All media here repeats CNN bullshit. We need to do like you guys and start calling them fake news and make alternative media

>mfw the best time for Chilel was the time when the right wing wasn't an options and the left rule the country with neoliberal politics and social programs. (1990 - 2005)

When our left got so fucking cucked?

Socialism and commies


>this memethread again
You useless fucks should be reading the wikileaks instead of LARPing. Or at least talking about the London attacks. Yet here you are wasting your life on useless shit.

Piñera lost, deal with it. The media will slander him to literal DEATH. Even my right wing family is going against him now even though they used to suck his dick.

It's over, Sorojackson won. Just deal with it already and start reading the wikileaks like everyone else that isn't fucking shitposting is doing.

Kys you all

Soon. Also, Marine Le Pen when?

We had the constitution made by Pinochet. Full capitalism based on Milton friedman until the left started to change it

Shilling this hard. We have a free helicopter ride for you

Nobody gives a shit, honestly. Whatever happens to Chili is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

We can´t talk about actual politics in here?

Why not JAK instead of Ossandon?

He's the best but too redpilled for Chile
>send troops for the conflict in the south
>pro pinochet
>throw all immigrants back to their countries

Jose Kast?
He's already on the list
He's got some dirt on him, came out as pro Pinochet

we should focus in the ones who dont vote give some redpills in jewbook or shit like that some small stuff enogh to give the swing

>testing proxy bots

like what the left has done in a candidate to candidate baises in contrast with our guys

Como dato: los bonos fuerons instaurados bajo el gobierno de piñera.

from 1990 to 2010 chile was ruled by the socialist party, 2 dc (literally puppets) 2 socialist.

The progress our country have since 1990 has to do with the result of state politics, not with the constitution, take some class of "politicas publicas" and "Micro/macroeconomics"

Things are a tad complicated here, shills from all sides are on full force and we even have meta shilling w/ people posing as FN supporters.
Good chances to be on 2nd round, and not everyone is going to gang up on her. (Unless you count some disgruntled Fillion and Melenchon voters)

Could you give me a quick rundown on Chili ? Which areas would you recommand for travelling ? Chiloe ?

Why can't we have another marxist purge? This country is going down the shitter.

I've got a good friend in Chile and he's super pro pinochet. Why is being pro pinochet so bad? Commie propoganda corrupting the youth and demonizing him?

>but goy remember the comies are for peace
every time is like all was good in allende (it wasnt)

Of course

Texas is that you?

((They)) started a fight for the human rights, slowly demonizing him generation after generation. There are people who call them on their bullshit, like being OK with the violation of human rights of communists but the left just calls everyone a fascist if you bring up reason

Because """HUMAN""" rights bullshit

Can you make the next one earlier? I'm sleepy af right now

Same reason why being pro Trump is bad in your country.

>"commie propaganda"

Be Pro-pinochet it's literally being a cockroach, it's even worst that the Gommunist party (and the gommunist party is full of clowns)

If i have to choose to give helicopters ride for one, i shoot to the commie and throw the pinochet dick sucker from the helicopter to the "villarica" Volcano.

I honestly don't really care which candidate goes for president, but i do care about some things going on in my country

What is the best candidate for these:

>Stop Mass immigration from Haiti, Colombia and whatever country that brings low skilled workers
>Either fix or improve the Health system issue
>Improve the AFP system,(lets be real, this shit is never going away)


>Saving Chile General

Nobody cares

>this thread is still up
I told you to get the fuck out, stop appearing on the frontpage.

YOU ARE DOING NOTHING. Stop circlejerking among yourselves. Back to Hispachan with all of you.

AFP system is fine, if you retirement pension is low is because you didn't work for shit in you life.

t. someone who has a father that worked his ass off all his life and now has a pretty good pension.

how much is he receiving and average wage across his life?

>low skilled

You know that those people come with better skills that your average "salí de cuarto medio a buscar pega" Chilean (venezuelans, haitians and some colombians), of course if you say: bolivians, dominicans, peruvians and "others" come here with low skills, thats a fact.


Well the left is for ((open borders)), making healthcare free (even for the rich, wich is stupid as fuck). And go back to the state redistribution of pensions, thats why the "no more afp" campaign is growing

Minimum wage almost all his life, he is receiving 450.000 monthly now


>Minimum wage almost all his life
>he is receiving 450.000 monthly now
I honestly find that quite hard to believe

Hola nido!

hmm no, you trabajo en el reg. civil inscribiendo nacientos y la mayoria de los inmigrantes con bebes anclad no terminaron la educacion basica.

>Random stranger told me to get the fuck out
But why user?

hey guys opinion of the ((((jesuitas))))

Alright, I'm off to sleep, I don't feel like keeping these threads on for much longer now, someone else will have to make them.
G'night lads

Obvious bait is obvious
>immigrants are better than chileans
Why do you love sucking black dicks so much user?

kek no im here

I'll vote and shill for this guy

This will be out next president and there is nothing you can do about it.

IF he win there will be another "Golpe".

mess with texas and it's straight to the axis

>immigrant come to Chile.
>He/she speak 2 or 3 lenguajes (haitians, venezuelans)
>can do a better work because he/she travel from X country to here running from someone/something.

Comentario en español: Lo digo porque justamente me toca investigar y recolectar base de datos sobre las comunidades de inmigrantes que llegan a Chile, no todos somos tu tipico weon que comenta mierda calcada de un muro de face sin saber nada.

Si supieras la cantidad de venezolanos con titulos que llegan acá y trabajan sirviendo completos en la tipica picada de la esquina (varios casos hasta con doctorados), literalmente podriamos estar robandole los talentos a Venezuela y potenciarnos.

El problema con la inmigración es cuando no es controlada, si el que quiere entrar a tu país es tiene un doctorado o una ingeniera obviamente va a servir

Pero si el que quiere entrar es alguien sin titulo, que no termino la primaria y con 5 hijos ahí te tenes que replantear las cosas.

We need a chilean trump

stelling to venezuela is not much

>Si supieras la cantidad de venezolanos con titulos que llegan acá y trabajan sirviendo completos en la tipica picada de la esquina (varios casos hasta con doctorados), literalmente podriamos estar robandole los talentos a Venezuela y potenciarnos.
jkajsaksasj ermanito les rovamos a los verguenzolanos

jajakskjajk te doy +10 wachin

also we need to see if they are in the same level that some of the people here

So much this. Theres a difference between ((open borders)) and controlled immigration

Am I reading this right? You are saying Venezuelans, a fucking communist shithole, have a better education than us?

Their fucking "titulos" are absolutely worthless here. I'm glad they are wasting themselves selling completos instead of actually doing their unprofessional shit in our country. We don't need Venezuelan doctors.

If they want to use their titulos, then they have to go back. Simple as that. Chile does not need South American "intellectuals".

Keep bringing the gringos and their wealth, not the niggers and their poverty.

Do one of your politician is a Dominican puppet?

Search for rare Pepes in the Udec. Memes are marching. OPUS KEK
>find rare pepes in his thread
>print tons
>cut and post them on marxist shit.
Start with the Universities


Hopefully Piñera will make Chile great again, I work in the import industry, we need him back, if the left manages to win this election again we'll be truly fucked.




Get fucked.

t. Facundo "el negro" González.

>NEVER reply to trolls or shitposters

Subcampeon en la america, la centenario Y LAS MALVINAS.
Todo un europeo, vive junto a una isla inglesa.