Why is Christianity so comfy bros?

Why is Christianity so comfy bros?

tfw you know Jesus loves you and love him too

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Unconditional love is best love.

nice rare Jesus friend

I used to have a bunch of these saved. Some guy used to draw these pictures of Jesus talking to people in everyday situations. Sup Forums found it and started adding improved conversations.


Christianity is not "comfy" to any human standard. It is about carrying your cross, every single day, suffering for Christ and for the salvation of your soul and the souls of others.

Colossians 3:5
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is the service of idols.

Galatians 5:24
And they that are Christ's, have crucified their flesh, with the vices and concupiscences.

Colossians 1:24
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the church:

1 Peter 4:18-19
And if the JUST man shall SCARCELY be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? [19] Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God, commend their souls in good deeds to the faithful Creator.

I suppose, though, the Protestant notion of just merely having "faith" is comfy, though.

The Protestant once-saved-always-saved is real comfy. Who wouldn't want to sign up for that, right?

Talk about a demonic lie.

I don't know man it's pretty comfy knowing you gotta pal like Jesus

atheist detected

If that's what we're talking about here, then absolutely. If you're talking about walking the Christian life, you're sorely mistaken.

Thanks for the laugh, buddy. I simply have no tolerance for demonic false theologies.

The holy spirit is a comfort in the daily struggle to continuously better oneself and attack your own vice.

Proddies fuck off. Christ isn't your fucking nanny. Faith is about sacrifice and suffering.


I swear Kek is trying to bring a jesus meme into play. Sadly this post is not it.

Any Orthodox out there? Just talked to an Elder today, feels good man, helped restore my faith.

Yep yep.

>i'm totally a Christian guys
>attacks every Christian in thread before anyone even brought up Protestantism
You were too quick, perfect your atheist trolling for another thread

Someone needs to turn the lamb into Pepe.

Any Russian qts around?

I'm Catholic, kid. A traditional Catholic, in fact.

>before anyone even brought up Protestantism
>Why is Christianity so comfy bros

Uh, really?

Why do some people in this thread think one can't enjoy serving christ? Suffering isn't all the time.

How about no, faggot?

well he isn't and your right about the faith part but the Holy Spirit will comfort you and God does intend for us to live enriching lives through his blessing.

Never said my faith, outing yourself this early?Are you Atheist or you just actually think these anti-Christian posters are your 'brothers'?

Haven't gone to a service yet actually, though it's Greek Orthodox so idk, maybe some Balkan qt's. He said there were some girls my age going.

>Russian girls
Don't trust them, usually just want money and citizenship.


Of course you can, and if you aren't, you ought to figure out why.

Op makes it sound like the daily fight of the militant Church on earth is a walk in the park. I don't know about you, but I struggle daily. There's nothing comfy about it.

Maybe if so many Christians were not in fact cucks, it'd happen.

But goym, don't listen to fairytales. Our ((science)) is the only answer, be a hedonist.

atheist trolls who thrive on sewing discord, hatred, and devisivness amongst believers.

I'm all for attaining a spiritual connection with God and being a good person but requiring me to accept Jesus Christ as my personal saviour to escape eternal damnation seems like a fucking dick move bro.

polish posters.

I am a Christian who does not believe in the virgin birth or the resurrection of Jesus. I think he was selected by God when he was baptized by John the Baptist, not when he was born. Jesus did not walk on water or do any miracles. He was just a man. The greatest man who ever lived, blessed by God to deliver a revolutionary message to save humanity.


>Why is Christianity so comfy bros?
Because Jesus loves me even though I'm a piece of shit, and he doesn't command me to go slaughter the nonbelievers and do horrible animal sacrifice and shit.

just for the record, you're not a christian

But goyim science says that world will end if we Don't from a one world government!

>I am a Christian who does not believe in the virgin birth...
Stopped reading right there

>even though I'm a piece of shit
But he sure doesn't want you to stay that way.

You're not a Christian. You're what we call a modernist heretic. Or you could pass as a Unitarian.

for once i agree with a leaf

this whole Jesus Christ is the savior of mankind and i'm gonna be in hell forever if I don't believe that is proving impossible for me to accept

You lack faith.

The reason Christianity isn't a comfort for you is because you hold to a false view of Christianity.

A distorted one based on Roman sacramentalism.

I am saved by Jesus's work on the cross. Not by my own works. You on the other hand could live righteously (in accordance with Church law), wake up from a wet dream and be in a state of mortal sin and die then be condemned to hell.

Jesus, God incarnate, accomplished my salvation on the cross, once for all. I have a lot to look forward to. Yes, I battle with sin, and yes I hate myself when I give in to it. But I am at ease knowing that eternity awaits me with my Lord.

You are NOT a christian, faggot. Read the scripture.

I think wet dreams aren't considered sin, because they are uncontrollable. I know I read this somewhere once.

Hebrews 10:26-27

[26] For if we sin wilfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins, [27] But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries.

If you sin, you lose your salvation, user. Nothing unclean can enter heaven. You aren't a piece of shit covered in snow.

>>even though I'm a piece of shit
>But he sure doesn't want you to stay that way.
That is correct.

And I have nobody to blame but myself if I do not repent.

He came to Earth as a prefect man and provided the teachings needed to live a wholesome life. You might be able to accomplish something similar without him, but it's like being given direct knowledge for how to live.

Catholics believe that the more you suffer the more righteous you become and this is built on a shoddy interpretation of the Bible.

You are made righteous the moment you believe on Jesus and repent.

Catholics believe it's a continuous work that can't be marked in the sand.

Saved people receive the Bible as the word of God. Ergo, a mark of salvation is your faith in the Bible as inspired by God. If you deny that, then you need to re-assess your faith.

Also the fact you posted that knowing it would give your replies without any supporting argument probably means you're a troll.

>they are uncontrollable
Wrong. You can train yourself so lucid dream or in the least kegel and prevent semen emissions.

Your salvation is at risk user. Stop lying your way to hell with such dishonesty.

You condemn yourself. I bet you actually believe you live a moral life too.


> If you sin, you lose your salvation, user. Nothing unclean can enter heaven. You aren't a piece of shit covered in snow.

Nice Luther analogy.

You know this is not true. Why do you willingly choose to believe an atheist misrepresentation of Christianity? That's not how Jesus appears in the Bible.

This misunderstanding could have been cleared up by 5 minutes of research, why do you try to justify your rejection of Jesus with a lousy argument like that?

Eternal damnation is just distance from God and is ultimately the result of free will. Life has consequences.

Fortunately, God is merciful and gives us every chance to redeem ourselves and only he can judge our performance.

What denomination do you recommend, user?

t. ex-Catholic

He's not the only one to give that knowledge (see Buddha).

Jesus was born as just another man, and then learned some legit philosophical ideas that would help us if we integrated them into our lives. That doesn't mean that if I don't "let him into my heart" I will go to hell.

If Christ is a metaphor for "Christ-consciousness", a better way of living, I can dig that. Him being a specific person who is my personal saviour is bullshit,.

>Catholics believe that the more you suffer the more righteous you become

No, we don't. You do not earn heaven. No suffering that is not united to Christ's own helps you in any way.

Salvation IS a continuous work. It isn't a one-time-bam-and-done deal.

this lebbo needs a glassing

Both masturbation and wet dreams are not a sin. This is medieval theology.

no i know i'm a shitty person, got lots of sorting to do

>your salvation is at risk

Stop posting.

Protestant detected.
Daily reminder that accepting Christ as you Lord and Savior is just one step towards Salvation, the majority of it is living in accordance to his teachings. For instance, I cannot believe that Charles Manson-- upon accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior-- would sit at the right hand of God, despite that for which he has forsaken the Lord.

Masturbation is a sin. Wet dreams aren't. This is basic theology, kiddo.

To commit a sin you must 1) know it is a sin, 2) make the conscious decision to sin.

Masturbation is an abuse of the God-given sexual faculty. Onan, the second son of Judah was killed for spilling his seed. Even Luther and Calvin called masturbation and coitus interruptus a "sodomic" sin.

It is a sin likened to sodomy. Why? Because it takes something that is fruitful (the sexual faculty) and makes it sterile.

ive been thinking of going back to church but i know the minute they welcome a muslim there im going to lose my shit right there in front of 100 people

If Christianity is comfy you're probably doing it wrong.

I would say if it's not comfy you're probably doing it wrong. Christianity is very clear that genital mutilation is wrong.

>be me, raised in Presbyterian church
>hanging out between classes at uni
>two girls from the campus Christian group come up to me and ask if they can ask me a few questions
>sure, why not?
>generally pretty straightforward stuff, no heavy theology or anything
>they finish up with "and do you think you'll go to Heaven when you die, user?"
>well, uh, I hope I'm good enough, but I know I've been a sinner
>"but user, don't you know God loves and forgives you? He will definitely save you!"
>aha, yeah, I really hope so...
>realize I don't want unconditional forgiveness, I want to repent
>faith is more about suffering and martyrdom to me

Do I just not have the right mindset? Or should I convert to Catholicism or something?

you know i was in the christian thread last night, and I don't willingly choose to believe anything. I tried for five years to find god, and never could reconcile a few stumbling blocks with my mind. faith is something incredibly elusive to me. it isn't a choice - if i said that right now i'm going to start believing in Jesus i'd be lying. because deep down, no matter how many times I go through the motions, I really don't believe. and I don't know how to.

talked to a priest, read my bible, been to both mass and protestant worship... all to no avail. I guess it just isn't for me.

got carried away, didn't mean to imply that you yourself actually knew it was me in the thread last night, my bad sir

should have been a comma after the 'you know'

No one would admit to being a kiddy fucker.

>atheist troll confirmed.

I would recommend a Reformed church. Could be Presbyterian, Anglican if in your Sydney, Reformed, Baptist or even Lutheran.

However Lutherans aren't Reformed. It's important you attend a church that believes the Bible in that affirm a literal Adam and Eve. I tend to be a bit more liberal on the days of the Earth (even though I am young Earth creationist), they believe in the miracles laid out in the Bible, don't ordain women as pastors/priests, bishops/elders, or deacons. They don't support same-sex marriage.

So you want a church that is big on discipleship, preaching from the Bible, that believe the Bible as the word of God and aren't given over to liberalism.

Any evidence or arguments for your claims? You are drawing comparisons that are untrue.

That's not the way the Bible presents it. You are declared righteous. Look up the Greek word for justified. Dikaisoune. It always means a legal acquittal or pardon.


oh great, I can hear the natives thumping their bibles in the jungle.

You have it rite user.

What is the difference between conscious sin and unconscious sin that you fail to intervene to prevent (wet dream, which as a fact you can interrupt).

And into the trash it goes. This wishy-washy spiritual/opinionated trash is what is killing Christ's message, because it leaves any half-brained retard the opportunity to fabricate some bullshit based on the beliefs they currently hold. They need not do more than apply teachings from a number of unrelated Faith's to their manifesto of belief. This is how cults start.

when you are handling the snakes, do they speak in tongues to you, user?

Get over yourself, kiddo.

To sin you must make a conscious decision to do so. This isn't rocket science. If you are not able to prevent it for being in a dream state, it is not a sin because you couldn't control it.

I'm not a Protestant, user.

I'm the same. It's not that I'm not open to the idea of a god, but that I think organised religions are just an expression of human tendencies.
There could be a weird explanation behind the universe - a creator, whatever.
But I just think religions are man-made. Probably because they are, and are not the result of divine providence.

This is merely saying there is no reason to continue a sinful life once you have received the word, and if you do continue when you know that hell awaits it shows that you are person who belongs in hell.
And it certainly sounds like its talking about you.

The fuck I'm not. I study the new testament, Jesus's words. Not the bullshit that came after from the early Christians who were trying to form a foothold in the ancient world. I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, no one else.

Truth, Love, Mercy and Justice are always comfy

>inviting muslims
A Christian church would never blasphemise like this. Im honestly shocked our catholicbros are doing literally nothing about their pope. It's an abomination.

You are damned to eternal suffering if you don't retract these statements.

> Daily reminder that accepting Christ as you Lord and Savior is just one step towards Salvation

Care to exegete some Bible verses for us there user?

Don't go to a liberal church then. Go to a Presbyterian church. Just avoid the PCUSA and some PCA churches.

> Do I just not have the right mindset? Or should I convert to Catholicism or something?

You trying to morph the Bible to fit your beliefs. The Gospel is offered to you on the condition that you believe and repent. The Christian life is not easy. Don't assume you have to be a legalistic Pharisee (i.e. Catholic) to experience the Christian life. Living your life in accordance to the Scriptures means losing out on a lot of things.

This is worth 1 hour of your life surely


I don't know who you are. But, you have to ask yourself why can't you produce faith in Jesus? Why causes you to lose your faith there.

I love the sound of E. Michael Jones pronouncing "Logos" on podcasts in the morning.

They really are.

>I'm not a Protestant, user.

ah, an idol worshipper. the bronze calf or the gilded Mary?

>Protestants itt


No that's good, repent of your sins, you don't buy or suffer your way in.

Well I suppose then St. Paul himself wasn't saved after his confession of faith and his encounter with the risen Christ. Since he didn't think himself to have finished the race, yet.

Philippians 3:12
Not as though I has already attained, or were already perfect; but I follow after, if I may by any means apprehend, wherein I am also apprehended by Christ Jesus.

>To sin you must make a conscious decision to do so. This isn't rocket science.
Isn't it?
What support do you have of this that you need to be fully conscious and who do you measure and qualify it?

>If you are not able to prevent it for being in a dream state
Dream states are controllable.

The fact that you want to remove responsibility shows you are trying to make an excuse to sin. You have to at least want to try.

You can't actually refute anything he said so you just dismiss it with a strawman. Pathetic.

"Saved people receive the Bible as the word of God"

No, that's your definition of "saved" people. Mine is someone who follows the word and teachings of Jesus Christ. Me not believing that a flaming bush spoke to Moses doesn't make me a heretic. In fact, I believe the Old testament to be extremely damaging and one of the primary reasons why God sent Jesus to deliver his message, since the "message" of the old testament was so ridiculously off-base from what God actually wanted his children to follow.

when he says comfy, he's not being literal, more like being assured in the spirit of salvation. Christianity is holy and even though we suffer, we suffer for Christ with the hope of eternal peace in our minds, enough to make any seemingly bleak life a triump

Ah, tsk tsk. Don't you know even your Great Reformer Father Luther loved and honored the mother of God?

Would it be just to convict someone of actual sin when you were not conscious or had the faculties to stop it? I suppose a knocked-out rape victim is guilty of fornication, then, according to your logic.

>ignores half the holy scripture
>decides which of god's words he will believe, and which he will reject
>typical "christian"

I disagree. I think God is a merciful God, and rewards those who follow the teachings of his son and prophet Jesus. You don't have to believe the earth is 6,000 years old in order to go to heaven.

It's a baseless argument, there's nothing to refute. Nice try saving another leaf from the raking though.

Controlling dream states is boring. I just want to get some sleep and let my sub-mind invent magical worlds and stories for me to sort through.

> Masturbation is a sin. Wet dreams aren't. This is basic theology, kiddo.

Care to make your case using Scripture?

> Masturbation is an abuse of the God-given sexual faculty. Onan,
Onan was killed because he refused to create offspring for his brother as per Levitical law.

> Even Luther and Calvin called masturbation and coitus interruptus a "sodomic" sin.
Luther and Calvin came from the legalistic background of medieval Roman Catholicism.

Also you might struggle to understand what it means to actually believe in Jesus. I actually don't believe in Luther or Calvin. Some of their material was great. Calvin and Luther were great assets to the Church. But they were fallible men. This might be hard since in your false and heretical ways you have only ever followed after the teachings of man and so you struggle to understand where I am coming from

> Why? Because it takes something that is fruitful (the sexual faculty) and makes it sterile.

Sodomy is perveted because it goes the natural order. Man and woman. Sex is meant to be used for birthing children and for strengthening the marriage bond (i.e. consumating the marriage)