If you're thinking of moving to Australia because we're racist- DON'T

If you're thinking of moving to Australia because we're racist- DON'T.
If you're thinking of moving to Australia because you think we're Sup Forums- DON'T.
If you're thinking of moving to Australia because we're proud or nationalist- DON'T.
If you're thinking of moving to Australia because your country's turned to shit, in economic difficulties or is going through social problems you don't think it'll come out of- DON'T.

Our ancestors came here because of two reasons. They were either forced to come or they travelled here in order to expand the British empire's influence; what they came to was a barren, almost uninhabitable wasteland and over generations they turned it into a paradise.
Nobody wanted a piece of Australia until after everything was built and we were flourishing as a first world nation. Immigrants simply do not deserve their home to be Australia.
So if you're going to move from the nation you were born in and the land your ancestors have worked on, toiled over and fought for just because things are getting a little difficult then you're a fucking coward and you won't fit in here.
Stop talking about moving to Australia, New Zealand or any other nation because we're 'based' or a bastion of the white race and instead focus on making your countries better and spreading your ideology at home.
(Unless you're Anglo, then come right in mate!)

Other urls found in this thread:


Even if I love hooning?

What's it like living in Central Africa while having a weird Australian fetish?


>also, dont come here, link related

Based. I'm packing my shit now

what's it like not knowing what a holiday is poorfag?


Fuck Australia m8


it rubs the lotion on its skin
you live in my flag cellar now


Now THAT is a rare flag!!

but I am an australian....

your flag says otherwise, nigger

>thinking of moving to Australia

>holidays in africa
>makes aus thread on Sup Forums

But, yeah, fuck off we're full.

>holidays in africa
>'australian' (i.e dirty kiwi faggot)
um, no

I'm thinking of moving to Australia because crikey, them kangaroo's are delicious!

who the fuck wants to move to aussiland? unless you are from shithole like somalia or lebanon.

>wog asking why people want to move to australia

shieeet dats one very rare flag

So wait. You're saying I SHOULD move to Austrailia? I just want to drink fight and fuck.

Paddington is just right for you then...

Is this a thread where retarded aussies brag about their proxies in africa? saged

Anglo, with money, reporting for civic duty.

Will be there by August.

Italians started coming there in 1880, we built Kalgoorlie, Freemantle and basically turned all the fucking Swan valley over Perth and up to Bullsbrook into productive land. Suck my ding cock bogan.

Nay we chinks will come and colonise your lands and you cant stop us.


its been months since i saved a flag+cap

thanks for the new flag

True - I didn't think there was anything in the CAR with an IP address to spoof from.

>holiday to central Africa
Did your wife suggest It?

Just come for the summernats

what if you just want to see a dingo?

Australia and it's history are based. I can't handle waking up in the morning and seeing spiders the size of a fucking dinner plate on the wall though.

>going to a war zone as a holiday

They are friendly.

I will only be impressed with a North Korea flag.

>If you're thinking of moving to Australia because you think the kangaroo's taste delicious - DON'T!

>central african republic