How do we fix baby boomers?

How do we fix baby boomers?

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There's nothing wrong with baby boomers. Just stop being a lazy shit.

burn everything down they believe in and let them die with in their own shit and piss

>literally the worst generation
>nothing wrong with them


Kill them in the worst way possible, alongside millennials.

Swap Bernie and Trump and your good.

Same way we fix millennials

Kill them.

>Kill most of all whites alive

Are you fucking retarded

how long do you think he's willingly been possessed by a child-raping demon, anons?

Why do you think milennials raised themselves? They grew up im a boomer world and have literally done nothing bad or good or anything because they cant afford to.

>Just stop being a lazy shit
Baby boomer detected. Must have been nice to pay your school tuition with a part time job. That's not solvable by not being lazy anymore. Hell, a diploma doesn't even guarantee you a job now.

Are baby boomers the hippies from the 60's?
Or are baby boomers the ecstasy popping ravers of the late 90's?
I am confused.
I think I am Generation X - the greatest generation ever.. essentially they said we didnt give a shit about anything, the economy was shit, and grunge music was at its peak.

Baby boomers = born between end of ww2 and mid 60s. Post ww2 fertility boom.

there is no fixing them. they grew up on the backs of a good generation that worked hard. they were coddled and blessed with good jobs and cheap shit.

milennials also grew up on the backs of the boomers and are spoiled as well. the difference is there is no more materialistic hedonist culture than the boomers.

they brought us the swinging 70s and the corporatist world we have today.

at the very least at least millennials are more into criticizing materialism and corporatism and aren't concerned with getting a new vehicle every 2 years

And the later batch of millennials, 1990-1995 appears to be much more conservative ala Gen Z than earlier batches.

millennials are definitely much more conservative than the boomers. the boomers are leftist freaks.

gen X mostly seem to be "classical liberals" type people. they're for social programs and what not, but are against the SJW shitfest.

millennials seem to be largely along the libertarian / conservative line excluding social conservatism which is laregly dead among millennials.

gen Z is different though. For example growing up in rural america, I never thought about being white as everyone around me was white. So white people in my generation and generations before largely ignore identity politics.

Gen Z is growing up with the internet though. They recognize they're white from an early age. And this creates less empathy for other groups. They no longer see themselves as a ruling racial class, they see themselves as a racial class among many others and are concerned with their own racial class now. They've seen that the left plays identity politics (you're a minority so you have to vote democrat!) and now Gen Z is saying "okay we can play identity politics. we're white so we will vote republican now".

By replacing Trump with Jeb!

dying will fix them
