This bullshit

So I'm getting tired of this communist statue. They are talking about m aking it permanent. My issue with it is that it is affiliated with "woman's day", which is a communist holiday invented by Lennin, which makes this a communist statue.

And if there was even the slightest amount of doubt about its true meaning, they place it standing in front of a symbol of capitalism. There is no question about it in my opinion.

How much trouble would you get in if you "accidentally" crashed into with a car or something?

It is ceremonial magic to crash the markets.

weld a dick on it

But will it fall?
Just make a maga hat with the same material and put them together. It will cost a lot less than the car crash

Look how to do it on internet, it's easy, it just take a bit of time the first time

Or this, yes.

The ultimate solution is really to weld thing with.


It's a virgin sacrifice to Moloch / Baal

a gallon of industrial glue and 10 lbs of glitter

It's symbolic of women standing in the way of societal and economic progress, familam.

Don't insult her

pls no bully

easy thing is to drill holes into it or weld a dick.

The bull was created with private funds and donated. The girl was a corporate publicity stunt.

Fucking retarded.

>I love this interview with Arturo Di Modica, the guy who sculpted the "Charging Bull" statute in Bowling Green Park. For one thing, you probably knew the back story of the "Charging Bull," but I did not, and it's pretty wild:

>Di Modica cast the bull as a gift to the city following the 1987 stock-market crash, believing the 7,100-pound symbol of virility would be an antidote to New York’s flaccid, Low-T economy. He spent $350,000 of his own money and then dropped the bull right in front of the New York Stock Exchange (without permission) in December 1989.

>But Di Modica does not like the "Fearless Girl" sculpture that is now facing down his bull:

>“That is not a symbol! That’s an advertising trick,” the 76-year-old Sicilian immigrant said, clutching his heart.

>Well he is not entirely wrong. "Fearless Girl" was commissioned by State Street Global Advisors as part of an advertising campaign and gender-diversity initiative. There is something pleasing about the fact that the Charging Bull, a global symbol of rapacious financial capitalism, is a piece of guerrilla art installed without payment or permission -- while the Fearless Girl, an egalitarian symbol meant to challenge the bull's soulless greed, is a piece of corporate advertising commissioned by an asset-management company.

Seriously, nobody's permaglued a magahat on her?

It was installed by a Soros-owned investment company. Obvious attempt to subvert the US economy. Shit's gotta go.

I've done my homework on it. It weighs like 300lbs. If you hit it with a car at 35 mph, it's probably getting knocked over. But how long would you spend in jail?

The permit lasts until 4/2 but they are trying to make it permanent. If that happens, I'm willing to sacrifice an old car thats not worth that much to this cause.

Someone post the pic of the girl taking it from the bull

Give it a cum facial

use some thermite and melt the bitch

Please destroy that Commie crap

Why would you remove it? Its a perfect illustration of womens arrogance in western society. A small little girl trying to stand up to a huge bull that will easily plow through her. Yet instead of realizing that she will be plowed down she stands their foolishly arrogant.

A perfect illustration of the politics of modern women and the fall of western society.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Can't you just tie a thick cable around the cunt's neck and use leverage and a car or truck to pull it out of the ground?

brilliant idea. subvert the symbol instead of destroying it.

Why dont we just hotglue it?

Yeah, I really find this statue baffling. I looked up the charging bull because I didn't know much about it. It's a positive symbol representing the "strength and power of the American people" and/or a "symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity" - so ideologically speaking, let's pretend you're a feminist. Why would you oppose these things? It doesn't even make sense on the level they presumably think it's supposed to. The bull is not a symbol of the "patriarchy", for example. Why would you be against prosperity? That's like saying "I'm pro- people continuing to be poor"

Everything about the confrontational stance of the fearless girl in the face of the bull just seems so stupid. Can't believe people are celebrating it and taking pictures of themselves with it. Also, again, playing devil's advocate - why not make a statue of some famous woman from actual history, wouldn't that be better? Oh and obviously put her somewhere else - NOT standing in opposition to a positive symbol.

dump a load of bullshit on it

good point pall

Then she'll be trans
even more progressive

If we really wanted to get rid of it we should just make a livestream.

Got a problem? Then fucking get out there and take it down.


To me, it represents the victims of moloch standing up to their abuser

Well, considering you'd be driving up on what looks like a walk way, you could be charged with like terrorism I'd imagine.

I'd also imagine a car wouldn't do much to this brave, brave girl who would fearlessly stand there while a car was rapidly approaching to run her ass down. You'd at least need a bull-bar or something to take her out.

>an egalitarian symbol meant to challenge the bull's soulless greed


All we need is a sledgehammer