Lol this yall president

Lol this yall president

Tangerine face lookin ass nigga

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Wow. CNN really is top notch journalism

Sorry you didnt have a dad.

unless everything is made in America by Americans I wouldn't trust stairs as well, have you seen the escalators made in China? imagine the types of deathtraps their stairs have

Sorry trump has no inner ears

To be fair, that was a Jeanne Moos piece. She's like the Wimp-Lo of CNN.

I see CNN is running out of ideas


>lol look at your president, hes orange lol

Are you saying his opinions dont ma%er because of his skin color?

not for much longer

God I regret voting for this orange buffoon.

Better than that black faced nigger


Grow the fuck up.

He has a high IQ and foresight. He's not gonna take a step forward without knowing what's ahead.

It illustrates the way he thinks.

He has a "logistical" mind.

Is this real?

So you can trump orange but not obama black nigger?

Its cnn so no

no no I meant did cnn actually report this

maybe you can grow the fuck up and realize people have phobias. Like falling down stairs.

>he has never listened to trump speak for an extended period of time

I can almost guarantee you're a 115 lb white kid


>built multi BILLION dollar enterprises

what's your number one accomplishment?

most people on Sup Forums are

yes, they did a whole story on it

Fuck Trump, we got scammed.

>he has never heard of tailoring your message to the audience
Just proves how smart he really is.

>inherited 200 million dollar business in the 70's
>inherited all his daddy's connections and (((business partners)))
>"that proves he's smart! he turned a business worth 1.2 billion dollars (in todays money) into 3-4 billion dollars over 40 years!"
>anyone that makes money is smart! like kanye west and kim kardashian!
i look forward to your further mental gymnastics

i am personally kind of afraid of stairs. I used to trip on them a lot so now i just look down when walking up and when walking down and there is no railing. Sounds ridiculous, i know, but one false step and you might get fucked up.

Shekel-miner detected

done being naive?

you can have 200 million and crash the fuck out of a business in no time

business connections dont have to work with you because they worked your dad

BILLIONS. you're one stupid faggot.

Theres a difference between running a business and entertaining on stage

Grandad is looking great for 70 .

to be fair, those marble gov't steps are usually a 15" run to a 4" rise. Awkward for use.

For example:

Sears is down 10 BILLION dollars

I know 200 million for a multinational business seems like a lot to you, plebe, but it really isnt


>he could have literally put his daddy's money in an index fund and done nothing for the next 40 years and he would have been filthy rich right now
>instead he managed to "grow" his business to (in his own estimates) a 7 "billyun" dollar empire in just 40 years
>meanwhile, there are guys like elon musk who made 4x that in the span of a decade
yeah hes so smaht

>lookin ass
speak proper English nigger

having the right connections is worth more than money, if you have money but no connections you won't go as far

also Sears was run into the ground for years by lolbertarian ideology
>Plagued by the realities threatening many retail stores, Sears also faces a unique problem: Lampert. Many of its troubles can be traced to an organizational model the chairman implemented five years ago, an idea he has said will save the company. Lampert runs Sears like a hedge fund portfolio, with dozens of autonomous businesses competing for his attention and money. An outspoken advocate of free-market economics and fan of the novelist Ayn Rand, he created the model because he expected the invisible hand of the market to drive better results. If the company’s leaders were told to act selfishly, he argued, they would run their divisions in a rational manner, boosting overall performance.
>Instead, the divisions turned against each other—and Sears and Kmart, the overarching brands, suffered. Interviews with more than 40 former executives, many of whom sat at the highest levels of the company, paint a picture of a business that’s ravaged by infighting as its divisions battle over fewer resources. (Many declined to go on the record for a variety of reasons, including fear of angering Lampert.) Shaunak Dave, a former executive who left in 2012 and is now at sports marketing agency Revolution, says the model created a “warring tribes” culture. “If you were in a different business unit, we were in two competing companies,” he says. “Cooperation and collaboration aren’t there.”

Point being you can fuck up a company with some poor decisions lacking foresight.

You people are fucking MSM following mongoloids to believe trump is 'stupid'

Then whats stopping you and every other dumbass nigger from making money?

like 90% of Trumps wealth is tied into his personal brand, he already fucked that up but he's not poor yet kek

His dad died in 1999 and he has siblings you retard. Then there's taxes. His dad was worth 200 million, he got around 30 million of that at most and he's been a billionaire since the 70s.

He isn't even that orange in this pic

Shit b8

Are you under the impression that having high iq makes you an elequent speaker?

Do you know what iq is? You can have genious level iq and not know anything because you don't apply yourself or bother to learn anything.

Intelligence and ignorance are different things

>Then whats stopping you and every other dumbass nigger from making money?
>he thinks ad homs will work
>he doesnt understand that being born into an extremely wealthy and well connected family and getting the keys to an established business makes it 10000000x easier to STAY wealthy
>he thinks paris hilton is smart because she has her own company and is worth a billion dollars
he's been in control of the company since the early 70's you toothepaste. his siblings didn't inherit the business, only his personal will after he passed.

> lookin ass nigga
sup Memphis

I'd call you a cum guzzling sperg but you'd just respond "we dint do nuffin".

>trumpcucks are actually trying to argue that trump is self-made with a genius level IQ
it's funny how literally no one in trumps life that knows him and has worked with him personally has ever described him as anything but a ham fisted buffoon. the only people that say he's intelligent are 1. his employees 2. his campaign 3. blue-pilled apprentice-watching sheep that he has conned

but yeah, anime watching NEETs are great judges of character and aptitude. kek.

Memphian here.
I thought every black trash talked like that.

I said nothing of the sort I'm pointing out that claiming he doesn't have a high iq because he speaks poorly is incorrect.

You probably have a low iq as you are easily confused by simple things

Trump has an enormous ego and he doesn't want to look like a human by slipping on a stair so he places his steps purposely. It's kind of pointless but you can imagine the shit people would write if he was filmed tripping on stairs.

Maybe he is afraid of stairs. He is 70 years old. My elderly family members have been hurt on stairs. Cut him a break

>"you can have genius level iq and not know anything"
>i said nothing of the sort
>he says as he implies trump has genius level IQ, "he just doesn't know anything"
also, life is not good will hunting. there is no one with genius level IQ that "doesn't know anything" you're a shame to all burgers

>Straw mans people's arguments to vindicate his own bullshit
>Doesn't realize he's doomed to niggerdom, because he's ignorant by choice

'speaking poorly'

isnt the same as

'not knowing anything'

stupid fucking niggers, i swear

Suburban and rural nuclear codes etc.



is also not the same as

'knowing things'

No wonder why you were slaves, you're good for nothing else

But seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

>grow the fuck up
Says the nerd virgin nigger on Sup Forums

Tf did i do, fuckwad?!

Say hi to Brock for me

so, he's not an orator, because he fumbles his words and rambles in circles
he's not a vocally impaired intellectual, because even his writing is as jumbled and incoherent as his speech
he's not a calculated strategist, because even he admits that he acts on "instinctual urges" that are "usually right" (according to him)
so that leaves us with him being some kind of autistic savant. fucking kek. the level of denial of some of you cucks is appalling.

Old, fat people are wise to fear stairs.

Has Trump met with Putin yet? What if Putin brought a little step ladder with him to have out during the meeting?

>the level of denial of some of you cucks is appalling
, says the ignorant nigger.

Night, night, nigger. Night, night.

Putin is 5'7"
Trump is 6'2"

libtards will tard

CNN is dead already, no one takes that fake news bullshit serious anymore

>11 posts by this id
>gets completely blown the fuck out in the first few posts and has his arguments utterly dismantled
>he realized he's lost and devolved into calling people niggers
>a mental midget with the debating skills of a 12 year old kid on xbox live
weaponized autism was a mistake.

It's a Merkel/dog joke you dull fuck.

jesus christ. just break up that "news" provider already

"Lol this yall president, Tangerine face lookin ass nigga"

Trump is retarded, but, you cannot fight retardation by talking like an uneducated deliberate idiot. Get raped.