Has 7 years to come up with obamacare replacement

>has 7 years to come up with obamacare replacement
>try to repeal obamacare over 50 times
>finally has the power to repeal and replace obamacare
>introduce healthcare bill that's very shitty
>bill is so shitty that it can't even get enough support in the republican house of representatives to pass
>republican president tells him to pull bill
>give up on repealing obamacare after first attempt
>now planning on making parts of obamacare more and more shitty so he can save face and blame democrats

Any redeeming qualities about this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump swore up and down that repealing and replacing Obamacare would be "fast", "quick", "immediate".

No matter how you slice it, no matter how much benefit of the doubt you give him, this was a loss for Trump. He gave it his stamp of approval, saying:
"We have a plan that I think is going to be fantastic. It's going to be released fairly soon," Trump said Monday. "I think it's going to be something special ... I think you're going to like what you hear."
If he hated the plan, why not say it?

5-star post

>republican president tells him to pull bill

Trump said post bill pulling that he told Ryan to pull the bill but Ryan says he told Trump he was going to pull the bill despite the president's wishes to go forward with it.

I'm going to believe Ryan over our pathological revisionist President.



It's almost like he's a politician


Why don't Americans just adopt universal healthcare? Are you happy being enslaved by (((insurance companies)))?

why would you believe a two faced snake like ryan?

>tfw watching Trump not only destroy Pau Ryan's career but also teaming up with Rand Paul to put into place actually good healthcare legislation
>And the whole thing gets blamed on Paul Ryan and Obama sucking dick

It's a good feel.

No, no. You see, Sup Forums hates what the rich do, but they associate the rich with Jews and want to give them tax breaks.

Why would you believe a two faced snake like Trump?

I want them both to fuck off.


Because most of our medical resources already go to obese blacks. It will only get worse.

>Still thinks Trump has even a single libertarian bone in his body.

Nobody has ever been this stupid. The man will cut and pass whatever makes him the most money. It doesn't matter if he shills small government one day and then has to shill for massive federal regulation the next.



Oh wait, there is none.

>It's almost like he's a politician
He ran on not being a politician. This was a great factor in his entire campaign.

That's the trick of the Republican party, project the crooked shit YOU'RE doing on the opposition so thoroughly that every high school dropout that never learned critical thinking believes it via complete saturation.

You know replying to every post bumps the thread, right?

I do.

Yeah Congress needs to be purged

These faggots are a waste

So, you're OK with being fucked if someone you hate, in this case the niggers, will be fucked too. Sounds like the American way.

i voted for Trump because he's not a lolbertarian

Trump is the most libertarian president in a long while, the fact that you can't see it shows your partisanship. Have you noticed how isolationist his foreign policy is compared to Bush? Maybe you should have listened to Murray Rothbard when he talked about the merits of right wing populism.

Shill. This is Clintons oldest tactic. Source: Russia scare mongering. """Investigating""" Trump campaign for Russia ties when you have sold uranium to Russia and Podesta lobbied for Russians.

Only if we can purge the executive branch too. I'll agree to a bipartisan compromise if you will.

>China invented climate change
>I had the biggest victory in terms of delegates in history
>a "secret plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days" - a plan that his campaign manager claimed he had seen with his own eyes
>repealing and replacing Obamacare will be quick and immediate
Your president has an extremely loose relationship with the truth.


they can't repeal obamacare without 60 votes in Senate anyway. it wouldn't happen even if they tried

And I thought republicans hated Obamacare. I thought it was the very worst thing ever. I thought that the moment Trump took office, he'd be right on "immediately" and "quickly" repealing and replacing Obamacare.

But I guess no one knew how complicated healthcare was. Maybe if he got a small loan of a million dollars he could hire someone to put together a competent plan.

You don't understand what the options actually are, then. Competing insurance companies will provide a vastly better service at a vastly lower price than government-mandated healthcare given the ethnic makeup on the country. This relies on people buying healthcare in case of emergencies, they cost less and their rates are lower.

The people who lack healthcare in the US are those who constantly call ambulances to help them get to work and shop for groceries (blacks), people who recklessly take drugs and get into fights and shoot each other (blacks) and people who are 400 pounds and would rather spend $100,000,000,000 to live to 60 than lose weight and live to 90.

You're basically asking that we either cover all of the costs of every fat nigra or we share an insurance plan with them and pay 100x our old rates. Either way is fucking insanity. As long as they are in the country they will drive costs up. The only realistic option for right now is for the free market to fix it since most companies will not willingly cover a 600-pound gangbanger. According to you, this is me "being fucked." How? How am I being fucked? You never elaborate on how universal healthcare funded by my taxes will be cheaper than buying my own insurance.

I might be willing to pay for these people to be fucking executed, or at least to help them lose weight so they can get cheaper insurance again. I don't think this would work either, though.

It's okay when he does it, cuck

Because you believe verifiable lies from the left wing media

Oh yeah, and we still haven't seen his tax papers, even though we have for every other presidential candidate for literally decades. No, being under audit does not prohibit you from releasing your tax returns. Yes, it is relevant, because he ran his entire campaign on being a smart businessman. Furthermore, it's tradition, because the public needs to know that candidates are not open to being pressured. If I have basically my entire fortune bound up in some country, I might treat that country quite differently in my politics.

So, why isn't he releasing them? His official excuse, that he's being audited, is incorrect and irrelevant. Why does he not want us to see them? Could it be that he's not actually as wealthy as he claims?

My bad famalam, I see now. Trumpus vult! :^)

>Jews invented climate change
>It's possible I'll be the last Republican president if we don't address demographics
>I'm going to blot out the sky with drones in defense of Assad.
>I have to purge Republican leadership to free us from globalist influence before cleaning up Onigger's mess

You expected the truth on these?

Well yeah no shit but that's expected from trump since he's an idiot. Ryan blowing his chance to get rid of Obamacare is still a fuck up for Ryan since it was his chance to prove himself.

Essentially being a fuck up is expected of trump but Ryan dropping the ball like this after attacking Obama and aca for this long is pretty sad.

As far as I'm aware increasing bombings and raids in foreign nations isn't isolationist. "Taking the oil" isn't isolationist. The travel bans were beyond fucking useless as far as being "isolationist". Destabalizing NATO wasn't isolationist because he was only doing it so he could renegotiate for more money. He doesn't actually believe in any single mainstream ideology.

What I'm saying is he'll pass a libertarian policy as long as it makes him money, but he'll pass anything that makes him money. That isn't "kinda libertarian" it's ENTIRELY PLUTOCRATIC.

I expect presidents of 300+ million countries to not play fast and loose with matters of planetary importance. The lie that China invented climate change pushes against the effort to rid ourselves of fossil fuels.
I expect them to not be so weirdly petty that they just HAVE to have "the biggestest!!!" inaugural crowd evaaar.

A guy who promises the moon and delivers nothing is a blowhard.

Because you believe verifiable lies from the right wing propaganda networks.

Breitbart is state sponsored propaganda.

The Iraq oil isn't that controversial. Leaving oil for whatever terrorist group to claim was a stupid move by Obama. At the very least use the military to protect the oil fields until the Iraqi government is strong enough to pump for themselves. Isis has funded themselves through oil sales.

Paul would kick your ass, you fatass blobs.


Ameritards are truly beyond salvation

That wasn't what I was arguing. It's not very ISOLATIONIST.

Also, he never claimed it was bad strategy to leave the oil there. He said he wanted it as REPAYMENT.

You can support him all you want but his own unbelievably stupid words betray him at every step.

I know 4chin is just a bunch of basement trolls, but real people actually try to act like this is Ryans fault. Stop your mental gymnastics - This was all mr. Dump.

You're arguing that I want Paul Ryancare in a thread about why Paul Ryancare failed and is stupid, in reply to a post I made about why Paul Ryancare is bad?

>Breitbart is state sponsored propaganda.
Fucking imagine if Sanders had hired someone from Buzzfeed to sit on the national security council and be a top adviser.

Conservatives would not be happy. Not happy at all.

Ge I dunno they would rather not be able to afford health care then have to wait 3 months for cancer surgery like us leafs have to.

It's truly amazing watching you Trump dick-riders blaming this on Ryan.

You realize the AHCA was Trump's bill right? And that he made Ryan push it?

You guys are fucking delusional. It's obvious Trump doesn't want to repeal the ACA because he has said MANY times that he wants universal health care. He knows republicans won't vote for that so he tries to jam through Obamacare 2.0 with just cosmetic changes.

The freedom caucus hates it because it's just Obamacare. And the democrats hate it because Trump is attached to it.

But yes, continue to blame it on Ryan. I'm sure when he resigns as speaker you will be excited about Gowdy or whoever as speaker for about 2 weeks, then he will be a "cuck globalist" too when he runs into the same congressional roadblocks that Ryan did.

Learn civics you fucking retards. Not Shariablue btw. I voted for Rubio in the primary.

>Paul Ryan would kick your ass

Ok whatever you say. We're also going to waste you tonight

What efforts to get rid of fossil fuels? Global demand has been steadily increasing at pretty much the same rate for 30 years.

No, I am pointing your your own stupidity in believing that private insurers would be more "efficient" than the govt simply because muh niggers, even tho this has never ever been the case

Literally the entire first world has embraced universal healthcare as the better alternative, but since Ameritards will start foaming at the mouth at the slightest mention of SOSHULISM, here you are, defending an industry that is intrinsically flawed: making money out of people's health

I pity your country

This is true! He's quite healthy so he'll likely have decades and decades of life left to fill with profoundly depressing regret at his miserable failure of a career in politics. So yeah that's definitely an upside.

>provide a vastly better service at a vastly lower price

This is the key lie that is being perpetuated. Competition doesn't necessarily drive prices down, and it doesn't necessarily increase quality per dollar spent.

In a free market as large as the US, there will always be segments of the country that only have the option to use ONE insurer. And that insurer would be free to fuck its customers sideways if republicans could deregulate everything they want to.

Competition relies on... well competition. It won't always be present in a free market, no matter how hard you pray to the free market.

Universal healthcare might not provide the absolute, hands down BEST healthcare, but chances are you can't afford the best healthcare now. And likely couldn't before Obamacare either. What it does provide is a consistent baseline for the ENTIRE population. You are now free to live in any market in the country and be guaranteed at least as good of healthcare as everyone else in the country. THAT is the correct argument for Universal Healthcare.

We just don't want to be stuck with a 1980's level of care as the standard.

It's too bad that it got shot down. It was an excellent bill.

China is becoming a huge player, quickly converting to green tech. If the US lets them, they might be able to ride that high for a good while.
Let's not forget the Paris agreement either.

Now is not the time to sow doubt about climate change. Now is the time to invest and prepare for the future. Trump either doesn't know, care, or he outright lies about one of the most important subjects facing humanity.

Oh and I forgot, you would still have ACCESS to free market insurance on top of that if you were really dissatisfied with the coverage.

How many layers of irony are you on right now, pham?

Speak for yourself. My health care coverage in the 1980s was superb. Full Cadillac plan paid for 100% by my employer at the time (Eastman Kodak Co.). Much better than now.

>it's the current year!

Not an argument.

You won't be.

And who is we? You. It's not we. It's you.

If we socialized healthcare, every tyrant on this earth would have a piece of your weak commie asses. You only exist and have the protection you do because of us. Don't forget it obamaleaf.

is this what you've been brainwashed into believing?

Good thing that wasn't his argument.

it was never about changing things just the appearance of changing things and making the democrats look like the bad guys.

>If we socialize healthcare Canada will be invaded

mind explaining that?

WhySerbia? What's wrong with it?

>Removed penalties from individual income taxes
>Removed penalties from corporate taxes
>Lessened federal burden on health care costs and gave more power to the states
>Delayed cadillac tax for an additional 5 years
>Removed the the NIT tax
>Removed some of the fate from medicaid funded pans
>Kept essential benefits, pre-existing condition clause, and dependent cover (age 26 rules)

I liked the plan.

It quite literally was.


Countries that have socialized healthcare do it at the expense of defense spending because they have defense pacts with the US. If the US cut all you faggots loose and worried only about ourselves, you wouldn't last a year.

>confusing quality of coverage with quality of care

Did you just have a seizure?

I presented a problem and part of a solution.

>muh niggers
This isn't even close to the reason I gave. I didn't say anything about efficiency.
>Literally the entire first world
America is the rest of the world.
>foaming at the mouth at the slightest mention of SOSHULISM
That's quite an accusation you're making about me. Fun fact: I never said this.

It would cost a lot less if companies had a choice who they covered and how much it could cost them. Bad luck exists but there is a huge subset of people who just cost way more and use medical services way more. I understand the issue with competition but what I'm arguing with is the view that everyone MUST get healthcare NO MATTER THE COST.

I am fully aware that universal healthcare goes hand-in-hand with private insurance, but this won't solve the huge money pit that the American """people""" represent. No doubt you're thinking "hey faggot, you just double back and now you're blaming Obamacare." On the contrary, this is why I focused so heavily on blacks as an example. Even if we had universal healthcare, they would continue to abuse the service and cost an absurd amount. I can't see any way we could supply them with healthcare using public money without it skyrocketing out of control.

If their coverage was limited it or the quality was reduced for them it would be no different than private insurance is now, but also a service capable of doing that is completely off the table and no one in mainstream politics will support it for fear of being labelled a bigot. We live in crazytown and the pragmatic approach stops making any sense here. I don't want to carry an 800-pound gorilla on my back, ESPECIALLY if I'm going out of my way to buy private insurance.

Isn't this the chump with just a bachelors degree and now he thinks he's hot shit?

>I liked the plan.

Well, congrats, you're within roughly 20% of the total US population that did. It had a 17% approval rating, so even if we assume the polls are fake and are off by as much as 20+ points, that's still below 40% - pretty bad for a party that has a chance to deliver a decisive blow to their opponents next year.

>Any redeeming qualities about this guy?

He's good-looking.

That's seriously it.

I suppose asking you if you're genuine is worthless.

I'm perfectly fine with the fact that we're spending more money on helping sick people than on war. We really don't have that many enemies anymore.

Thanks for thinking about the world, but the USA can comfortably pay for healthcare without gutting their military so much that anyone and anything can invade the day after.

Have you guys moved into the 90's recently? Guess I haven't been keeping up on all the cutting edge medical research coming out of Canada.

>good looking

Good as in invokes laughter at the goofy comical spectacle before your eyes? I saw him at cascade mountain in WI with his family before. He's a weasel.

>biggest army in the entire world by and large
>received a budget expansion this year

Ameritard logic

>On the contrary, this is why I focused so heavily on blacks as an example. Even if we had universal healthcare, they would continue to abuse the service and cost an absurd amount. I can't see any way we could supply them with healthcare using public money without it skyrocketing out of control.

Again, average Sup Forumstard with a slightly larger than average vocabulary than your average Sup Forumstard, saying that universal healthcare would be ruined because of muh niggers. No sources, no numbers, just plain old racism

Americans are truly and desperately retarded

Ryan was basically Goldilocks.
First draft was too libertarian and turned off moderates
2nd draft was too moderate and turned off The Freedom Caucus
3rd draft was too crazy and left them with their dicks in the wind

Compare how small and homogeneous the population of Denmark is to that of the US and you'll see why socialized anything over there is probably a bad idea.

Care was also excellent. Our hospitals were among the best in the world then and now.

Think in terms of the politics of it.
Straight up repealing the ACA would have a heavy cost.
Repealing and replacing it means they own it and will incur a heavy cost.

Killing it by a death of a thousand cuts lets it die with the least political price to pay.

This line will play in heavy rotation "We tried to work with the Dems to save their law but they were unwilling ."

>Even if we had universal healthcare, they would continue to abuse the service and cost an absurd amount.
Abuse? You mean by receiving care? Also, where's the data that supports this? Yes, black people are more prone to certain life style conditions, but how do you know this cost will be "absurd"?

Your view on black people seems incredibly dehumanizing. Even a person who might try to abuse the healthcare system needs to receive medical attention.

How, exactly, do you imagine black people "abusing" this system until it goes "out of control"? We also have poor, uneducated people in Denmark who you might think would do the same, but it's not really as big a problem as you claim.

I would pay more in taxes for shittier care than I pay for my insurance and more expedient care. UHC only benefits you if you're a parasite who's not paying into the system to begin with

this. Trump is not gonna get away by just blaming Ryan. The whole Trump administration looks very inept right about now. Obamacare has a major fault in the sense that it is forced insurance. They couldn't find a way to beat the insurance companies and the greedy pharmaceutical companies. Sad day for these clowns.

Care is objectively better these days depending on what you want done.

he just exposed himself, mcconnell, other cuck rinos as frauds. so that's redeeming.

Just the Freedom Caucus.
They need to learn if you don't have a seat at the table you are on the menu.

well seeing as we don't have to re-mortgage our houses when we break a limb, I'd say we're doing pretty fucking good

>inb4 muh pre-insurance costs
>inb4 muh 9 week wait to see a doc

my gf went to get x-rays last week, at the busiest hospital in the area, for a non emergency thing. She arrived at 8:30 AM, she was out by 10:00 am

but hey, soshulist medicine sucks and niggers ruin everything that's why we should let private insurance rape us because muh job creators amirite

And Canada? Germany? Why is it perfectly possible to give universal healthcare in small countries, but ever so totally and laughably impossible for the states in the US to offer the same?

Yes, I am perfectly aware of the fact that the US state system is archaic and silly, but that's beside the point.

Please continue to lecture us on diversity issues. Come back when you're 60% white.

Good, let it happen. No reason we should police the world. Lets come home, care for our own and let them take cre of their own problems


>Kinsey Gaffe

>m-muh niggers

not an argument

Obviously, it's perfect. But everyone's so quick to shit on this plan. Consider the source when you're looking at polls.....

The plan was certainly not without its merits. For an upper middle class white male, it was everything that I wanted to see changed. I was very disappointed to see it fail.

Except it was the Freedom Caucus and not the Dems who were the issue

>Trump said post bill pulling that he told Ryan to pull the bill but Ryan says he told Trump he was going to pull the bill despite the president's wishes to go forward with it.
I want to repeat this to myself over and over again.