This thread is for all things H.W.N.D.U. related.

Where do you think the next location will be?

We should be able to have a good discussion about H.W.N.D.U. without the mods taking the thread down because H.W.N.D.U. is a worldwide political protest

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Bump for good honest political discussion

Ebrietas in the thread!

I suspect the next HWNDU flag won't be in the physical world where it can get taken down.

Probably somewhere in europe then it'll probably in some nigger-filled country

Did the online flag get taken down yet?

There's something going on.

>Imb4 /po/ funds an astronaut program and conquers mars before trumps first term.

It's funny that obama made racial and societal division into a career, even refusing to bring charges in the DOJ against any non-white.

Leftists have never been accused of being intelligent.


Here's another pic from the party of segregation and division.
This thing calls itself a professor. It called for 'muscle' to remove a diverse opinion.

I would love some cuck to try this in Japan. would be interesting to see what the japs cook up

please put it in malmo
please put it in malmo
please put it in malmo
please put it in malmo
please put it in malmo
please put it in malmo

The democrat Party was founded on division and segregation.

I'd end up being blown up by suicide bombers

I hope the possum made it across the street okay

"I'll have them niggers voting democrat..."

Hey look, it's Stuart Smalley!


Let's all admit what this is really all about.

When Trump endorses a healthcare plan he doesn't know how to win lol

Probably Germany or Sweden

Explain me what do you play HIS game for, you retards?

Quick, name one thing the nazis did that leftists don't do now, or have plans to do as soon as possible.



if the mods take the thread down, I will take Sup Forums down.


- AbelStranger77

We can even reap it if its only in their minds, even more so if its just digital on the interwebz

Ryan is taking the fall for this. Trump already won, you just haven't realized it yet. Passing a garbage healthcare bill was never the goal.



user is Stockholm reporting in

Leftists are so stupid, they just spent 8 years getting raped, but they think it was good times.

Obama doubled the national debt for one reason: spending was counted as an asset.
That $10 trillion in new debt was counted as GDP.
In reality, the US shrank during his eight years, and the world GDP shrank with us.

Leftists have no chance of understanding that. Their leaders know that and take advantage of it.

*Ahem* You're dolly is very... uh... um...

Probably someplace like Sweden, hoping to get someplace more thoroughly cucked so that nobody takes it down. If we're very lucky he'll take it to a mudslim controlled area and get jihaded on stream, redpilling his audience.

0.05 sheckels have been deposited in your Shariablue account


Don't ever reply to me or my daughter ever again


i remember her being much bigger, much more slimy and much more aggressive that this

You certainly had that thing ready in a hurry. You must keep it close at hand.

I killed her physical form :)

got it since season one

>Where do you think the next location will be?


Ebrietas comes in all forms.

It will be in Finland. The "art" group is Labeouf, Turner and Rönkkö.

LaBeouf is an American.
Turner is English.
Rönkkö is Finnish. So... obvious choise

Cool, faggot

season 5 confirmed to be in Finland art center kiasma kiasma.fi/nayttelyt-ja-ohjelmisto/ars-17/ars17-taiteilijat/

Fuck Liverpool for not knowing how a flagpole works


Atleast 1 HWNDU will be in finland, but in a museum or exhibition.

Why didnt you drive there and do it yourself pussy, its like 30 minutes any way across your gay country


don't know what papercraft and origami has to do with this m8

Plans to go?

>inb4 Australian desert where it will never be found

I wonder if he'll be cocky enough to tells us where its at if he puts it overseas again

If Sharia the Poof ever stops we should start setting up our own flags to grab