Do you like some black people?

Do you like Neil Degrasse Tyson? I love his show Cosmos.Do you hate all black people or are there a few that you like but you hate the majority of them?

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le black science man

I hate most black people.

But my neighbor, who is black and has 4 kids with a white wife, is probably one of the most non-degenerate people I've ever seen. I never hear any arguments from them and just the other day he bought a PS4 and a big screen TV for his 13 year old. Pretty cool guy. I almost forget the stereotypes of black man beating white wife or the inner disgust I feel when I see racemixing couples. Almost.


Space nigger

there are a lot of niggers at my school. when i watch cosmos i forget that neil degrasse tyson is black, i just see him as an intelligent and interesting man. i also know one black guy at school however the ghetto niggers outweigh the good ones by far. i almost feel wrong for hating niggers when i consider blacks like neil degrasse tyson and my black friend at school.

I hate Jiggaboo science man and his law jockey science show. Fuck that monkey.

Wow you're even more racist than me. I hate the majority of black people however I do have one black friend and I like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Will Smith. So there is not one black person you don't hate?

I hate this pretentious prick. There are degrees of hatred, and I can respect some blacks, but overall I hate all people

>le star stuff man
Fuck pop-sci faggots.
Literally mein nigger

Yes OP! I love ebin black science guy!!!! He really makes me think some times.
EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Stop shilling you faggot.

So? Why do you think I have to like a single black piece of shit? They're all bad

>le affirmative action science nigger


Thomas Sowell is mostly based

I like black people who don't give a damn about political correctness.

What about Ben Carson?

Dindus are kind of like immigrants, in that a lot of them dont give a shit about the culture or society, but the ones that do integrate are fine to be around.

no. generally black people are stupid and disrespectful however there are good ones too

back in highschool the by far smartest kid in my class and probably the entire school was somalian, never said anything mean or did something to cause trouble.

Will Smith is a shitty actor and raises annoying niglets. I like Nipsey Russell.

He's a fucking phony nigger, like all the other mainstream 'hip' scientists on the postage-stamp concensus. Loser.

None of them are real scientists like TESLA.

I agree with you however when I go on websites like niggermania which writes of ALL black people as being dumb and violent without considering ones like Neil Degrasse Tyson is kind of ignorant. By the same token I can see where they are coming from because I hate 99 percent of the niggers at my school.

/Ourguy/ ??

Yeah but you went to a school for retards. Being the smartest retard in a school for retards isn't really an accomplishment.

Chimps in space

I like Lawrence Fishburne, he's a good guy.

Ok I forgot to answer your question OP. I don't hate black people since most black people I've met in my country were educated and cool people. However when I see footage of American niggers it makes me want to join the fucking Klu Klux Klan. African america """culture""" is fucking embarrassing.

I don't hate black people. I'm just aware of the reality of their culture and behavior. If they are capable as individuals escaping the default culture of thugerry in their community and are just regular people living their lives, those individuals are ok with me.

Wow you guys have ZERO tolerance for even the most upstanding of black people. I hate most niggers too but you guys are brutal even the most intelligent, respectful blacks you guys hate.

Shilling for what?

Nappy headed monster niggers


Fucking dropped.

lol no I do not like Neil Tyson and don't know anyone who respects him

fuck off back to plebit

I don't like NDGT, his new Cosmos was total garbage. They didn't even make an updated evolution animation. Garbage.

Lots of blacks are good people. Its true.

Thomas Sowell is great. I'm not a fan of Neil.

If you legitimately hate all black people, then you're a LARPing faggot who has no place here at all.

I collectively don't like blacks as a race, but hating them all as a race is the kind of autism that would get you slapped by an actual 1940's Nazi.

Le Black Science Man can get fucked though. He's a meme "scientist" like Bill Nye.

You live in Mexico? There's blacks in mexico?

Checked. I think it has more to do with the fact that hateful people tend to post more often in threads like this. People that are not like that are honestly not that invested in the topic.

I like some black people, mostly from the past, but in modern accounts, Thomas Sowell. Neil here used Carl Sagan's Cosmos. He did become somewhat special by aligning himself with Hitchen's in the atheism debate, I personally haven't seen him come up with an original idea of his own in the intellectual field that is worth anything. All of his actual science papers were written with others and I don't see greatness in any of them.

I don't mind him, but I don't particularly care for his version of cosmos. I also get triggered when normies try to paint him as some sort of great physicist, which he most certainly is not.

Le oogabooga Space Man.

>>he's a shill

Do you like living in Serbia?

I respect black nationalists. They should have their own country and keep to themselves

Carson will always be muh nigga. I still think he would have beaten Hillary even worse than Trump. Probably by like 30 points. Trump is going to be a better president though.

He's actually one of the few black people I actually truly despise.

Listen to the podcast Neil did with Joe Rogan. Neil is just another dumb nigger. Sorry

I know a few black guys from work that are alright. But that's like 3 out of the 600 that work there.

What did he say that makes you think think he's stupid?

Nice shill thread, faggot

Yeah I like some black actors, rappers and sports stars as well as a couple of fine black folks irl. However I absolutely despise inner-city blacks that commit acts that foster a self-fulfilling prophecy of poverty and degeneracy.

I used to like NDT but he's more and more coming off as a pseudo-intellectual, at least as far as his Twitter goes.

I don't hate all blacks, but le nigger science man is one of the more insufferable celebrities.

Yeah, one of my best friends was black. Dude was pretty racist himself. Sadly, he has the schizophrenia gene and went full blown mad - he's now in jail I believe.

Some blacks are cool, in the same way some whites are not. Statistically speaking, tho, they're awful.

I love hendrix.
But this nigga man... this nigga was something else.

I like blacks but deGrasse is a fucking moron

No leaf they are propaganda. Their job is to make black people seem normal. they aren't.

They need to be killed off. They are the foot soldier of the jew. Animals that take the form of humans.

I dislike him because he's not that impressive, just like Bill Nye. Pop science is super gay.

Obama is cool

I can accept this.^
It means you aren't full retard, and may have a brain to think with.

Sir Trevor McDonald, and Nigel Benn. Used to like Mohammed Ali DESPITE his "islamic" leanings until I found out he wasn't even a real muslim, it was Farrkhan's Jakub/white debbils in de UFO's stuff he was into so fuck that piece of shit, nothing of value etc etc.

>a bizarre paper speculating about an asteroid hitting Uranus

Id choose his life over anyone who posted in this thread combined. He has done more to advance the human race than all of Sup Forums

I hate niggers but like black people.

>Thin lizzy.

I might be able to get along with you Brazil.

OK Sambo

Ben Carson isn't black, look at his nose it has a bridge and isn't flat.

I like this guy, and a few others.

yes, electing a corrupt "me first" president who has no idea what he is doing is "advancing the human race"

Is your IQ above 60?

>>>>>>>Back to stormfront

>Muh taxes are stealing
Unless it's something you agree with, right

Yes it is

>"me first"
no user, it's "america first"

Leftist shill. You don't get to be a scientist AND a politician at the same time.

So much science!!

how euphoric is this documentary? I just want the know more about our Lord vast creation.

Of course

need the ben shapiro comment for that tweet?

>I hate niggers, not black men.
Clarence Thomas is a man I really respect. Thomas Sowell. Booker T. Washington. For what it is worth one of my favorite teachers was a black man, Christian, white wife.

>will smith

I like some black people.

Neil Degrasse Tyson is not one of them.

Please. Have not seen it.


I like old black singers i think they're great.

>Do you like Neil Degrasse Tyson? I love his show Cosmos.Do you hate all black people or are there a few that you like but you hate the majority of them?
Start of by presenting me a black. Neil Degrasse Tyson is 50% white

Most redpilled teacher I had in college was a black man. He was the first to redpill me on the Jews, actually, when he spent about a half hour going off on AIPAC and american foreign policy in the middle east

Blacks have created their own society within society. I have known some pretty based blacks who have condemned black society as a whole and have integrated to American society.

Black society is mostly a fraud, Africa at the time was far worse than slavery. Because the alternative to slavery was death by spear, malaria, tiger or having your village burned down and family raped. Or, If you were extremely unluckly all of the above at once.

Was slavery a fucked thing to do, sure. However it was legal and done in accordance with the law. Were the laws fucked up, sure. That's why 89 years after our independence we were still trying to sort our shit out and even fought a war that almost ended the American experiment.

While I am for blacks integrating into society, I think that the Media is doing a piss poor job doing it. Instead of replacing white roles with black roles, why not just have black roles from the start?

Good Example: Randall from "This is Us." He maintained his black identity while being forcibly integrated into white society.

Bad Example: L form Deathnote being recast as a black teenage. Hey, way to fuck up the story with racial politics.

I don't have many friends, but I have had several black ones. They are just people.

i hate.... i hate him

that was a lot fucking longer than I thought it would be, fuck me for blog posting.


Any black user here to share music? i really like soul music and old school gospel.

Is it really worth the twenty-three cents per post? Shouldn't you be next to your leader's side at his hospital bed?

>a corrupt "me first" president who has no idea what he is doing

who is Obama?

most of my examples are from music - even MLK turned out to be a riot apologist during the aftermath of blacks not being satisfied with equal rights (a level playing field), but wanted total equality in everything overnight

James Brown talks about personal responsibility, "take care of business," and a self-reliance that's actually in the vein of Emerson's essay, though I doubt he ever read it.

doesn't matter - he probably did more for getting black people out of the "blame whitey" mindset, and didn't think much of protest either, either the peaceful kind ("you grow your hair out long and put your fist in the air - and I know you don't mean it"), or "by any means necessary" - so much of it was the easy virtue-signaling posture that we're all to familiar with now

get off your ass and work. get yourself a gig. do something. but he knew most blacks were in a pit of despair and inertia, and too resentful to even do anything but blame the other. hence the "black pride" references in his songs, to motivate, energize and build them up into productive members of society

Le black science man is one of the most hated characters on Sup Forums. He represents affirmative action and reddit tier circlejerking.

My prof in college. A white wife and 2 kids. I learned a lot about IT from him and made good job connections. It really is about culture guys.

Yeah? Individual achievements are completely unrelated to eye colour, right-handedness, skin colour etc etc?

There are a shit tonne of talented folks who happen to be born niggers.

It's when idiots insist that this niggerness is somehow a determining factor in a person's talent (rather than very hard work) that it all goes wrong and we get Social Justice and other openly racist bullshit.

Take the term "PoC" for example. It equates Japanese with Native American. It equates Iranians (who are white as fuck) with South Africans. It takes anyone who isn't European "white" and lumps them all together, and then tells them "you are so shit you need quotas from whitey". It couldn't be more racist if it tried to be. Sup Forums has nothing at all on this level of racism, and we are very Racially Realistic (ie sensitive to the idea that IQ is a vital determining factor in group demographics that dictate how people cope in modern societies).

Nigger is a lifestyle, not a race.

You can be black and not be a nigger. Just be a respectable citizen, support your family and have a stable job.

White people can in fact be Niggers, or wiggers.


of course i do like black people, hating people because of their race its stupid you have blacks who are people that have black skin and the negroes who live of welfare and kill eachother


Not all black people are dumb niggers. I dont like dumb niggers.
I have absolutely no problem with black people.

This goes for fags. I have no issue at all with gay dudes. In fact, gay people can be a total blast when they actually make something of themselves. But when you let "Gay" replace any other personallity trait or ethic you might have, youre a dumb faggot.

Tesla wasn't a scientist, just a glorified engineer. But I get your point, science vulgarisation is shit, it's okay to watch those up to 16 years of age.