Why did it take Africa so long to figure out how to do this?

Why did it take Africa so long to figure out how to do this?


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They never had to build fires to fight the cold.

Do you know how to?

>it doesnt get cold at night in africa

I do now :^)


Because they didn't have the internet to research primitive technology before uploading a video to youtube.

why did natives have pottery then?

Because Africans' average IQ is retard-level.

I dont know, Im not from there

I like that Sup Forums enjoys Jas Townsend and Primitive Technology as much as I do.

they never had the need to evolve

we fled their nigger to tougher pastures and so we were forced to adapt and learn newer technologies and truths about the world

latvians have known for thousands of years the exact dates on the calendar when they can harvest certain trees such that the wood is the optimal balance between light and strong

that type of knowledge was never required on the planes of africa

Africans frown upon innovation and anything new. That's why those Red Cross missions don't help for shit.

i didn't want to believe this for the longest time. But i have always known it was true

crackers and muh IQ test.

Yall really that stupid to believe the most complex object in the known universe can be measured by some dumb number.

Damn, simpletons, iq tests have been debunked by recent research but crackers and MUH IQ.

ask ur grandparents

That dudes channel is cool as fuck

Waiting for therizinosaurus to pop up and ruin his day.

>the most complex object in the known universe
>basic human knowledge

Yeah right buddy. :^)

Any fans of Almazan Kitchen here?

2 dudes cooking nice food in nature with no music or talking.


About the year 770 in the reign of Salvathius, King of the Scots, Donald Bane of the Western Isles having invaded Scotland and routed the royal army, a man of rank and figure came seasonably with his followers to the King’s assistance. He renewed the battle and obtained a complete victory over the invader. The king being anxious to see the man who had done him such signal service, he was pointed to him by his color, or complexion in Gaelic language -sholto-du-glash- “behold the black or swarthy colored man” from which he obtained the name Sholto the Douglas.

>there's no way to quantify intelligence in any way
>so i can't be dumb, checkmate


basically the only problem Africa has

Can you source the latvian info? Not doubting, just really interested now

so the brain is not the most complex object in known universe?

name something more complex cracker?

It didn't you retard, they were among the first to do it


comparing Primitivetechnology to niggers is like comparing Oppenheimer to Chrischan.

I dunno, man. The average IQ for this island is 88, and there are A LOT of stupid motherfuckers here.

IQ may not be perfect, but based on my experience its not entirely without merit.

You have to realize you're watching the culmination of hundreds of thousands of years of trial and error boiled down into like 10 minutes, right? Not to mention the conditions that allow for the raw materials needed being available and accessible.

Fuck it. Why try and explain it to you. It was the skin color that did it.

>tfw you think this guy is actually prepping for a global collapse of civilizations and this one guy is rebuilding humanity in secret

lol sick burn

Probably took a long time before someone thought to stick some clay in a fire


Is accepting one's inferiority healthy?

yea bullshit.

explain to me how the oldest texts on advanced mathematics are found in Egypt.

don't give me bullshit muh Egypt was a white race vomit.

the point is niggers have had a hundred of thousand of years to get this back then retard

Iq test is the best way to measure intelligence so far large scale.
To put it more simple for you: the low intelligence of negroids didn't make them evolve as fast.

race is more than skin color you idiot, it's genetic

when yo dick is as big as theirs and her ass is as phat as hers you don't really think about much else. y u think gooks are so advanced?

>Not to mention the conditions that allow for the raw materials needed being available and accessible.
>muh Jared Diamond


Lol too bantz monkey from Brazil. We all know the true Aryans went to 'Tina from Germany.

weren't there tanjines since prehistoric times in Africa?


Apparently the IQ test is more complicated, since these truly genius and superior Africans are incapable of performing decently on it.

>don't give me bullshit muh Egypt was a white race vomit.
they sure as fuck weren't black

Blacks are not Egyptians, Egyptians still fucking exist.

based on your thousands of years of experience you know IQ is the best way to predict intelligence.

Correlation is not causation, sure u've heard that one before.

native americans did have pottery

Africa is so poor because African governments are negotiating deals with international investors that are replicas of colonial arrangements which arrangements are a large part as to why Africa is so poor as a continent. The wealth of a nation can be tracked by the complexity of the products it exports.

iirc they talk about it during htis video by the northmen:


he talks about a house he built with his own hands and they talk about felling trees at just the right time in the forest so that they could more easily carry the logs out


now tell me about the invention of the wheel.

i read that wrong. ill show myself out.

>Dumb number

It's not the numbers themselves that are dumb, but the people too stupid to understand the concepts they represent.

not niggers


I think political correctness is the only thing suppressing the truth


(2008) Li JZ et. al., show the distinct population groups of the Earth by genetically testing individuals from each population group and mapping them by their single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Only three groups - South Asians, Central (West) Asians, and East Asians have overlaps while Middle Easterners, Central Asians, and Indian South Asians have genetic contributions from European population groups. There is no genetic continuum between Africans and any other population group alive. The 40.000 years of evolution put between the rest of Mankind and Africans can be shown as the source of this.

This finding is supported by (Lao et. al., 2006; Costas et. al., 2005; Xing et. al., 2010 (1); Xing et. al., 2010 (2); Jakobsson et. al., 2008; Huang et. al., 2011; Paşaniuc et. al., 2010; Huang et. al., 2009; Hao et. al., 2009; Nothnagel et. al., 2009; Chanda et. al., 2012)


>africa is one person

just fucking goddam choke on a bag of fucking dicks u sorry excuse for a poster

looks autistic.
I figure that niggers have a built in response to harass anyone who is doing something strange, might have something to do with finding a mate.

in nigger nature it is probably advantageous to compete against each other. If you can make Jamal look like a faggot for cooking clay while you kill an antelope or smash another nigger face into mush, shit, that will probably get you that nigger puss.

what about it seems autistic to you?

lol africans have been smelting iron for millennia but muh clay pots haha

this guy is clearly baiting the retards on here to be racist without doubt. same routine.

>American education

I dont know but I would definitely bang the one on the left

the ancient egyptians weren't white per se but they were definitely genetically closer to mediterraneans and middle easterners like turks, greeks, persians, and mesopotamians

This. Thread's already over.

Moron and missing the point entirely
I mean, he's not wrong.

the nubian nigger kingdom only managed to conquer egypt after sometime around the 25th dynasty

thats when all the pharaos started looking like kangz

oddly enough thats also right about the time that the egyptian empires power started to collapse

just cohencidence though i bet...

Because they prefer to make cookies with dirt than useful things

lol what a shit post.

there are also plenty of developed cities in africa you piece of shit.

typical brainwashed fucktard.


nigger detected

literally the type that believes that whites stole the black mans ideas from them, which prevented them from building boats and nets to fish the waters

>da white man stole muh civilization, dats why we aint haz one in africa

>Canadian education
Nile floods every year which wipes out all the riverside towns. Africans living off the Nile had developed a calender system to avoid this.

haha africans been building boats and nets for millennia you fucking piece of shit.

name one that is 1st world standard? or equal to hong kong or singapore?

you know its true user.....colonialism didnt fuck them up! niggers fucked them up! watch empire of dust

there are white countries with lower collective IQ than black countries. compare balkan states to Nigeria and North African countries and you will see. Not saying they are equal. just saying IQ test is garbage in terms of assessing a races ability to create civilizations. Average IQ of american whites in 1910 is much lower than black americans today. (i think average IQ was around 70~) back in the day.
so did an entire race somehow evolve in 2-3 generations, or is using IQ to compare civilizations stupid?

yeah and i bet they were flyin in space before the white man came along too

Singapore was a shithole under colonialism though.

haha good one racist piece of shit.
the earliest dynasties came from the south.
the egyptians claim their ancestors are from somalia, but im sure somalians were white also haha

big whoop they hollowed out canoes probs they didnt build gallions lol

I'll have to check them out. I prefer "catch and cook" videos myself.

Neither. They are both brainwashed skanks addicted to thier phones. Left is AIDS. Right is inbreed and IQ 70.

>don't give me bullshit muh Egypt was a white race vomit.

>Average IQ of american whites in 1910 is much lower than black americans today
My fucking sides, Jamal

piss off china man with your propaganda

also hong kong still loves us

Stop eating non-traditional food.

How many of you guys can do any of what he can, if you were thrown into the wild?

Who would think of doing something like this unless they were mentally separated from the surrounding group

I'm channeling my inner nigger,
its like thinking like an animal when you go hunting.
If I were a pre-historic nig-nog, I would smash that clay pot in hopes that a female nig-nog would see it and laugh, equaling me mating, equally my personal gratification.

would take some kind of religious or societal bogey-man to keep me away from it. Niggers didnt have that. their hierarchy was strength based.

Should've indicate not Israel, but Sumer.

great argument hans. Enjoy cleaning muhammeds cum out of your sisters vagina tonight.

Different culture bro, n8

their food and water was plentiful throughout the entire year

whenever they were hungry they just walked out with some primitive weapons or baskets and gathered food

They did not need shelter insulated enough to be cool in the hot summer and warm in the cold winter

they did not need to store and preserve food over the winter during the season where nothing will grow, animals are scarce, and the water is frozen.

Being able to farm, build houses, and store food more efficiency decreases the amount of time needing to do manual labor in order to survive and increases the amount of time devoted to thought and innovation.

Africans have the bodies of hunter gatherers, they developed large bodies with the stamina to hunt and forage in the oppressive sun.

Pottery is for storing shit without getting bugs and rats in it.



You can't just use any fucking mud and throw it in a campfire. You have to understand how the materials involved work, or all that happens is the bowl explodes in the kiln.
People living in the Sahara without permanent dwellings wouldn't feel a big enough need for pottery to practice it enough to get good at it.

to much work user


Lmao, are you a half breed mad about his ape ancestry? You sound like you're projecting

hong kog and singapore were greatly developed with the help of the west you fucktarrd.

western countries hate africa and plot to keep it down, but they've been plotting to develop asian countries to build their cheap shit because they know asians will never challenge their dominance and those countries don't have as many resources they hope to steal down the line fucktard simple game theory.

they are many developed cities and countries in africa, not like asia because west will not do the technology transfer it would need for africa to become powerful like they did with russia and china. facts.

nigga would just eat each other's house while asleep
