Anyone else feel like the Trump being a super hero mirrage is fading?

Anyone else feel like the Trump being a super hero mirrage is fading?

I voted for him and still support him but the magic is kinda worn off. Ever since he supported the necocon RyanCare bill + it not being able to pass really took the magic away from all of this...

I wish it was still 2016 where I felt like we elected hitler or something..

I voted for Trump because I knew there were two possible outcomes. Either we MAGA, or everything burns to the ground. I'm onboard with either.

lol true i guess... i just miss the magic feeling when he first became president elect and then got inaugurated. those times i was high on his victory.

this healthcare thing really did it for me though

Breitbart is against the AHCA
Drudge is against the AHCA
Rand is against the AHCA
Infowars is against the AHCA

Almost everyone is against it who truly supported him

have you seen him in the truck? every day i love that man more.

what truck?

Stop replying to these slide threads you braindead niggerfaggots

criticizing Paul Ryans healthcare bill is now a slide thread? fuck off neocon shill

Lol no. I view trump as four more years to prepare before we become brazil

The ban getting blocked by random judges is pissing me off and Trump needs to find a way to force it. I don't give two shits about a health care plan as long as I'm not forced to have health care. I'm not a sickly inferior that needs to go to the hospital so why should I piss my money away?

I was under the same spell somehow.
Nothing actual magical was needed, just laying bare some fucked up people and maybe subjecting them to law like common people.
It looks like business as usual with someone at the helm 50% don't like.


Do you even 4d chess?

i want to fuck patrick


this is the only correct answer

>image has to explain sage
Is everyone who posts anymore a complete retard?

You doe realize they he will make another Healthcare bill right?
You can't just repeal Obamacare. Obama made it so you couldn't without hurting a bunch of things. You have to replace it with 3 different bills.

He's not perfect and he is also fighting and being sabotaged on four sides at once (his own party, the Democrats, the deep state and the media), but I miss the fun of the election as well. Still, he's only been president for a couple of months and he's accomplished a lot in that time and seems determined to keep his promises, though the healthcare thing seems like a misstep.

i just hope he learns from his mistakes with the healthcare bill and starts listening to his biggest supporters like drudge breitbart and infowars

but thats the thing, i thoguht he WAS perfect so now that i know hes not its a bit dissapointing

I'm a Trump voter that wasn't passionate about the healthcare issue. I don't want people to die.

He really got handed a turd with Obamacare, I have no idea how he could fix it. I know what you mean though user. Still spare a thought for those living in the Hillary won timeline

I don't care about memes or politics so it never bothered me anyways.

>starts listening to his biggest supporters like drudge breitbart and infowars

you're trying too hard blueshare

think i kinda just supported him bc of how valid the outrage of right-leaning middle america was - the condescension of u.s. cultural elites toward appalachia and that horrid emergent politic of treating white people as though they were born with an original sin that could only be eradicated by civilisation (i.e. born racist) (which really only led to people acting as though educated, well-to-do whites were morally and politically superior to poorer, less-educated whites; and then the nerve of calling all this leftism, or even socialism)

it got on my goat something fierce, and the months of near-consciousness-annihilating bliss that his election provided, the shock and terror and, more importantly than anything else, the ~surprise~ on people's faces would have been worth, e.g., a second great depression, if one happened(/does happen)

i'm not sure what it wouldn't be worth - if we get into a particularly hideous world war, then i'll curtail my praise, maybe

but from the distance of the pacific (ausfag), that man reached into the minds of every last one of my intellectual/political enemies, and struck them dumb. it was like being the only person standing after a battle. my leftist associates' contempt and pity at once turned into hatred and fear. every day was a gift again.

but honestly i didn't even expect him to go as far as he did. i never thought he'd really build the wall, for example. although i def supported him doing so.

not that bothered that he's slowing down now. it's unthinkable really, the gains he's made for us. do you dudes not remember what things were like? we were counting the days until hillary clinton gave anita sarkeesian a medal of freedom.

imho who cares whether it's the cia or an infiltrating left group or w/e. it's an anonymous political board, the point of which is anybody can post. they still have to play the same game by the same rules.

>who cares whether it's the cia or an infiltrating left group or w/e

fuck off blueshare

i'm from s4s actually. you were linked here

ah that explains it.

>health care bill you know what neo-conservatism is?

David Brock will soon die :^)