Playtonic removes controversial YouTuber JonTron from Yooka-Laylee

>JonTron - real name Jon Jafari - has found himself in the news in recent weeks following a series of far-right views about immigration, ethnicity and nationalism.

>"JonTron is a talented video presenter who we were initially, two years ago, happy to include as a voice contributor in our game. However, in light of his recent personal viewpoints we have made the decision to remove JonTron's inclusion in the game via a forthcoming content update. We would like to make absolutely clear that we do not endorse or support JonTron's personal viewpoints and that, as an external fan contributor, he does not represent Playtonic in any capacity. Playtonic is a studio that celebrates diversity in all forms and strives to make games that everyone can enjoy. As such, we deeply regret any implied association that could make players feel anything but 100% comfortable in our game worlds, or distract from the incredible goodwill and love shown by our fans and Kickstarter backers."

do you get it, Sup Forums? Fuck off with your alt-right bullshit, or there will be consequences.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can someone please photoshop the lizard as a Mexican rapist and the bat as a Muslim suicide bomber?

>Sup Forums = alt-right
When will Normies learn

Don't care.


i'm getting tired of liberals silencing immigrants views on politics

There goes all respect I had for the developers of my favorite video game

Fuck those British cunts, everything they made after DKC and DKC2 is trash anyway

Hang on. Did Playtonic just discriminate against an immigrant? How the hell can they claim to promote diversity if they won't hire immigrants. These people are bigots

Jontron is a literal homeschool dropout who unironically believed our memes and unsourced jpegs. He deserves to suffer.

>celebrates diversity in all forms
What does this mean?

What, does this mean?

What, does this even mean?

What, does this non-statement imply?

Why won't it stop?

Make it stop.

>wanting to be in Mighty No. 9-2

>the left is the reason Trump got elected
He's partially right, it's the left plus corporatist globalism

But our memes and jpgs are often factual

playtronics is trash anyway
this banjo rip off will be trash, they can't even voice act it, just has those stupid 90s sound in it of "wha wha woop" sounds annoying.

Bunch of debs living off pass glory not knowing the times have moved past them.

also stealing IP of something a corporation paid good money for.

fuck them all.. go back to making kinect games fuckers.

We're alt right whether you like it or not

you're not an innocent, hard working immigrant if you're on the right, sir.

I feel real bad for Jon.
>be Jon
>huge fan of Banjo Kazooie
>gets excited that a spiritual successor is being made
>gets the opportunity to voice act in this game he is super excited for
>later, he states objective truths that are considered controversial
>Neogaf starts a witch hunt against him
>they pressure the game devs to remove his work from this game that he is passionate about
There is no justice in this world.

Why shoukd I care what some cuck on Reddit thinks?

ahh karma is an amazing thing isn't it?

Jon cucked himself. He can easily keep the acting gig and still express conservative opinions. He didn't need to spaz out

No we're not you faggot Redditor

Civil War 2 in america is going to be fucking hype. This war will be bloody, it will be violent and a lot of cucks are going to get a rude wake up call when people wake up to the facism from the SJW movement on the left.

It means they love identity diversity and ideological unity. It means they want everyone of all creeds and colors united under the globalist, socialist banner. It means they hate freedom and love thought-slaves.

Jontron... had a hard life

I would join the New Confederates just to clean up the nog and spic towns if it didn't violate the core principle of nationalism by engaging in foriegn wars

Don't worry my friend, Kek will reward the faithful in the end


>you have to say you put a lot of thought into a word used as an insult before you say you don't really care about censoring words!

As much as it would be fucking badass and sick for this to happen, it never will. Everything is becoming more and more restrained. Even if masses of people clash against each other, it would be likely a 6 hour firefight at best, not an entire war of pushing lines.

Game is shit, he dodged a bullet.

You or him do not know the meaning of a hard life.

I think it's great that they've done this, I can now add another developer who are never going to receive a fucking cent from me ever again to my list. BioWare and everyone who took sides during the GG nonsense will finally have some company.

I also hope you realize that Playtonic is going to lose more money from this than JonTron who was going to give them free publicity out the ass for their rehashed Banjo Kazooie game.

They're going to have to rely on Banjo fans to sell that game, that means nostalgia, that largely means white males who think like JonTron - who ironically was their connection to newer generations and was going to make it "cool" for them.

How amazing is technology that Niel can talk to Jon on the internet all the way from atop his highest of horses? Just amazing, imagine that kind of distance.

Are you using a proxy or something?


>reddit is down so cannot post the link

Well, he was emotionally abused by his parents

What did he even say?
Also exploring Sup Forums and mapping it for my masters on Sup Forums, anything happen here besides brutish racism?

if he was on a high horse he wouldn't even respond to anyone.

History repeats, always remember that. This is the same country destroying confederate relics due to "its racist". When that happens, people forget or become rather ignorant to history. When that happens, history then repeats itself. It is happening, its not an if it is when. Many of us are preparing for the conflict, CW2 will lead into WW3.

You don't belong here


he pretty much freeballed his way through a debate on the realities of american life so he said a bunch of stuff that isn't actually correct but his heart was in the right place and he never pretended to be an expert.


Jontron stated facts
Facts are like poison to the average liberal and thus he was labelled a nazi
>does anything else go on here
Memes and political shitposting, also venting, lots and lots of venting

This is kinda like how /mlp/ hates being called bronies now, isn't it?

>objective truths

>people unironically believe the things jontron was saying

my sides

Oh was he? Was he thrown down the stairs consistently as a kid and beaten? Did is parents try intentionally crashing their car with their kids in it on the highway because they got mad? Was he denied friends and a childhood all his life? Has he had to live in a literal boot camp for his entire existence? Fuck off.

fuck Neil

You're seriously retarded if you think in this day and age an actual civil war 2 will happen.
The military would shut that shit down faster than it starts.

Is this seriously the kind of game you'd want to associate with?
Better yet, why even associate with the gaming industry? Do you know how pathetic and beta that sounds?
>Yeah, I work with carpentry. It's an exhausting and even dangerous job at times but it feeds the family, and gives my kids a better future.

>Yeah I put pixels together and play fictional entertainment.

Please off yourself if you are even considering game development. All of it is becoming utter SJW trash for pondering to the degenerates of society, and it's even a distraction for the youth of hundreds of nations when they could be learning about trade or economics.

Most of what he said was true

how the fuck do i cancel my preorder

Could you define what the alt-right is then, and state your sources? Is there really a concrete definition somewhere?

Who is JohnTron and why is he and OP the biggest fags in fagland??
Quick Rundown: Huge Fag Edition

>Fat man child
>play video games
>makes videos that blatantly rip off AVNG
>makes smug faces
>shit facial hair
>has mediocore fanbase of 10 year olds subscribers on YouTube
>"Debated" some other gamer faggot and said something you might see on /pol
>Nerds Lose it!! GamerGatePewDieGateV3,0
>Internet BLOWED UP
>He's not politics, political or even educated in those areas
>A total nobody who plays video games
>Not a political panelist
>Sage goes in the option field
>Click the Arrow beside the post title for the drop down menu and select "hide"

Stop the cancer of YouTube Gamers being thought as of important, intelligent or even someone worth listening too when it comes to politics or anything besides the game they're reviewing

The game doesn't look as good as what banjo + kazooie was. There seems to be far too much empty space in the levels and the characters lack the charm the B+K characters had, especially the main characters. The only thing that might save the game is modding, modding B+K into the game along with better levels might make the game good.

>rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites

Quit projecting.

Once again, GAF proving themselves to be the moral arbiters of the internet, fighting against the alt right freaks!

Not an argument

wait, white people suck? since when?? i'm shocked.

But they do

holy shit it's a meme you dip no one fucking cares about your edgy blog

>reddit is down

nice troll
he has nothing to do with pol
this is the best thing to happen to his career

Do you actually believe this or are you trolling?

You're right, rich spoiled jontron has had a real hard life lets all feel sorry for the little ingrate.

What platforn?

There's no concrete definition, but Sup Forums is definitely alt-right.

Sorry, but Sup Forums is alt right

back to r e d d i t from which you came

Its actually true
Their rate is higher than whites
Go look at the FBI and DOJ stats

Besides he said "what had to be said", did he just do what Pewdiepie did and made fun of Racism by saying racist things, or did he go on something like breitbart or Stormfront and do work for them?

I think KEK just blew this faggot manchild the fuck out.
Sage goes in the options field

There aren't any, why don't you link me these sources? They don't exist mate

I love jontron, game grumps went to shit when he left. Wish he was better at arguing, but he sticks up for what he believes in and has a good heart.

Loved the goosebumps reviews.

Fucking hell I'm not extreme either way, but all these knee jerk reactions and labeling is what's made me go far more right than I ever thought I would. I just hope Jon doesn't really fly off the handle or worse, regret what he believes in and apologises for it.

who is this beaner ?


Do you not remember gamergate?

triggered because white people are the worst terror the earth has ever seen?

not an argument.

He said facts
He stated plain as day facts about race, immigration, etc. That you yourself can find courtesy of the FBI
Not once while stating those facts was there a hint of malice or ill intention

JJ is honorary af

It means if you have a dissenting opinion from their consensus narrative then fuck off you're fired!!

im on my phone, im not getting baxk on my PC just to send you my bookmarked sources
Google: black crime rate in USA, they should be on the first couple pages

show me your white skin white boy


They expect some of us in the wreckage, brother.


that's not rich blacks commiting more crime than poor whites?

can't tell if bait or legit
either way, everything you see in front of you by seeing this message is derived from the work of the big evil white man

he said stuff like blacks have higher crime rates and its normal for groups of humans to want to live a certain way and that you can't say shit like white people should be color blind while at the same time cheering for black power.

Do you think that if we look at a single income bracket, the crime rate among blacks and whites within that bracket is going to be the same?

In white countries, yes.

>far right views
What? Jontron is a lefty with an occasional centrist viewpoint. What are these people going on about?





Swear this ain't b8 lmfao cuz if it's not it's REALLLLY time to stop posting

>Playtonic is a studio that celebrates diversity in all forms

Excluding politics, of course

Go figure, a bunch of people working on Yooka-Laylee follow leftist figureheads on Twitter. Not hard to see which way they lean.


It's really time for you to get shot retard.