Just got done watching this movie. What's your opinion on it, is it actually accurate or just more propaganda ?

Just got done watching this movie. What's your opinion on it, is it actually accurate or just more propaganda ?

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it's just Jewporn

It's not inaccurate. Goebbels had his limp.

propaganda from who?

fuck you

By the end they were trying to guilt trip and talked about the holocaust where 6 million Jews supposedly died, and I'm not entirely sure that that actually happened. So Jewish propaganda against ebil nazis

Its bretty good i mo.

(((Evil nazi fest)))
Avoid watching anything like this before you are truly redpilled.

Fcuk off kike


Crap I couldn't make it to the end, prolly watched 20-30 min or so

One of the most painful movies I've sat through. What a fucking terrible war.

It's really accurate and shows how Hitler was losing it towards the end. Good movie.

How many of you fucking morons have even read one book on the subject? Anyone read Inside the 3rd Reich?

I'd rather read something by David Irving who wasn't under immense threat if he didn't make his works slightly biased.

You fucking people literally live up inside your own assholes. You had a den in your colon. How the fuck do you interact with other humans without seeming weird?

He seems pretty biased to me.

Why so upset?

David Irving is not biased, faggot.

A guy that says he writes to fix Hitler's reputation is likely biased. He's Nazi sympathizer.

Hitler is the most slandered person in world history. Fixing his reputation is the most non-biased and objective thing a historian could do.

not even close to an argument

Sure. Because like Irving has said Hitler was a genius that could do no wrong and all of Germany's were caused by his subordinates. He's literally said that Churchill was the one who escalated the war, when Hitler waa the one dismembering and annexing countries left and right. Give me a fucking break, if that's not biased I don't know what is.

Actualy liked it. I'm no neo-nazi but i kind of felt for the guy at the end. I don't think there is any other movie that shows hitler as just a dude. Kind of even likable in a way. Not a monster eating babies and screaming all the time. Not a loon or an idiot. A dude. It doesn't glamorise him but it doesn't demonise him neither. It's just a man with all of his world, all his hopes and dreams collapsing around him. Someone who almost reached the heavens just to fall stright into hell without any hope for rescue.

Germany's failures*

>He's literally said that Churchill was the one who escalated the war
Which is correct. Britain should've sued for peace in 1941.

Was Fegelein such an antic master IRL too?

It wasn't an argument, It was a scathing indictment of your existence as a human being. You have no reason to exist other than to serve your master.

>propaganda from who?
we may never know..

>One of the most painful movies I've sat through
Have you not seen this?

So just surrender and give up? Come on why should they have sued for peace?

Hitler was the one that started the war and he was the one that escalated it.

no propaganda. history

If it did anything more than report facts about the war then yes it's propaganda. There is a narrative there.

>So just surrender and give up?
Nigger they're the ones who declared war in the first place.
>Come on why should they have sued for peace?
Because Poland had ceased existing, France had fallen, and there was nothing for Britain to gain in continuing that meaningless slaughter. The Nazis were aiming for eastward expansion, annexing countries which the Brits didn't care even slightly about in the first place.

For all the people decrying this as Jewish proganda, it portrays a lot of the Nazis in a favorable light. It even received backlash because of how it portrated Nazis as real people.

This image reads like blatant Sup Forums fanfiction. Kikes are way more subtle in nature.

Hitler and Stalin. Both bandits who wanted some land.

>falling for this stormfront meme


Germany effectively declared war on them by declaring on Poland, which both Britain and France guaranteed. Hitler knew what he was getting into.

Believe or not having a fascist totalitarian state controlling 90% of Europe was detrimental to British interests. Once they built up their strength even more they could've easily overrun Britain down the road. Could've been sooner than later, or in the future, but the threat was there. They could've also easily challenged Britain's navy within 10 years after any peace agreement. Churchill wanted to nip the threat before it got insurmountable.

Probably an intentional halfhearted attempt to be "unbiased" that in the end is just reaffirming the established narrative by not actually challenging the accepted narrative. The backlash against the film is to firmly establish the line of discourse at "hey the Nazi's were people too, just really really evil and terrible people, sorry I'm not defending them or anything I love Jews!"


inside the third reich was a great book. My version has a bunch of pictures of albert speer with hitler and architecture as well, pretty cool shit.

Have you even seen the movie? The only straight heartless dude is Goebbels, and even he shows some emotion. There are Nazis portrayed as heroes for saving people. Even Hitler was basically just overwhelmed by failure and the misguided attempt of his suboordinates to not contradict him.

that might be fake dunno, but many arent subtle at all

The whole situation is fucked up with indoctrinated kids dying for nothing, soldiers execting civilians trying to get out while people elected by them and responsible for this mess either escaping or shooting themselves and mostly not caring at all about everything except for Speer in his typical role as the token good guy.

The Nazis had no interest in harming the British empire, they were far more interested in allying with them. Also, the reason for the Nazi occupation of western Europe was to prevent a British land invasion. The reason Denmark was invaded was to get to Norway, which the Nazis had gotten wind of would've gotten invaded by the Brits in the same way they took over Iceland and the Faroe Islands. If the Brits had sued for peace, the Nazis would've undoubtedly made puppet states of the occupied countries after the war's end, and retreated their troops. Instead the Brits ensured that western Europe became satellite states of the US, and that eastern Europe became serfdoms of the Soviet empire. The Brits lost their empire, and are now going extinct thanks to unlimited immigration into Europe, a direct consequence of the Nazis having been defeated.

Say what you want about germans but those fuckers can make a war movie. It's like being punched in the gut over and over again.

I recently watched Generation War. That was fantastic.

Haha ebin. But most Poles don't even care about this show anymore. Polish and German tv even made some documentary together as a sign of good will and shit.

yes goyim it's all made-up mumbo jumbo.

Hitler also told Stalin he had no interest in Russia. He said Czechoslovakia was the last thing he wanted. He said a lot of things. Come on, you know that Hitler wanted to be the foremost power on Earth. That would mean eventually straight up challenging the British navy.

Churchill definitely lamented what happened to the British Empire, but he had no part in that. He was looking out for the immediate threat. After the war he even wanted to knock the Communists out because that was the next threat to Europe. What happened the UK after the war wasn't his fault really, you could chalk that up to his immediate successors.

Also I fail to see how being a Nazi puppet stated would be been better. Yes the Eastern bloc were uppet states, but Western Europe are not American puppet states. In fact a lot of them regularly oppose what we do. They're soverign countries that make their own decisions, we don't tell them what to do.

Also, that mass immigration can attributed to a Nazi loss is laughable. The US restricted mass non-white immigration until 60's or so, way after the Nazis. Same for Britain. The Nazis had nothing to do with it. Blame it on the actual people that voted the governments in that enacted thos policies, not a Nazi loss. That's ridiculous.

Kike propaganda

Lot of typos, but whatever.

It was critically acclaimed in German Revisionist circles for picturing Hitler as an actual human.
Minor issues about certain props and typical Hollywood wrong-gettings. But overall they applauded it -- compared to f.i. the complete Kikery called "NaPola" which was released around the same time.

Ignorance of history should be a crime, you're pretty guilty of it. Hitler was not the war monger, you can see that in a comparison of letters and quotes between the two. Hell Churchill declared war then lit off to America to allow his people to suffer where he would not. Hitler died in a bunker in the capital. There was plenty of propaganda going on at the time, but its easy to tell that Germany wasn't the aggressor. Especially since the UK declared war first.

Except Hitler continuously praised the British empire in his book and real life, and he continuously spoke of the dangers of communism and the need for Germanic colonization of the east. The idea that he would later go to war against Britain is pure fucking speculation based on fucking nothing.
>that mass immigration can attributed to a Nazi loss is laughable. The US restricted mass non-white immigration until 60's
Kek, about 1 single generation after the war, huh? Didn't take long. If you fail to see how the anti-Nazi propaganda that we've been forcefed for nearly a century since that war ended has had a direct effect on our views of immigration and racialism, then there's no hope for.


Every movie, documentary and other forms of media made in Hollywood is fake anti German propaganda.

never the same after the hitler banned from xbox live video

It's funny that people see modern fuckery of EU (for which the generation of '68 is responsible) and say that it's all because of WWII and that the "good guys" lost it. The war was all about shifting alliances. Fucked up EU is the result of Cold War because allies decided to team up with one of two countries responsible for the war.

Ideally there would be no war at all. Of course Soviets were planning a huge war themselves. It's interseting to think what it would look like without Nazis. Probably just like in 1920 with some countries like France or Hungary offering some help and some (like UK) not caring at all. Until it was too late.

>Hitler also told Stalin he had no interest in Russia
true. they also had a pact which russia broke 2 weeks after signing it by invading Finland and furhtering it's expansion into Poland and the Balkan states.
Kill yourself commie shill.

>Anyone read Inside the 3rd Reich?

Yes. Made me an admirer of Speer.


If you want better choices for stimulating cerebal massaging, read a book.

Yeah, Hitler never killed himself. What a lie.

Yes, for the most part. This flick though was a brave step towards a more revisionist view. The libtards and leftists immediately REEEE'ing in pure autism ... the Kikes went on a rampage "why no Auschwitz" and everybody was up in arms about "OMG Hitler was a human being" etc.

Hitler died, so it's propaganda and lies.

it was mainly just a depiction of what was going on in the bunker during the final days. I wouldn't it revisionist. Actually, I thought it was pretty unbiased at first, then you get your mandatory "6 million" at the end. I'm sure that the Jews forced Junge to say there were camps but she didn't know in the interview. Surely, Hitler's secretary would've known something about the "Final solution" right?

the only reason Speer walked at Nuremberg was because he apologized unlike everyone else. He got the reputation as the "Good Nazi" but even that has been debunked by David Irving

As accurate a portrayal as you'll get of Hitler before the end.

the end ruins the whole thing. I guess you can't make anything about the third reich without a kosher stamp of approval as well

Really painful to watch. Nothing makes me more depressed than the defeat of the Third Reich.

Eichmann is that you?

Generation War was better, it tried to make the Nazis the good goys which Nu-Nazi boys would love

This book is Speer withewashing himself and putting all blame on Hitler pictured as a semi-retard. Read what Irving said about this book

We dreamed of something marvellous.

fpp.co.uk/History/General/Speer101079.html Speer got his reputation as the good Nazi. He had to maintain it


I have never heard this before