Wtf is wrong with him

wtf is wrong with him

He's a man

He's excited about American Trucks

like you wouldn't be honking the air horns?

It's ok op. Some day you'll get to hang out in American made big rigs. You just will never be the president

Breaking news Drumpftards, your leader is autistic like you!


I wouldn't act like a fucking 9 year old.

Even his retarded son is more mature than him.

He's a big fan of T Rucker's show of course


Mild autism in an evolutionary advantage.

If you rely on other people to get ahead, you're the problem.

Non-autists are too much susceptible to groupthink, which is the source of our current dilemma.

A properly raised and high-functioning autist is infinitely superior to normie cuck fags who are only capable of regurgitating their friends' tired old opinions.

what are you talking about faggot? if I had a chance to go fuck around in a truck i'd have fun as well stupid fuck

You'd be disgusted too if you had to kiss Obamas masculine wife

I rode about 15 minutes in the cab of a semi once, and I pulled the horn probably about 30 times.

The first time I did it just to be a dick, but I kept doing it because it's actually surprisingly satisfying for some reason.

I love Trump! VP Pence too! MAGA, keep the Constitution strong! Libtards blown out. And fuck you for not liking trucks.

Also saged.

We're reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible

What are you 12?

The fucking guy is 70 years old and acts like a complete retard.

For some reason he was more mature in the 80s.

Maybe he has dementia.

Maybe you have Jew

Stop being an ageist, you kike.
My libtard friends say the same thing about the pussy comment
>ugh 60 year old man talking about pussy, he should grow up
Hope you never become an old man and have stupid fucking kids shit all over your fun.

He loves life, lil nigga

Israel you just have PTSD because every time there's. Big truck, there's a Muslim trying to run you over

>The fucking guy is 70 years old and acts like a complete retard.

where's that famous Jewish sense of humor? I thought you liked self-deprecation?

he's having fun with people, clearly they are having a good time.

If this were obama it'd be all over the news how cool and hip the president is

I generally tend to look at all people in a non-biased manner. I judge people on their actions without prejudice. The only reason i voted for Trump was that i thought he would clean up this mess of globalist/progressive tyranny and madness. This man has failed miserably. The guy is the biggest buffoon to ever have power. I understand not all of it is in his control, but alot is and he is not doing anything but pussyfooting around. Its clear he has no plan and he is incapable of actually doing what he said. This man is so incapable of actually and fully doing what he said that there is nothing left but the black pill. That was the last thread of a chance we had and it was a longshot, although possible. Now its clear that we are fucked. Utterly and totally fucked forever. Just watch it burn and enjoy what you have left.

Yeah I'd do much more sensible things like segregate my milk cutlery from my meat cutlery

>>ugh 60 year old man talking about pussy, he should grow up

He's 70 not 60 you fat burger.