I read this today and he makes a pretty good point...

I read this today and he makes a pretty good point. Even if we keep telling people statistics and quoting Koran verses it doesn't change anything because liberals don't listen to facts anyway. Everybody knows Islam and terrorism are the same.

Instead of that failed approach the idea is we just talk to whoever is a reasonable person and tell them we have to ban Islam it's the only solution. Then I guess they start thinking about that and it becomes a viable option. Anyways #banislam is trending right now on Twitter so this might not be too ridiculous what do you guys think, it's really bugging me that this keeps happening and nobody is presenting real solutions


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Bump for discussion

Interesting concept. Stop accomodating kikes and shitlibs entirely. Just come right out with it. Islam is of no value to humanity. Ban it. Ban Kikes too.

guys, the problem with banning islam is it will make all of this worse. It is playing into their hands. they want a religious war.

>if you fight your enemy, they win

Go away kike.

fucking irises look so goddamn gross close up I can never get over it

That picture is unsettling

ignore the truth all you want but this is an idiotic idea. When there is a belligerent guy at a bar, you don't fight him, you just kick him out until he sobers up. Only another belligerent idiot looking for a fight would engage.

If that's true then the only option is winning that religious war, right? Are we supposed to just wait for the next 50 years while they attack us every month

>kick him out
That's exactly what the OP said ban islam. Kick them out of our countries for awhile

All I see is an enormous gaped asshole
Am I a degenerate?

No, it is recognizing we are winning the war on ISIS and while all this is tragic we shouldn't take the fucking bait. condemn, fight isis, work on the diplomatic solutions that will end all this (one state Israel)
the belligerent ones yeah. but the vast vast majority are fucking fine.

This isn't an ISIS problem though. Islam has been at war with the West since it's conception. It's only recently that we started letting them in our countries do you really think this will end with ISIS?

Really activates the almonds.

the vast majority are "fine" because they're sleeper cells. It's the same as how most people aren't fundamentalist christians, they're just christians. But once the mosques start to advocate for Sharia law, all of a sudden you've got 10,000 muslim men marching down your town hall imposing sand nigger laws onto you.

I'm the fucking caliph and if you don't like it you're an infidel. Rape is okay for Muslims now. So are drugs - take 'em all. Pork is now the food of our people. If any Muslims do not immediately kill themselves whilst not harming any others, they will not be rewarded in the afterlife.

I am the caliph, my word is the word of Allah

What is this chart even saying?

The solution to war is peace. There is other work that needs to be done but the more we kill islam the more justified they are in wanting to kill us. We killed 50 civilians in a drone strike yesterday. It was unintentional but the dumb islamists think we are at war with them and so they wage war with us, justifying it with their religion (just like how you are all justifying your thirst for blood with race). Maybe we will never have complete peace and tensions will flair up, but at least we wont have global war. If we go to war with Islam it wont end with the total annihilation of Islam, it will end with the annihilation of all of us. We need to remain calm and methodically address this like fucking pros.

This is true also. I don't buy the "most are fine" argument because that never tells us what the benefit is? What's the risk reward for bringing the percentage that are terrorists here or just the culture for that matter? What are we gaining?

OK so say that's true. What part of the strategy involves bringing tons of Muslims into our countries?

the benefit of being a civil society that allows all people (even muslims) into our country is that it shows how a civil society should operate. That is why muslims want to come here in the first place, to escape their insane islamic run countries.

Eyes are.creepy upclose

What a useless graph.

That's circular logic. The benefit can't be to show the benefits

The black part of the eye is actually a whole.
Yeah, mind blown.

The part where we don't act like the shitty countries they are in and show how to behave in this life and thrive. When we don't allow muslim refugees in we show we are just as bad as the warlords ruining their countries and give credence to the islamist brainwashing that the west is at war with them and the source of their problems.

>being this jewish

Look...I see what you're doing here, and I understand your tribe has an interest in killing the white man, but for God's sake, man. Can't you ever play it straight?

muslims are semitic. they are subversive like jews but are also inbred and violent. They rot your country from the inside as well as violently attack it from the outside. There is no place for muslims in western society.

This approach clearly didn't work or we wouldn't be having this conversation. Maybe you missed the part where Europe DID allow tons of Muslims in and they keep killing Westerners

good job you attended 8th grade science class.


woah wait nevermind good on you dude

>Ban Kikes too.

Jews have proven useful when kept in their place. It's leftists who have to be banned, regardless of ethnicity or religion.

I think when it comes to showing others be, it is. Like how having this nice conversation with you is showing both of us that our too sides can listen to each other and aren't just "libtard" and "trumptard." We are showing that rational conversation can solve problems.


mudslims don't have rational conversations. they kill those that they don't agree with

Doing the right thing is hard, no one said it isn't. But if you think about the net loss of life between these terror attacks and war I think the path is obvious.

extremists don't have rational conversations. We are at war with extremism, not muslims. When you become extreme, you've already lost. That's what they want.

>Oy vey goyim, don't resist!

those fucking jews holy shit

Are you being serious? You can't possibly look at the current strategy and call it successful. There's absolutely no end in sight and there are more and more attacks each year

>if you don't let them colonize and breed you out of existence, you lose

From the Jewish holy book, the Talmud...

Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Also Watch... youtu.be/wCLtAbULUtw

all muslims are extremists. they don't assimilate into western culture.

Hahah is this literally JIDF copypasta?

i gotta go but nice talking to you all. Peace is good, war is bad!

kys shitskin

Here we go again. Let me try to explain it one more time...

Do you think that the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christianity when they protest the funerals of dead American soldiers?

Does it matter that they CLAIM they do?

Do you agree that within Christianity there are several different denominations, each of which have different beliefs?

And finally... do you agree that a vast majority of Christians have evolved enough to reject some of the more violent passages in the Bible?

If so, understand this...

What we refer to as "radical Islamic terrorism" isn't representative of all of Islam or the roughly 6 billion who follow it.

Radical Islamic terrorism is almost always committed by a single sect... Wahhabism.

They are the ones who are the terrorists. They are the ones who are crazy. They are the ones we need to bomb into the stone age.

Until people understand this, there will never be a solution to global terrorism.

See you next time Rabbi

>Gotto jew fast!

go watch jew are a blight by dr. pierce.

the strategy that has gotten us off course is extremism. this is all happening because of extremists in these countries. and extremism from the US when we invaded iraq. The solution is to fucking chill and bring peace. You guys watch hypernormalization? you should, it's the best repill on youtube. It's not directly about this but it's good. Also Frontline, watch all frontlines. youtube.com/watch?v=to72IJzQT5k

Unfortunately almost all the Muslims that have come to the west are Sunnis and follow these Wahhabi teachings

>6 billion

What in the fuck are you talking about m8?

Gas yourself, Moshe.

then why aren't those enlightened muslims standing up and taking action against the terrorists like their christian counterparts?

Liberals are aligned with radical Islam because they share the same goals which is the destruction of Western society. The left wants a new socialist society and the islamists want a global caliphate. Liberals actually believe that once western society collapses they can deal with the islamists.


So your argument is that 9/11 happened because we invaded Iraq?

By liberals you mean kikes.

What "the West" wasn´t at war with.

I disagree. I've known (and have been friends with) hundreds of Muslims in my life. Most are normal people.

A few examples...

one guy was a construction engineer in the "old country". He told me a story about going to a project one day and asking "when will the foundation be done?"

The guy is like "allah willing, it will be done in a week". His reply... don't give me that "allah willing" bullshit, just answer the fucking question.

Example 2... guy moved here when he was about 10. He's a big Trump supporter. Says we need to keep the Mexicans and Palestinians out because they just come here to collect welfare and steal jobs.

Most of the people who bitch about the Muslims either don't know any or have based their beliefs on that one asshole they knew. But there are assholes in every ethnicity and religion.

Trust me, I've been watching this problem for decades... it's the Wahhabi.

Even now, over in northern Iraq, the sunni, shiite and christians have formed a group together to wipe them out.


youtu.be/RH96S4rBZbI its the only solution.

They are. For example, in Nineveh, the Sunni Shiite and Christians have formed a militia group to fight the Wahhabi (ISIS) terrorists.

And just last year, they pushed them back enough to free a Christian church.

So there's this christian church, celebrating their first mass in 3 years; with Sunni and Shiite standing guard outside while the mass was going on.

anti zionist racist lies.
there wasn't even 1 dead from Jewish terrorism

Forgot pic

Stop debating that kike ban him

You're totally right about Wahhabism, but the fact that you knew a few cool Muslims doesn't change the fact that Wahhabism has dominated Sunni culture by way of Saudi Arabia. Nobody's saying there aren't a bunch of cool Muslims, it's the ones who acidwash their wives faces and cut their daughters clits off that were talking about and those are who's flooding Europe. We don't see it here in the U.S because we get mostly Shia who are the smart ones who got out when they saw Wahhabism send their countries to shit

The art of the deal, just like Trump does it. He is a moderate but he throws himself to the far right so the left will compromise to something more moderate. He knows those rats will step over any moderate and drag him to the left. Anyways Trump did this with the Muslim ban, had he done it the moderate way it would of been
>We are going to put a hold on immigration from certain Muslim nations, but not completely and green card holders will be allowed to come in freely
>Fucking racist! We will allow you to do more screening and better background checks but that is it!
>End result: More TSA agents
>We will but a complete halt to ALL immigration from muslim nations staring right now!
>Oh no! At least let in the green card holders in!
>End result: No more mudslimes, but those who were already residents can come and go just like any other resident
He is doing the same with illegal immigration.
Moderate approach
>We will implement better border security, add more BP agents and deport violent criminals
>Racist! We will allow you to deport only illegals charged with the sexual molestation of little girls
>End result: couple of child molesters get deported
>We will build a huge border wall, deport all illegals and shoot down any wetback coming in!
>Oh no! pls Mr Trump, at least let the dreamers stay!
>End result: Wall built, illegals deported, couple of law abiding dreamers willing to serve in the military stay
We have to go as far right as we can, in order to compromise and get to where we want to be with the blessing of the left. Drive the car to the far right, and by the time the liberals stop it, you will still be deep into the right wing

>what do you guys think
yeah, absolutely engage in this. At the very least we shift the overton window a little more

>then why aren't those enlightened muslims standing up and taking action against the terrorists like their christian counterparts

I was listening to a seemingly well traveled Brit that was responding to questions about no-go zones in London and more or less stated that moderate muslims try and point police in the direction of radicals and it's all for nothing and they get ignored.

Something to do with politicians not wanting to be branded terrorists.

However if these same moderate muslims (who are generaly peaceful to a fault) try and remove radical islamiats from thier own societies in Western nations, then THEY become branded as terrorists.

you sound like the guy saying all niggers are great for your country by pointing out one nigger. your point is only valid when the VAST MAJORITY of muslims behave like your example. I've yet to see this.

>asking google if it's fine or not to feel the urge to shit while praying
>if I'm in the dark god can't see me

>Jews have proven useful
dude, you're proven useful for the jews

I think he's refering to how islam considers everyone a muslim, but those that do not practise/follow another religion as "unenlightened" or something.
Basically, everyone is born muslim, whether you choose to remain (become) muslim or not is up to you

>Anyways #banislam is trending right now on Twitter

racist I meant.

You make a very valid point.

Saudi Arabia is the only thing keeping Wahhabism alive; and they are the ones who are basically funding Wahhabi terrorism all over the world.

Wahhabbism was a strange sect that was well on the way to dying out, until they got one important member... the founder of Saudi Arabia. At that point it got royal help and turned into the cluster fuck we see today.

But there is VERY good news.... The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has only about 6 years left before they fall. And when they do, there goes the funding for international terrorism.

( I can explain the reason they are going to fall if anyone is interesting, but it has to do with the Alberta oil sands, the Dakota oil industry, and KSA's abnormally high break even price per barrel)

>The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has only about 6 years left before they fall.
based on what?

>that tiny strand of the iris that's sticking up

This triggers my autism so bad.

Typing too fast. left out the "1." before the 6

Fuck good point. Don't argue, just ban

The Alberta and Dakota oil fields have basically taken away OPEC's ability to control the price of oil..

KSA only survives now because they bribe their citizens every year with large cash payouts.

Because of this, their overhead cost is about $70 per barrel (don't quote that number, I can't find my notes to get an exact figure).

Anyway... they knew Dakota was going to be a problem, so they tried to bankrupt them by artificially keeping the price down.

But it was too late. Once the dakota facilities were built it didn't matter if the company went BK, the wells would still exist.

With oil at it's current price, KSA is burning through cash like nobody's business. Estimates say that at current prices, they only have about 5 years worth of cash left.

This is why they are suddenly talking about doing an IPO for Saudi Aramco. They need to come up with a bunch of cash to get them through this.

But that won't work either because they are selling their seed corn (the future oil revenues) for short term cash.

People I have talked to from KSA admit that as soon as they stop passing out money, heads will actually begin to roll.

And one more point... the keystone pipleline.

If you ask a liberal, keystone is so the oil can be moved down to the south to be shipped out, but that's not true.

The idea is to get oil to Cushing OK. Cushing is the the location where WTI is shipped to be marketed.

So keystone was designed to bypass the indirect route we currently have and ship it straight from the supply to cushing.

The keystone pipeline is a national security issue. Keystone = cheaper gas = winning the war on terror.

Lmao I instantly saw that too


In case you missed it, they already declared war moron. We are just catching up

This graph has no citations or references, is poorly constructed, and fails miserably to communicate an idea. Go back to Facebook clown

Did you know Ghengis Khans Golden Horde killed millions of Muslims and it worked? Muslims never ever fucked with Mongolia ever again

Yeah anyone who thinks the whole love them to death thing is gonna work is blind. How can people still consider this when they look at Europe? So what do you think about the ban the Koran approach in OP article?