Why the germans hated jews so much

red pill me this Sup Forums.

The reason I was given as to why the holocaust happened was simply, germans hated jews, that's it.

Now that I'm a little older, I'm starting to question that premise.

So Sup Forums I'm ready to hear what you guys have to say.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is actually my main problem with how they story is taught. They never get into they WHY. Why were the Germans so pissed off? (I've since researched it for myself and I can SEE why. EASILY.

But no, school doesn't SAY why. School just says, Germans were EVIL. Just inherently EVIL.

This, plus Hollywood, teaches kids with German in their background (who were the majority in the USA for the last 70 years, by the way) to think of themselves as EVIL.

Then they wonder why those kids come to Sup Forums .

If Hitler did not attack Russia, then the Slavs would live with the Slavs, other Europeans with Europeans. Many white people would not have died. And now everything is bad.

Point me in the right direction, or care to explain why?.

>They never get into they WHY.

Wouldn't want to risk anyone agreeing with the Germans I guess.

>The reason I was given as to why the holocaust happened
>why the holocaust happened
>the holocaust happened

lurk more faggot


>be hitler
>lose WWI not to military defeat on the battlefield, but to the intentional sabotaging of the war effort by Jewish financiers, socialists, and international Bolsheviks
>Jews control half of Germany's banks
>Jews control the stock market
>Jews owned roughly 80% of small stores
>Jews control roughly have of all newspapers in Germany
>Jews lead a communist revolution in your post WWI war torn country in 1918-19
>naturally he realized this "Jewish question" must be answered

Why wouldn't he be mad at jews? He had every reason in the world to deport them from his country.

Wrong. At least in German schools they teach why the Germans were so angry about them. The reason is because minorities always have the problem to be mocked. Germany had many problems around then and to say it's the nations own fault is more difficult than finding a minority to make them guilty for it. This and the endless propaganda against jews made everyone so angry about them.

He saw communism as a vehicle for Jewish international interests.
The "Russian" revolution was hardly Russian.
Your country was overthrown by Jews and they implemented Talmudic Judaism: The Government Edition.

Germany - since before it was formed - was the most welcoming place in the world to the Jews, and the Jews prospered there for over a thousand years. The Ashkenazim and their fabled intellect came into exisence in the Rhineland, over centuries of co-existence with Germans (including more than a little DNA contribution from them).

Late 1800s Germany decides it wants to form itself as a country out of a large collection of smaller states. The powerful of England, France, and America all hate this as it makes Germany a powerful economic adversary, and changes the balance of power. This is the most deeply-seated and under-reported cause of World War I. The MONEY people of the world - men of hubris - thought they they had the right to decide the fate of nation of people. World War I is made to happen. Just as Germany is on the brink of winning it, Zionists use their leverage to get a promise for the creation of Israel. In return they bring in America and a bunch of money to win it for Britain. After World War I, witht he Treaty of Versailles, crushingly egregious conditions are placed on Germany, and it was impoverished to the point of desperation. International Jewry started buying EVERYTHING up while it was on its knees. Like, picking its carcass. Meanwhile the German culture was being deliberately steered into degeneracy. When Germans finally started organizing themselves again, International Judaea publicly declared war on Germany, in 1933, which is what really tipped things into the direction where nasty shit was unavoidable.

So, the question isn't: "why did the Germans hate the Jews so much?"

The question is: "why did the powerful Jews of the world hate the people who hosted them for a thousand years and allowed them to flourish so much?"

Got you covered senpai.

germans have always hated jews, it's part of our nature
you better deal with it and btw you have many germans in america who also hate jews, because they are german
trump is trying hard to cover the fact up that he hates jews

We didn't hate jews more than other European countries before Hitler came to power. Even in 1938 many people didn't really have anything against jews. Many actually disliked the discrimination by the Nazis but they saw it as kind of a price for having them in power instead of those socialists or social democrats. Germans thought that jews were simply displaced. They had no clue about the extermination as it was kept secret until the end.

Welp, the Jews started it.


then pic related

Jews create trouble wherever they go.


He married his children to Jews, and he has 8 Jewish grandchildren idiot. He does not hate Jews.

are they?
digits speak other words

Israel was established after WWII, which was a generation after The Great War already ended

This man just singlehandedly redeemed all leaf posters.


Do you even know what "FPBP" means?


The holocaust never happened you faggot , although i wish it did happen

Heil hitler ! although hitler was not muslim i think he will go to heaven for the things he did , truly a great man i wish i was born in time to fight for the third reich against jews and commies

Considering you're actually from Jordan and not larping, is this how most of the people you know feel?
What is the general opinion of Hitler like from Muslims?


the germans hated the jews because "the jews" were slowly taking positions of power in germany, mostly related to finance and banking, even politics.
hitler read this as a coup.

Communism was the reason he invaded though, you fell for a stupid meme and Hitler tried to help you.

Conveniently leaving out majority of schlomos were Bolshevist at the time, considered enemies of the state. Caused the social destruction in inter war period, promoted the same things they are promoting now but in Germany. Would go out and attack germans that spoke out against what was happening/tried to overthrow the social fabric in order to bring about Marxist revolution.

Read Arthur Bryant's 1940 book, "Unfinished Victory".

While he is very hostile to the Nazis (being British and writing during WW2), it actually describes in quite some detail why they despised the Jews.

Available for free here as a pdf:

https:// [4+4] ch.net/pdfs/res/3254.html#q3447

is there a document about this? i want to read it.

Watch this first user


Also he didn't hate Jews inherently, there were plenty of ethnic Jews in the Wermacht.

Yes hol up

You're a fucking idiot.

hitler was trying to find the problem, but since it was so deep rooted he had to kill all jews.

After watching that here's this

>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"

Topkek, you need a history lesson

because of their retarded race theories
because hitler scapegoated everything on them and they ate it up
i don't know

Here's some just for more info

>Who Controls America?
>Endgame - White Genocide
>Anti-White Propaganda
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>The Judeo-Russian Mafia
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Miscegenation illegal in (((Our Greatest Ally)))
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
>Ben Freedman on World Zionist wars
>Alon Ziv promoting interracial couples
>Alon Ziv defending Jews refusing to breed outside their race
>The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism
>Yuri Bezmenov
>Pastebin on Jewish Marxist Subversion
>The leaders of Communism are all Jews
>Communism is the NWO
>The Secret Holocaust - The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians
>Communist Atrocities and War Crimes from 1918 - 1945
>Brutal drawings from the gulag

thats just german indoctrination, dont pay him any mind

Financial middlemen have historically been villified by societies with poor knowledge of finance and economics. They are perceived as getting wealthy without creating anything, so people tend to think of them as conmen. German finance was pure shit since all the old money bankers moved to the Swiss mountains, so the Jews were accused of cheating the German people to earn their wealth.

Other examples from history include the Chinese and the Phoenicians. Trade generally leads to persecution

You fell for it hook line and sinker funny stuff user

>Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man Who Invented The 'Six Million'
>The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
>Russia and the Jews
>A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Together
>Antony C. Sutton - Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

No probs. Enjoy the book I linked to.

i also studied about this in highschool, any new insights or just guesswork?

It's not really Jews, but Jewishness, and what that MEANS, which is a deep rabbithole.

The same reason we hate them.

They ruined white art and culture and replaced with with Jew-negroid culture, they control international finance and media.

Here you go darkmoon.me/2013/the-sexual-decadence-of-weimar-germany/

Yes I just linked you one, any questions you have be specific and I'll link you what you need

This user gets it

rabbit hole and a half

For the record I think it was a huge mistake to base so much of the policy on race. There were undoubtedly many, many decent and hardworking Jewish people, shop owners, regular people, good for their communities, well integrated before all this mess. It's incredibly sad that their lives were ruined because of the machinations of power-hungry psychopaths (of whom AH was not the only one).

Keep in mind that the Germans sent lots of people to America in the 30s to study how segregation was working for the superpower across the Atlantic, and used it as their template. Also, German propaganda (all propaganda) was based on ideas developed by Freud and Bernays.

These ways of thinking were popular back then. America was also the world pioneer in Eugenics.

We had to outgrow this, I know Sup Forums is satire for a lot of people but those who say "it didn't happen but should have" I feel are deeply lost. Whatever happened was horrible enough and we should all hope it never does again.

If I were Jewish today - or when i think about things from the perspective of my Jewish friends - I would be worried about the toothpaste of truth that is oozing out of the tube of the internet.

The effectiveness of doubling down on the narrative is fading quickly. We need to figure out a way for the truths to come out without more mass suffering.

I guess you would have to live among them to understand. They see non jews and converts as a beneath them. You have a long road ahead, user. You're doing the right thing by questioning it though, that's the true red pill.

This user also gets it

Because wherever Jews are they gain political and economic power through lying and scheming and oppress the goyim (literally 'cattle' in their language), everyone knew this, especially the Germans, it's just that now they control the media, politics, the economy and the education system, so this information is restricted and replaced with MAH HOLLERCAUST crying and hand-wringing.

Heil Hitler

You are a collosal faggot.

I have no answers to your question, but:

Look up that famous video of Albanians in the "concentration camp", in HD.

Look how the barbed wire is attached to the posts.

Think about it a little.

Some people think he is a good goy because of his children's marriages but he's really just trying to appease the kikes since they are so powerful, anyone who does not see this is a faggot retard, its easy to tell he despises them

jews steal

>Jewish communist war of 1918
>majority of rich were Jews in the German economic depression
>Jews have already caused social problems way before nazi Germany


Holy shit this is exactly what op is talking about. That's not an answer to why at all.

A proper answer would reference the communist uprising of 1918, the German military'military's accusation that German Jewish bankers were responsible for the loss because they loaned to British and french governments (Balfour Declaration), the general antisemitism of the time due to Jewish social and professional positions (miserly bankers/investors/etc that were stereotyped as trying to cheat you out of a buck, which still exists today) and the Jewish-Communist connection that was taken for granted in an age where Communism (ergo Jews as well) was heavily feared and scary.

The Slavic minority in Germany didnt suffer near as much scrutiny and blame despite also being reviled under Nazism's racial politics.

hitler wasn't racist

I wish Hitler wrote a book explaining his philosophy and worldview.

See: You're welcome

So here is the timeline as far as I know, feel free to add or correct anything:
>Poles kill germans in territory that was german before WW1 and thus had a lot of germans living there
>Hitler went into Poland in order to stop the murdering
>Britain and their jewish masters didn't like an indipendent and strong germany, and thus took this as reason to declare war on germany
>Russia, already doing its best to distribute Bolshevism in europe saw the opportunity and made also forced advances towards the west.
>Britains, realizing they are getting in trouble right now, ask their jewish masters to draw the USA into the war
>They demand Israel as payment, which Hitler tried to give the jews before the war already in order to get them out of the government and stop them from jewing around (Haavara agreement) which the Brits didnt play along with
>Brits agree this time, USA gets drawn into the war, and the rest is History
Furthermore the Nazis never meant to kill the jews, why else would he have tried to get them Israel. they just wanted to keep them from jewing around and thus contained them in the concentrationcamps. People died in those camps, but not due to systematic genocide but due to starvation and sickness (like typhus) in times where the germans themselves could barely eat something, and where the traintracks to the camps were bombed by the allies making it even harder to supply the camps.
The Nazis also werent racist. Why would people from all over the world travel to germany and join the SS if the germans hated everyone who isnt a blue-eyed blond aryan? Why would the SS have been the most diverse military force in history (only surpassed by the foreignlegion as far as I know) if they wanted to get rid of all the diversity. Why would there then by even entire muslim Divisions in the SS?

My god I am enlightened

This kills the wehrb

this guy has the answer for your question


Germans didn't hate jews in general. They hated the jewish elite which seeked to destroy the world. Read pic
>Inb4 all jews are bad.

Read Mein Kampf

I hate Jews but to be clear, goyim means nation in Hebrew. The prefix is derived from the same as cattle.


Ty famo

You're focused too much on Nazism. The Jewish issue in Germany goes way back to Imperial Germany and even the time of the HRE. Also the Balfour Declaration (promise of Israel) was in WW1, which was way before the polish ethnic cleansing began.

Oh and Nazism was actually racist but it was (or tried to be) "positive" racism that was directed towards one's own group, eg. Germany for Germans, France for the French, Aryans were an ideal to strive for, while Slav had a different ideal to strive for, etc. Separate but equal ideology applied at a higher level. Also the SS was more anti-communist than anything else, which was the main cause of their popularity.

Leaf redemption status REVERSED eh? lol
Listen it's possible to think that the official story is cut with bullshit and the Jews need to fess up for their own part in the mess, while also hoping we can avoid repeating our mistakes as a species.

People are putting together the truth, if they don't figure out a way to acknowledge it, it will increase the chances of bad shit repeating

OP asked why the Nazis hated the Jews at the time. The book I linked to answers that question in context.

The rest of jewish history, well, thats not really my thing. I leave it to others.

The Jewish issue goes back to Roman time brothah, interestingly enough they claimed the romans killed 40,000,000 in their Talmud. It's almost like lying about genocide has been there thing?

So why did the jews hate the germans? Aren't you using the exact same axiomatic logic that OP is complaining about?


Read Mein Kampf. It explains it all.

A muzzie I can agree with, heil hitler. It's almost as if the kikes are pinning us against one another? Again.....


Read the Torah. It explains why Jews dislike non israelites

Where's the book you linked to?

Germanon, there is a famous quote by Michener, "A man is right once, maybe twice, but never the third time". I can't think of a group of people that have been expelled from so many countries over the course of history. There is a very good reason for it, and it's not xenophobia or racism.


>Poles kill germans in territory that was german before WW1 and thus had a lot of germans living there
>Britain and their jewish masters didn't like an indipendent and strong germany, and thus took this as reason to declare war on germany

You have it backwards. It was more like:

> British analysts realize that there will be an inevitable war between Germany and USSR and the winner will rule the continent (and subsequently invade Britain)
> They realize that forces are on par so it's difficult to predict who will win, however
> If Poland joins either party that party would win
> Poland's leader, Piłsudski wants to join Hitler against Russia
> Hitler was OK with it
> British realize that they have to make Poland fight both Russia and Germany
> 1935 Piłsudski dies
> British intelligence starts playing new Polish gov't agianst Germany
> Hitler still wants Poland to join the Axis until late 1938
> UK gives Poland a worthless "guarantee"
> Poland tells Hitler to fuck off

You know the rest.

Jews love to fuck with the Germans, if that puts it simply

Better yet read the Talmud, that's what they follow nowadays anyway

A few guesses:

1) They felt the German people were their intellectual inferiors and resented them getting "uppity" enough to want their own nation and to run it themselves

2) Germania was part of the old Roman Empire, Germany of the 19th/20th century was embracing and resurrecting old Roman ideas and aesthetics. Jews despised the Romans because they kicked them out of the Holy Land

Some of the anti-Jew stuff is bullshit, other aspects are completely true. Basically, the fact that they look out for themselves even over their country, practice nepotism frequently, and always flock to potentially dishonorable professions, leads to them being untrustworthy, or worse, viewed as evil or a corrupting element. Overall, I think there are some good ones and some bad, but I think their "religion" sets themselves up to be hated and potentially killed in the future. St. Augustine said that he believed God still perhaps has a plan, lest they be slain by the sword. There are various reasons they are hated, some their own doing, others not so much. Personally, I believe that Jews overall are a negative influence on society, and push for socialism all the time, but they aren't all worthy of a criminal label. Some Jews think they're better than everyone else, and treat other people poorly, or without a humane attitude. Their interpretation of their religion is very wrong, and they don't serve God but themselves. Its not them vs the gentiles now, but back then, it was, because a lot of gentile nations were evil by any standard, sacrificing children to their gods in Aztec fashion.I think Nazism was a separate beast, probably far worse than Jews, Hitler was insane and mad. He had to go down, because he wouldnt have stopped until the whole world was eugenically cleansed. Fuckin animal he was.

Hitler = 1/4 Jew + 3/4?

Communism as a system had no relation to the Jews.

It is pretty simple.
The enemy should in no case be resonable. The educational jew does not want you to think one second about the Wehrmacht being made up of mostly kind hearted average men like most other armies at the time. You should think everyone of them was a convinced nazi who killed jews on the spot with his mobile gas chambers and holocausters. I love how (((Hollywood))) tries to make the Wehrmacht and SS look like the worst human beings to ever exist with blatant cliches, subtle messages and obvious prpaganda. Yet everyone seems to love the soldiers of Nazi Germany. Their uniforms, weapons, chants, tactics and more all get glorified no matter where. Don't belive me? Just read the comments under this video:
One of the biggest anti Germany WW2 movies to ever exist yet the comments are full of praising the SS. The reason the electronic jew is so eager to slander the picture of German soldiers in WW2 is simply because they were not the evil ones and with a fair comparrison everyone would find out.

Did you replace the 4+4 with the obvious number?

The post has two links to the pdf



Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lad

Oh my sweet summer child.

He probably saw a threat that did not exist. "The Russians must die so that we live," they wrote. He was very stupid. The victory of Russia is a historical inevitability. I'm nazi, but I hate Hitler.
