Can someone give me a serious answer as to why niggers have such low average IQs?

Can someone give me a serious answer as to why niggers have such low average IQs?

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genetics maybe they have a bigger dick but usually lesser intelligence just like asians have small pecker but brain gainz for days

If a small cock correlates to intelligence then explain women.

Simply because most of their countries are shit and their entire education system is a disaster. IQ can be improved by education so no wonder most of them are retarded.

different chromosomes you dingus hell you coukd technically make the extreme leap and say that bigger boobers corilates to to lower IQ


Or lack of I should say

No education and shitty culture.

You don't need much intelligence for physical labour, so they never evolved it. Same reason an ox isn't intelligent.

Exactly my thoughts in the previous thread

Geography. If you live in a cold ass place like Europe, you will have to be smart enough to innovate unless you want to freeze to death. If you are in the middle of the jungle, you can live like monkeys and still thrive.

Socioeconomic conditions

I've always wondered but never asked
>is that picture shopped?
because jesus fuckin christ if that picture is real wtf, he's worse than the abo cunt
>what if they had babies?

Lack of education, and possibly even malnutrition from growing up in poverty.

They didn't have nearly as challenging selective pressures as those who left Africa

Even niggers with high capability in the IQ department are still absolute shits. Put a nigger in a suit, teach him fancy words, he just robs you in a court room instead as he sues for reperations.

It's not their IQ that's defective, it's their humanity. They don't have any. Chinks will wipe them from existence once the niggers chimp out against them.

>another alt-tard hate post
Reported to FBI and your nearest black neighbor

God is racist

>Select for intelligence
>Select for fertility

Pick one.

tribal living system that never got really stamped out. any nogs left to their own devices will eventually devolve to the tribal system

No harsh winters.

Europeans had to go through many hard ships as they were developing so they had to think more to survive and blacks in Africa have no time for thinking their too busy hunting monkeys and banging on drums which are activities that do not require thinking

Extreme dysgenics for 1000s of years. They could probably salvage their race with some sort of selective breeding program.

Yor IQ is effected by your surroundings as well as genetics. The reason why black people have such a low average IQ is because they have a shitty culture. They don't develop intellectually. Knowledge, and intelligence aren't as important to them as it is to everyone else. So, because they don't pursue knowledge, they ultimately lack in it.

IQ was a device created to identify children that need more attention or to be put into higher performance education programs. To find your IQ fill out a standard test of questions, take your score, find out what the standard score of other people your age is, your IQ is determined based off that. Say a 7 year old scored a 35 and that's standard for that age range, their IQ would be 100, that child is doing well in standard classes had they gotten a 30 the IQ would be lower and they would need extra help with schooling to not be left behind.

When the average is brought up due to extensive schooling from a very young age whites (who are a majority) skew the average up, and blacks (who as a culture hold no value in education) have a lower score.

But IQ tests have been administered on suburban and rural retards from backwards parts of China with little access to education and the Han Chinese still score consistently high

Read this:

Basically in Europe, civilization has existed for longer, and the plagues and famines disproportionately killed off the lower classes, who generally had lower IQs. Meanwhile in Africa, they only recently came out of the hunter gatherer stage, so there was less of a chance for this to happen in Africa.

I would rephrase that as, "if they have no reason to VALUE intelligence/knowledge as an important trait to look for in a mate, they ultimately lack in it." Black culture actually ridicules and attacks outward expression of intelligence, therefore the dumbest, "hardest" niggas get it in and the intelligent ones either outbreed or are bred out of the gene pool.

if its not broke dont fix it- evoltuion

>believing ZioPorn lies about dick size

Are you even redpilled?

have you only ever seen a black person on TV? or maybe driving through the ghetto?

Suburban black people aren't like this

Alpha release of humanity. Some flaws remain.

This, niggers never went through the "build something to survive" phase, natural selection was very kind on them.

Only American blacks have big dicks from artificial selection during slave breeding

White people oppressed them and it's going to take decades in order to repair them if it ever happens at all. In the mean time, White people have to deal with the shit they created.

look up the "harsh winter theory"

Don't get my hopes up.

Long line of no education therfor low reasoning skills therfor low iq

Why do we have 5-6 threads a day about the intelligence of blacks?


Note how the negro mouth juts out, similar to our ape ancestors, yet Caucasoid and mongoloid mouths are more compact. That's because civilized humans have defective proteins for mouth muscles, giving us weaker jaws and bigger brains. The common negro, however, has kept that gene due to the decreased demand for higher intellectual capacity.


There are many of them and most have not had a chance to get an education. Also IQ tests are skewed and inaccurate.

No one denies whites commit crimes. The difference is that we don't make excuses for it and would happily lynch him too.

wtf is that real

do you have more of those?

lack of nurturing and the lack of education, properly nurtured ones and educated ones can score average amounts

but the guy in the picture I am not so sure

then explain whites and latinos

Lots of crackers are stupid too you racist ass fuck!

I'm black and this topic is very offensive.

it's easy for literal retards to live in warm climates

cold climates kills them off

Could you explain how to use the loo?

it is the average iq, latinos get education, but not in the same rate as caucasians, rate of literacy is much higher in caucasian countries

That's wrong

IQ cannot be improved by education. They have been trying to improve IQ through education for years and haven't been able to do it.

This. If you go by the theory of evolution and that mankind originated from Africa, the people who stayed behind had no need or reason to sustain their way of life. It's the peoples who left Africa who has to overcome challenges to survive. Life in these different climates required strategic planning, something the people who stayed in Sub-Saharan didn't need to do. People who moved to Europe, which was colder, had to develop ways to keep themselves warm throughout the year, and latter when agriculture was developed, they had to plan out when and where to grow certain foods that would last them throughout the winter. A similar story can be said about those who moved parts of Asia. Maybe for certain parts it was the cold winter but constant rain. The overall point is that for thousands of years the people who left Africa had to continually develop ways to survive and thrive, and this overtime led to a significant increase in IQ. People had to continuously learn to live. Those back in Africa remained hunter-gatherers and never saw in increase in IQ.

IQ is definitely improvable through outside factors though. Metastudies show that it is just about 50% genetics.

no but the performance of person with insufficient education will not reflect their iq, as many iq tests include algebra, critical thinking an such. educate them and easier it will be for them to get their intelligence across. after all, einstein wouldn't be able to do shit without his education.

agreed, gene will impose an upper limit, but it is up to other factors for you to be able to reach it.

I'm impressed leaf.

but evolution is a force towards bare minimum. if your intelligence is enough to survive in europe, you will not see an improvement in intelligence. and africans, while their average iq is low, they can definitely survive in an european wilderness. The reason for the iq could be that the europeans created systems where it was much easier for an intelligent person to reproduce and spread the gene, while africans created societies where muscle power was favored, so that became the dominant gene.

Evolution isn't a force towards the bare minimum. It's occurring all the time, and it isn't always reliant on adaptation either, but adaptation can definitely enhance it or speed it up. If you were to take a tribe of Africans right now and stick them in the middle of Siberia, they're mostly likely all going to die. On the other hand, if you took a handful of Russians and stuck them in the middle of Siberia, there's a greater chance that they'll do just fine. Without the help of the native Europeans, the Africans would die in the European wilderness as they have never encountered the climate before and wouldn't know how to deal with it. There's a lot of planning and execution needed for surviving in the northern climates. What I'm saying however is that the people who moved out of Africa, the climates encourage continuous development, and it just happened to be enough that agriculture and civilization would be developed. And from there, this continued development of society and intelligence snowballs. This is sort of unrelated, but just because a trait is dominate doesn't mean it's good.

The different species of humanity were designed for different purposes. I'll leave it to you to figure out what the black species might have been engineered for primarily.

It's not true that ALL humans come from Africa, blacks come from Africa. The rest of us, whites and asians, come from a mix of Neanderthals AND early Africans who have left Africa a very long time ago.

Neanderthals have bigger brains, and a lower fertility rate. Asians have interbreed with Neanderthals longer, Asian babies have the biggest heads. Black babies have tiny heads.

After the mix with Neanderthal, humans in the North tend to be smarter and less violent, in general. The cold forces people to prepare for winter, and the scarcity cost by winter is a natural population check. Whereas in subhara Africa, they don't have to prepare for winter, and they select for violence because what they do need throughout the year, is to hunt animals and to kill any that might kill them - and other tribes too, since they don't have winter to keep their population in check, only each other.

>agreed, gene will impose an upper limit, but it is up to other factors for you to be able to reach it.


Most modern blacks are screwed over by ghetto culture which pretty much do everything to limit their IQ
1. Poor nutrition
2. Too many children - studies have shown that parents spend more time on the first child, so the more children a parent has, the more children that has less attention. Welfare blacks in America show up in the news all the time with 15 kids...
3. Lack of focus on education, they have opportunity and they squander it.

>Evolution isn't a force towards the bare minimum. It's occurring all the time, and it isn't always reliant on adaptation either, but adaptation can definitely enhance it or speed it up.
evolution IS a force towards bare minimum. if you are able to survive and spread you genes, your genes will persist. the change after that point would rely on the occasional mutation and would be very slow. however, if you were to come up with a social system in which the intelligent person is much more likely to reproduce (which europeans did), you will speed up the process in favour towards intelligence. (random mutations are random, without the guidence of natural selection to trim the gene pool, random mutations will not be able to make species evolve in the same speed.)
>Africans would die in the European wilderness as they have never encountered the climate before and wouldn't know how to deal with it
knowledge doesn't get carried through genes. if you were to take an european who never been to greenland, and an african, they would both die. however, if you were to teach both how to survive there, they would both survive.

yes sir! you put it better than i ever could!

that's because blacks are most early version of humans documented.

google "the missing link". evolution never happened

People still think it's culture for some stupid reason and can't understand that the reason their culture is so shitty is BECAUSE OF THEIR IQ.

Environment and evolution. Niggers didn't have to survive and thrive in cold temperatures. Everything was abundant and easy to get. They didn't have to plan or save. They are dumb because the fertile Nigger land spoiled them

>They have been trying to improve IQ through education for years and haven't been able to do it.

What I'm interested to know is, if the population they are trying this on value education.

I've seen some footages from majority black schools that scares me, one cannot learn in that environment.

I was from Hong Kong, at grade 3 we were already learning algebra, and we didn't waste time on things like Black History Month and their black invention myths, more importantly though, before we started cramming in the Math and English - which had separate classes with separate specialized teacher, while Toronto still have one homeroom teacher for almost kindergarten, it was almost all about manners.

The most important thing you can teach a kid before you send them off to elementary school is how to behave, if a kid don't respect people, don't respect education - they can't be taught.

Babies and Toddlers: Hand-eye coordination. Look up the clip where Barron was playing with Ivanka's baby with the hand gestures. Babies aren't dolls you can just dress up and put down and ignore:

Small Children: Manners. Before I was 8, I had already been put into the happen of greeting people when I see them, hello, good morning/afternoon/evening, "I'm home", and before my family eat, we say, "大家吃飯" 'Everybody eat rice/meal' to signal the start of the meal. My western aunt starts her dinner with saying grace, I do the same at her house.

I think Early Childhood Education is the biggest fail for Modern Blacks, by which I mean African-Americans - blacks from places like Ghana are super fine.

When a kid is disrespectful and make excuses for his/her failing, have a victimhood complex, they won't succeed. I was an introvert and came to Canada at a time when Asians were still a minority, I was sure some people were only friendly to me out of pity, but I don't let that get to me, if someone is friendly to you out of pity, don't feel bad, EARN their friendship. If someone looks down on you, prove that you can do better.

Abraham Lincoln — 'The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him"

Victimhood Complex is a poison that keeps 'minorities' down, I shake my head at the minority of Asians who are siding with blacks against 'white supremacy', um, we East Asians live longer than white people, see the article Yellow Privilege, please don't dumb our culture down to the level of ghetto blacks.

Political Correctness on the other hand, is a cancer that kills civilization by stiffing identification of problems and the ability to do something about it.

>Look up the clip where Barron was playing with Ivanka's baby with the hand gestures

Babies need to be played with like this:

>Evolution IS a force towards bare minimum. If you are able to survive and spread you genes, your genes will persist. The change after that point would rely on the occasional mutation and would be very slow.
Your refuting yourself. You say that evolution is a force towards the care minimum, and if that were the case, then evolution would halt then and there and no further mutations would take place. But you say yourself, that occasional mutations occur afterwards, which is what I was alluding to.

>Knowledge doesn't get carried through genes
This isn't entirely true. There is some knowledge that we have that is instinctual.

>If you were to take an European who never been to Greenland, and an African, they would both die
Yes, if you took someone from each group who was never educated by their elders, they would all die. But, there's more to it than just knowledge that allows for someone to survive in these climates. An African is more likely to develop Vitamin D deficiencies than a European in a cold and darker climate. It's not just our brains that adapted to these environments but our bodies as well. But, none of this matters when talking about my original point. I was suggesting that it's the environments continuous challenges that were not present in Africa is what rose the IQ of the people who left Africa. This increase in IQ is something that took thousands of years.

Cause kangz and shiet

what da her

in women intelligence correlates to small breasts

also, poo in loo

in europe people had to compete against each other, even during the times of barbarians europe had more population density than africa (which had a pop boost just recently)
survival of the fittest, and in the case of europeans the fittest was the guy who managed outsmart the others and avoid combat

Because of their culture, most families don't teach their kids the value of education, at least here in the west. Me personally, I think it comes down to whether you are a normie or not, being a total normie is probably the worst hindrance in life next to mental retardation.

You could also say the ghetto might makes right culture is them just recreating what their situation in African tribes was as that's where they thrive.

>This isn't entirely true. There is some knowledge that we have that is instinctual.

Also the education from the people around you. You will learn things that the tribe knows because we spread knowledge out as we gain it. Although not actually linked to genes it's likely you'll inherit knowledge from your parents/the people around you.

Fucken ace Kek

Selective mating leads to the most desirable qualities being extended.

For example peacocks, the bare minimum to survive has nothing to do with their plumage and how big and beautiful it is, however in mating a peacock with bigger and better plumage is more likely to mate as it is detrimental to their survival, meaning they must be strong to not have died despite the handicap compared to other peacocks.

Amount of whites that commit crime in comparison to overall population
amount of blacks that commit crime in comparison to overall population.
He was actually kinda smart about it to, and he wont be done for armed robbery so I guess he is case in point that whites are smarter.

Blacks that are civilized get beat down for "Acting White".

I think a lot of black problems are black created, but at the same time, what you could blame YT for is NOT slavery, but that YT help enable Thug Lives Matter and give money to the stupid for having fifteen kids they can't kepe track off.

Stop protecting the thugs and feeding the stupid, and gradually, we will have more blacks that have more sense, not just proportion wise (that there are less stupid blacks), but in base numbers, because there will be less stupid blacks to KILL the smart blacks, they do this.

Asians have pretty big dicks actually.

The amount of time an adult spends with a child in it's first few years of life, speaking with it and interacting with it, determines how well it can understand teachers when it is sent to school.
The better it can understand teachers, the more it can learn.

Japanese mothers are noted for traditionally spending the first two years of their child's life with their children.

American ethnic minorities are noted for working multiple part-time jobs.

This is mostly how I see it as well.

I'm not optimistic about the upper limit of blacks though. Maybe in a perfect environment, they could crack 90.

Oh yeah, television does not substitute for this and this effect occurs even when the child is incapable of speech. (This is usually due to a lack of muscle development)

Because other races went through strife when moving out of Africa into harder to inhabit parts of the world and their stupider members simply died from these conditions before they could reproduce.

But in Africa that never happened, they never had to work out how to survive harsh winters or freeze to death or learn efficient farming or starve to death, so all their stupidest members stayed alive and kept shitting up their gene pool.


you don't need intelligence when hot white women flock to you just because you have a big black cock and you're alpha

even JAV studs are only rolling with 5-6 inches tops. ive seen some southeast asian ladyboys with hogs though.

We chinks can only wipe them out if you cucks in (((the west))) let us do what we want to do.
We know most of you guys like negro race more than your own. Take a look at South Africa for example when (((the west))) sell out their white brother and sister.
What could make us chinks believe that you guys won't sancution us once we start colonizing Africa for (((human right violation)).

Most likely we will deplete the resources in aids land and fuck of back to China leaving niggers keep killing white cucks in Africa.

not surviving an ice age

so many insecure tiny dicked virgins in this thread lol

>in women intelligence correlates to small breasts

*looks down*

*unimpeded view of legs and feet*



Oxes are very intelligent, except in Australia, where there are no real oxes, only fake ones.

>women are the niggers of gender

post tits

They lived on a continent without seasons and no need to plan for the future. We used to measure time by number of winters people had survived but in Africa every day was the same. Some parts of the year were rainy or hot or dry or cold but it was always loincloth weather and the food was plentiful.

Compare that to europeans which weathered multiple ice ages in europe and had to adapt or die. Our ancestors likely lived extremely brutal and short lives in Europe before adapting to the cold weather and hunting large dangerous prey. Lots of death means a population bottleneck letting only the best survivalists through.