Emigration to Italy

Tell me why I shouldn't emigrate to my homeland of Italy

>Know the language
>Ancestral homeland
>PHD in Roman literature+Medieval Italian Lit

Please Italian Bros help, I want to leave my country above all else. I hate it so much here.

-Family is from southern Italy; emigrated in the 30's
-No Family ties

How much of a chance do I have to return to my ancestral home? Please help

Just fucking go. You can get an Italian passport, can't you?

Move to New Hampshire and you can get all the guns you want.

Good luck getting a job anywhere, especially Italy.

>PHD in Roman literature+Medieval Italian Lit

good luck tryna get a job

How much of a chance do I have to emigrate to my ancestral homeland?

>PHD in literature; fluent in Italian and Latin
>Know as much Italian history as possible
>Family from Bari, Tuscany and Florence
>Willing to work anywhere to leave Canada

Please help Italiano-bros-- do I have a chance in the motherland?

(I'm half Irish, but I look entirely Italian because of sexy dominant Italian genes)

Pls Help

I just don't get why you want to go there? What's the point ?

As a professor in the homeland? I know more about the literature than most; not all jobs are utilitarian, yea?

No culture here; no art; no history

The most depressing place on earth. People just existing, not living. Southern Ontario, you?

I was there a week ago, I cannot recommend you living there since most of the economy relies on tourism and agriculture, I dont see how you plan on making a living?
but hey if you want to idk why you're asking me

Quebec, my gf is an italian immigrant, hence why I only know the reasons to gtfo of there

I'm considering it, I have my italian citizenship.

Fuck it I'm calling the consolate this week

You got no reason to come here, it's as if i migrated to Hungary cause it was home of my family founder in 1100. Don't expect to know better than all those who constitute the ongoing Italian brain-drain, and don't expect your hurritage to be influential in any way when it comes to your experience here. If it's about art and culture, you'll find plenty in all of Europe.

I'm asking everyone, Pol friend. IRL people, Italian friends, etc. your input is valued; thanks. In terms of agriculture: big farm American style, or otherwise? I could really see myself working an Italian farm, Cato the Elder style

Ahh. My family came over the same way. Shitty circumstances back in the 30-50's. Italian Women are beautiful though--you're a lucky man. I just don't think the demographics or economics in Canada are sustainable for another 10 years; if I ever start a family, it won't be here

>most of the economy relies on tourism and agriculture
U wot m8?

I don't claim to contribute to the Italian "Brain drain" --in fact. I've never heard of this. I don't expect my heritage to get me anything (except general acceptance-- I look very Italian). I expect nothing in the way of advantages coming in.

I want to exist where my family has lived for 1000's of years. My blood is in Italy. Can I not return to it?

Thanks for the remark, regardless

How much have you been there or just interacted with actual Italians? I your mental picture of it just form your studies ?


What i've tried to say is, the amount of young men and women migrating to the anglosphere regardless of the regions they were born in, should make you wonder. I'm sure many phds in literature migrated too. What makes you think you'd have more luck than them, considering you don't even know the language? Talk to Italians, talk to other western expats in Italy, then do as you like.

Dude we're leaving the country because down there is rotten, don't even think about it.

Just to follow up: I don't think you understand what North America is like, culturally. Imagine not being able to even identify your ancestors. Your family has lived here for max. 100 years. This shit is a no-go-zone when it comes to heritage.

You wouldn't even be living anywhere your ancestors. For the historically and artistically aware person, Canada is a nightmare from which one cannot wake.

I will write the Canadian equivalent of "Dubliners" in my lifetime, if you've read that collection

I love Italy, and I'm very drunk


You're no better than a weeaboo. So you have italian genes, guess what fag? You're Canadian.

What you don't get is that you don't want to identify to Italy in the present moment. You want the Italy you wasted years studying. I honestly doubt you would relate to anyone in Italy.


Mental picture, admittedly, but also heritage. Come on man, my bloodline has existed there since forever. I love the culture, and I love the literature/language.

I understand this. I am not a scholar, or an artist: I simply love the art. I would rather work a field in Italy all my life than an office job in Canada. I do know the language, however. I simply do not want to be where I am


Eh, I understand what you're saying. Perhaps you're right.

However, I feel as though I'd have an easier time relating to Italians than Canadians. The people here are ignorant and brutish.

Wait you've never even been there? It's almost a miracle you speak actual Italian and not some back water dialect from your grand parents village.

He thinks he is going to go and any ordinary Italian is going to speak fluent latin and indulge him in hours of rhetoric about the italian renaissance or some shit.

In reality he will approach some dock workers all bright eyed and try to engage in conversation about some Italian author, then get beat up because they think he is hitting on them. Afterwords he will get on Sup Forums and tell us how Italy is nothing like his studies told him it would be and the people are subhuman trash.

No, we nave enough cuck.

>PHD in Roman literature+Medieval Italian Lit


I'd take rotten over desolate

Yeah, as much as I invite dissenting opinions, fuck off. Half my family is Italian we've been here less than 60 years, and I've published on their (my own) literature. I don't buy this, sans-a better argument.

Tell me why I'm wrong

Sei italiano? Sei di destra? Odi i sabbianegri? Hai un quoziente intellettivo di 110 o più?
Muovi il culo e trasferisciti. Abbiamo bisogno di gente come te.
Anche se sei >una fottuta foglia.

Never been there

I speak Dante's dialect, which is as close to the real deal as I can assume


Dante dialect?
Definitinely you CANT come here

Que catso pensi di fare con una roba cosi ?

Mi dispiace ma questo qui non cè la fa proprio

This made me smile. The Romantic half of me would do this. Thanks for the input

The reality is, however, that I would live just as hard there as I do here. I've grown up in North York (a particularilly shitty part of Toronto) and I wouldn't do this. Point taken, though

Again, fuck off, Italio-bro. Not a cuck, and not idiotic enough to work to prove that on Sup Forums

>smartest people in the Western world
>genetical heirs of the Ancient romans
>subhuman trash
Ok, burgo.
>you have Italian genes, guess what fag? You're Canadian.
Tell me about how niggers stay niggers even if they go to America.
It looks like you actually love Italy. Then you should know that it's far from being a perfect country right now. That's what we need to fix. And what you could help in. Come over here and help us Make Italy the Greatest Again.
Vai a studiare, capra. Non sputare sulla nostra lingua, se non ti riesce di parlarla.

I've simplified this for my own purposes. I've worked in advertising and academia for 5+years. And besides, why not educate yourself in something you love? Life's too short for a STEM degree

Ok, you can come i have work for you.
I have some fields, you Will harvest tomatoes with niggers.

Same boat as you bro. South Ontario here. I can't imagine raising a familly in this cucked shit hole. Wanna move to Hungary but the fuck am I gonna do there?

>PHD in Roman literature+Medieval Italian Lit
What a waste of fucking time.

All of the above. Canada has trained its own citizens to disdain their own country; as a "white male," the don't want me. Despite having never been to Italy, I feel a stronger connection to it than this place. What does this say about Canada? I assume I have a high IQ, and yes I love the country

Ok, thanks. Betcha I've read more Italian canonical lit than you have. Enjoy Umberto Eco, faggot

Thanks guy, unironically I'd rather work fields there than offices here

Ehhh. yeah fuck this place. I don't get why they expect any high-functioning members of society to start lives here. It's just not worth it financially or culturally.

The Liberal gov't can enjoy their Chinese colony, for all I care

seefucking idiot

No country is perfect. But I'd rather live in an imperfect country I'm actually attached to than an imperfect country that actively hates me and any of my potential offspring. I'd never want my bloodline to exist amongst the brown-tide here. I have to escape back to Europe.

Are your initials


By any chance?


'Lalinga' is the family name

Good to know, though, that this topic is popular enough for you to assume another Canadian is talking about it

Put me on a watchlist, but I have absolutely no allegiance to this country. Canada disowned me when they sold our country to the highest international bidder (...the Chinese...)