What can we learn from Israel?

What can we learn from Israel?

How to remove kebab and build wall

(((Jews))) aren't even true Israelites. There is more Israelite DNA in a modern day Palestinian. Whatever Israelite DNA modern day (((Jews))) have is minuscule.
>(((Jews))) were mainly Khazars, from Khazaria, a Caucasus country which is now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other names. The Khazarians converted from pagan religions to talmudic Judaism after the 8th century, but of course, racially they remain Khazars.
The Khazars were and are a genome that is mainly Turkish and Mongolian blood.
>Thus today, when you see a “Jew,” what you are actually encountering is a Khazar who practices Judaism. The Khazar has no Israelite blood. His ancestors are not the Israelites of the Bible. They did not worship the God, Jehovah, but instead literally were a phallic cult. They worshipped Satan by means of the male penis idol. The Khazars were never in the land of Israel. They are not the seed of Abraham. They have no promise from God. Now we know this as absolute scientific fact.

To protect your citizens and don't apologize for doing so.

Also, build wall!

Fuck Israel but I do envy their ethnostate and all the free money countries give them.

>How to shut down your borders to Sudanese when the amounts of rape start increasing
>How to say "No" when the UN tells you to open them
>How to sweet talk America
>How to pretend like your doing something to please the Goyim but really do nothing because the Idea was stupid and dangerous and Goyim don't know what they're dealing with
>How to get money from Germany just by looking at them

Walls, national socialist, anti-Semitic, fascist. Basically everything they say the Nazis were

machineguns in the street,
armored vehicles in the streets,
iron gratings on windows
metaldetectors and armed guards at every mall
big wall
inner city airstrikes
doesnt sound worth living to me

if you want to learn, keep muslims in their own shitholes

How to emotionally blackmail other countries?
How to found a nation based on the biggest lie ever told?
How to leech off a super power?
How to steal nuclear weapons?
How manipulate other nations into fighting your wars for you?
How to make people hate you so much they are willing to blow themselves up just to kill a few of your citizens?
How to be an international safe haven for Jewish criminals?

How to cause maximum butthurt merely by existing.

Based ethno-state. Should be the prototype of all nations.


Fuck off muhammad

you cannot.
goyim are inferior servants.
they cannot advance.

Learn the stop over reacting to stuff and think clearly of the consequences
Israeli history is full of bad decisions
>treat Palesteniams like shit
Retroactively invent suicide bombing and HAMAS
>invade Lebanon
Ends up creating Hezbollah and uniting the Muslims there against Jews
>leave an unstable society to rule itself
Gaza is now Hamastan
Israel needs to also stop reacting so strongly. Sure 3 hitch hikers got killed doesn't mean you should siege a city for the 4th time.

shooting anyone that comes close to you border makes you safer and it's fun

What triggered you guys to kick out most of the "African refugees" a few years ago? People don't just suddenly go "fuck Niggers!"

I guess all the good Germans really did die in WWII

What's left are cucks who admire the evil race which has enslaved them

Checked and right as a motherfucker!

That's Egypt not Israel.
They used to be a lot more open till a few years ago.

Genetic engineering and eugenics work. Racist immigration laws work. Walls work. Feminism and jews are poison.


How to murder Muslims in Cold blood more efficiently

>steady increase in cases of rape
>sudden emergence of independent Islamic cells

We listen Goyim,
some of them are actual refugees but at most they really are an invading army that was planning on cutting off our heads.

Their ability to defend their country is top notch.

good goy duuuuurrrrrr


Desalination tech
Having the balls to do whatever it take

Their tactical brilliance and ruthlessness is admirable. You'd be amazed by how badly they've cucked USA - if anyone has that pic of that huge list of things Israel has done to 'merica and got away with post it.

Not when the we #OpenBordersForIsrael their asses.

Israel is so progressive they do not need to walls and minefields to protect from the innocent Muslims who have a right to live there too. Israel will lead the world with its rejection of the old close minded way of living and open their hearts to the future of an Israel without borders!!!!

Get ready Israel...

Anyone admiring Israel please kys

It is a nation of dirty little Jews founded on the big lie of the sacred 6 million. I cannot exist without sucking money and weapons from dumb goy nations who have been mentally enslaved by them.

Fuck Israel

>the American economy and the banks are the strongest in the world
>a mudslim mayor of the capital, the pound is cheapening

You don't just sweet-talk USA lol, you fuck uncle Sams wife in front of him and make him raise your child.

Whatever it takes faggot.

Israel as a whole is more important than your country. They did great for themselves, can't deny that.

Regional military super power, high tech, super finance, strong on intelligence, you name it

if you push the poz
you will also get the poz

And what is your country exactly? A bunch of mulattoes who suck off animals for money lol

Fuck yeah we can learn from them. Paki cunts kill in london yesterday and the jews have hated muzzies cunts for years.



take the abbo cock out your mouth you fucking shit skin loving cuck

Israel getting forced to drink the kool aid of true believer liberal jews gives me some schadenfreude.

>Worships the the eternal Jew who is fucking his nation in the ass
>calls others cucks


You're from a country that idolises the missing link.


How to be a money worshiping mongrel.