Have you praised kek today?

Have you praised kek today?

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I will now. Thank you Kek.

Praise KEK
Thanks Poseidon


More like "hoped"

Poseidon protect Europa

is kek poseidon's commanding officer? where is their lair?

Less % of terrorist attack now

Thank you based Poseidon

Sharks might get AIDS. That's what they fear.

Oh no that sucks.

Praise Kek! Heil to the Dragon! Thanks be to the Adversary!

>get own boat
>pretend to drown

i don't get it

What do they do with the bodies?


>only 5



There's room for all the migrants you like in Poseidon's Kingdom.

>200 Migrants
I see those digits

also on that website: The untold story of Europe's drowned migrants




Praise Kek, Lord of the Abyss!

bless kek

Thank you Kek, heil Shadilay.

shouldn't we praise Nephthys or Osiris instead of Poseidon ?

This, who exactly is fearing this outcome?

Praise God.

I also think that's a message from God.

If God wanted those migrants in Europe he would have allowed them to reach shore safely, but decided otherwise and blew some wind on their raft. It sank to the bottom, their souls went to heaven or hell. Who knows?

Thank you based Poseidon!

Nice try faggot

Surprisingly, yes

>wake up suddenly at 5:54
>go back to sleep at 5:56



Praise Poseidon

Thank you based poseidon


Thank you based poseidon

Thanks Neptune.


Those migrants are fine, they're just at Hungary's new Atlantis Migrant Processing Facility

Thank you based poseidon

We need to make a meme symbol that represents poseidon.
Our magick is weak if we do not have a focus, or a sigil, to channel.

Have you also praised Allah today, or us for doing his work?


>pic related
ayy fucking kek

Thank you Based Poseidon.

thank you based Poseidon

200 potential bombs diffused.

hahaha based saudi are you a heathen?

I also happen to prefer Saudi over Iran for some reason


thank you based poseidon

Considering they would have all signed up as children, and Germany is paying ~80k per year per unaccompanied "underage" asylum seeker - that's potential 16 million/yr which just went to the ground of the ocean


Efficiency at chaos levels

Yes, one of many.

On average Iranians are probably more based (their citizens I mean)



How do Saudis feel about Oman?

Their leader is gay you know.

Oman is totally cool, but that's just me.

And no proof he's gay (that I'm aware of) other than no declared wives or children.

He'll just got a little more diverse...Happy!




Fucking auto-correct.

>And no proof he's gay (that I'm aware of) other than no declared wives or children.
Compare that to Abdullah who had over 70 wives and over 150 children

He could marry a white woman, black woman, asian woman, arab woman, levantine woman, a 6 year old, a 14 year old, a 25 year old, a 60 year old, a tall woman, a short woman, a fat woman, a thin woman.

He's a sultan. He could have ANYONE and he has nobody.

It's because he doesn't want a woman.
What other reason could there be?

That he's afraid a legitimate, publicized son would do to him what he did to his father?

If having no wife and kids is proof one is gay, the sultan could easily afford as many beards as needed to avert any suspicion, couldn't he?

Thank you based Poseidon

History of white people

Written by David Goldstein

White people were the most evil people of all time. They lived in Europe and had wars with each other all the time. After spending centuries fighting eachother they discovered other parts of the world. They came to an agreement to stop fighting eachother and start taking over the world. They went to the Americas and killed 100 brazillion natives. They then named one of the nations Brazil to mock the 100 brazillion natives they killed. Then they went to Africa and killed 600 million africans and enslaved 50 million and sent them to America where they worked as slaves for 1 million years. They realized that with this system they only have 50 million slaves but if they enslave all of africa they have 1 trillion slaves. So they did that. In the early 1900's the Jews tried to stand up to the white people but they got mad and elected a leader called Adolf Hitler and captured the Jews in camps and gassed 6 gorillion jews. In the 1900's 11 million illegal mexicans moved to the United states and when they reached 1% of the population the 97% white people got really mad and elected Donald Trump who gassed 11 billion Mexicans. In Europe they also elected alot of Nazis like Trump and Hitler and even tho all of Africa was a slave camp ran by Europeans they still didn't take any refugees from Africa and 200 trillion Africans died in the mediterranean. Lots of Europeans went vacationing in Greece, Spain and Italy and when they saw dead Africans in the water they laughed and sang songs about it. The end.

thank you and praise kek

but it's selfish tbqh

Oman will probably fall into a civil war when he dies because he has no descendants.


Thank you based Poseidon
>tfw 30% Greek

I think Omanis are smarter than that. They're not like everyone around them, but I'm sure you already knew that judging by your interest in the sultanate.

You visited there user?

Thank you based Poseidon

No but I do want to one day.
I'm just really interested in politics in the middle east tbqh.
It's like a real life Game of Thrones.

How do you think Salman's successor will be as a king?


You're asking how, but most Saudis are actually wondering who. It's a real life GoT here.

Isn't it going to be this guy?

Rumors abound that this guy is trying to get rid of him. He's already de facto king.

who would be better?

The guy you posted is probably less... reckless?

But we're not finished, there are others with an even better claim to the throne than either of the 2, including this guy (on the right, left is Moroccan king)

would any of them let women drive?



Any of them could, the guy that sat with Trump is the most likely of the 3 to do it.

Then again may not happen.


We're going to need a higher bodycount than that if we want to prevent a new dark age.

You're welcome.

a bodycount of about 3 billion

Its hilarious isn't it? They literally praise a God for actions that are not in his sphere at all.

Like they literally think that KEK was a chaos god - he was a primordial force of darkness.

He is not associated with numbers either.

I look forward to this pic being used for the BBC's next pro-refugee propaganda piece
and praise Kek

Praise kek
Nothing cheers me up like news of dead migrants these days.


Praise him

Only 200? How many thousands reached the shore alive? Come on Poseidon

Extremely talented method actors

feared? lol naw
thanks Poseidon bro, any chance you can take more?


In the last 3 days more then 7k.

based poseidon

Poseidon helps those who help themselves. What active measures have you taken recently to sink rapeugee boats?

Thank you Based Poseidon.

Thank you, based Poseidon
