Women vs Men

Science proves women are superior to men.

Women have higher IQ's now: livescience.com/21647-men-women-iq-scores.html

I mean women always knew deep down that they were the more intelligent ones, but as the gentler sex we were quiet about it and let men continue to believe they ruled the world.

Women fight off disease better: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8047321.stm

They even call men wimps. That's right, you're wimps.

Women tolerate pain better. Mythbusters even proved that women can hold their hands in freezing water 19% longer than crybaby men.

Women have better memory. Women handle stress better. Women are better at multitasking. Women are even better computer programmers than men. Women are better doctors, leaders, and even drivers.

With science we can even create babies without men now. Women don't even need you to fertilize their eggs anymore.

What exactly are you guys good for? Men are nothing more than clowns to the modern women. Let's face it, you're nothing more than clowns to modern society.

I think this is why the majority of you are sexist. You are scared that women do not need you anymore. You are scared that women have figured out that you are nothing but a subhuman beast, barely more advanced than an animal.

Other urls found in this thread:


>built everything
>invented everything
>fought everything
>ruled everything
>explored everything

You are mentally ill.

> not understanding bell curves or evolution

op confirmed woman? also artificial wombs and sex dolls inbound rip XX choromsome bearers

Thanks! Literally made you men do all the work, and now we are taking it all over. You all sit back and let us too.





>Go do something else we can take as our own.

>muh vagina
>men's penises
Clap clap clap clap clap

I don't really have problems with women and i'm pretty convinced a lot of these gender war threads are used to divide and conquer whites.

if a woman is a shitty feminist with a high notch count - just drop her and attract someone better.

I have a loving girlfriend who's been cooking for me and traveling with me for the better half of a decade now. Just be a good judge of character, as you would making male friends.

Feel free to leave the societies we built and create your own.

that's tackling mean IQs, leaving out the different stddevs. Women may have the .5 to 1 point higher IQ on average, but at the mensa level men still outnumber them >5 to 1

You realize women's IQ score in brought up just because they're women , same with children

>Men are nothing more than clowns to the modern women

im yet to see a single woman working as an electrician,house-builder,sewer cleaner or any other job that keeps cities and civilization running.modern systems like clean water,electricity are the work of men.
you are weaker than us,you are dumber than us and you are absolute unneded human garbage after you reach 35.

[spoiler] nice bait made me reply 7/10. [/spoiler]

I'm going to rape you.

>t. Woman
You know the rules

>Make men do all the dirty work for us




And you think you are the more intelligent ones? Do more work for us, while we relax.

>men get higher iqs in earlier tests
>oh no thats unfair
>change the test so women can get more points
So smart.

it's not. With that said, women aggregate around the middle whereas men fall at both extremes. Much more male geniuses around than female geniuses, most women are mediocre intelligence-wise but I don't find it hard to believe that they have a higher mean IQ

>>Y-You g-guys are sexist!
You're fist sentence is saying that men are inferior

Shut the fuck up and quit making me look bad.

Sanitation, fire departments, construction, police-majority men. If men decided to stop working for two weeks you would definitely feel it, with the trash piling up, crime unabated, fires blazing, shit not getting built, toilets overflowing etc. Read some Camille Paglia you ungrateful jerk.


the fact that women have to proclaim that they are the better sex means they are the inferior sex

men just run shit- government, corporations, the whole fucking world, etc.
they dont proclaim it they just do it
>inb4 nike

the truth as I understand it - is that women on the bell-curve are much more "condensed" in the high-average region of intelligence.

With men it's more spread out, and this is typical from what you've expect of a mutant phenotype (which males technically are, given the Y chromosome)

In otherwords, with men you have far more geniuses, but also far more mental deficients.

So if you were a gambing man and wanted be hire people blindly based on their gender alone - you would hire women for jobs that require low-to-moderate intelligence because the majority of them would be able to carry out the task. Whereas for jobs that required exceptional intelligence you'd only hire men in hopes you'd land a few of the valuable high IQ outliers.

Women are superior, until the toilet gets blocked or there is a spider in the house.

yeah, women are very intelligent but they lack focus; they are pretty neurotic.
Men are like windows XP with all the SP and Women are like windows 10 with all the spyware.

If you guys stopped doing all the work for us, we would just do it ourselves. Men only think society would fail because of their egos. In reality if something goes wrong, you are the first to be running around with your dicks in your hand, while women fix everything.

We use you to do our dirty work, because why do it when we have you slaves? We don't need you though. Never think we need you. Spoiler: We don't.


>With that said, women aggregate around the middle whereas men fall at both extremes. Much more male geniuses around than female geniuses, most women are mediocre intelligence-wise but I don't find it hard to believe that they have a higher mean IQ

Na, they're just bad studies.

They study in an age range where females have an advantage as they develop & enter puberty earlier than males.

Been debunked a 100 times.

Male & female IQ is roughly equal.

im sorry for you OP.

you are a woman which means all that everyone wants from you is to fuck you and no one will even look at you after you hit the wall.truly a pathetic life living as a cocksleeve for men.

we were designed to function as a team. each has strengths and weaknesses, and the right pairing will compliment one another effectively enough to minimize weakness and amplify strengths. this whole men vs women battle of the sexes nonsense is obviously a divide and conquer tactic.they highlight shitty behaviors of both genders and rely on confirmation bias to accomplish this. wonder (((who))) could be behind all this?

Homofascism is rise, woman.

finally someone talking sense around here

don't be silly, men are stupid but not stupid enough to fall for the "there are women on Sup Forums" bait

Not only that but is test are literally designed so women don't fail. If theres something that men score considerably higher on, they cut it.

>Women have higher IQ's now: livescience.com/21647-men-women-iq-scores.html
This is an extremely selective sample on age and geography.
>Women fight off disease better: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8047321.stm
Wow, estrogen affects a single enzyme.
>Women tolerate pain better. Mythbusters even proved that women can hold their hands in freezing water 19% longer than crybaby men.
Mythbusters...already resorting to a tv-show to prove your point.
>Women have better memory. Women handle stress better. Women are better at multitasking. Women are even better computer programmers than men. Women are better doctors, leaders, and even drivers.
Ok, this is bait.

Western civilization is falling apart around you thanks to women neglecting their biological responsibility to reproduce.

I mean, by that logic babies are the most superior since women usually clean their shit and feed them.

What kind of virgin bullshit is that? How many socks have you gone through this week? I bet your own room is a testament to women being "cocksleeves" huh? How many cum stains would we find with a black light?

Don't kid yourself virgin, you're the pathetic one. The whole thing reads "women won't fuck me."


10 highest recoded IQS

8 men, 2 women

30 estimated "Smartest" people living

26 men, 4 women

This is offset by the fact that there are more retarded men than women

>"Sex: All of the prevalence studies summarized by Farber
found more mentally retarded males than females. The exact
proportion of males to females varied somewhat, but the overall
results are quite clear: The ratio of mentally retarded males to
females is around 3-to-2. In other words, about 60 percent of
mentally retarded persons are males; 40 percent females."
- Association for Retarded Citizens

All men are either cucks or wannabe cucks who bully women the second they sense they may be competition. Women have emotions allowing them to be bullied. 99% of males (who are not even faggots) do not have functional souls.

Men are more intellectually diverse. More idiots more prodigies. Of course you can frame it that women are smarter, unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that every major progression in the entire history of the species and every society ever recorded was facilitated and orchestrated by men.

ohhhhhhh.... did i hit your weak spot roastie?

tee hee.

>Association for Retarded Citizens

Every war in history was caused by women

I'm sure the generations of women set up a massive conspiracy

Most of my friends are electricians. I've asked my friend who moved up in ranks pretty quickly. He said literally every woman he's worked with has been either completely useless or somewhat useless. Not one of them was as useful as a half competent man(assuming it isn't his first week) and every woman that wants a job gets hired pretty much on the spot because they're scarce. It looks good for the company so they all want women. Welcome to 2017.

what a shitty fucking bait article
>no data at all
>female author
who would put their name on that fucking disgusting garbage shit article

kill yourself OP

Then why are women trying to force themselves into those positions?

Intellectually diverse in the way other men and father figures coddle them and push them into positions of power, ambition, and education? All the while women are told they probably don't need it and that what they really need to worry about is "finding a man". I've lived this shit, I know it's real. Being smarter than every male in the classroom but teacher forcing you to work harder to get same grades. Chauvinism lives. Stupidity lives. Saying men are naturally better is liberal bullshit. Every women who was educated and pushed as hard as a man exceeded men's metrics which had to be raised because of them. There are also stupid women (liberals), but never say all or even most men can compare to the incredible potential of a real woman (not tranny).

who is the sexist here?

i give you a:
two upvotes
free (you)

you need it big boy

Entertainment to watch men cry. "They let women into the military boo hoo" "I have to work with women boo hoo". Hilarious really.

Even make men do all the work for us in the military, and they let us. Doesn't get more hilarious.

pic related clearly.

>being this retarded
>anything other than ridiculous bait

>men can just take away all of your rights whenever they feel like it
Know your place bitch


wtf I love women now

>Western civilization is falling apart
because of the ongoing war since 1800 of globalist, elitists and NWO

It's all fun and games until someone decides to rape you, kill you, or society needs an invention.

Now all the middle of the road IQs and snarky vaginal jewness in the world can't save you.


Really makes you think.

Domain Eukarya was a mistake.
t. Monera