Okay Sup Forums please defend on why Trump cutting the budget to Meals On Wheels is a good thing?

Okay Sup Forums please defend on why Trump cutting the budget to Meals On Wheels is a good thing?

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The funding may not all be going towards helping people get fed, and there are likely many people abusing it to basically live for free. Just one of the many things that's needed reform.

>meals on wheels

it's called ubereats/jimmy john's/pizza

pick up your smart phone, you disabled losers

Not federally funded

Over the last 30 years the federal government grew to bloated size by co-opting the work of charities and churches just to create well paying executive cottage industry jobs for their friends. It's disgusting that taxpayers ever had any part in funding a charity program


The program Trump cut provides about 3% of funding to meals on wheels.

They get a tiny ass fraction of their budget from the federal government and have already posted record donations. They are flush and don't need taxpayer donation. Now go fuck yourself.

We're trying to genocide poor people.

This is the WORST thing drumpf has EVER done!

The State shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing.

I'm tired of paying for old people and Medicaid for lazy fucks in flyover states. Trump voters wanted to give up their gibs because they know it's what's causing their suffering. It's an act of mercy really

cutting expansions related to minimum wage spicks suing the feds because they got robbed by NIGGERS. Smart move Trump, the elder will hate NIGGERS and spicks even more

And that's ignoring the fact that it's not even the Federal Government funding MoW. The Federal Government gives money to an organization that proceeds to give SOME of that money to MoW.

CEO of Meals on wheels makes more money than the program gets from the government.

If we stop feeding disabled people, they'll die of starvation and everyones insurance premium's will go down.

Who needs deathpannels when when we can just starve them to death.

Hello Henry. Good to see you got that Sup Forums app working.

>Okay Sup Forums please defend on why Trump cutting the budget to Meals On Wheels is a good thing?
What's the point in giving food to obese people who are too fat to fit through a door?



The CDBG that partially funds Meals on Wheels is a notoriously corrupt program filled with graft, cronyism and waste.


It's meant to be for elderly and disabled people who have trouble feeding themselves.

us gov should not be running charities

>not leaving funding to state/local governments or god forbid the nonprofit sector

Fine idea for a charity, not a government.

My family uses different programs.

Basically if I listen to the morning radio at 5AM where almost all the commercials are paid for by the government because nobody else wants to pay for commercials at 5AM in the morning on a blow torch radio station, and one of them is for MoW, then probably the money isn't being used right.

Federal funding only makes up 3% of their budget
>this is what was cut

Lefty butthurt over the """"shutdown""""" of meals on wheels led to massive charitable contributions since the news broke.

>The program will likely end up with MORE funding now thanks to donations.
>Proof of concept for elevating CHARITY over WELFARE, literally the cornerstone of the right.

The taxpayers win, Meals on Wheels Wins, and the Right wins.

Anyone who thinks this is "bad" is either retarded or lying.

"Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.

Please dick around for a half hour wondering wtf we are talking about and try again."

Like his billionaire funder Mercer, Trump believes culling the herd is a good thing.

Only the wealthy like us deserve to live. The rest of you are garbage people to be disposed of.


Meals on Wheels is a state program. Any federal cut would not have any impact on state projects.

Meals on Wheels never needed government funding in the first place. The program has been used to basically funnel slush into as an excuse to cut checks to "administrators" who do jack shit. A grand total of 3% of the total MOW budget is federally funded. They are doing JUST FINE. The government never belonged there in the first place. The only people who will "starve" are the people with fake government jobs who were "administrators."

all these non profits get our tax $ and then donate to democrat campaigns. stop the money laundering.


Non profits also don't pay their taxes, mind you.

We could use another congressional investigation into the anti-american activities of the tax-free foundations. It's been too long since the last one.

Trump is not cutting Meals On Wheels the organization itself released a statement saying this so they will still be taking donations and tax dollars to feed elderly and disabled people what is basically dog food.
> stupid fuckers