How does it feel that Gloria Borger called your meme president an embarrassment?

How does it feel that Gloria Borger called your meme president an embarrassment?

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Literally who?

Who's Gloria Burger?


Feels normal....Jews have been shitting on patriots for a long time user

First time I am hearing of this name.


She looks like a dyke.

d-did someone say burger

Considering I've never heard that name in my life, not too bad.

Who is she and why should I care? No idea who this woman is.

>CNN concern shilling that we need to be concerned what people outside of our country think

Fuck right off. I think Sweden is a joke, but should Swedes give a fuck what I think? No, they should focus on their own shit.

Literally who


yeah nah, very fake news

>Gloria (((Borger)))

I'm going to fuck her in the ass.



More like Boiger, amirite?


I feel embarrassed for him