Pay your fucking taxes? YOU GET HEALTH CARE. END OF

Pay your fucking taxes? YOU GET HEALTH CARE. END OF.

Why isn't this a thing?

>Be me
>Work full time, 40 hours a week
>Paying for school
>Find a job closer, makes slightly less a year
>Lose health insurance because now I don't make enough (literally 1,000 less a year) and can't afford the premium without assistance
>Fine, I'll just pay for it out of pocket
>"No, it has to be through the market place"
>Miss dead line because of bills
>Fine, I'll try special enrollment
>"No, you don't qualify"
>Shit, what about medicaid?
>"No you don't qualify"
>Fuck, can I get a plan outside of the market place?
>"No, you get it through us or that's it."

Holy shit. Anyone who thinks this is constitutional or sane is retarded. I work fucking hard. I pay my taxes. I pay for school out of pocket. WHY CAN'T I GET FUCKING INSURANCE? I don't LEECH of any programs and the only time I thought about it was because I had no other options.

Explain this shit, dems. I'm supposed to work my ass off to pay for Medicaid, SSI, Medicare, EBT, WIC and whatever fucking programs there are while leeches sit at home and do nothing?

Other urls found in this thread:

>want service
>pay for service
>get service
this is how it should work under capitalism

>want service
>collection everyone's wealth
>use it to pay for service
this is how it should work under socialism

we are a capitalist country

>want service
>pay for service
>get service

Apparently you're a racist neo-Nazi if you think this is a good idea.

>Why isn't this a thing?

it's called Medicare For All and if the dems weren't pussies and the reps weren't assholes we'd have had it a long time ago. Up to you to guess if either of those things are going to change

>not believing your employer should be able to trap you through insurance and slowly fuck you over
how un-American of you

>it's called Medicare For All
You've never been on medicare you spoiled Commie yuppy brat

>Apparently you're a racist neo-Nazi if you think this is a good idea.

nah, our nazis are socialist by definition. even they don't think this is a good idea

They're just giving the insurance companies time to juice the country dry before they "give in" to social pressures.
That's asking why would we give up on oil if there is still oil in the ground? Pump it all out, use it all up, then we can move on to something else.
Selling a car that isn't broken, throwing out a loaf of bread that's still good.
All the same.


Half of america doesn't pay anything in taxes, therefore would be uninsured

This healthcare thing isn't even that hard. It's actually pretty simple.

Just make the healthcare system like the one in Switzerland. It's what Obamacare tried to be but didn't have the balls to institute. Doesn't get rid of private insurance, but provides a basic level of care offered by all insurers for the same price. People can get more coverage if they want, but they don't need to.

And honestly, they need to lower the age that you can still be on your parent's insurance to like 24 at the minimum cause it's fucking over risk pools, but it will never happen now that people have gotten a taste for it.

>>Fine, I'll just pay for it out of pocket
>>"No, it has to be through the market place"

What states prevent you from buying insurance outside the marketplace?

>not my problem
>that's not insurance
>not my problem

Let me guess, you live in a state with a Republican governor?

Thinks income tax is the only tax.

>says he can't afford to buy insurance without assistance

>then claims he tried to buy insurance outside the marketplace despite the fact that everyone knows you need the marketplace to get assistance

>for whatever reason continues to refuse to buy a plan through the marketplace despite insisting he needs the assistance he can only get through the marketplace

>cries because he doesn't have the insurance he refuses to buy

What kind of retarded nonsense is this?

>muh capitalism
Yeah, why not reinstate fire department subscriptions as well. And who needs cops when you can have Blackwater security?

That is such a bullshit argument it pains me.

Missouri for one. Seriously, go look up health insurance for Missouri.

Your only option is something called "short term" health insurance and it only covers extreme situations. Prescription and regular visits are not covered (usually).

I should have put in that I gave up another bill instead. I was too angry and forgot to add it like a dipshit

Nazi here, you're wrong and dumb. I distribute black tar for the Aryan brotherhood (I'm not a part of them but I distribute their black tar to dealers for them) so I'm one of the few people here who is actually close to a neo-Nazi IRL and I think it should be a capitalist system to buy healthcare. National Socialism isn't the same as normal socialism you idiot. Do your research.

Because your government has to spend hundreds of Billions bombing children hospitals in third world shitholes in order to sate the bloodlust of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the military industrial complex

>for whatever reason continues to refuse to buy a plan through the marketplace despite insisting he needs the assistance he can only get through the marketplace

You can't buy it if you don't get it by the deadline. Come on, you're American, you know this

But I own a fire extinguisher and a gun.

This. Implement universal health care, but only offer it to working taxpayers. Fund it by rerouting all the money that used to go to welfare. End welfare completely and watch as the leeches starve to death and USA becomes 90% white again within two weeks.

>Missouri residents can also buy qualified health plans away from the Obamacare exchanges in the private marketplace.

Everything I can find is saying something similar to that

>thinking a gun will save you
You wouldn't survive a week in Somalia. Burgerstan is overflowing with moronic la-z-boy Rambos like yourself.

That's not an argument and it's a false equivalency. The US is not Somalia.

You got a half-assed system because 'MUH PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES." Go all the way to single payer and make an effort to treat preventable diseases so the money actually goes to people that really need it.

You're a special kind of retard, mister mongol.

Because half the population doesn't pay taxes and they're the ones that don't have healthcare in the first place.

>The US is not Somalia.
That's my point. The only reason you think your gun and a god damn fire extinguisher is sufficient is because you never had to rely on them.

It's like claiming you could scale Mount Everest because you made it up from the subway that one day the escalators didn't work.

Try to find one. Let me know how it goes. The big companies in the MO area are Blue Cross & Blue Shield and Coventry.

Those two are only accessible through the marketplace.

Only other option is temporary, high priced, short term semi-coverage.

>Remember when Obamacare was brought in
>Absolute outrage
>"Well if you just give up your luxuries you can easily afford it"
>Trump brings in Trumpcare
>"Well if people gave up their iphones they could easily afford it"

I swear these people are fucking retarded.

because poor people don't pay taxes, and have the greatest need for healthcare
ostensibly, that's the reason

>Capitalist country
>Fiat money

I pay taxes and I don't have health care. This is a problem. I should be able to afford fucking health care or at least have ACCESS to it if I pay taxes in this country.

You cannot make a retarded statement about how to organize a society that hasn't been at least tried in America.

You're lucky you can even get 40 hours. Most companies cut 40-hour week down because they don't want to pay for bloatbama care.


You're right. Man, Missouri is an ever bigger shithole of a state than I imagined.

God you're retarded. Private fire and police services have major problems that private health insurance does not, which make pubically funding them the best option. e.g. fire spreading from an uninsured house to an insured one in the former and the question of which private police force has jurisdiction in the latter.

>fire dept
>top of the line 24/7 364 5 star healthcare
Yea totally the same thing.

Let's put together a better analogy. If someone was burning their own home down every single day, then should taxpayers have to pay for it?

Only plus side is that rent is really cheap if you're not in the big city.

It was the case for much of US history, and it was Good.


>lol there exist publicly funded services therefore all services should be publicly funded lmao

That Mount Everest analogy was plebbit tier. Are you sure you belong here?

>American police
>not 24/7 365 5 star service
They have literally military gear, tanks, helicopters and their own "special forces" that can be deployed 24/7/365 at a moment's notice.

Good thing you get Obamacare if you work 30 hours, not 40.

what did he mean by this?
also checked

Only if an emergency happens. Health insurance is more than just emergencies, it's check-ups, exams, prescription medication and more.

Are you white? Are you breeding with an approved Aryan princess to produce more white children?

And, don't give me any of this shit about how you _might_ in the future. Stop whining and start breeding.

It's people like (you) that are destroying the white race.

Make America White Again. Or, are (you) a faggot?


No, you don't understand. If you miss the deadline and you don't qualify for special enrollment, you're fucked.

It doesn't matter how many hours you work, if you're salaried or what fucking ever.

You miss the deadline, that's it.

How's this for a compromise: Medicare for all BUT ALSO deport the illegals and build a wall so they can't get back in and leech off it.

There, problem solved.

>Checks off And more so people won't think that the 4 listed above are the only things obamacare actually does.
how dumb are people in this country that shit like that is necessary?

>taking credit for something you had no part in

>missing the point entirely
The knee-jerk muh capitalism response is bullshit, because you already rely on many publicly funded services.

>That Mount Everest analogy was plebbit tier
I wouldn't know, never browsed plebbit. You seem to have a decent handle on it though.

Seems like Sup Forums is made up of idiots who don't know the alternatives available to them...

>my immigrant family in USA all use Liberty Healthshare
>they all are exempt from paying into Obamacare
>they pay $449/mo for the whole family (2 adults & 2 teens in the household) and a $75/yr fee
>their out of pocket rate is: $1500 (any medical expenses over $1500 the healthshare group pays 100% of up to $1 Million per incident)

My dad had a heart attack a year ago which cost like $60k in medical bills and they paid all the bills besides $1500 which my family paid.

Why don't more Americans know about this?

most of your GDP is going towards the CIA special access programs that's why, disband the CIA and you'll suddenly find a bunch of money is freed up

Fire Brigades in the U.S. became privately funded in large part because historically they started out as Irish businesses paid by insurance companies per fire they put out and competing fire brigades would sabotage one another and go around starting fires in order to make a living

If your employer has at least 50 employees, and you work at least 30 hours, they have to provide you with insurance. Period.

If you refuse it, that is your own fucking fault.

Only if an emergency happens, you say? I thought you had 24/7 patrols, dui checkpoints, ongoing investigations based on anonymous tips, and more.

They do, just not these retards that fill up this board. Just look at the schooling this finnish guy is dishing out just above you and look at these retards' grade-school level responses.

And for people that live in the 95% of the United States where small businesses make up all the local employers and not you yuppie fucks in urban centers that have a choice of working for mega-conglomerates, those small businesses don't employ 50 people or they employed slightly over 50 prior to NiggerCare and had to fire those people so their business didn't get destroyed providing insurance to everyone working there.

There are 30 fucking million illegals in your country and 43,6 million on food stamps.

You have to pay their healthcare and yours... socialist healthcare is doable in a 10M country with a few bad apples.

The enrollment period is a full 3 months long, though. That's 1/4th of a year. That's 1/3rd the time it takes a baby to go from conception to birth. If you want health insurance how do you "miss" that?

Your argument that I replied to was literally "There are publicly funded services therefore health insurance should be publicly funded" you stupid mongoloid.

>privately funded

fuck, I meant publicly

I'm not taking credit for it, they took responsibility for themselves and it was good.

Maybe work on your reading comprehension before posting here?

I don't believe healthcare is a right. I think people should pay for themselves and their families. If you can't afford kids, don't have them. You should be able to opt out of social security if you want.

Don't forget 600 billion in defense...

Or is it 700 billion now?

Whatever, it will, I guess, help in fighting Achmed in the desert with his Hilux and rusty AK because we have to have never-ending war.

We can't cut into that at all - lots of illegals and free-loaders on food stamps are taking all of our taxes instead.

Not what I said. Reread my posts.

>40hours a week

hahahahahaha you're like a baby

But education or owning a useless gun is?
gtfo faggot.

you think obongo care was anything else than monopoly on pharmacuticals? lol you silly

> If you can't afford kids, don't have them.

This kills the white race.

so you admit that the comparison between health insurance and police/fire sevices that you've been pushing all thread is garbage. what exactly is your argument then?

You guys don't even have maternal leave. How do people even manage to have kids? That plus that abysmally high student debt is economically retarded.

Because not everyone is paying taxes, those that are sure if we lived in a perfect society then it's possible. But people expect universal healthcare to work for everyone, the homeless, the destitute, the mental unstable, the illegal immigrants, and any non able body person, that shit ain't gonna be cheap.

>you have a Constitutionally protected right to own a gun
>that doesn't mean you're guaranteed one that others pay for
>you have every right to health insurance, even though that's not expressly statedin the Constitution
>you get to make other people pay for it
Liberal brainlet detected

What's it like to have the mental faculties of a 12yo? Criticizing one's argument doesn't imply that any particular position is being held.

>Fund it by rerouting all the money that used to go to welfare. End welfare completely

Women will not stand for it as they're the main recipients of welfare. Try again.


so when are you going to address my criticism of your criticism? You know, since this is about you criticizing arguments and not about taking a position.



What's your line of work?

Because what was written almost 250 years ago really relates to today.
Back then you would be a crown licking loyalist sheep.
Republitard detected.

>75$ annual fee for firefighting
>doesn't pay fee
>house burns down

You know, a lot of things like this wouldn't happen if people were even a little wise. They aren't wise because they aren't allowed to make mistakes. They don't make mistakes because big brother government is always there to save them so they don't become wise.

I bet he learned a valuable less on that day and is wiser for it.