Trump, RyanCare, and 4D Chess

Explain why this is another 4D chess move from Trump to throw the snek Ryan under the bus.
Do you think the vote will pass? Do you think the freedom caucus will end up giving it the yes votes it needs?
I think that Trump is pushing this to a vote so soon because he knows it won't pass, and that's exactly what he wants.
>but Trump's tweets!
I think Trump is playing the public role of trying to bring people together, when really, he hasn't stumped for this bill nearly as much as he could have, and it doesn't seem like he's doing all that much behind the scenes to get it passed.

Other urls found in this thread:

No, Trump won't waste his time on this. He realized that Randcare won't please moderates and Ryancare won't please conservatives and has to wait until repubs come to their senses

He's made a lot of comments about letting Obamacare implode. I don't think he'll let it go that far, but I can see him letting it get close in order to put some pressure on them.

>Trump, RyanCare, and 4D Chess
In reality we all know there's no chess board, just a stale taco salad.

This is Trump. The con man who can't even play chess IRL.

>there's no chess board, just a stale taco salad
Hahaha, nice, thanks for the bump. Learn how to sage shill.

Paul Ryan and the republicans literally had 7 years to come up with their touted alternative to Obamacare. They had fucking nothing. Trump calls their bluff. Now he will make his own.

In essence he showed that the establishment republicans are cucks and have nothing.

because thats basically whats happening.

Same thing with the Democrats, they had all this time to come up with the next in line, and they still chose Hillary and lost Congress. Incompetence on every level.

step on snek
Who do you think will become Speaker?

Trump doesn't even understand health, let alone healthcare. How fucking gullible can you be?

Just because you like the memes is no reason to be a complete and total fucking retard at every opportunity. Sup Forums was practically built on liking shit ironically; you can go "rah rah Trump" while admitting he's a legislative joke. Hop to it now or you'll have to do so much more work later.
>i was only pretending to like trump, ha ha, you didn't seriously think anyone intelligent could get fooled by such an obvious moron did you ha ha ha

The last time Trump spoke glowingly of someone (Michael Flynn) he got the Ax.


>the 4d chess meme after trump fucks up

If Trump wanted Flynn to stay he would have fought for him, I think he saw it as an opportunity to drop him.

>he speaks glowingly of the common American man and his supporters
should we be worried

>This GOP healthcare plan is terrible!
>Trump failed by not passing RyanCare!

>They can't fire my guy! Get him back here!
>sir he's going to go down without a doubt
>But I like him!
>and you'll get dragged down with him

are we gettin canada healthcare or what

Yes, shills like you should be worried that you'll have to work for yourself for once in your life.

News flash, nigger: you can't tick this in the Win column for Trump when he came out in support of it repeatedly and even demanded it be passed.

>put a loaded gun to your head
>pull the trigger

>Hillary will say anything and do nothing, she is not qualified to be president.
>Sir, we have no one else to run for president who could possibly have a chance to win.

It sucks to be stuck with obamacare but the best possible outcome for Trump is for Democrats to block everything related to healthcare.

Obamacare is unpopular with the majority of America and will keep getting more unpopular as time goes on; but anything Trump passed would end up at least as unpopular and probably way more so.

The way things are now Trump can say he did everything to fight Obamacare but those Democrats keep blocking his wonderful replacement

>If I wanted it, I would have gotten it, believe me.
Trump has purposely not been stumping for this as much as he could have if he wanted it to pass. Why else would he be pushing it to a vote so soon when he knows the Freedom Caucus won't give him the yes votes he needs?
Thanks for the bump shill.

why the fuck would he purposefully make himself look incompetent at negotiating

>We could let Obamacare implode, and that would be on the Democrats, but we won't let that happen.
They're so fucking incompetent, he can tell them exactly what he's doing and they still fail.

That's what I was inferring. When Trump speaks glowingly of you, RUN!

you better get a job.

your hand will shrink if you don't work

>goes in for a meeting to whip some votes

Lol, tea party Freedom Caucus nuts didn't think Douchecare was cruel enough to poor people and ended up getting continued Obamacare instead. It's sorta like the Bernie voters not thinking Hillary was progressive enough and getting Trump. Idealists screw everything up, don't they?

>elect Trump to replace Obamacare
>the (((system))) blocks it
>+50 electoral collage votes against Hilary's dead body

Landslide incoming

I have had similar speculations. I think he realized he did not have the swing to get the more drastic measures he wishes to take through, so he is just being humble about the "defeat of his reform". He has so rarely actually lost that this will give him a chance to show grace in defeat (which gives him a strategic position to continue breaking the msm) and the option to craft a new bill, take his time (while having already shown he means business about keeping his promises) and get something better through when he has more leverage.

To be unbiased, that may not have been his original intent. People like to mock "muh 8d chess" but in reality he's just good enough at turning mistakes and setbacks to his advantage that it really can appear like he planned it all along. He is a master improviset.

>Idealists screw everything up, don't they?
I mean, I guess if you're of the misguided belief that the ACA not being neutered is a bad thing.
These chucklefucks should be thanking their lucky stars that they didn't have to go through with this terrible plan.

Art of war. When you are strong you make yourself look weak, when weak you make yourself appear strong. Fucking retard

He had no control over the bill that proposed. Ryan brought forth a real piece of shit that pretended to repeal/fix Obamacare but really just kept all their hands in the honeypot of money deals behind the scenes. Trump knew it was a real piece of shit and wanted it scrapped, so they're forced to either repeal Obamacare outright and/or make a new bill that isn't a total shit deal.

>he's a legislative joke
wrong branch of government, retard. he's not even a congressman

plus, he's probably busy negotiating peace in the middle east, or saving american lives or something

Two options I see here:

1. Trading political failures on a dead on arrival bill.
>Gets Ryan (traitorous) under Trumps thumb
>DoA Bill fails, doesn't really harm Trump's true agenda
>weakens Ryan's position and authority and reputation.
>Obamacare collapses on itself

2. Trump wanted this to happen so they can crush and extricate Ryan
>Already talking about replacing Ryan after this snafu.
>DoA Bill fails, doesn't really harm Trump's true agenda
>weakens Ryan's position and authority and reputation.
>Obamacare collapses on itself

Letting the health reform stall is smart. It will focus more media attention on the allegations of trump and all the federal judges being wiretapped.

Combine that with the dr phil pedogate report and trump will have the full forces behind him to clean out the deep state. Call it 3d chess if you want we havent seen this level of politics since julius caesar.

>I'm making myself look weak so everyone will underestimate us when we tackle our REAL legislative priority
>I never really cared about healthcare, that was just a ruse
>I wasted all this time and toyed with peoples' lives and painted our entire party to be a bunch of incompetent boobs so we could pass tax reform DESPITE HAVING FULL MAJORITY CONTROL OF EVERYTHING HOLY SHIT YOU RETAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD

Yeah, that about sums it up. Now kys you fucking shill

What part of "her turn" do you not understand?

>trump is just pretending to be retarded

I should add, so even if it wasn't his 25d chess plan, thats probably going to be his maneuver. Who needs superdimensional chess strategies when you can barrel through resistance and achieve a different but satisfactory deal a
another way even when you are foiled in one way? Thats trumps magnificient flexibility. He's so good at improvising that it will in fact LOOK like prescience or 5d chess after the fact.

>trump backs retarded bill
>bill does not pass
>trump now looks weak at negotiating
>trump stops working on healthcare for the foreseeable future

Art of War

>trump has literally spent his entire adult life trying to appear rich and strong
>his image and brand are the most important things to him
>he lashes out at people who make fun of him and belittle him
>he ran for fucking president because Obama made a fool out of him at a correspondents dinner
>"he's trying to appear weak guys"

Thank God Ryancare failed and so will Obamacare!!!

Democrats and the MSM will go down with the sinking ship known as Obamacare!!!

Democrats now have to run in 2018 and 2020 on Obamacare dieing just like the Republicans said it would!!!

Any Democrat who crosses the isle to work with Trump will get destroyed by their own base!!!

Trump can now spend his political capitol on tax reform and sit back and wait for the Dems to come crawling!!!

Those in the White House... Thanks for doing the right thing!!! Now work on tax reform.

It's not, ryans bill was shit. We need Trump to come up with something on his own, or turn his attention elsewhere

Maybe Trump is just an idiot who fell into power because of the opposition's arrogance rather than his own competence.

it's 4-D chess in that trump is actually a liberal who loves obamacare

Fucking top kek. Sun Tzu would be proud, no doubt.

You are right he didn't run on replacing Obamacare. He didn't say immediately.

Why do you think Trump would pass Obamacare Lite?

>Wants RyanCare to pass
>Pushes for an early vote when he knows it won't pass yet

Here's how Bernie can still win!

Also true, even if it wasn't planned, Trump has a way of turning failures into victories.

I think it might be both; 2 then 1. It looks like they're pushing to replace Ryan, and Trump has said commented on letting Obamacare implode or get close to it.

Dr Phil?

>Losing control of the presidency, Congress, and local seats across the country when you had 8 years to prepare.
>Obama and Hillary were just pretending to be incompetent.

And Obama was really a undercover Republican because he helped them gain so much control.

>autistic mass-replying
upvoted fellow centipede. let's screenshot this for plebbit xD

You know his campaign site said he would repeal it day one? the mental gymnastics amaze me.

He also made sure the republicans knew that and also now know their constituency does too. This might humble some politicians.

He also used this process as a team building exercise which I thought was a smart move.

And the end result is what I wanted anyways. Obamacare intact enough to burn itself into the ground as deep as Japans radioactive elephants feet.

Thanks for the bump shills.

Trump isn't playing 4d chess, he's playing tiddly winks.

hahahaha the level of justification.

thanks for my free gibs bro

Let's face it, he clearly has no idea what he's doing. It was all fun and games during the election but now that he won Sup Forums is scrambling to justify every single one of his numerous fuckups with that tired ass 4D meme. This is the monster you created, so be men and admit that he's out of his depth and his only redeeming quality is that he's a catalyst for the next world war that will inevitably be humanity's death warrant. We're fucked as a species anyway.

Do you get paid per post or by the hour?

Let's face it, we can't let Trump get his hands on the nuclear codes.

I do it in between gender studies projects.

Nice, so that's two things you won't get paid for.

thank god trump didn't take away my healthcare.
"nobody knew it could be so complicated".

>nine thousand eight hundred and forty three D underwater backgammon MASTER!

>Failing is winning
>Losing is good
You cucks are soo fucking funny sucking this orange dude's cock.

I love how the shills always bump the threads.

The CTR shills before the election were smarter. What happened to them?
The threads of those faggots today are low-quality bait and when they post in other threads they always bump them.
Do we get flooded with liberal reddit normies?

Why bother taking it away when he can just let Obamacare implode and have the Democrats take another L?

Do you miss your messiah's BBC?

They're low energy after losing so much.

It was an observation, not a justification.

>No way to make an argument or refute the facts
>Switch to insults

Great argument! I am quaking at your sharp wit and incisive language!

came here to see how you idiots are dealing with Obamacare being the law of the land so i can laugh.

>i-i-its a 4D chess move!
>trump meant for this to happen!

haha this place is pathetic

>"You cucks are soo fucking funny sucking this orange dude's cock." is an argument

>Came here to get my shekels
By the hour or per post? Still waiting for an answer on this one.

The response to the CIA and NSA leaks have been "wow I'm getting sleepy".
Even David Brock had a hearth attack this week.
The shills are not what they used to be.

That was my conclusion not my argument you are not to swift are you?

>the failure of a bill that Trump helped create and shilled for is somehow a win for him

Their brilliance is unsurpassed.

>All of this talk about Obamacare "imploding"

could someone explain how and what that means?

>The shills are not what they used to be.
They've gone for quantity over quality now.

What a brilliant conclusion. So you're argument was that Trump passing the snek Ryan's Obamacare Lite would have been a win?
Very swift.

>The bill that was made before Trump was in the White House is somehow Trumpcare

Premiums will continue to increase as even more counties have only one "option"

That was not my argument either. Jesus you are dumb.

>the failure of a bill that Trump helped create and shilled for that was loaded down with pet policy legislation he didn't want in there is definately a win for him

there ya go. I fixed it for you.

I was a trump pepe poster but seeing him fuck up like this makes me ashamed i ever posted frogs for this guy.

>Failing is winning
>Losing is good
>Trump not passing RyanCare is losing
So you're saying you had no argument at all?

How did he fuck up? Where did he go wrong with all of this? How could he improve?

>Former Trump supporter here...

He already removed the mandate to buy insurance. The IRS cannot penalize you for withholding insurance information.

Okay let's do a break down of Trump's actual press conference.

>2:01 No Democrat support. Would be good if they got together with us and draft a real health care bill.

This could only mean one thing. He knew this current replacement health care deal wouldn't pass and it wasn't a real attempt.

>2:13 The losers are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. They now own and are responsible for Obamacare.

Shots fired when the old care eventually crashes and burns. He will have their asses over a barrel and will do anything to save face which would be to agree to pass anything.

>3:42 We all learned a lot about loyalty and the vote getting processed. Learned about arcane rules in both the senate and house. For me it's been a very interesting experience.

He learned how much it costs the American people to buy political up votes in the house and senate. He's learning the job the hard way but he's learning. With every lesson learned he's going to get better at this.

>>Failing is winning
>>Losing is good
Saying this is a dumb motherfucking idea is my argument. And it has not only triggered you but is true.

Do you need some special help friend? No Prozac today for you or something?

>Something something dRumpf is inexperienced

>he's learning

Trump did the right thing by bailing. Most people dont care about health care. Most working people that is. Needs to focus on trade and immigration

>T R I G G E R E D
>Trump not passing RyanCare is losing
>Failing is winning
>Losing is good
>Saying this is a dumb motherfucking idea is my argument.
>Saying Trump failing to pass RyanCare is a dumb motherfucking idea is my argument.
Retarded shill is retarded.

I only wish he had held off on that until after a new health care deal was voted in. It's only going to prolong the demise of Obama care if you don't have to report you even have it.

Jesus. They aren't sending their best, are they

Yeah right. Its called incompetence.

And that's why Hilary's gonna win.

GOP was bitching for years about the Obamacare.

Trump made the "repeal and replace Obamacare" one of his big promises during the campaign.

...and they only manage to come with RyanCare? A project so shitty that it crumbles even before a vote?

It makes them look like fucking amateurs, seriously.

Sad thing is, you shills ARE sending your best.
Why would Trump want RyanCare (aka Obamacare Lite) to pass?
How is it failing to pass a "loss" for Trump?

As smart as we all are here on Sup Forums, we even don't know half the shit that goes on and how things work in Washington. Wouldn't surprise me if even most of congress and the senate knows 100% what's going on or how things work as well.