Why is Trump backing Ryancare?


He wants to pass health reform and move on to tax reform

Trump has told 4 people close to him that he regrets" following Ryan's plan to do health care b4 tax reform

Trump is like the old school southern Democrat. Love's America but supports moderate economic policy instead of Lolbertarianism.

Trump doesn't really care about domestic policy. He just wants to get his appointees in place so he can begin purging the deep state and then focus on mass deportations and building a Russo-American detent.

He's making a mistake on this shit backing Ryan

1. He gains political capital by helping out Ryan, who is a very powerful figure in Congress and can help him pass more contentious legislation.

2. He can claim credit for repealing Obamacare, which is a very unpopular law, making Trump more popular.

because somebody told him to or they would shoot him

He's counting on Ryancare to fail, to put House Republicans and Ryan in their place after they defied his original wishes. He'll come in afterwards to get his original plan passed after shaming Congress. He's thinking long-term strategy, three moves ahead.

Because he has no idea what he's doing and will back whatever his advisers say is good

He already stated that if this bill doesn't pass, he's not sponsoring another bill and will simply move on

Who knows. This might be a win win. Fuck Ryan and move onto to taxes. Dobbs just said Ryan has only passed 3 pieces of legulllatuuuure. Ryan is a professional jawboner.

Trump is a fucking puppet. You dumb cunts got fooled worse than libtards in '08. Puppet puppet puppet.

Only 17% of the American people approve of the new bill. It is deeply unpopular, much worse than Obamacare.

>Why is Trump backing Ryancare?

because of this.

Because it will fail and Ryan will be pressured to step down.

Remember the strange circumstances under which he became speaker; John Boehner stepped down during Papal visit. Ryan is a globalist.

He is trying to destroy Ryan's career. Go read Trump's book. There is a chapter on revenge. He ALWAYS gets revenge.

cart before the horse. can't do that.
>btw - this bill is FUCKED.

he sure as fuck isn't acting like that by explicitly stating on the record hundreds of times in the last 3 days saying the bill must pass or the republicans will lose congress in 2018. you should go back to t_d - they believe in Trump no matter what. Fucking moron. Trump has walked into a trap and approves of it!


60 days and The Art of the Deal later

>14 million more uninsured. Costs rising. Tax cuts for the rich. 17% approve





which is to say, don't just blame the infallible kings advisors.

You knew this about Ryan. He knew this about Ryan. He, by his own account, was involved in this the whole time. He has stumped got it. He campaigned on it.

He's done. The next 4 years will accomplish nothing. Need WWIII now.

Ryancare is natsoccare not libertariancare.

>covers kids
>mental health

all you need

Not gonna lie, hilarious crash and nuclear codes.

Ryan (PBUH) pulls the string. Trump is just a front man.

He's not going to offer another plan for a year or so. The plan is to let the death spiral start and dare Democrats to oppose a conservative version.

Obamacare isn't going to last through 2018. We'll lose more insurance companies, the rates will keep skyrocketing, and Democrats own the problem now.

And Paul Ryan may not be speaker next year after how much he screwed the pooch on this one.

This bill sucks , it s worse than obamacare , Trump is making a big mistake . He should have listened to Rand Paul , his bill was almost perfect . Stupid Trump got cucked by the establishment

Trump is slowly realizing that Miller and Bannon are using him as a tool to remove parasite.

Mexico out out out

--- Pure Politics --- Pure Politics --- Pure Politics --- Pure Politics ---

For purely political purposes Trump and the Republicans should let Ryancare fail.

Allow the doomed Obamacare to continue to collapse and the rates skyrocket. An untouched Obamacare will force all damage done by its collapse to fall on Democrats.

>Why not fix Obamacare?
Fixing Obamacare is not possible without taking ownership of Obamacare and making it Trumpcare.

>Republicans promised to...
They tried to modify and thus "fix" Obamacare in Ryans version of "Obamacare Lite". Obamacare is too toxic and politically will doom the Republicans to own its collapse.

>That is dirty for Republicans to not try to save Obamacare but instead allow it to collapse and hurt Americans.
True. It is a dirty move but politically it is effective. Allow Obamacare to exist as is and continue to fail and force the Democrats and their supports to contended with its failure. Force the MSM to accept that an unmodified Obamacare collapsed as the Republicans said it would.

>It there anything the Republicans can do?
No. If they touch Obamacare at all they will own it.

>What should happen?
The Republicans should abandon the Ryancare bill ASAP and move on to tax cuts. Let time be the judge on Obamacare and its failure be its legacy.

>If you could tell Republicans anything what would you say?
Let Obamacare collapse.

--- Pure Politics --- Pure Politics --- Pure Politics --- Pure Politics ---

The problem with Rand Paul's bill is that it won't pass the Senate. They need 60 votes, and they'll never get them.

Paul Ryan's terrible thing was an effort to thread that needle.

Maybe he knows that even if he lets the aca play out and collapse he will be blamed for it. Rand's care wont pass and this is the best chance so he can at least say he tried. Over all I don't give a fuck personally. I feel for the people that have preexisting conditions, but fuck, I don't care enough to fuck with a country's health care to the point where tax paying, normal people are being fucked over so some moron Billy joe or Dayquan can realize "Sheeeeit I have Health Insurance, Sheeeit I'm covered fo addiction an sex change sheeeit". Are we supposed to ignore Darwinism? These are actual animals we are dealing with.

Ryan has flat out stated he will not help Trump with anything.